Russian (including Zehmstov) Auction including German specialised Stamps & Postal History

651 items 651 items
Auction closed (2 day sale)
room Fakenham, Norfolk

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Russian (including Zehmstov) Auction including German specialised Stamps & Postal History

Auction closed (2 day sale)

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Germany 1931 Exhibition Charity Postcard pre paid Michel P212.1 with 8pf & 4pf green postal rate. Sent within Hamburg and cancelled 24.8.1931 Hamb...

Germany 1934 Reich's Labour service pre paid Michel P225.1 postcard posted to Wilhelmshaven cancelled 5.7.1934 Kiel. Reich's Labour Service Kiel c...

German 1935 Reich's Labour Service envelope posted to Leipzig cancelled 12.11.1935 Sorau with a cachet stamp of the Weissig Reich's Labour Service...

Germany 1937 Airmail envelope cancelled 5.9.1937 Berlin Charlottenburg an SG 497B 6pf definitive SG 500B 12pf definitive and a reverse SG MS637. C...

Germany 1937 Occupation Sudetenland First Field Post Office Postcard issued for 1937 Wehrmacht Manoeuvres sent to Berlin Tempelhof cancel 21.9.193...

Germany 1938 Government Department Official mail envelope sent from the Finance President of Brandenburg to Berlin-Dahlem printed label has offici...

Germany 1938 Occupation Sudetenland postcard cancel on SG484b; Env provisional cancel on SG500b; Env Kriegern cancel on SG506b; RP postcard Mahris...

Germany 1939 Anschluss - The Jewish Population pre paid Michel P225.1 postcard posted to Nice cancelled 10.3.1939 Vienna on 5pf green postage writ...

Germany 1939 Government Department Official Mail envelope posted by the Ministry of Aviation to a commercial company in Berlin Charlottenburg. Pos...

Germany 1939 Government Department Official Mail envelope posted from the Reich's central post office at Berlin Tempelhof with an official office ...

Germany 1939 Official Government Department Mail envelope sent from Frankfurt Regional Court to Bad Nauheim. Posted frank free with an official co...

Germany 1939 envelope posted to a company in Berlin Charlottenburg cancelled 22.3.1939 Berlin post free by the Army High Command Berlin. Army High...

Germany 1939 Government Official Mail envelope sent from Berlin Finance Presidency cancelled 22.3.1939 Berlin post free. Finance department cachet...

Germany 1939 picture postcard of Bad Salzungen Thüringen posted to Erfurt cancelled 10.7.1939 with a Bad Salzungen Spa cachet cancel on SG 497B 6p...

Germany 1939 Government Department Official Mail envelope posted from the Berlin Reich's railway authority HQ to a commercial company in Berlin Ch...

Germany 1940-1941 Alsace Franking & Provisional Cancellations 5 env's each item displayed & described with full details of all censor & transit ca...

Germany 1940-1942 Alsace Provisional Cancellations 5 items each item displayed & described with full details of all censor & transit cancels ...[...

Germany 1940 French Interzonal Correspondence 2 pre paid postcards brown Iris no value used; Pre paid postcard used 28.10.1940 rules broken censor...

Germany 1940-1943 Address label "Paris Journal" field post cancel 17.3.1943 on SG784; Env Vichy office of Marshall Petain to Nimes letter enclosed...

Germany 1940-1941 Lorraine Provisional cancellations 5 items each item displayed & described with full details of all censor & transit cancels .....

Germany 1941 French Interzonal Mail 9 pre paid postcards each item displayed & described with full details of all censor & transit cancels ...[mo...

Germany 1941-1942 Env Army control inspectorate cachet; Env 1.9.1941 Field post cachet Airforce control inspectorate; Env field post 91011 from cu...

Germany 1942 Stamp Day SG797 m/m Env cancel on SG797 x 2 & SG778; Party Official Stamps SG O798-O808 m/m set; Hero's Remembrance Day SG798 x 2 m/m...

Germany 1941 definitives SG769a & 770a u/m booklet panes; SG771a & 773a u/m booklet panes; SG778a u/m booklet pane; unused pre paid postcards Mich...

Germany 1942-1944 Field Post Parcel Stamps SG M805-805a m/m; parcel address panel field post 00919 cancel on SG M805 & 781; Official Stamps SG O80...

Germany 1943 Concentration Camp Mail. Postcard posted to Olmutz from Theresienstadt camp cancelled 18.11.1943 Berlin the censorship centre for the...

Germany 1943 Labour Corps SG838-841 m/m set; Field Post from Reich's labour service member 10.1.1941 dumb cancel official cachet; birth centenary ...

Germany 1943, letter card posted 23.4.1943 by prisoner at Sachsenhausen to Prague cancelled Oranenburg on SG 776 12pf definitive, censors cachet s...

Germany 1943 Michel P296 Goldsmith's Anniv unused; 800th Anniv Lubeck SG850 used & on card 2 x fdi cachet; 20th Anniv Munich rising SG851 u/m & on...

Germany 1943-1944 Urgent Communication cards to Field post addresses x 3; 10th Anniv Winter Relief Funs SG847 u/m & on postcard; 11th Anniv Goldsm...

Germany 1944 Concentration Camp mail. Official Dachau Camp letter posted to Schildberg by a prisoner, cancelled 28.9.1944 Dachau on SG 778 12pf de...

Germany 1944 Hitler Youth Movement letter card used as a call up pro-forma for Hitler Jugend personnel for training and civil service, posted regi...

Germany 1944 Concentration Camp mail postcard sent to Vienna from Theresienstadt camp cancelled 8.6.1944 Prague which was now the censorship centr...

Germany 1944 1200th Anniv Fulda SG824 u/m & on env 12.3.1944 Fulda Anniv cachet; Hitler's 55th birthday SG875 x 2 m/m & on env; Postal Employees S...

Germany 1944 400th Anniv Albertus University SG889 m/m also used on env with SG884; Brown Ribbon Horse Race SF887 m/m & used on env; Goldsmith's S...

Germany 1944 Military Requisitioning Form Billeting 2 German agents of Todt organisation with French civilians in Pradelies 6th to 30th June 1944

Germany 1944 Greek Islands Overprint envelope posted to Saarland, cancelled 21.3.1945 Field post office 68062 on Rhodes SG M805a overprinted Milit...

Germany 1945 Local Issue Gorlitz definitives grey paper Michel 1, 3-4 u/m; white paper Michel 9X-11X u/m; yellow paper Michel 13-14 u/m; grey pape...

Germany 1945 Russian Zone Saxony Michel P( unused; Michel P10 mint & used; Land reform SG RC20-RC21 RC24-RC25 u/m, RC 21 broken frame; SG RC22-RC2...

Germany 1945 Russian Zone West Saxony SG RD1-RD4 u/m set, SG RD1-RD5m/m SG RD4 used; perf 10 3/4 Michel 120x-123x m/m set; SG RD1 used, SG RD2-RD1...

Germany 1945 Russian Zone Berlin Brandenburg definitives stamps optd Berlin im Aufbau philatelic forgeries; SG RA6 print error L of Berlin; SG RA7...

Germany 1945-1946 Russian Zone Saxony imperf SG RC1-RC3, RC5-RC6 m/m, RC4, RC7 used; SG RC1 u/m pair 1h stamp constant error value tablet tower; p...

Germany 1945 Russian Zone Mecklenburg-Vorpommern pre paid postcard Michel P7 used American military censor 10316; Env Butzov machine cancel on pai...

Germany 1945 Russian Zone Mecklenburg-Vorpommern unused Michel P894 prepared for British use Schwerin Postal District transferred & adapted for So...

Germany 1945 Russian Zone Berlin Brandenburg Michel P4e used; Michel P5 trade fair cachet cancel 10.12.1945 Berlin Kopernick; Michel P6 trade fair...

Germany 1945 Russian Zone Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Land Reform SG RB16-RB18 u/m set; Env cancel on SG RB16a-RB18a shade change set & SG RB1 & RB12; ...

Germany 1945 Local Issue Niesky definitives Michel 8-10 used yellowish paper, Michel 13 m/m white paper; Plauen definitives Michel 1-7 m/m

Germany 1945-1946 Env registered Chemnitz no 295 28.1.1946 cancel on SG RE12 & Plauen local issue Michel 1-5, received Munich 4.2.1946 ...[more]

Germany 1945 Local Issue Runderoth Env cancel 2.8.1945 on Michel 1a-3a Gustav Jaeger company stamps approved by Cologne postal Authority; Env canc...

Germany 1946 Local Issue Spremberg Michel 7A-14A m/m perf set; Michel 7B-14B m/m imperf set; surcharged Michel 15A m/m, Michel 17A-18A, 17B-18B mi...

Germany 1945-1946 Michel P299 6pf postage covered; unused P675 negative postmark Drolhagen; Michel 783 cancel on SG904; unused Michel 694 & 695 2...
