Antiques & Fine Art Sale

1715 items 1715 items
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room Cockermouth, Cumbria

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Antiques & Fine Art Sale

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  • ( Lots: 548-1169)
  • ( Lots: 1170-1715)

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1715 items
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A pair of Victorian silver salts, 1875 London maker Charles Stuart Harris, each diameter 6 cm together with a Chester silver pepperette date lette...

A silver chatelaine, hallmarked London 1889 makers mark WC with a pair of scissors, silver whistle, propelling pencil in form of a crucifix etc t...

A Georgian silver nutmeg grater, makers mark ML, no date letter. Length 77 mm (see illustration).The nutmeg grater is generally in very good order...

Silver bell shaped hat pin holder, Birmingham 1907, together with a Charles Horner silver hat pin in the form of a thistle and anther hat pin.

A pair of silver and cut glass scent bottles, Birmingham 1902. Height 6 cm, together with two other silver topped scent bottles, EPNS Capstan ink...

A Georgian silver caddy spoon, the handle engraved with a gloved arm holding a staff, date letter C, maker WEWF. Weight 12 grams, together with a...

A silver capped Bristol blue double ended scent bottle, London 1878 maker Brockwell and Son, cased.The scent bottle is in very good condition.  Th...

An antique mother of pearl snuff box or compact, the top with carved decoration and with silver coloured mounts. Width 9 cm, depth 7 cm.

A pair of Goldsmiths company 112 Regent Street West Corinthian column silver plated candlesticks. Height +/- 22 cm, base width 9.5 cm

An Irish silver condiment set, marked to underside Sharman D Neill Ltd Belfast 1911. Overall weight 104 grams.The pepperette shows signs of use, l...

A silver squat mug, the interior showing the remains of silver gilt dated letter F 1821 makers mark CF, possibly Crispin Fuller. Height 7.5 cm, w...

A pair of silver candlesticks, London date letter P 1970, makers mark RC for William Comyns & Sons Ltd. Height 20 cm, base diameter 11.5 cm.

A silver Arts & Crafts quaiche, engraved John Patrick Waller December 1909, Sheffield 1910 maker William Hutton & Sons Ltd. Height 7.5 cm, bowl d...

A Britannia grade Armada dish.  diameter 9.5 cm, London 1977, together with two silver pierced dishes, a silver and enamel ashtray and a silver an...

A silver baby teething ring, in the form of a rabbit with two bells, with mother of pearl at one end and plastic ring to other, Birmingham 1989 ma...

A silver desk blotter, together with a silver Capstan inkwell, silver candlestick, silver handled glove stretcher and shoe horn, silver casket con...

A pair of Victorian silver salts 1945, makers mark AM possibly Alexander McCrae, together with another silver salt and a silver pepperette. Overa...

An oval galleried tray, with two handles. 46 x 31 cm, together with a scalloped plated dish 27 cm diameter, a Walker & Hall ashtray, coal scuttle...

Two vintage miniature penknives, one with a Sheffield silver blade hallmark rubbed, together with a mother of pearl buttonhook stamped silver. Th...

A collection of plated cutlery, 9 large knives, 9 smaller knives, 9 large forks, 9 smaller forks, 9 dessert spoons, 9 soup spoons, 2 service spoon...

A pair of cut glass handled silver salad servers, Chester 1903, a silver coloured metal horn spoon and a Kris horn handled letter knife in silver ...

A Mary Gregory style four piece condiment set in silver plated cruet, together with a Maple & Co mint sauce jar. Tallest 12 cm.

A silver bonbon dish, Sheffield 1956.  126 grams, together with a silver pierced bowl (AF), Birmingham 1912, 204 grams, together with a three piec...

A near pair of silver tankards, the first London 1839 maker Edward Junior John and William Barnard. Height +/- 9 cm, diameter 8 cm, weight 195 gra...

A three piece silver tea service, with teapot, cream jug and sugar, circa 1920 by Ernest Druiff & Co, the teapot with wicker wrapped handle and ca...

Two silver photo frames, the first oval. Height 16 cm, width 12 cm, Birmingham 1916 and a rectangular frame, height 20 cm, width 16 cm Birmingham...

Edward & Sons of Glasgow, a silver two handled pot engraved with a B London 1933, with a spoon Sheffield in an Edward & Sons box, together with an...

A Victorian lidded pot, the base stamped London 1887 maker Goldsmith & Silversmiths company William Gibson and John Lawrence Langman, the lid stam...

A Victorian silver plated Samovar, with foliate decoration engraved Xmas 1897. Height 55 cm.The samovar is generally in good order.  There are som...

A four piece silver tea service by Olivant & Botsford Birmingham, one piece marked 1937 three others 1938.  Overall weight 1454 grams (see illustr...

A silver porringer Chester 1922, Barker Brothers (Herbert Edward Barker and Frank Ernest Barker). Height 5 cm, weight 200 grams.

An Aynsley blue gilt and hallmarked silver cased coffee set, the box retailed by West & Son Dublin, cups and saucers all marked Aynsley England wi...

A silver salver, raised on three feet.  Diameter 26.5 cm, maker William Hutton & Sons Ltd London 1906.  Weight 741 grams (see illustration).The sa...

Five early silver hallmarked spoons, the first set possibly 1773 London, makers mark rubbed, engraved EB.  Length 21 cm, another pair marked ET.  ...

A cased silver hallmarked salt pepper and mustard pot, Atkin Brothers Sheffield 1917, the box retailed by John Hall & Co Manchester and Liverpool....

Three cased sets of silver spoons, forks etc, a pair of spoons with silver gilt bowls, makers mark DF Joshua Williams & Co London, date letter K 1...

A Victorian cased silver fork spoon and napkin ring, makers Walter and John Barnard London 1883, together with a cased silver spoon by Hilliard & ...

A silver plated on copper chamber stick holder with snuffer, a Victorian plated presentation cup, sifter, bottle coaster, sugar basin, toast rack ...

A silver plated on copper early 19th century half lobed teapot, together with a etched glass decanter with silver stopper.

Three George III Irish silver spoons, each with engraved Hawk and initials AK, 1795 makers Law and Bayly. Weight 195 grams.In our opinion these ar...

Irish and Scottish silverware, an 1836 silver spoon engraved with Eagles head and crown maker Philip Weekes, another spoon initialled MK for Micha...

A silver cased desk set, with pencil pen blotter and seal by Cornelius Desormeaux Saunders and James Francis Hollins Shepherd, Birmingham 1905/06 ...
