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PRINCE PLATON ZOUBOV (1767-1822) The last favourite of the Empress Catherine II, a member of the conspiracy against the Emperor Paul I HANDWRITT...

NICHOLAS I, the emperor of All Russia (1796 - 1855) DECREE on the award of Egor Moller to the rank of Major-General. St. Petersburg, 1854. Signa...

Document pertaining to the Chapter of the Russian Imperial and Royal Orders under signature of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and Count Woldemar ...


Grigore Alexandru Ghica (1807-1857) The document on a stamped letterhead. Moldavian principality, the middle of the XIX century. The of cial seal ...

CATHERINE II The Great 1729-1796. Empress of Russia. Aut. Letter. Signed to General Friedrich-Wilhelm Bauer. S.l., 9 March 1771. 1 pp. dual-lea et...


Emperor of Russia Alexander II, Emperor of Russia Alexander III, Empress Maria Fedorovna, Emperor NICHOLAS II 8 postcards with the Tsar's House ...

PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION of princess Yusupova. Written prescription from the Tsarskoye Selo City Phar- macy of A. Deringer for an ointment for Prince...

MARIE FEDOROVNA MARIE FEDOROVNA, born Princess of Denmark (1847-1928) Wife of Czar Alexandre III, mother of Nicolas II, empress-consort. Signed au...

Emperor NICHOLAS II (1868-1918) Chromolithography with the dedication of Baron Alexander Korff to Baron Alexander Lvovich Fredericks Paris 1/19 Oc...

Prince Demidov Presentation card 6,2 x 10,7 смКНЯЗЬ ДЕМИДОВВизитная карточка6,2 x 10,7 см

[Grand Duchess Olga Konstantinovna, Autograph]. From day to day. Extracts from Lermontov's works for every day.Saint-Petersburg, 1886, 28.5 cm.Вел...

Empress Maria Fedorovna (1847-1928) 2 envelopes and 1 page with coat of arms. ИМПЕРАТРИЦА МАРИЯ ФЕДОРОВНА 2 КОНВЕРТА И ПИСЬМЕННЫЙ ЛИСТ С ЛИЧНЫМ...

Program of the Representation given in honour of their Royal Highnesses, the Emperor and Empress of Russia, at Versailles, on 8 October 1896. 1 pp...

Menu and program of a reception with the Kremlin fanfare on 17June 1900. 2 ff. in-8 under a blue silk ribbon, large original blue waterco- lour, p...

Program of the Russian Ballet. Tzarskoïe Selo, May 1902. 3 pp. bi-lea et grand in-4, illustrated cover by Golovine. Detail of the programme for t...

Menu for the of cial visit of the Tsar.23 May 1802. 2 ff. on 2 dual lea ets in-4, illustrated coversLuncheon on 23 May 1902 offered by Czar Nicola...

2 Menus. Septembre 1901.• Luncheon menu for 18 September 1901, during the of cial visit of Czar Nicolas II and the Czarina in Dunkerque. 2 pp. gra...

Prince Felix Yusupov (1887-1967), 3 manuscript pages of the memoir project by Felix Yusupov, Hotel St. Regis New-York.КНЯЗЬ ФЕЛИКС ЮСУПОВ (1887-1...

Empress Maria Fedorovna 2 envelopes with monograms, 1 written page.ИМПЕРАТРИЦА МАРИЯ ФЕДОРОВНА2 конверта и 1 письменный лист.Маленький конверт с...

Count Harald Karlovich (1885-1966) , Sovereign Grand Prince Kirill Vladimirovich1922, Munich, 31p. and 2p. Photo with family tree. The author is a...

A student memorial book, 1811-1929, Paris, Association of students of the Imperial Lyceum in France, 1929, 174 [3] p.ПАМЯТНАЯ КНИЖКА ЛИЦЕИСТОВ, 18...

Nicholas Nikolaëvitch Grand Duke of RUSSIA (1856-1929). Uncle of Czar Nicolas II, General in Chief of the Imperial Armies and Caucasis. Aut. Let...

UVAROVA, PRASKOVIA SERGEYEVNA (NEE. SHCHERBATOVA, 1840-1924) Countess Russian scientist, historian, archaeologist. LETTER ON A LETTERHEAD OF THE...

YOUSSOUPOFF FELIX PRINCE Avant l’exil 1887-1919. Avec 43 illustrations hors texte et 1 dans le texte, Paris, Plon, 1952, 310 p. In-8°, borché, ...

Nicholas Grigoryevich VOLKONSKY, Prince REPNIN. 1778- 1845. Adoptive son of Prince Repnin, Colonel of the Guards, captured during the battle of A...

KOSSOVICH KAETAN ANDREEVICH (1814-1883) An important book of the Grand-duke Alexander Mikhailovich on Ancient Persian inscriptions. КОССОВИЧ КАЭ...

ИЗ КОЛЛЕКЦИИ Великого Князя Александра Александровича Set of 4 books from the collection of Grand-duke Alexander Alexandrovich • BEAUMARCHAIS,Thé...

[Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich (1857-1905) - the fth son of Alexander II; Mos- cow Governor-General. The spouse of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodo...

[From the library of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich (1847-1909), the third son of Emperor Alexander II and Empress Maria Alexandrovna, younger ...

[From the library of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich (1847-1909), the third son of Emperor Alexander II and Empress Maria Alexandrovna, younger ...

[From the library of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich (1847-1909), the third son of Emperor Alexander II and Empress Maria Alexandrovna, younger ...

Set of four books that belonged to Prince S. V. Kudacheff. (Набор из 5 книг исторического содержания из библиотеки князя Кудашева на французском я...

[From the library of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich (1847-1909), the third son of Emperor Alexan- der II and Empress Maria Alexandrovna, younge...

[From the library of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich (1847-1909), the third son of Emperor Alexander II and Empress Maria Alexandrovna, younger ...

[From the library of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich (1847-1909), the third son of Emperor Alexan- der II and Empress Maria Alexandrovna, younge...

Gebäude der Keiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften nebst der Bibliothec und Kunst-Cammer in St.-Petersburg nach ihrem Grundriss, Aufriss und Du...

Investigation case of the adviser to the Academy of Sciences Schuma- cher. Moscow, University type., 1860, 58 p., 28.5 cm. Semi-leather owner’s co...

Yavorsky S.I. Signs of the coming of the Antichrist and the end of the century. M., 1782. - 1 p. 16.5x11 cm. Illustration, endings are made in the...

FIRST RUSSIAN GENEALOGICAL BOOK The genealogical book of princes and noblemen of Russia and foreigners. Moscow, 1787 [ПЕРВАЯ РУССКАЯ ГЕНЕАЛОГИЧЕ...

Plutarch for adolescence, or Lives of glorious husbands of all nations. From ancient times to this day: with their engraved portraits; / an essay ...

POROCHIN, Semen. A Memorial serving to an histoiry of his Imperial highness grand-duc Paul Petrovitch. St.Pétersbourg, Karl Krey, 1844. 8°, dem...

Anichkov D.S. The initial foundation of algebra, or literal arith- metic, of the Service for the most convenient and speedy calcula- tion of both...

Prince Khilkoff Andrey Yakovlevich (1676-1716) The core of Russian History [...].КНЯЗЬ ХИЛКОВ АНДРЕЙ ЯКОВЛЕВИЧ (1676 — 1716) Ядро Российской Истор...

MALGIN, Timofey Semenovich (1747-1819) The mirror of the Russian sovereigns from the birth of Christ from 862 to 1791 ... SPb .: At the Imperial...

Mikhailovsky - Danilevsky, Alexander Ivanovich (1790 - 1848) Notes from 1814 and 1815. A. Mikhailovsky - DanilevskySt. Petersburg, typography of t...

Russian Hermit or an observer of domestic nature. St. Petersburg, typography of the Imperial Theater, 1817, In two half-leather bindings,with a pr...

S.S. Tatishchev - with autograph. Foreign policy of Emperor Nicholas I. Introduction to the history of foreign relations of Russia in the era of t...

KUTEPOV, Nicolas. THE GRAND-DUCAL AND IMPERIAL HUNT IN RUSSIA IN THE 17TH CENTURY. St. Petersburg: Expedition for the Preparation of Government ...

KUTEPOV, Nicolas. THE GRAND-DUCAL AND IMPERIAL HUNT IN RUSSIA, 10TH TO 16TH CENTURIES. St. Petersburg: Expedition for the Preparation of Governm...

Emperor NICHOLAS I Description of the burial of the blessed memory of Emperor Nicholas I. With the addition of a historical sketch of the burial...

Shishkov A.S. Notes of Admiral A.S. Shishkov. - [SPb, 186-?]. - 150 p .; 16x24 cm. Front typographic cover saved. Minor divorces in the text. At t...

Report on the eleventh award to Count Uvarov, [read in a public meeting of the Academy]. September 25, 1868: SPb .: type. Academy of Sciences., 18...

Reyhelt N.N. Bosphorus and Constantinople: Anatolian coast. In the Russian south : Essays and pictures; Black Sea / Traveler (N. Lender). 1892. -...

KOTOSHIKHIN Grigory Karpovich (1630-1667) Abus Russian during the reign of Aleksey Mikhailovich, 2nd edition, St. Petersburg, Eduard Pratz, in-4...

The court almanac for 1858. Придворный альманах на 1858. СПб.: тип. Имп. Академии наук, [б.г.]. XXXIX, 232 с.; 16х12 см. В изящном полукожаном пе...

Prince GAGARIN Grigory Collection of Byzantine and Old Russian ornaments, collected and painted by the prince Gr. Gagarin S-Pb: Chromolithography ...

SCHILDER, Nicolas. Emperor Alexandre I of Russia, his life and his reign. St.Petersburg, A. S. Souvorin, 1897-1898. 4 vol. in-4.ШИЛЬДЕР, Николай ...

[ALEXANDER III] - GOPPE, GERMAN (PUBLISHER). Venchanie Russkikh Gosudarey na tsarstvo. Couronnement des Souverains Russes. Publication: Eduard Gop...
