Russian and European Art, Books

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Russian and European Art, Books

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Boris KUSTODYEV (1878 - 1927)TWO engravings on paper. Portrait. Engraving on paper The caption "B. Kustodiev "and the date of 1922 at the top righ...

A set of postcards with projects of costumes and scenes L. Bakst, K. Somov, M. Dobuzhinsky. 9pcs.Набор почтовых карточек с проектами костюмов и сц...

IconEnamel, porcelain, brass Rostov, 19th century Good condition.9 x 8 cmИкона образ БогоматериЭмаль, фарфор, латунь Ростов, XIX век Хорошее состо...

LOT of three small IconsEnamel, porcelain, brass Rostov, 19th century Good condition.4 cm (two) and 5 cm.ЛОТ из ТРЕХ маленьких ИКОНЭмаль, фарфор, ...

Pair of decorative eggsSilver, cloisonne enamelRussian make, XIX century.Very good condition. 3 cm and 2.5 cm.Пара декоративных яицСеребро, перего...

Two cupsPorcelain, gildingImperial Porcelain Factory1820sTwo cups on legs, decorated with picturesque landscapes with characters. The rst cup with...

Two cupsPorcelain, gildingImperial Porcelain Factory; Gardner 1820sThe rst is a large one with a view of the Palace Square with the Alexander Colu...

Cup and saucerPorcelain, painting, gildingGardner FactoryMoscow, 1840 - 1870s.Mark: red overglaze, 33, pressed GardnerOverall good condition, a sm...

Cigarette caseVermeil, blue and white enamel Hallmarks: В.С. 1867, 91.Interior is decorated with red velvet.6 x 10.5 x 2 cm.Overall good condition...

MatchboxSilverHallmarks: 84 and head in kokoshnik to the right, H.I. Decorated with a subject of I.Shishkin's painting "Morning in a Pine Forest"....

Glove boxWood, oil, lacquerDecorated with a landscape overlooking the Moscow Kremlin. On the interior, a mark «30 years V.I.Vishnyakov, 1896.»St. ...

MUG TO THE CORONATION OF ALEXANDER III in 1883Earthenware, seal, blue underglaze The partnership of MS. Kuznetsova Brand blue over glaze Mark "MSK...

Gardner kettlePorcelain, paintingGardner Factory, Moscow1870 - 1890s.Mark: red. Overall good condition.Фарфор, росписьФабрика Гарднера, Москва1870...

LOTFigurine "Morning", gurine “Girl”Porcelain, overglaze paintingCrafted by G.Stolbov. 1950s.Mark: LFZ blue overglaze, 85, V/C. 14 cm. Good condit...

LARGE MUG WITH SAUCERPorcelain, gilding, painting Gardner Factory The brand is red above the glaze 1870s - 1890s. Moscow A large cup and saucer, d...

PETER I ON THE LADOGA LAKEBronze, black patina XIX century 13 x 11.5 cm Inspired by the famous plot of Karl Steiben (1788 - 1856) « Peter the Grea...

LARGE DISHPorcelain, painting Gardner Factory The brand is red above the glaze 1870s - 1890s. Moscow A large decorative dish, decorated with orien...

Dressing case for cabinetIncludes a paper knife, two holders for a pencil or pen. Silver.Hallmarks: 84 Eagle, mark ‘D.M.’19.3 cm (knife); 18.7 and...

CasketBirch wood, silver, enamel, gilded bronzeDecorated Imperial eagle, lid created in the technique of cloisonne enamel.Overall good condition (...

Group figurine Boy with DogPorcelaine, overglaze paintingModel by G.S. StolbovaLomonosov Porcelaine Factory, Leningrad. 1952LPF mark in light blue...

A sample of trench creativity of Wehrmacht soldiers during the encirclement of Leningrad.Toy «Pecking Chickens». 1943Wood, pyrography, coloring.Об...

Inkwell "Bears"Porcelain, overglaze painting crafted by I. Reznic1960s.Mark: LFZ blue overglaze 14 cm. Excellent condition.Чернильница «Мишки»Фарф...

Figurine "Phillipok"Porcelain, overglaze paintingcrafted by A.F. Pakhomov1950sMark: LFZ red overglaze, red/red and blue. 15 cm. Excellent conditio...

Figurine "Sailor - brave" Porcelain, overglaze painting crafted by G.Stolbov's 1950s.Mark: LFZ blue overglaze 13 cm. Excellent condition.Фигурка «...

Sculptural gurine ‘Boy with Dog’ Porcelaine, overglaze paintingModel by G.S. StolbovaLomonosov Porcelain Factory, Leningrad. 1952 mark: LFZ in lig...

MARKUS Mikhail Antonovich (1790-1865)Markus F.C.M. Rapport sur le choléra-morbus de Moscou. M .: L’imprimerie d’Auguste Semen, 1832. Markus FSM R...

Tikhomirov P.I.The legend of the wonderworking Novgorod The Icon of Our Lady of the Sign; With historical information about Saint Novgorod and abo...

KAIDANOV, IVAN KOZMICH 1782-1843Short outline of the general historySt. Petersburg, 1830КАЙДАНОВ, ИВАН КОЗЬМИЧ (1782-1843).Краткое начертание всео...

Domostroy: on the manuscripts of the Imperial Public Library; by ed. V. Yakovleva. SPb .: ed. D.E. Kozhanchikov; in type. Imp. Academy of Sciences...

SETCHENOFF IVANReflexes of the brainSt. Petersburg, A.Goncharoff, 1866.СЕЧЕНОВ, ИВАН МИХАЙЛОВИЧ (1829-1905)Рефлексы головного мозга.Санкт - Петерб...

Tertullian, K.S.F.The works of Tertullian, a Christian writer at the end of the second and at the beginning of the third century;[ foreword] E. Ka...

GNEDITCH, Petr.History of fine arts from ancient time. Saint-Petersburg, 1885. Петр Петрович ГНЕДИЧ (1855-1925). История искусств с древнейших вр...

Convolute four editions:[Gourgaud, Gaspard (1783-1852)] Gourgaud G. Campagne de dix-huit cent quinze ou Relation des opérations militaires qui on...

Breton de la MartinièreJ. B. J. Campagnes de Buonaparte, en 1812, 1813 et 1814, jusqu’à son abdication d’après les bulletins officiels des alli...

PUSHKIN, A. S. (1799-1937)Collection of poems Northern owers, poems, St. Petersburg, 1888.ПУШКИН АЛЕКСАНДР СЕРГЕЕВИЧ (1799-1937)Сборник стихотворе...

Convolute two editions:1) [Bignon, Louis Pierre Edouard (1771-1841)] Precis de la situation politique de la France, depuis le mois de mars 1814 ju...

Louis-Pierre-Rene de Moraine (1816-1864)La Russie militaire. Paris: F. Sinnett, [1860-80].Moran, L.P.R. de Military Russia: [album]. Paris, [1860-...

[Joseph Louis Hippolyte Bellangé; 1800-1866][Bellange, J.-L.-H. Uniforms of the French army] Illustrations for the book: De l’Ardèche P. M. L. H...

Emelyan Pugachev (1742-1775)Le Faux Pierre III ou la vie aventures du rebelle Jemeljan Pugatschew D’apres l’original Russe de Mr. F. S. G. W. D. B...

Mikhailovsky-Danilevski, A.I. Relation de la Campagne de 1805 (Austerlitz) par LeLieutenant General Mikhailovsky-Danilevski; traduit de russe par ...

Emperor Alexander III: [Collection of memoirs, poems, articles]. SPb .: type. Prince V.P. Meshchersky, 1894. - 634 p., 17 p. ill;21.5x15 cm. Numer...

[From the library of Emperor Alexander II (1818-1881)][Mérimée, Prosper] Theater de Clara Gazul, comedienne espagnole. Paris, 1830.[Merime, P.] ...

[A copy from the library of Kirill Anatolievich Naryshkin (1868-1924)]Mortonval, M. Histoire guerre de Russie en 1812; par M. Mortonval. Paris: Am...

SKALKOVSKY, Konstantin Apollonovich (1843-1906)Skalkovsky, K.A. In Paris: [essay] / K. Skalkovsky. SPb .: type. A.S. Suvorin, 1898. - XVI, 327 pp ...

[From the library of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich (1847-1909), the third son of Emperor Alexander II and Empress Maria Alexandrovna, younger ...

Matilda BONAPART (1820 - 1904)Eastern girlPaper, mixed technique (pastel, coal, white)The initial "M" with the crown at the top right36.5 x 25.5 c...

Robert Germanovich Buchtger (1862 – 1951)ROSES, Woodboard, oilSigned lower right31,5 x 26 смРоберт Германович БЮХТГЕР (1862 – 1951)Букет цветовКар...

RUSSIAN SCHOOLHunter oil on cardboard 1939 on the bottom right 60 x 40 cm РУССКАЯ ШКОЛАОхотникМасло, картонДата 1939г справа внизу60 х 40 см

Nicolï SAMOKISH (1860 – 1944), attributed toCavalry battlesigned lower leftoil on canvas50 x 60 cmНиколай САМОКИШ (1860 – 1944), отнесено кБитва к...

Yuri KUPER (1940-)Room Engraving, watercolor Signature and date "75" on the bottom right 43 x 52 cm.Юрий КУПЕР (1940-)КомнатаГравюра, акварельПодп...

Nadia BENOIS (1896 – 1975)Old city, 1947Oil on canvas33 х 58,5 см.Signed lower left « Nadia Benois 1947 »Надя БЕНУА (1896—1975)Улица города, 1947г...

Konstantin TERESHKOVICH(1902 - 1978)Girl Colored lithography Signature, date 53 bottom right Number 77/100 20.5 x 16 cm Константин ТЕРЕШКОВИЧ (190...

V.B. SKURIDIN (1917 - 1983)Still Life with Sugar Bowl Oil on canvas 1949gВ.Б. СКУРИДИН (1917 - 1983)Натюрморт с сахарницейХолст, масло1949гПодпись...

DIVEEV, Sergey Still life with apples Oil on canvas75 х 90 cm.ДИВЕЕВ, СергейНатюрморт с яблокамиХолст, масло75 х 90 см.Легкое осыпание красочного...

KHMELEVA Elena New yearOil on canvas70 x 90 cm.ХМЕЛЕВА, ЕленаНовый годХолст, масло 70 x 90 см.

KATKOV Georgy Mikhailovich (1903-1985)Katkov G.M. February Revolution; translated from English. N. Artamonova and N. Yatsenko. Paris: YMCA-press, ...

Zarya: Social Democratic, scientific and political journal. Stuttgart: J.H.W. Dietz Nachf,1901-1902. 1902. No4. IV, 39, [1], 87, [1], 251 s .; 19....

Markov Nikolai Evgenievich (1866-1945)Markov, N.E. Wars of dark forces / N.E. Markov: [in 2 books.]. Paris: ed. The Most Serene Prince M.K. Gorcha...
