Fine Asian & Islamic Works of Art ft. Scholar's Aesthetics: Dr Kenneth P. Lawley's Collection

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Fine Asian & Islamic Works of Art ft. Scholar's Aesthetics: Dr Kenneth P. Lawley's Collection

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CARVED ROOTWOOD AND BOXWOOD FIGURE OF BODHIDHARMA QING DYNASTY, 18TH-19TH CENTURY 清 黃楊木及根雕達摩立像 finely carved with the monk standing and present...

MOTHER-OF-PEARL-INLAID HONGMU TRAY QING DYNASTY, 19TH CENTURY 清 紅木嵌螺鈿四神海鬥圖托盤 raised on four bracket feet, the interior decorated with four warrio...

LACQUERED AND BRASS-MOUNTED WOODEN HAT BOX QING DYNASTY, 19TH CENTURY 清 黑漆銅飾圓帽箱 of cylindrical form, covered in black lacquer, with brass hinge...


PARCEL-GILT SILVER REPOUSSÉ CIRULAR BOX AND COVER BHUTAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY 不丹 十八至十九世紀 銀局部鎏金鏨刻龍紋圓蓋盒 the hinged box decorated with Buddhist anim...


PARCEL-GILT COPPER-ALLOY REPOUSSÉ 'CHATURBHUJA LOKESHVARA' CASKET TIBET, 19TH CENTURY 西藏 十九世紀 銅合金鏨刻四臂觀音蓋盒 the rectangular hinged box and cover r...

APRICOT-GROUND CUT-VELVET 'LOTUS' PANEL QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY 清 杏地纏枝蓮紋漳絨掛幅 cut through a copper top layer to a base with blue welf depictin...

GOLD AND SILVER DAMASCENED IRON 'CHHAANG' BEER FLASK TIBET, 18TH CENTURY 西藏 十八世紀 鐵鋄金銀龍紋執壺 of flattened form, each side with a central indented r...

TIBETAN WOOL 'PEONY' SEAT COVER TIBET, 19TH-EARLY 20TH CENTURY 西藏 十九至二十世紀初 蝴蝶牡丹紋方毯 the orange field woven with large peony blooms issuing from ...

KHOTAN WOOL 'ANTIQUITIES' RUG EAST TURKESTAN, LATE 19TH/EARLY 20TH CENTURY 十九至二十世紀 于闐東突厥斯坦博古圖地毯 the pale red field with bogu motif, within a gree...

BRONZE 'TLV' MIRROR EASTERN HAN DYNASTY 東漢 青銅規矩鏡 crisply cast with a pierced knob centering a quatrefoil within a square border, the outer field ...

BRONZE RITUAL WINE VESSEL AND COVER, HU HAN DYNASTY 漢 青銅提梁壺帶蓋 the pear-shaped vessel rising from a flaring foot to a waisted neck and slightly e...

BRONZE RITUAL VESSEL WITH COVER, FANGHU HAN DYNASTY 漢 青銅方壺帶蓋 of faceted pear form, flanked by a pair of mythical masks holding loose rings on ei...

BRONZE ‘FIVE MOUNTAIN’ MIRROR WARRING STATES PERIOD 戰國 楚式五山銅鏡 crisply cast with a ribbed loop enclosed by a circular border which five leaves iss...

BRONZE TRIPOD WINE VESSEL AND COVER, YOU HAN DYNASTY OR LATER 漢或以後 青銅提樑卣 the globular body on three zoomorphic-feet rising to waisted neck and s...

BRONZE RITUAL WINE VESSEL AND COVER, BIANHU HAN DYNASTY 漢 青銅扁壺 of flattened globular form raised on a spreading oval foot, the curved sides accen...

ARCHAISTIC BRONZE VASE, HU SONG DYNASTY 宋 銅仿古饕餮紋獸耳壺 of flattened oval form, the waisted neck decorated with taotie masks on both sides above a ba...

BRONZE HEXAGONAL HANDLED VASE YUAN-MING DYNASTY 元至明 銅雙龍耳活環六方瓶 of faceted baluster form cast on high foot rising to waisted neck and galleried mo...

BRONZE ‘MYTHICAL BEAST’ TWO-HANDLED VASE YUAN-MING DYNASTY 元至明 銅萬字銅錢紋雙龍耳盤口瓶 of pear form cast on a high splayed foot rising to waisted neck and ...

RARE BRONZE TRIPOD 'EIGHT IMMORTALS' INCENSE BURNER MING DYNASTY 明 銅八仙三足筒爐 of cylindrical form set on three bracket feet, cast in high relief on...

BRONZE ‘MYTHICAL BEAST’ HANDLED VASE YUAN-MING DYNASTY 元至明 銅雷紋獸面雙耳盤口瓶 of bottle form set on a high splayed foot rising to waisted neck and dish-s...

RARE BRONZE INCENSE-TOOL VASE MING DYNASTY 明 銅山中訪賢紋雙耳筒瓶 of slightly tapered cylindrical form, centre cast in high relief with officials on horse...

BRONZE ENGRAVED 'FLORAL' STEM BOWL LATE MING TO EARLY QING DYNASTY, 17TH CENTURY 明末清初 銅刻花卉紋高足花口碗 the deep bowl on a high foliated foot rising to...

PAIR OF 'FLORAL' IRON PAINTINGS QING DYNASTY, 18TH-19TH CENTURY 清 鐵畫牡丹、荷花紋掛屏(一對) one depicting three luscious peonies borne on leafy branches, th...

BRONZE 'ABUNDANCE' BOTTLE VASE MING TO QING DYNASTY 明至清 銅三多紋雙獅耳海棠口瓶 of flattened form, cast standing on a flared foot rising to bulbous body, wa...

BRONZE 'EIGHT TRIGRAMS' INCENSE BURNER MING DYNASTY 明 銅雷紋冲耳三足爐 帶八卦紋銅蓋 of wide and shallow bowl form with gently inverted mouth set on three prono...

IRON 'PRUNUS' PAINTING QING DYNASTY, 17TH-18TH CENTURY 清 鐵畫梅紋掛屏 depicting flowering plum blossoms with larger branches issuing from the right ma...

GREY POTTERY INCENSE BURNER, BOSHANLU HAN DYNASTY 漢 灰陶博山爐 the bowl form censer supported on a tall spreading stem with a circular foot, the con...

RARE POTTERY BEAKER WESTERN HAN DYNASTY 西漢 弦紋陶杯 of tapering cylindrical form supported on a pedestal foot, two incised bands decorating the uppe...

GREEN-GLAZED POTTERY INCENSE BURNER, BOSHANLU EASTERN HAN DYNASTY 東漢 綠釉博山爐 of bowl form, the tall stem supported on a circular tray, the cover c...

GREY POTTERY GRANARY JAR HAN DYNASTY 漢 弦紋熊足灰陶倉 decorated with four sets of triple ribs on the cylindrical body, supported on three bear-form fee...

GREEN-GLAZED POTTERY VASE, HU HAN DYNASTY 漢 綠釉壺 the body, shoulders, and neck are encircled by sawtooth and bow-string bands, a pair of taotie ma...

LARGE GREY POTTERY JAR WESTERN HAN DYNASTY 西漢 細繩紋灰陶壺 eight narrow bands of sharply delineated slanting s-scrolls decorating the body, with ribbe...

LARGE STONEWARE JAR, HU HAN DYNASTY 漢 原始瓷弦紋壺 of compressed globular form, carved with dense narrow furrows on the broad shoulders and deeper on ...

PAIR OF PAINTED GREY POTTERY TRIPOD VESSELS AND COVERS, DING HAN DYNASTY 漢 彩繪灰陶雲氣紋鼎帶蓋(一對) each of the compressed globular body following the arc...

WHITE-GLAZED POTTERY CIRCULAR TRAY WITH SIX CUPS TANG DYNASTY 唐 白釉托盤帶六杯(一組四件) the tray with an upturned rim rested on a disk-shaped foot, fused ...

WHITE-GLAZED HANDLED JAR TANG DYNASTY 唐 白釉四繫罐 the ovoid body supported on a short splayed foot, set on the rounded shoulders with four double-s...

RARE WHITE-GLAZED POTTERY JAR TANG DYNASTY 唐 白釉罐 of tapering ovoid form rising from a flat straight foot, high rounded shoulders and inverted m...

WHITE-GLAZED JAR AND COVER TANG DYNASTY 唐 白釉蓋罐 finely potted with an ovoid body on a flat foot, rising to short waisted neck and everted rim, th...

STRAW-GLAZED BOTTLE VASE TANG DYNASTY 唐 白釉盤口橄欖瓶 heavily potted with an oval body on a short flared foot surmounted by a galleried mouth, the cre...

STRAW-GLAZED POTTERY AMPHORA TANG DYNASTY 唐 白釉雙龍耳瓶 of tapered ovoid form, the narrow cylindrical neck topped with a galleried mouth, shoulders f...

BLUE-GLAZED 'JUN' DISH SONG DYNASTY 宋 鈞窯天藍釉折沿盤 sturdily potted with shallow rounded sides rising from a short foot to a wide everted rim, cover...

MOULDED YAOZHOU ‘CHRYSANTHEMUM’ BOWL NORTHERN SONG DYNASTY 北宋 耀州窯青釉印花纏枝菊紋斗笠盞 of conical form, moulded with chrysanthemum borne on scrolling folia...

LARGE CIZHOU-TYPE OVOID RIBBED BOTTLE SONG-YUAN DYNASTY, 12TH-13TH CENTURY 宋至元 磁州窯系醬釉弦紋瓶 of tapering oviform with ribbed body rising from a sho...

LONGQUAN CELADON-GLAZED BARBED CHARGER MING DYNASTY 明 龍泉青釉刻蓮花錦紋大盤 heavily potted, shallow rounded and lobed sides rising from a short tapering fo...

DEHUA LIBATION CUP LATE MING TO EARLY QING DYNASTY, 17TH CENTURY 明末清初 德化白瓷雕麒麟望月及龍虎紋角杯 of rhinoceros horn form, moulded on one side with a qilin u...

Y DEHUA 'LION-MASK' HANDLED CENSER QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY 清 德化白瓷獸耳爐 of compressed globular form set with two lion masks as handles, covered ...

DEHUA 'BAGUA AND PRUNUS' BRUSH POT LATE MING TO EARLY QING DYNASTY, 17TH CENTURY 明末清初 德化白瓷雕八卦梅花紋筆筒 the cylindrical body with a splayed base suppo...

DEHUA CENSER QING DYNASTY, KANGXI PERIOD 清康熙 德化白瓷梅紋簋式爐 of archaic gui form setting on a high everted foot, decorated with prunus in relief, cra...

CELADON JADE TEA BOWL WITH COVER REPUBLIC PERIOD 民國 青玉茶盞帶蓋 carved with rounded sides rising to an upturned rim, the cover with a ring-shaped fi...

CERAMIC REFERENCE BOOK COLLECTION 中國陶瓷藝術參考書籍(共四十四本)含:高古、中古、明清陶瓷研究及出版著作、顯赫館藏等 Including: early pottery, Chinese Ming and Qing dynasty ceramics, mu...

WORKS OF ART REFERENCE BOOK COLLECTION 中國藝術參考書籍(共三十六本)含雜項、漆器、掐絲琺瑯、青銅器、家具、文房珍玩、佛教藝術等著作 Including: Chinese works of art, cloisonne enamel, archaic ...

COLLECTION OF DEALERS CATALOGUES 中國藝術參考圖錄、刊物及書籍:著名倫敦古董商(共六十三本)含:斯賓克(Spink & Sons),1971至1998圖錄(斷續),共18本;布鲁特(Bluett & Sons),1973至1991圖錄(斷續),共7本;馬錢...

MOTHER-OF-PEARL-INLAID BLACK AND GILT LACQUER BOX WITH COVER 19TH CENTURY 十九世紀 黑漆描金嵌螺鈿纏枝花卉紋蓋盒 of rectangular form, all sides with shaped cartouc...

NISHIZAWA GYOKUSHU (1889-1969) LACQUER WRITING TABLE, BUNDAI, LATE TAISHO-EARLY SHOWA PERIOD 大正末至昭和初 「玉舟作」款 西沢玉舟(1889-1969) 朱金漆稻穗紋文臺 共箱 of recta...

SHOCHIKUSAI YUHO (1968-1936) CARVED CHERRYWOOD INCENSE TRAY, KOBON, LATE MEIJI TO TAISHO PERIOD, C. 1912-1926 明治至大正 櫻桃木雕五福香皿 共箱 of irregular oval...

LARGE WOOD OKIMONO OF DARUMA BY SHOKOUN, DATED 1924 一九二四年 「高光雲▢」刻款 「大正甲子年孟春」題款 木雕達摩置物 the Bodhidharma carved standing wrapped in long robe fr...

LARGE SILK EMBROIDERED 'CRANE' PANEL MEIJI PERIOD 明治 刺繡海濤飛鶴大掛幅 depicting cranes in flight above ferocious concentric waves, with floral border D...

BRONZE BEAKER VASE EDO PERIOD 江戶 銅獸面紋花觚 cast in the form of two trumpets with a bulging middle section, decorated with four stylised lion masks ...
