Old Master Paintings

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Old Master Paintings

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Rombout UYLENBURG (1554-1624) A banquet scene, en grisaille On oak panel, one board unparqueted 26 x 34 cm Polish-Dutch court painter to Sigismu...

Flemish School, XVI century Maria Lactans 43 x 30 cm Oil on panel A very rare representation of the Virgin under a canopy made of four columns. ...

France, Ecole de Fointainebleau, before 1600Gabrielle d’EstréeOil on canvas73 x 60 cmVery unusual representaion of half dressed Gabrielle d'Estre...

Jean NOCRET (1615-1672), Attributed to Marie Therese, Queen of France Oil on canvas 67 x 49 cm Of cial portrait of Marie-Thérèse d'Autriche (1...

Jacques COURTOIS (Le Bourguignon) (1621-1675) Cavalry Battle Oil on canvas 28 x 48 cm Bibliography : I Pittori di Battaglie. Maestri Italiani e ...

Abraham VAN DER HOEF (1611-1666) Battle scene On oak panel Two boards unparqueted 57,5 x 84 cm Abraham van der Hoef was born in Haarlem. Dutch G...

Hieronymus GALLE THE ELDER (Antwerp, 1625-1679) Madonna in a Flower Garland Oil on canvas 78 x 68 cm The oil painting depicts a nely ornamented o...

Matheus VAN HELMONT (1623-1679) Flemish farmhouse interior with children’s breakfast Signed (lower left) Oil on canvas laid on carboard 43 x 61 c...

Jan Pauwel GILLEMANS, the Younger (Antwerp, before 1651- 1704) An Allegory of Earthly Love Oil on canvas 76 x 82 cm The composition of the painti...

Frederik DE MOUCHERON (1633-1686), Attributed to Landscape with hunters Oil on canvas 92 x 77 cm In this painting the view of the countryside sug...

Michiel CARREE (1666-1728) Idyllic landscape with antics monuments Signed “M Carree” and dated 1695 on the basis of the obelisk Oil on canvas 81 ...

Frans VAN MIERIS, the Elder (1635- 1681) (Follower of) Femme au miroir Oil on oak panel 31,5 x 24,5 cm Provenance : Collection Douglas 1912 The p...

Jacob I VAN OOST (1601-1671) Portrait of a boy Monogrammed and dated lower left « J v O f/1646 » Oil on panel 46 x 39 cm

Gaspard de GRESLY(L’Isle-sur-le-Doubs, 1712 - Besançon, 1756) La puceuse ( ea)Oil on canvas79,5 x 63,5 cmProvenance : Previous collection Madame ...

Jean-Baptiste PILLEMENT (1728 Lyon - 1808 Lyon) The Castaways Signed lower left Oil canvas 29 x 37 cm A rocky coast in a storm represented with n...

Giacomo GUARDI (1764-1835), Attributed to The Rialto bridge Oil on canvas 20,5 x 26 cm Three different labels on the stretcher attributing the w...

Leopold FERTBAUER (1802-1875) Portrait Lady Red Shawl and Portrait of a Gentleman Oil on panel laid down on panel One signed lower right (the gen...

BONNART, MARIETTE, TROUVAIN etc. Portraits of Politicians, Noblemen and Royal Families in France - 42 engravings, 1690-1720 engraving and waterco...

АRNOULT, BONNART, MARIETTE, TROUVAIN etc. Louis XIV and his family 17 engravings, 1690-1720 engraving and watercolour on paper heightened with go...

Philiberty-Louis DEBUCOURT (1755- 1832) La Rose mal defendue (The Poorly Defended Rose), 1791 Engraving 60 x 44 cm Bibliography: Fenaille, Mauric...

DUCLOS, INGOUF, SIMONET after paintings by BAUDUIN and FREUDENBERGER Boudoir scenes, End of XVIII century 3 engravings 37 x 27cm 40 x 28 cm 50 x ...

Napoleon and Napoleonic Wars(Two battles engravings : Abensberg and Madrid bombing),Beginning of XIX century 3 engravings60 x50 cm 30 x 40 cm

G. J. MULLER after Joseph Siffred DUPLESSIS King Louis XVI Engraving End of XVIII century Engraved in Nuremberg just after king’s death

Marcantonio FRANCESCHINI (1648 - 1729) Sketches of gures and groups for the picture “Venus observing the sleeping with Nymphs and Putti” which is...
