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Part 1 of The Library of the Late Malcolm Neesam, Historian of Harrogate and it's Environs ...[more]
Williams, Henry Smith: Historian's History of the World - vol XXIII, The United States and Spanish
Williams, Henry Smith: Historian's History of the World - vol XXIII, The United States and Spanish America, pub. 1907, The Times, red morocco with...
Websters New International Dictionary pub.1918 G Bell & Sons Ltd London, red morocco, 2 vols ...[more]
Macauley's History of England, sixth edition, pub. 1850 Longman, Brown Green & Longmans, half calf
Macauley's History of England, sixth edition, pub. 1850 Longman, Brown Green & Longmans, half calf and marbled boards (back board of one missing);...
Pevesner, Nicolaus: The Buildings of England, Yorkshire, The North Riding, West Riding and East
Pevesner, Nicolaus: The Buildings of England, Yorkshire, The North Riding, West Riding and East Riding, London 2,3,4 and 5, pub. Yale University P...
The Oxford History of English Art, vols II-V, VII-XI, pub various dates between 1949-1978, Oxford
The Oxford History of English Art, vols II-V, VII-XI, pub various dates between 1949-1978, Oxford The Clarendon Press, d/w, (vol III ex-library wi...
Hussey, Christopher: The Life of Sir Edwyn Lutyens pub.1953 Country Life Ltd London, green cloth d/w
Hussey, Christopher: The Life of Sir Edwyn Lutyens pub.1953 Country Life Ltd London, green cloth d/w tatty, 1 vol together with Ditchfield MA, P.H...
Wood, Margaret: The English Medieval House, pub. 1994 Studio Editions Ltd, d/w together with twenty titles on English architecture and country hou...
Parissien, Steven: Regency Style, Adam Style and Palladian Style; Mowl Timothy: Elizabethan and
Parissien, Steven: Regency Style, Adam Style and Palladian Style; Mowl Timothy: Elizabethan and Jacobean Style, pub. 1992, 1994 and 1993 Phaidon P...
Architecture and Art: Gothic, Baroque, Neoclassicism and Romanticism, Prussia-Art and Architecture, pub. 1999, 2000 and 2004 Konemann, 4 vols
Crook, J.Mordaunt: William Burges and the High Victorian Dream pub 2013 John Murray Ltd d/w together
Crook, J.Mordaunt: William Burges and the High Victorian Dream pub 2013 John Murray Ltd d/w together with Aldrich, Megan - Gothic Revival pub. Pha...
Taboris, Stewart & Chang: Greek Revival America and Chambers Jnr., Allen S - Poplar Forest and
Taboris, Stewart & Chang: Greek Revival America and Chambers Jnr., Allen S - Poplar Forest and Thomas Jefferson, d/w Pfeiffer. Bruce Brooks - Fran...
Hitchmough, W: C.F.A Voysey, pub. 2010 Phaidon softback with d/w; Stamp, Gavin - Edwin Lutyens
Hitchmough, W: C.F.A Voysey, pub. 2010 Phaidon softback with d/w; Stamp, Gavin - Edwin Lutyens Country Houses, pub 2002, and Gothic for the Steam ...
Papadakis & Watson: New Classicism; Watkin, David: The Practice of Classical Architecture; Beard,
Papadakis & Watson: New Classicism; Watkin, David: The Practice of Classical Architecture; Beard, Geoffrey: The Compleat Gentleman pub. Rizzoli Ne...
Architecture: Palladio, Gaudi, Villas in Dresden pub. Taschen together with 20 further related
Architecture: Palladio, Gaudi, Villas in Dresden pub. Taschen together with 20 further related titles (23)
London: Architecture, guides, history (22 vols)
Baedeker, Karl: Handbooks for Travellers- Austria-Hungary 11th ed. 1911, Berlin and its Environs,
Baedeker, Karl: Handbooks for Travellers- Austria-Hungary 11th ed. 1911, Berlin and its Environs, 3rd ed.1908 and 4th ed. 1910, 6th ed. 1923, and ...
Berlin & Other German Cities: German Language, titles on architecture, arts and society from the
Berlin & Other German Cities: German Language, titles on architecture, arts and society from the 19th century to post war era, 24 vols ...[more]
Berlin From Turn of Century to the Post War Era: a quantity of black and white photographs of Berlin
Berlin From Turn of Century to the Post War Era: a quantity of black and white photographs of Berlin from the early 20th century to the post-war e...
Berlin; the city, its people and architecture during the Weimar Years and later, Albert Speer and
Berlin; the city, its people and architecture during the Weimar Years and later, Albert Speer and the Third Reich, the re-building of the city (in...
Hembry, Phyllis: The English Spa 1560-1815, 1st ed. pub 1990 The Athlone Press and 19 further titles
Hembry, Phyllis: The English Spa 1560-1815, 1st ed. pub 1990 The Athlone Press and 19 further titles on Spas (20)
Harrogate and It's Environs: Bain & Edgecombe Harrogate Waters, Baths and Climate, cloth, pub.1905
Harrogate and It's Environs: Bain & Edgecombe Harrogate Waters, Baths and Climate, cloth, pub.1905 Longmans, Green & Co: Grainger, W - The History...
Harrogate and It's Environs: a collection of mainly photographic archives of Harrogate and it's
Harrogate and It's Environs: a collection of mainly photographic archives of Harrogate and it's people (17 vols plus pamphlets)
Harrogate: The Mercer Gallery and the Harrogate Fine Art Collection, the restoration of the Royal
Harrogate: The Mercer Gallery and the Harrogate Fine Art Collection, the restoration of the Royal Hall, photographic books of Harrogate, Starbeck,...
Knaresborough, Ripon and it's environs: titles on Killinghall, Follifoot, Hampsthwaite, Nun Monkton,
Knaresborough, Ripon and it's environs: titles on Killinghall, Follifoot, Hampsthwaite, Nun Monkton, Kirby Overblow and The Surtees Society 1900 K...
Yorkshire: a collection of books and pamphlets including Historial Atlas of Yorkshire, History of
Yorkshire: a collection of books and pamphlets including Historial Atlas of Yorkshire, History of Yorkshire, York Minster, Yorkshire Monasteries, ...
Priestley, J B: The Collected Works of, a uniform bound set of 27 volumes, in dark blue faux-leather
Priestley, J B: The Collected Works of, a uniform bound set of 27 volumes, in dark blue faux-leather and gilt, pub/distributed by Heron Books in a...
Kipling, Rudyard: The Collected Works, a uniform bound set of twelve vols, in dark red faux-leather and gilt, Heron Books edition together with Ju...
Wells, H G: The Collected Works, a uniform bound set of 24 volumes, dark green faux-leather and
Wells, H G: The Collected Works, a uniform bound set of 24 volumes, dark green faux-leather and gilt, Heron Book edition (24)
Conrad, Joseph: The Collected Works, a uniform bound set of 21 volumes, dark blue faux-leather and
Conrad, Joseph: The Collected Works, a uniform bound set of 21 volumes, dark blue faux-leather and gilt, Heron Book edition (21)
Art & Architecture - The Pelican History of Art, a uniform bound set of sixteen volumes, red cloth
Art & Architecture - The Pelican History of Art, a uniform bound set of sixteen volumes, red cloth with black and gilt title, ex-library (in two b...
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: The Collected Works, eight uniform bound volumes, dark blue with red/
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: The Collected Works, eight uniform bound volumes, dark blue with red/gilt title, Princetown University Press edition ...
Wells, H G: The Outline of History in two vols, brown cloth and gilt, pub. Geo Newnes Ltd; Moncrieff, A R Hope - European History - Great Leaders ...
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan: The Conan Doyle Stories, 1st edition in one volume 1929, pub. John Murray
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan: The Conan Doyle Stories, 1st edition in one volume 1929, pub. John Murray London, d/w; another copy, reprint 1959 with d/...
Wells H G: Mind At The End of It's Terror, 1st edition 1945, pub. WM Heinemann Ltd, red cloth and
Wells H G: Mind At The End of It's Terror, 1st edition 1945, pub. WM Heinemann Ltd, red cloth and d/w; The Holy Terror, 1st edition 1939, pub. Mic...
Marlowe, Christopher: Works and Life, in 6 vols, d/w, reprint 1966, pub. Gordian Press New York, and
Marlowe, Christopher: Works and Life, in 6 vols, d/w, reprint 1966, pub. Gordian Press New York, and various other titles including poetry
Dickens, Charles: the Collected Works of, uniform bound set in 15 vols, red faux leather, pub.
Dickens, Charles: the Collected Works of, uniform bound set in 15 vols, red faux leather, pub. Hazell, Watson & Viney Ltd, and various other...
Folio Society: E F Benson - Mapp & Lucia, 6 vols, pub. 1994, Evelyn Waugh - Brideshead Revisited,
Folio Society: E F Benson - Mapp & Lucia, 6 vols, pub. 1994, Evelyn Waugh - Brideshead Revisited, pub. 1997 and The Loved One, pub. 1975, all in p...
Folio Society: John Buchan - The Thirty Nine Steps, Green Mantle, The Island of Sheep, The Three
Folio Society: John Buchan - The Thirty Nine Steps, Green Mantle, The Island of Sheep, The Three Hostages & Mrs Stand East, pictorial cloth and sl...
Folio Society: Oscar Wide - Stories, Plays and Poems, Essays and Letters, pictorial cloth and slip
Folio Society: Oscar Wide - Stories, Plays and Poems, Essays and Letters, pictorial cloth and slip case, pub. 1993 (3 vols)
Folio Society: Edward Gibbon - The History of the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, in eight vols,
Folio Society: Edward Gibbon - The History of the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, in eight vols, faux-velum and slip cases, pub. 1997, togethe...
Folio Society: The Works of Anthony Trollope, 13 vols, two without slip cases, pub. 1994 (13 vols)
Folio Society: The Works of Anthony Trollope, 13 vols, two without slip cases, pub. 1994 (13 vols)
Folio Society: Works of Antony Trollope, six vols, harlequin cloth with slip cases, pub. 1978; A
Folio Society: Works of Antony Trollope, six vols, harlequin cloth with slip cases, pub. 1978; A Norman Jeffares - Restoration Comedy, green cloth...
Von Doderer, Heimito: The Demons, in two vols, pict. cloth and d/w to one, with slip case, pub.
Von Doderer, Heimito: The Demons, in two vols, pict. cloth and d/w to one, with slip case, pub. 1961, Alfred A Knopf, New York; Hoffman 1969 Unive...
Folio Society: Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale; Betjeman - Selected Poems; A. E. Houseman - A
Folio Society: Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale; Betjeman - Selected Poems; A. E. Houseman - A Shropshire Lad; Mark Twain Huckleberry Finn; Th...
Art: F L Griggs - The Architecture of Dreams; Gwen Raverat - The Wood Engravings of; The Art of
Art: F L Griggs - The Architecture of Dreams; Gwen Raverat - The Wood Engravings of; The Art of Simon Palmer; Leonardo da Vinci; Atkinson Grimshaw...
The Arden Shakespeare: Works of, 35 titles in paperback (35)
Mallory, Sir Thomas: Le Morte d'Arthur illus. by Aubrey Beardsley pub. 1985 Omega Books Ltd; Poe,
Mallory, Sir Thomas: Le Morte d'Arthur illus. by Aubrey Beardsley pub. 1985 Omega Books Ltd; Poe, Edgar Allan - Tales of Mystery and Imagination; ...
Shakespeare - various works together with novels by Galsworthy, Shaw, and others, in two boxes (
Shakespeare - various works together with novels by Galsworthy, Shaw, and others, in two boxes (approx. 26 vols)
Atlases, city guides, travel and gardening, a quantity
Literary reference titles including Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs, Oxford Companion to
Literary reference titles including Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs, Oxford Companion to English Literature, ... to Classical Literature, to...
Mann, Thomas: Various works by the author including Doctor Faustus, Joseph & His Brothers, Budden-
Mann, Thomas: Various works by the author including Doctor Faustus, Joseph & His Brothers, Budden-Brooks, The Hesse/Manu Letters, Reflections of a...
Literature including titles on and by Trollope, Joseph Conrad, Bernard Shaw, Elizabeth Gaskell,
Literature including titles on and by Trollope, Joseph Conrad, Bernard Shaw, Elizabeth Gaskell, Henry James, Charles Fort and others, in two boxes
Music: titles on classical music and composers including Prokofiev, Handel, Verdi, Mahler and Wagner
Music: titles on classical music and composers including Prokofiev, Handel, Verdi, Mahler and Wagner in 3 boxes
Music: titles on classical music and composers including Mozart, Elgar, Schubert, Berlioz and Delius
Music: titles on classical music and composers including Mozart, Elgar, Schubert, Berlioz and Delius in three boxes
Music: titles on classical music and composer including Beethoven, Wood, Wagner, Beecham and Bach in
Music: titles on classical music and composer including Beethoven, Wood, Wagner, Beecham and Bach in three boxes
History, Rise and Fall of European Empires and other titles in three boxes
The Oxford History of England, uniform bound set in 16 vols, d/w, pub. 1991 Clarendon Press, Oxford,
The Oxford History of England, uniform bound set in 16 vols, d/w, pub. 1991 Clarendon Press, Oxford, in two boxes (17 vols)
History: The Oxford History of the British Empire in 3 vols, Andrew Roberts - Salisbury; Maurice
History: The Oxford History of the British Empire in 3 vols, Andrew Roberts - Salisbury; Maurice Ashley - The English Civil War; The Anglo-Saxon C...
Eliot, George: Works of; Everyman's Library c.1991, The Oxford Illustrated Jane Austen: Third
Eliot, George: Works of; Everyman's Library c.1991, The Oxford Illustrated Jane Austen: Third Edition 1959 Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejud...