Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs

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Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs

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Booth, Charles Labour and Life of the People Volume I: East London. Second Edition. With a Coloured Map. [Together with:] Volume II: London Contin...

Botero, Giovanni Relationi universali novamente reviste, corrette, et ampliate. Et aggiontovi in questa ultima impressione la figurata descrittion...

Bowen, Emanuel Collection of engraved maps, c.1750-65 including: A New and Accurate Map of China; A New and Accurate Map of the Empire of Japan; T...

Evans, Lewis A General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America viz. Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pensilvania, New-Jersey, New York, Connect...

Gall & Inglis (publishers) The Edinburgh Imperial Atlas Ancient and Modern, revised and corrected to the Present Time, from the Best Authorities. ...

Island of Saint Helena Read, Lieut. R. P. Geographical Plan of the Island & Forts of Saint Helena... dedicated by permission to Field Marshall His...

Kitchin, Thomas A General Atlas describing the whole Universe, being a Complete Collection of the Most Approved Maps Extant, corrected with the gr...

Mortier, Pierre [Chart of the Indian Ocean on two sheets], Amsterdam, c.1700 Each sheet separately titled, 'Partie occidentale d'une partie d'Asie...

[Ottoman Empire] - Speed, John The Turkish Empire London: G. Humble, [1626] Hand-coloured engraved map, English text on verso, 395 x 515mm

Ortelius, Abraham Islandia [Iceland] [Antwerp, c.1590 or later]. Hand-coloured engraved map (platemark 33.5 x 48.5cm, sheet size 43.5 x 55.5cm), i...

Scottish maps A collection Blaeu. Duo Vicecomitatus Aberdonia & Banfia, 59 x 46cm, hand-coloured in outline; [Idem] Moravia... 59 x 45cm, hand-col...

Speed, John - Keere, Pieter van den A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World London: Printed by M.F. for William Humble, 1646. Oblong 8vo,...

Thomson, John The Atlas of Scotland Edinburgh: for John Thomson & Co., 1832. Large folio (54 x 41cm), contemporary half calf, [4] viii 18, engrave...

Two atlases 19th century comprising: Mitchell, S. Augustus. Mitchell's New General Atlas. Philadelphia: S. A. Mitchell, 1869. Folio (330 x 395mm),...

Abbott, Henry Antiquities of Rome London: Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1820. First edition, large folio (57.6 x 41.6cm), contemporary half calf (fro...

Ackermann, R. The History of Winchester College London: R. Ackermann, 1816. 4to, 10 hand-coloured aquatint plates, 20th century blue half morocco ...

Africa Photograph album relating to the Four Power Commission on ex-Italian colonies, 1946-7 Oblong folio album (32 x 50cm), reversed calf binding...

Annan, Thomas Memorials of the Old College of Glasgow Glasgow: Thomas Annan & James Maclehose, 1871. Folio, 41 mounted carbon prints, original red...

Arabic printing Kitab zabur Dawud al-malik wa'l-nabi [title in Arabic, i.e. The Psalms of David]. [London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowled...

Australia, Turkey, France etc. 21 volumes comprising: Pardoe, Julia. The Beauties of the Bosphorus. London, [1838], 8 original parts, 4to, 2 engra...

Baker, Sir Samuel W.  Ismailia A Narrative of the Expedition to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave Trade. London: Macmillan and Co., ...

British photographic incunabula Collection of 19 works including: Findlay, J. R. Hatton House. Edinburgh: printed for private circulation, 1875. F...

Broughton, Thomas Duer Letters written in a Mahratta Camp during the Year 1809 Descriptive of the Character, Manners, Domestic Habits, and Religio...

China 4 volumes comprising: Burlington Fine Arts Club. Catalogue of a Collection of Objects of Chinese Art. London, 1915. Privately Printed for Th...

Clutterbuck, Robert The History and Antiquities of the County of Hertford London: Nichols, Son, and Bentley, 1815-27. First edition, large-paper c...

Constantinople Rare Panorama Panorama, Leicester Square. The Lower Circle of Observation exhibits a View of Constantinople and the Surrounding Cou...

Davidson, Allan A. South Australia. Journal of Explorations in Central Australia... The Central Australian Exploration Syndicate...1898 to 1900. A...

Denon, Vivant Planches du voyage dans la basse et la haute Egypte [London: Samuel Bagster, 1807]. Folio (48.5 x 28.5cm), 19th-century half morocco...

East India Company 'Vellore Garrison Orderly Book', 1785-9 Manuscript, 234 ff., on thick laid paper, 46.5 x 29cm, tables at rear ('General monthly...

Lot 30


WITHDRAWN ...[more]

Edinburgh 2 volumes comprising: Maitland, William. The History of Edinburgh from its Foundation to the Present Time. Edinburgh: Hamilton, Balfour ...

Edinburgh Town Council 3 rare broadsides Act anent the Cleansing of the Streets of Edinburgh, &c. Edinburgh, March 30, 1687. Edinburgh: Andrew And...

Edinburgh Town Council 10 printed 18th century works comprising: Act and Ordinance of the Magistrates of Edinburgh, for Regulating the Street Cadi...

Edinburgh Town Council and other rare Edinburgh items comprising: Scotland. Commissioners for Regulating the Judicatories Articles, for Regulating...

Ellicott, Andrew The Journal of Andrew Ellicott Late Commissioner on behalf of the United States during part of the year 1796, the year 1797, 1798...

European travel and others 8 volumes including: Billmark, Carl Johann. [Pittoresk Resetur fran Stockholm till Neapel. Paris, 1852]. Folio, 12 (of ...

European Travel 3 volumes, 2 in fine morocco bindings comprising: Fellowes, W.D. A Visit to the Monastery of La Trappe in 1817. London: T. M'Lean,...

Germany and Holland 5 volumes comprising: Hills, Robert. Sketches in Flanders and Holland, with some account of a Tour through parts of those Coun...

Germany, Switzerland and Travel 39 volumes comprising: Meyer, H.J. Meyer's Universum. Hildburghause and New York: Bibliographischen Institut, 1852...

Good, Frank Mason Selected Photographs of the Nile and its Scenery including some of its most Ancient Temples, etc. etc. London: A. Shapcott, [187...

Greece 3 works comprising: Hellenic Journal. Plates from the Hellenic Journal 1921-1936. 4to, specially bound volume of all the plates from the He...

Greece 8 volumes including: Guys, Pierre. Voyage Littéraire de la Grèce. Paris: Duchesne, 1783. 4 volumes, 8vo, engraved frontispiece and 9 plates...

Harrison & Co. Picturesque Views of the Principal Seats of the Nobility and Gentry in England and Wales, by the most Eminent British Artists. Lond...

Hooker, William Jackson Journal of a Tour in Iceland, in the Summer of 1809 London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1813. Second edition ('...

Iraq Archive relating to surveying work conducted by A. L. Holt for the Cairo-Baghdad air route, 1. [Report on two Cairo-Baghdad air route reconna...

Lawrence, T.E. 10 volumes comprising: Seven Pillars of Wisdom. 1935. 4to, first trade edition, plates, original buckram, spine faded; Revolt in th...

Luynes, Honoré Paul Joseph d'Albert, duc de Voyage d'exploration à la mer Morte, à Petra, et sur la Paris; Arthus Bertrand, [1868-74]. First editi...

Mackenzie, Sir George Steuart Travels in the Island of Iceland, during the Summer of the Year Edinburgh: for Archibald Constable and Company, 1811...

McLeod, John Voyage of His Majesty's Ship Alceste, along the oast of Corea, to the Island of London: John Murray, 1818. Second edition, 8vo, conte...

Mexico - Anthropology - Caso, Alfonso Interpretation of the Codex Bodley Mexico City, 1960. 4to, original cloth, and concertinaed colour facsimile...

Monro, Donald Description of the Western Isles of Scotland, called Hybrides... to which is added: I. An Account of Hirta and Rona; by Sir George M...

Mountaineering 26 volumes comprising: King, Rev. S.W. The Italian Valleys of the Pennine Alps. 1858, folding map at end, original pictorial cloth,...

North-West Passage Collection of travel narratives comprising: Franklin, Sir John. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the Ye...

Olearius, Adam [The Voyages and Travels of the Ambassadors sent by Frederick Duke of Holstein] [To the great Duke of Muscovy, and the King of Pers...

Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de The History of the Conquest of China by the Tartars Together with an Account of Several Remarkable Things, concerning t...

Paris Paris moderne Grand album représentant les vues et les monuments les plus curieux de Paris et les sites les plus remarquables des environs. ...

Park, Mungo Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa London: W. Bulmer and Co. for the author, 1799. First edition, 4to (28.2 x 22cm), 20th-cen...

Pinelli, Bartolomeo Costumi diversi in no. 25 tavole Rome: Luigi Fabri, 1822. First edition, oblong folio (45 x 59.8cm), contemporary maroon half ...

Richardson, Sir John Arctic Searching Expedition A Journal of a Boat-Voyage through Rupert's Land and the Arctic Sea, in Search of the Discovery S...

Scala, Arthur von Illustrations of Turkish, Arabian, Persian, Central Asiatic and Indian Metal Ware Vienna: K. K. Österreiches Handels-Museum, 189...
