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THORVALDSEN Bertel (1770-1844), afterA SEVRES BISCUIT PORTRAIT BUST OF TSAR ALEXANDER I. 1826 The rear of the truncation marked «Mas Jt 26 n 1» fo...

August Achilles (1798-1861)Allied troops led by the Emperor Alexander I enter Paris on 21st March 1814. Beginning of XIX c Lithograph. АШИЛЬ, Огюс...

EVANS Richard (after)« Count PLATOFF, Hetman of the Cossacks ». Coloured print. Size 22,5 by 28 cm. Граф М. И. ПЛАТОВ, атаман Донского казачьего в...

[ALEXANDER I] - A volume of over 120 ukazy.Publication: Skt. Peterburg, December 1801 - to June 1802]. An impressive collection of Alexander I’s l...

MAKSHEEV, Fedor Andreyevich. За Веру, Царя и Отечество: Отечественная война 1812 в картинах. [For the Faith, Tsar and Motherland: Patriotic War 1...

The Neva Almanach for the Year 1829.Saint-Petersburg, 1828. Missing several pp. and all plates. Provenance: Andrei Savine. Невский альманах на 182...

GLINKA, Serge.(1776-1847)Le mémorial sur Moscou et les événements a l’étranger de la fin de 1812 jusqu’au milieu de 1815. Avec supplément d’essais...

Russian Artistic Journal edited by Vasily TIMM.St.-Pétersburg : Gretch, 1858. РУССКИЙ ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННЫЙ ЛИСТОК, издаваемый, с высочайшего соизволения...

Russian phrase-book, oder deutsch-russischer Dolmetscher.Halle, zu Christoph Dreissig, s.a. [circa 1810]. Россйиский переводчик, oder deutsch-russ...

[Anatole DEMIDOFF (1812-1870), 1er Prince de SAN DONATO]BARGINET, Alexandre. Le Grenadier de l'île d'Elbe.Paris, Mame et Delaunay-Vallée, 1830. 2 ...

MASSON, Frédéric.Napoléon et les femmes. Paris, Goupil, Manzi, Joyant, 1906. In-4. 303 pp. Broché sous couverture rempliée. Tirage limité à 300 ex...

The 1812 Patriotic War and Russian Society.Moscow, I. Sytin, 1911-1912. 7 vol. in-4°, lavishly illustrated. Beautifully-produced centenary edition...

NICHOLAS II OF RUSSIAwith the Commander of the Chevaliers-gardes Regiment Count MENGDEN and officers of the Regiment at the inauguration of the mo...

[Mstislav DOBOUJINSKY - Eugène LANCERAY - Georges NARBUT] VERECHTCHAGUINE, Vasily.La Caricature russe. St. Pétersburg, 1911-1913. 3 vol. in-4o, be...

УказУказ императора Александра I о возвращении ордена Св. Владимира. 1801 год.

УказУказ Правительствующего Сената поповоду доклада об утрате присяжным Орловской Казенной Палаты Зотовым казенных денег. 1801 год.

УказУказ Правительствующего Сената о разрешении печатания провинциальных Календарей. 1802 год.

APRAXIN Count Fyodor Matveyevich (27 October 1661 – 10November 1728, Moscow)One of the first Russian admirals, governed Estonia and Karelia from 1...


THE YUSUPOV FAMILYREAL ESTATE CASH FLOW FROFILE OF THE YUSUPOVS. Manuscript of [16] pp. in-4o. For the date of October, 30th, 1915. Together with ...

Early XIX century Manuscript Book on Church singing.Bound, size 8 by 6 cm. Contains a little family chronicle of the Ippolitovs starting with 1837...

Order for post-horses delivered to Mr. Tyshkevitch.Saint-Pétersbourg 1860. Annotated by different station masters. Подорожная от имени С.-Петербур...

AUTOGRAPH - EMPRESS ALEXANDRA FEDOROVNA (1872 - 1918) A letter from Reims, where the imperial couple stopped for a visit with military maneuvers....

KUROPATKIN Alexis Nikolaevitch. 1848-1925.Portrait of General Alexis KUROPATKIN. 1903 Photo on post card. INSCRIBED by Kuropatkin to Alexandre Sig...

PRINCE FELIX YUSUPOV (1887 – 1967)КНЯЗЬ ФЕЛИКС ЮСУПОВ (1887 – 1967) Рукописная открытка, адресована барону Раушу (baron Rausch) и конверт. 2 февр....

BELY, Andrei (1880-1934)An extremely important handwritten letter to Solomon Kaplun. 9 June 1923, Torzburg. - 1 p. in-4o. In Russian. Provenance: ...

KHODASEVICH, Vladislav (1886-1939)Handwritten letter to Solomon Kaplun. 22 August 1923, Le Cannet. - 1 p. in-8o. In Russian. Provenance: from the ...

GORKY, Maxim (1868-1936)Handwritten letter to Solomon Kaplun. 12 December 1924, Sorrento. - 1 p. in-4o. In Russian. Provenance: from the archive o...

GORKY, Maxim (1868-1936)Handwritten letter to Solomon Kaplun. 20 December 1924, Sorrento. - 1 p. in-4o. In Russian. Provenance : from the archive ...

KAPLUN Solomon (1883-1940)Typed letter to Maxim Gorky. 29 December 1924, Berlin. - 1 p. in-4o. In Russian. Provenance : from the archive of the ed...

TCHEREPNINE Nicolas (1873-1945) Compositeur, président du Conservatoire Russe. L.S. au Conseil paroissial de l’Église Russe de Saint Serge. 28 av...

TUROVEROV, Nikolas Nikolayevich (1899 - 1972).Autograph. Two pages, presumably from the notebook "Day after day”, 28.5 cm, graphite and red pencil...

DENIKIN, Anton Ivanovitch, general. 1872-1947.Handwritten letter to General Nicolas STOGOFF (1873- 1959). Paris, 25 May 1933. ДЕНИКИН, Антон Ивано...

TUROVEROV, Nikolas Nikolayevich (1899 - 1972)Autograph of a poem. 1 page,. 10 x 10.3 cm, graphite pencil, 1944 ТУРОВЕРОВ, Николай Николаевич (1899...

TUROVEROV, Nikolas Nikolayevich (1899 - 1972)A selection of two letters from A.N. Turoverov to his brother N.N. Turoverov. ТУРОВЕРОВ, Александр Ни...

DOLINOV (KOTLYAR) Anatoly Ivanovich (1869-1945) [attributed]Manuscript of several pastiche theatre pieces «on life of the Russian exiles in France...

REMIZOV, Alexis Mikhailovitch (1877-1957)Manuscript letter to Korneï Tchoukovski. 16 September 1909, Saint-Petersburg. - 1 p. in-8o. In Russian. P...

REMIZOV, Alexis Mikhailovitch (1877-1957)Autograph / Olya. Paris, ed. "Vol", 1927, 344 p., 19 cm. Dedicatory inscription and autograph: "Lydia Ale...

REMIZOV, Alexis Mikhailovitch (1877-1957)Autograph. Stella Maria Maris. Paris, ed. Ymca Press, 1928, 79 c., 24 cm. Provenance: Prince Lvov, Lolliu...

REMIZOV, Alexis Mikhailovitch (1877-1957)La Maison Bourkov (Sceurs en Croix). Paris: Editions du Pavois, 1946. INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR TO PIERRE A...

REMIZOV, Alexis Mikhailovitch (1877-1957)The dancing demon. Dance and word. Paris, ed. author, 1949, 108 p, 23 cm., cover in two colors. Calligrap...

PLESCHEEFF, Alexandre. My time. Paris, 1939. ПЛЕЩЕЕВ, Александр Алексеевич (1858-1944) Мое время. Париж, 1939. - 172 с.; 19 см. - Составной влад....

Serge Lifar/Jean CocteauCollection de peintures de nos jours appartenant à Serge Lifar : avec les préfaces de Jean Cocteau ... [et al.]. Paris : É...

Portrait of Serge LIFAR.Paris, 1942. Photographic print by Harcourt. 24 х 18,2 cm. Inscribed by Serge Lifar: «A Louis Morot / amicalement / Serge ...

LIFAR, Serge. Serge de Diaghilev: sa vie, son oeuvre, sa légende. Monaco, Éditions du Rocher, 1954. INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR TO PIERRE REY. ЛИФАРЬ...

Portrait of Alexander III. Photography on enamel. Cabinet format. ПОРТРЕТ АЛЕКСАНДРА III Фотография на эмали Ок. 1892/1896 гг. 17,5 х 13,5 см

Portrait du Compte Felix Soumarokov-Elston, Prince Youssoupoff. Cadre. Poincon titre: 84, Saint-Petersbourg, 1908. Diam. 9 cm. Граф Феликс СУМАРО...

NICOLAS ALEXANDROVITCH of RUSSIACabinet photo by Levitsky. Provenance: Ferdinand Thormeyer (1858-1944), teacher of the children of the tsar Портре...

NICOLAS ALEXANDROVITCH of RUSSIACabinet photo by Levitsky. Provenance: Ferdinand Thormeyer (1858-1944), teacher of the children of the tsar Alexan...

NICOLAS ALEXANDROVITCH of RUSSIACabinet photo by Wilhelm Lampre. SIGNED AND DATED BY THE TSAREVITCH: «Nicolas 1890». Provenance : Ferdinand Thorme...

NICOLAS II of RUSSIACabinet photo by Levitsky. Provenance : Ferdinand Thormeyer (1858-1944), teacher of the children of the tsar Alexandre IIIПорт...

EMPEROR NICHOLAS II (1868 - 1918)Portrait in the officer's uniform of the Imperial Army. Photographer's signature below De Jongh Frère (1880-1903)...

LEVITSKY Serge Lvovich (1819-1898) Павел Александрович ДЕМИДОВ (1869-1935) Погрудный портрет князя Павла Александровича Демидова в форме младшего...

Felix Yusupov (1887 – 1967) ФЕЛИКС ЮСУПОВ (1887 – 1967) Портрет с собакой на ступенях. Оригинальный серебряный фото отпечаток эпохи. Ок.1930 г. 2...

In Novocthekassk, the capital of the Don Cossacks.Collection of 12 snapshot photos taken by Grand Duchess Olga’s lady in waiting showing views of ...

IRINA ALEXANDROVNA, Princesse Youssoupoff (1895-1970)ИРИНА АЛЕКСАНДРОВНА ЮСУПОВА (1896 – 1970) Портрет с любимой кошкой на стене в саду. Sainte-Ge...

IRINA ALEXANDROVNA, Princesse Youssoupoff (1895-1970) ИРИНА АЛЕКСАНДРОВНА ЮСУПОВА (1896 – 1970) Портрет княжны за вязанием. Оригинальный серебрян...

ЕРМАКОВ, Д. Е. [ERMAKOV, D.E.].[Photographs of Northern Caucasus and Crimea]. Publication : [ca.1880]. Important group of 40 photographs by this p...

NICOLAS Nicolaevitch of Russia. 1856-1929. Cabinet photo. 1925. SIGNED AND DATED BY THE GRAND DUKE (in Russian). A postcard depicting the same is...

[BALTIC] - BEHRMANN, A. [Riga: Collection of 18 photographs]. Publication: Adolph Freyberg and August Lyra, Riga, [ca.1880]. Pleasant group of ph...
