ONLINE AUCTION (no public viewing) Antiques & Interiors:Handbags,Fashion,Vintage, Jewellery,Silver,Collectors,Pictures,Furniture,Rugs

521 items 521 items
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ONLINE AUCTION (no public viewing) Antiques & Interiors:Handbags,Fashion,Vintage, Jewellery,Silver,Collectors,Pictures,Furniture,Rugs

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Currency: GBP
Buyer's premium Inc. VAT/sales tax: 24.00%
Online commission inc. VAT/sales tax: 5.94%

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An Italina Silver leather Zaeem Jamal Boston bag with shoulder strap and dust bag PURCHASERS: PAYMENT BY BANK TRANSFER ONLY. COLLECTIONS BY APPOIN...

CHANEL sunglasses, tortoiseshell colour, as new from shop with original box and paperwork PURCHASERS: PAYMENT BY BANK TRANSFER ONLY. COLLECTIONS...

Missoni dressing gown, as new, never worn, in original packaging PURCHASERS: PAYMENT BY BANK TRANSFER ONLY. COLLECTIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - CALL...

Harry Winston navy leather jewellery roll, in original box, as used, never used PURCHASERS: PAYMENT BY BANK TRANSFER ONLY. COLLECTIONS BY APPOINTM...

Good quality childs tweed hacking jacket with velvet collar & embossed green buttons with fox head (size approx 4-7) PURCHASERS: PAYMENT BY BANK T...

Rugs: Old Wool runner, with soft terracotta central panel and all over geometric pattern. Thick pile , some fading. wear to edge stitching. 386 x1...

Aubusson in pinks and creams (234 x 152) and another modern rug of similar size PURCHASERS: PAYMENT BY BANK TRANSFER ONLY. COLLECTIONS BY APPOINTM...

Fine Persian Qum carpet - circa. 1930 size. 3.33 x 2.24m PURCHASERS: PAYMENT BY BANK TRANSFER ONLY. COLLECTIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - CALL 01793 8...
