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The Portcullis Auction Room Auction - Thursday 16th September 2021 at 11.30am
COVID-19 - Please read the following to continue to ensure the safety of all customers and staff: We are pleased to welcome you back into the Auction Room for the day of the Sale, but please continue to adhere to the following guidelines going forward: To keep both our Staff members and our Customers safe we would request that all customers continue to wear face coverings at all times whilst in the building and gloves whilst viewing or handling any Lots. Please also maintain social distancing and make use of the hand washing facilities available as well as the hand sanitiser. Please read the following carefully to help us to ensure we can continue our Auctions safely: Viewing Viewing dates for the September sale are strictly as follows:
Tuesday 14th September: 2.00pm – 5.00pm Wednesday 15th September: 9.30am – 5.00pm Thursday 16th September: 9.30am - Start of sale at 11.30am ***PLEASE NOTE - WE WILL BE UNABLE TO RESPOND TO ANY CONDITION REPORT REQUESTS FROM 12PM ON WEDNESDAY 15TH SEPTEMBER*** VIEWING PROCESS Viewing will take place from the front door of the Saleroom, with a one way system in place leading into the Saleroom. Please ensure that you follow any instructions from staff, as well as reading and adhering to signage on the walls and the floor. Gloves can be provided at the entrance, face coverings will not be provided. Please continue to sign in prior to entering the Saleroom for Track & Trace purposes. This can be done at the front door or using the QR sign and the Track and Trace App on your phone.
Sale Day / Collections from the Auction - The Portcullis office will be processing invoices for Lots bought in the room however if you purchase online we are unable to process these until the end of the sale and collection / payment can be made from Friday 17th September from 9.30am - 4.30pm COLLECTIONS THEREAFTER CAN ONLY BE MADE ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY OR THURSDAY OF THE FOLLOWING WEEK, THE PORTCULLIS OFFICE IS CLOSED TO VISITORS ON MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS (Apart from the Friday following an auction) Collections will take place from 9.30am – 4.30pm on the following days:
Friday 17th September Monday 20th September – PORTCULLIS CLOSED Tuesday 21st September Wednesday 22nd September Thursday 23rd September Friday 24th September - PORTCULLIS CLOSED If you wish to leave Commission Bids, the forms will be available outside the Portcullis office. Completed forms should be placed face down in the tray at the office for processing.
Following the Auction, once payment has been made we require all customers to go out of the main doors and take their cars to the rear entrance of the saleroom with their paperwork for collection. Please try to avoid spending too long in the saleroom. You will need to hand over your paperwork to the staff member and the Lots need to be marked off of your pass for the Lots to be removed. If you are collecting very large items, we would ask that you and one other person go in to the Saleroom when instructed by staff to collect the Lots(s). Next Auction: Thursday 14th October 2021 at 11.30am Entries can be taken as follows:
Tuesday 21st September Wednesday 22nd September Thursday 23rd September
Opening Hours - 9.00am - 4.30pm
*Please do not attend the Saleroom outside of the above times - we can be contacted on the telephone on 01584 878822 or via email on fineart@mccartneys.co.uk If you leave a message or send an email we will get back to you as soon as possible.* Finally, we would ask you to: Please follow Government advice to limit your contact with other people Wash your hands regularly using soap and water in the facilities provided The Auction is available online with audio on
easyLiveAuction.com & the-saleroom.com
We would encourage as many people as possible to continue to utilise this service at this time
The Portcullis Auction Room
McCartneys LLP
fineart@mccartneys.co.uk / 01584 878822
1. The highest price bidder shall be the purchaser subject to the vendor’s reserve (if any) and to the right of the Auctioneer to refuse any bid he may think improper. In the event of any dispute as to the last or best bid the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. All lots are offered for sale subject to
(a) any reserve price imposed by the vendor and
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2. Once a bid is made it cannot be retracted and the bidding shall be regulated by the Auctioneer.
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4. All lots are sold as seen and the risk shall pass to the purchaser on the fall of the hammer but no lot may be removed from the premises without a pass from the clerk.
5. Each Purchaser shall be expected to have pre-registered with McCartneys LLP having given McCartneys LLP his/her name and address and if required, pay for the purchase thereof when or otherwise upon conclusion of the sale. Any delayed terms of payment must be agreed with McCartneys LLP in advance.
6. All lots must be cleared forthwith and in any event by the Wednesday following the sale. Any lots which are not cleared in accordance with this condition shall be subject to a storage charge of £5 per day per lot plus VAT and in the event of the purchaser failing to remove any lot upon written notice thereafter the same may be re-sold under the provision on paragraph 8.
7. Under no circumstances will set-offs or reductions be allowed and removal of lots will not be permitted until paid for in cash or cheque with bankers reference. Purchasers placing successful commission bids will be sent accounts which are payable by return (regardless of when the lot is collected) and interest at 15% per annum will be charged on all accounts outstanding 14 days or more after the sale.
8. If a purchaser fails to comply with these conditions McCartneys LLP shall be at liberty to re-sell any lot either by public auction of private treaty and the deficiency (if any) together with all expenses attending such re-sell shall be made good by the purchaser who is in default and who shall have no claim upon McCartneys for any surplus which arises from such re-sale.
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Shropshire, SY8 4AA
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