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A Royal Worcester porcelain vase. Shape no. 1578, date 1892, of angled baluster footed form, painted with clematis and spring flowers to a pink ro...
A Royal Worcester blush ivory potpourri with lid and cover. Shape No. 292, date code for 1906, the wrythen body hand painted with floral sprays an...
A 19th century pottery slipware money box. Of a tapered three tier form, topped with a finial of two birds, H32cm
A 20th century ceramic tobacco jar and a cow creamer. The jar modelled as a man wearing a hat, impressed '22' to the base, H12cm. The creamer glaz...
Two pieces of 19th century slipware pottery. Comprising a lidded pot with pronounced rim marked 'J.
Two pieces of 19th century slipware pottery. Comprising a lidded pot with pronounced rim marked 'J. H. Inman, 1891', H16.5cm, and a lidded pot mod...
An Aynsley porcelain tea service. Circa 1934-1938, pattern no. 6183, featuring a floral design with pink roses and blue and gold accents, comprisi...
Twelve Victorian John Mortlock for Oxford Street Pottery Galleries plates. Glazed with blue rims and gilt trims, the centre of each featuring an i...
A pair of 19th century George Bacchus and Sons vitrified opaque white glass pedestal bottle vases.
A pair of 19th century George Bacchus and Sons vitrified opaque white glass pedestal bottle vases. Having transfer-printed enamel decoration in th...
A collection of 19th and 20th century glassware. Including two sets of shakers, a pair of bulbous vases, two vases with fluted rims, etc, largest ...
A set of six Georgian glass salt cellars. Having cut glass decoration, mounted on stepped diamond shaped bases, H8cm
An early 20th century walnut display casket. The hinged lid and sides each featuring a total of seven bevelled edge glass panels, the interior div...
Two antique woodwind instruments. Consisting of a JR Lafleur & Son wooden fife (cased) and an 'Improved, London' wooden piccolo, L39cm
A circa 1985 Prince of Wales and Diana, Princess of Wales signed Royal Christmas card. With twin gilt Royal cyphers to cover, colour photograph of...
A 19th century British passport. Issued and signed by Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne Cecil. Marquess of Salisbury, dated London 12th February 1889,...
A pair of invitations to the Coronation of King William IV and Queen Adelaide at Westminster Abbey
A pair of invitations to the Coronation of King William IV and Queen Adelaide at Westminster Abbey on the 8th September 1831. Addressed to The Ear...
A Kings Warrant addressed to The Earl of Portsmere bearing the signature of King George IV. The hand written document is dated 1825 and approves a...
Harris (John, publisher), 'The Jubilee, an Interesting Game', London, January 1st 1810. The hand-coloured engraved game, with 149 numbered pictori...
An assortment of 18th century and later family documents. Including a copy of an excerpt from Eastmond's 'Historia Rievaleusis' regarding 'The Acc...
A circa 1888 Royal Worcester octagonal vase. With fluted neck over eight panels of flowers on a white ground, gilt and decorated in shades of pink...
A pair of 1901 Royal Worcester shaped vases decorated with exotic birds. With double garlic shaped neck, decorated and gilt with two groups of bir...
A set of three 19th century Royal Factory Vienna porcelain dishes on stands. All glazed in white, the interiors painted with flowers and the exter...
Book: Heliotropium Duri, 1633. Bound in vellum.
Book: San Felipe Neri Epitome de Su Vida, 1651, Madrid. Bound in vellum
Book: Essays in Political Arithmetick by William Petty, 1711. 2nd collected edition published using sheets from 1st edition of 1699. Irish interes...
An early 20th century Chinoiserie folding lacquered wall shelf. Of shaped form, decorated in gilt with traditional Asian scenes, having hinges to ...
A pair of 20th century candlesticks. Having tapered pink stems, with brass collars, mounted on circular bases with moulded decoration, H50cm
A pair of 19th century French candelabra. Having two branches, decorated with crystal pendalogue lustres and topped by a crystal spire. Mounted on...
A circa 1860 belt with brass belt buckle. Featuring copper portraits of cricketers in raised relief decoration, maker's mark for 'Edward Ade of Lo...
A mid-century Royal Copenhagen blanc de chine model of a woman and child. The woman holding the child aloft whilst astride a dolphin, marked in gr...
A collection of mother of pearl counters and a wooden box. The counters of various sizes and designs, including circular and fish shaped examples,...
A 19th century majolica campana urn. The polychrome exterior featuring with five circular roundels decorated with leaves, the circular base scroll...
Six pieces of Victorian opaque glassware. Comprising a pair of pink tapered vases decorated with enamel floral decoration, H20cm, a pair of pink j...
A 19th century Staffordshire lion and lamb figurine by John & Rebecca Lloyd. Circa 1850, the lion is raised on a rounded rectangular stand with a ...
A pair of Meissen marked porcelain swans. Glazed in white with hand painted details, both having blue marks to the bases, largest H7cm
A bottle of 1980s Isle of Islay Laphroaig unblended Scotch whisky. 10 years old, 40% vol, 75cl, in original presentation tin.
A large early 20th century Art Noveau Austrian decorative pottery centre piece. In the Royal Dux style, glazed in blush with pink floral decoratio...
A collection of mid-20th century microscopic slides. Including 'Rabbit Ovary', 'Cat Uterus', 'Spleen Monkey', 'Cat Gall Bladder', etc, contained w...
A 20th century church altarpiece. The brass cross mounted on a stepped oak base, H57.5cm
An early 20th century small bronze athenienne. The circular stand with laurel decoration around the sides, mounted on a tripod base, the supports ...
A 20th century ceramic cone-shaped vessel. The cone decorated with a colourful and elaborate pattern, and having a metal insert to the centre, mou...
A contemporary Moorcroft Sophie Christina pattern plate. Circa 2001, designed by Sian Leeper, glazed in blue with tube lined floral decoration, im...
A Meissen porcelain figure of a parrot. Perched on a branch surrounded by cherries, mushrooms and strawberries, colourfully hand painted, cross sw...
A 20th century Caselle London mahogany barograph. Red 20780, within a mahogany case with a hinged lid and three glazed panels and a brass handle t...
A collection of vintage Friendly Society brass staff finials and a relevant book. Of various sizes and designs, some having pierced and engraved d...
Six vintage Friendly Society brass pole heads staff finials. Of various sizes and designs, some having pierced and engraved decoration, including ...
A pair of vintage Indian wooden models of horses. Heavily painted with bright colours, on rectangular bases, H15.5cm
A Victorian marble bust of a gentleman. Signed 'Mony 1871' and mounted on a shaped base, H29cm
A 20th century Frank Cobb & Co two-tier canteen of cutlery. Including fish knives and forks, meat carvers, teaspoons, table knives and forks, tabl...
A Regency style cut glass and ormolu mounted champagne wine bucket. Having a textured floral gilt metal rim, tapering body with star work base and...
A Victorian rosewood and mother of pearl inlaid sewing box. The sarcophagus top having moulded details to the edges and opening to reveal a red si...
A pair of late 19th century silver plated tazzas. The circular dishes having moulded details to the rim, the stands formed of a baluster stand sur...
A 20th century Edinburgh crystal decanter and eight tumblers. The decanter having a faceted cut stopper and rectangular body with canted corners, ...
A 20th century Royal Dux ceramic figure. Modelled as a 18th century gentleman with a violin, marked '187' to the base, H21cm
An early Georgian John Bleuler of London brass pantograph. L51cm, in the original brass storage box with a paper label to the interior
A pair of Victorian jelly moulds. Of oval form, impressed with fruit and floral details and having a ring to one end, L30.5cm
A large Victorian circa 1850 glass rummer. Engraved with a fishing and angling themed scene, H22cm
Two late 19th century large glasses. One inscribed 'Souvenir De La Fete' with a floral border, H21cm, the other with a monogram, H20cm
Two twist stem glasses.
Two twist stem glasses. Comprising a Georgian glass of tapering form, with a pink stem, H18cm, and a late 19th century glass of tapering form, eng...
A pair of Art Deco Josef Lorenzl style cast metal figures. The painted figures modelled as nude dancers, mounted on marble bases, unsigned, H21cmP...
A 19th century Martin Brothers salt glaze stoneware wall pocket. Glazed in brown and blue with textured and scrolling details, the inscribed verso...