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A pair and one Spanish terracotta chargers by Puigdemont, each painted with a fish in green and
A pair and one Spanish terracotta chargers by Puigdemont, each painted with a fish in green and brown on a cream slip, circular, signed to undersi...
A Moorcroft vase of pine tree design on elongated body with everted square rim and on square foot,
A Moorcroft vase of pine tree design on elongated body with everted square rim and on square foot, impressed mark and painted Trial 14.8.13, 35cm ...
A Byron and Brown dark brown leather circular tray with finger grips, 31.5cm diameter by 8cm high
A Byron and Brown dark brown leather circular tray with finger grips, 31.5cm diameter by 8cm high together with two boxed sets of four black leath...
A Jo Malone, London, pine and eucalyptus luxury scented candle, bougie parfummé, 2.1kg, 16cm diameter, 18cm high with chromed cover, unused ...[m...
A Factice Guy Laroche Fidji glass perfume bottle, 17cm high by 16.5cm wide, moulded with Parfums,
A Factice Guy Laroche Fidji glass perfume bottle, 17cm high by 16.5cm wide, moulded with Parfums, Guy Laroche, 32 Fl Oz to underside
A Beswick hunting group comprising huntsman and hunt lady, five hounds and a running fox and a
A Beswick hunting group comprising huntsman and hunt lady, five hounds and a running fox and a sitting fox
An Italian set of black and diamante set dominoes contained in a black leather and cream suede
An Italian set of black and diamante set dominoes contained in a black leather and cream suede case by Renzo Romagnoli
A Beswick race horse with jockey up, number 24
A Beswick Appaloosa stallion, colourway 1, model no. 17772A
A Beswick brown and white pony with rider and a pheasant on rectangular plinth
A silver mounted ebonised baton engraved with initials to the cartouche
Seven Murano glass peppers and tomato, 12cm long to 8cm
A terracotta effect head and shoulders bust of a young girl, hair swept up in a band, overall height
A terracotta effect head and shoulders bust of a young girl, hair swept up in a band, overall height 50cm
A set of three purple and clear glass cased rope knots, 13cm high, one at fault
A Waterford glass fruit bowl on pedestal foot, 26cm diameter by 17.5cm high, small chip to rim
A Waterford glass fruit bowl on pedestal foot, 26cm diameter by 17.5cm high, small chip to rim
A black and pale gilt globe on chrome stand, 23cm high, a pale green and black box 20cm by 15cm by
A black and pale gilt globe on chrome stand, 23cm high, a pale green and black box 20cm by 15cm by 9cm and a china and gilt metal egg shaped caske...
A Villeroy and Boch New Wave dinner service comprising eight dinner plates 33cm by 23cm, seven pasta
A Villeroy and Boch New Wave dinner service comprising eight dinner plates 33cm by 23cm, seven pasta bowls 29cm square, six side plates 18cm by 15...
A Villeroy and Boch twelve piece New Wave dinner service comprising pasta dishes 28cm, square plates
A Villeroy and Boch twelve piece New Wave dinner service comprising pasta dishes 28cm, square plates 27cm, rectangular plates 23cm by 33cm, barbec...
Three metal sculptures of figure groups including three elegant ladies in large brimmed hats 26cm
Three metal sculptures of figure groups including three elegant ladies in large brimmed hats 26cm high, a couple embracing 17cm high and a couple ...
Bridge playing: a card box containing two packs of cards, a Harrods bridge set of score sheets,
Bridge playing: a card box containing two packs of cards, a Harrods bridge set of score sheets, two packs of cards and four gilt pencils, unused i...
A bronze sculpture of a violinist signed Bern and bearing the number 96 on an ebonised plinth,
A bronze sculpture of a violinist signed Bern and bearing the number 96 on an ebonised plinth, 37cm high
A white metal violin raised on an ebonised pedestal,62cm high
A Royal Doulton figure 'Taking Things Easy' HN2680, 18cm high
Two Nao figures, Mary and Joseph, 18cm and 28cm high, complete with boxes
A colour beaded figure of a Caribbean lady playing bong drum, in seated position, 30cm
A stainless steel four bottle wine cooler with central reservation for ice, 29cm diameter by 17cm
A stainless steel four bottle wine cooler with central reservation for ice, 29cm diameter by 17cm high
A figure of an elderly woman wearing a straw hat, faux fur coat with shawl carrying umbrella and
A figure of an elderly woman wearing a straw hat, faux fur coat with shawl carrying umbrella and various bags, titled 'Auntie' no129/500, with dec...
A pair of parian effect head and shoulder busts of young girl and boy, overall height 51cm
A Saico model of a Mini Cooper 2001, 14.5cm long, a Maisto Smart City coupé, silver and black,
A Saico model of a Mini Cooper 2001, 14.5cm long, a Maisto Smart City coupé, silver and black, 13cm , another signed all over with signatures 13.5...
A burr wood turned bowl, 33cm diameter by 14cm high
An extensive Royal Doulton dinner, tea and coffee service of Carlyle pattern comprising 22 dinner
An extensive Royal Doulton dinner, tea and coffee service of Carlyle pattern comprising 22 dinner plates measuring 27cm, 26 entrée plates 23cm, 21...
A faux orchid held in an urn on square base, approximately 70cm high
A Joshua Ellis and Co Ltd 100% cashmere travel rug in red and black check
A set of twelve Royal Brierley Millennium Champagne flutes each one numbered of 2000 and measuring
A set of twelve Royal Brierley Millennium Champagne flutes each one numbered of 2000 and measuring 40cm, chip to the foot of one
A suite of Royal Brierley glasses, the funnel shaped bowls with long stem, riven cut and etched with
A suite of Royal Brierley glasses, the funnel shaped bowls with long stem, riven cut and etched with encircling musical score, comprising six Cham...
A suite of twelve Waterford Champagne coupes and six matching flutes, measuring 16cm and 26cm high
A suite of twelve Waterford Champagne coupes and six matching flutes, measuring 16cm and 26cm high
A suite of Royal Brierley crystal comprising twenty-two wines of 23cm high, eighteen wines 26.5cm
A suite of Royal Brierley crystal comprising twenty-two wines of 23cm high, eighteen wines 26.5cm high, thirteen wines 25cm high, nine highballs o...
A large Waterford crystal flower vase, 35cm high by 19cm diameter (scratched)
A suite of Royal Brierley table glass of Braemer pattern comprising 11 Champagne flutes, 12 smaller flutes, 12 large wines, 12 smaller wines, 10 b...
A set of twelve Royal Doulton crystal champagne glasses, cut and edged with a entwined ribbon design
A set of twelve Royal Doulton crystal champagne glasses, cut and edged with a entwined ribbon design
A set of six Royal Brierley ice dishes with swag cut to the rim and on a fluted pedestal base, 8.5cm
A set of six Royal Brierley ice dishes with swag cut to the rim and on a fluted pedestal base, 8.5cm high x 8cm diameter
A set of eight cut and etched high ball glasses, square and circle design, 15cm high
A mixed selection of cut table glass including ten large whisky glasses , four pint tankards, ten
A mixed selection of cut table glass including ten large whisky glasses , four pint tankards, ten flutes, sixteen highball glasses in three design...
A selection of plain table glass including a set of twelve champagne coups, six cocktail glasses,
A selection of plain table glass including a set of twelve champagne coups, six cocktail glasses, eleven flutes, five large Chef & Sommelier red w...
A set of six glass syllabub glasses, a set of six wonky stemmed wine glasses, four glass mugs and
A set of six glass syllabub glasses, a set of six wonky stemmed wine glasses, four glass mugs and four wines, two large cut wine glasses on long s...
A set of twelve champagne coupes in two original boxes
Eight boxes of six champagne coupes in original boxes, 48 glasses in total
Eight boxes of six champagne coupes in original boxes, 49 glasses in total
A quantity of catering items for events including seven packs of ten champagne glasses and nine
A quantity of catering items for events including seven packs of ten champagne glasses and nine packs of five wine glasses, unopened in original p...
A large white metal bowl on pedestal with square base, 38cm diameter x 31.5cm high
Five novelty teapots including sewing machine, Father Christmas, Marmite, Tigger and Tweetie Pie
Five novelty teapots including sewing machine, Father Christmas, Marmite, Tigger and Tweetie Pie
A 19th century Staffordshire figure group of babes in the wood beneath a leafy bough supported by
A 19th century Staffordshire figure group of babes in the wood beneath a leafy bough supported by two spill vases modelled as a bocage, 32cm high ...
A Victorian gilt and glass pocket watch holder casket on ball feet, 8cm wide x 8cm high, together
A Victorian gilt and glass pocket watch holder casket on ball feet, 8cm wide x 8cm high, together with a tortoiseshell and gilt metal purse
A Victorian gilt metal woven basket later lined with fabric, 6cm high over handle together with a
A Victorian gilt metal woven basket later lined with fabric, 6cm high over handle together with a gilt metal drum shaped casket, having loop ring ...
A Shanghai hardwood and brass mounted barrel box and cover applied with bat emblems, 11.5cm high x
A Shanghai hardwood and brass mounted barrel box and cover applied with bat emblems, 11.5cm high x 9.5cm diameter
A Victorian rosewood and cut brass stand of circular outline the dished border applied with pierced foliate brass mounts, the domed centre with ba...
An Italian carved hardwood figure of a man smoking a cheroot, a hat on his head, a knapsack on his
An Italian carved hardwood figure of a man smoking a cheroot, a hat on his head, a knapsack on his back and wearing boots, on a rectangular base, ...
An African hardwood carved box and cover of oval outline carved in relief with a continuous band
An African hardwood carved box and cover of oval outline carved in relief with a continuous band of African figures tending crops, 18cm high x 15c...
An ebonised oak carved bust of a bearded King mounted on a shield, approximately 18cm high x 17cm
An ebonised oak carved bust of a bearded King mounted on a shield, approximately 18cm high x 17cm wide