Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs ft. the Library of the Late William St Clair Pt II

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Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs ft. the Library of the Late William St Clair Pt II

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Africa and Asia Collection of travel narratives, 19th century Portal, Gerald H. An Account of the English Mission to King Johannis of Abyssinia in...

Allom, Thomas China, in a Series of Views displaying the Scenery, Architecture, and Social Habits, of that Ancient Empire. London: Peter Jackson, ...

Australia Manuscript order book, commandant's office, Port Arthur penal settlement, 1839-44 1-78, 97-132, 135-195 [7] pp., entries dated from 4th ...

Craig, Eric (1829-1923) 'New Zealand Ferns' [cover-title], c.1870-80 4to, original bevelled wooden boards with incised decorative panelling, gilt ...

[India] Ajaib-o-gharaib or the Wonders of the World by Mehomed Surfurraz Khan alias Ghasi Khan, late Surrishtedar in the office of Superintendent ...

India and Pakistan Photograph album of views in the Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Bengal and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, c.1875 all albumen print...

Indian Mutiny Group of works on the Siege of Lucknow ex libris Thomas Knight, defender of the garrison 1) A Personal Journal of the Siege of Luckn...

Lear, Edward Journals of a Landscape Painter in Southern Calabria, etc. London: Richard Bentley, 1852. First edition, large 8vo, original blue clo...

Ludolf, Hiob A New History of Ethiopia The Second Edition. To which is added, a New and Exact Map ... a Preface ... the Life of Gregorius Abba ......

Meares, John Voyages made in the Years 1788 and 1789, from China to the North West Coast of America to which are prefixed, an Introductory Narrati...

Middle East and Asia Collection of travel narratives ex libris Lt S. C. R. Duffy all 8vo, original cloth, and with Duffy's ownership inscriptions ...

Miniature atlas Atlas minima, comprehended in 30 Maps Edinburgh: Alex Macredie, c.1825. Oblong 16mo (9.5 x 6.4cm), contemporary red half morocco, ...

Robson, George Fennell Scenery of the Grampian Mountains London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1819. Large folio (53 x 36cm), 19th-centur...

Scotland Collection of early travel narratives [Thomson, William]. A Tour in England and Scotland, in 1785. By an English Gentleman. London: for G...

Tod, James Travels in Western India embracing a Visit to the Sacred Mounts of the Jains, and the most Celebrated Shrines of Hindu Faith. London: W...

Wild, Frank Shackleton's Last Voyage The Story of the Quest. From the Official Journal and Private Diary kept by Dr. A. H. Macklin. London: Cassel...

Wilson, Francesca Rambles in Northern India With Incidents and Descriptions of Many Scenes of the Mutiny, including Agra, Delhi, Lucknow, Cawnpore...

Travel 19th-century works on various regions Hooker, William Jackson. Journal of a Tour in Iceland, in the Summer of 1809. London: Longman, Hurst,...

Agriculture Group of English county surveys, 18th-19th century Middleton, John. View of the Agriculture of Middlesex. London: by B. McMillan for G...

Agriculture Group of Scottish county surveys, 18th-19th century Smith, John. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Argyll. Edinburgh: f...

Agriculture Collection of treatises, 18th and early-19th century including: Dickson, Adam. A Treatise of Agriculture. Edinburgh: for A. Kincaid an...

Agriculture Collection of treatises, 18th-19th century [?Ball, John]. The Farmer's Compleat Guide. London: for G. Kearsley, 1760. First edition, 8...

Agriculture Collection of illustrated treatises, 19th century Sheldon, J. P. Dairy Farming: being the Theory, Practice, and Methods of Dairying. L...

Agriculture Collection of Scottish county surveys and other treatises, 18th-19th century Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus. Of Husbandry, London:...

Howe, James The Breeds of our Different Domestic Animals Engraved from Portraits painted from Life. Part First, Horses. [Part Second, Cattle ... P...

Besler, Basilius Hortus Eystettensis [Sansepolcro]: Aboca Museum Edizioni, 2006. 3 volumes, large folio, original blind-stamped cream leather bind...

Darwin, Charles On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. London: Joh...

Darwin, Charles The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex London: John Murray, 1871. 2 volumes, 8vo, original green cloth, viii 423 [13...

Darwin, Charles Collection of early editions all published by John Murray, 8vo, original cloth unless otherwise stated, Freeman numbers given in s...

Darwin, Charles Collection of works all published by John Murray, 8vo, in contemporary half calf by Mudie, twin morocco labels to spines, gilt too...

Encyclopaedia Londinensis London, 1810-1829 24 volumes, 4to, edited by John Wilkes, numerous engraved plates and maps, contemporary half calf, spi...

Lonicer [Lonitzer], Adam Kreuterbuch Künstliche Conterfeytunge der Bäume, Stauden, Hecken, Kreuter, Getreyde, Gewürtze. Frankfurt: Sigismund Latom...

[Glasse, Hannah] The Art of Cookery, made Plain and Easy ... By a Lady London: printed for the author, 1747. Second edition, 8vo (18.4 x 11.5cm), ...

Carter, Susannah The Frugal Housewife, or, Complete Woman's Cook London: for J. Harris, successor to E. Newbery, c.1800. 12mo, contemporary half c...

[Newton, Isaac] - The Royal Society The Philosophical Transactions and collections, to the end of the year MDCC, abridged... (vols 1-3) by John L...

Vesalius, Andreas De humani corporis fabrica epitome cum annotationibus Nicolai Fontani. Amsterdam: Jan Jansson, 1642. Folio (38 x 25cm), contempo...

Dasent, George Webbe Popular Tales from the Norse. Author's corrected Proof Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1859. Seemingly a final proof, with ...

[Hunt, Leigh] The Rebellion of the Beasts or, The Ass is Dead! Long Live the Ass!!! By a Late Fellow of St. John's College Cambridge. London: J. &...

Dickens, Charles A Christmas Carol In Prose. Being a Ghost Story of Christmas, London: Chapman & Hall, 1843. 8vo, original reddish-brown cloth, ha...

[Polidori, John] The Vampyre; a Tale London: for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1819. First edition, second Sherwood issue, 8vo, original wrappers, 8...

Stevenson, Robert Louis Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1886. First UK edition, 8vo (17.5 x 11cm), early-2...

Wilde, Oscar The Harlot's House. A Poem [ex libris Lady Alfred Douglas] London: imprinted for subscribers at the Mathurin Press, 1904. 11 [1] pp. ...

Literature and theology Collection of works, 17th-19th century Newbery, Elizabeth (publisher). Anecdotes of Mary; or, the Good Governess. By the A...

Economics Collection of works on banking and monetary theory [Turner, Thomas]. The Case of the Bankers and their Creditors. 2 copies, [London]: [n...

[Book of Common Prayer, in Latin verse] Liturgica sacra ... deducta a Rand[olph] Gilpin [London?: no publisher], 1657. 8vo (14 x 8.5cm), contempor...

[Jesuit exile press] Two Treatises of Mentall Prayer, and of the Preference of God Composed by the R. Fa. Alfonsus Rodriguez of the Society of Jes...

Baskerville, John (printer) The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New; with the Apocrypha: translated out of the Original Tongues, w...

Calvin, John Opera omnia; in novem tomos digesta Amsterdam: Jan Jakobsz. Schipper, 1667-71. 9 volumes, folio (37.5 x 22cm), contemporary Dutch vel...

Nietzsche, Friedrich Zur Genealogie der Moral. Eine Streitschrift Leipzig: C. G. Naumann, 1887. 8vo (21.5 x 14.5cm), contemporary half cloth, xiv ...

James IV, King of Scots (1473-1513) Letter signed to William Graham, future earl of Montrose, Edinburgh, 8th May [1500] Single sheet of laid paper...

Cromwell, Oliver (1599-1658), lord protector of England, Scotland and Ireland Autograph letter signed to Richard Norton (1615-1691), 3rd April 164...

Scots law Set of manuscript notes from David Hume's lectures on Scots law at Edinburgh, 1790 4 volumes, 4to (various dimensions, first volume 23 x...

Dickens, Charles (1812-1870) Autograph letter signed, Broadstairs, 4th August 1849 single bifolium of blue laid paper (18.2 x 11.2cm), written on ...

Ruskin, John (1819-1900) Collection of autograph letters to Ada Hartnell, c.1873-81 18 in total, various extents, 31 pp. overall, most on a single...

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882) Autograph sentiment signed, 1865 'To J. Noel Paton Esq, with [...] regards, D G Rossetti 1865', in triple-aper...

Gordon, Alister Fraser, Capt. (later Brigadier-General) (1872-1916), Gordon Highlanders Personal Correspondence 1895-1917, c. 695 autograph letter...

Eminent Victorians The Kinnear family autograph album containing 70 complete autograph letters and 28 clipped signatures, sentiments or signed pos...

Freud, Lucian (1922-2011) Autograph letter signed, 4 Delamere Terrace, [London], c,1960 addressed to 'Dear Benno', signed 'yours sincerely, Lucian...

Onassis, Jacqueline Lee Kennedy (née Bouvier, 1929-1994) Autograph letter signed to Stanislaw 'Stas' Radziwill, c.1959-74 'Dearest Stas, I wish I ...

Attributed to Charles George Hood Kinnear (1830-1894) Album of salt prints from calotype negatives, c.1846-8 containing 120 photographic salt prin...
