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Russian Art

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The Diaghilev-Lifar Library : Sotheby Parke Bernet Monaco S.A. London, 1975. 4o, cartonage d’editeur, nombr.ill. БИБЛИОТЕКА ДЯГИЛЕВА – ЛИФАРЯ : А...

WALTER Christophe Fr. Les Elzevir de la Bibliothèque Impériale Publique de St.Pétersbourg. St.Pétersbourg, 1864. ВАЛЬТЕР, Федор Андреевич (18...

GHENNADY, Gregoire. Russian rare books. Saint-Petersburg, 1872. Bound together with two other works on bibliography by the same author. Very rare...

BITOVT, Yuri. Rare Russian books and ephemera of the XVIII century. Reprint of . БИТОВТ, Юрий Юлианович. Редкие русские книги и летучие издания ...

SEMENNIKOV, Vladimir. Russian bibliography of the XVIII century. Petrograd, 1915. СЕМЕННИКОВ, Владимир Петрович (1885-1936) Русская библиография ...

LIBROVIC, Sigmund. Haarlem’s Pride. An episode from the history of printing. Petrograd, 1915.ЛИБРОВИЧ, Сигизмунд Феликсович (1855-1918) Гордость ...

Lot of two Russian émigré catalogues. Paris and Berlin, 1929, 1931. ДВА КАТАЛОГА эпохи русской эмиграции: 1) Каталог по беллетристике. - Париж...

PAUL I, Emperor of Russia. 1754-1801. An entirely handwritten letter to Duke Eugen of Württemberg Gatchina, 1796. 1 p. in-4o. In French. Origina...

MARIA Feodorovna (née Duchess Sophie Dorothea of Württemberg), Empress consort of Russia. 1759-1828. An entirely handwritten letter to her aunt...

MARIA FeodMARIA Feodorovna (née Duchess Sophie Dorothea of Württemberg), Empress consort of Russia. 1759-1828.orovna (née Duchess Sophie Doroth...

ALEXANDRE Ier de Russie. 1777-1825. Nesselrode Karl Robert von. 1780-1862.Patent of the appointment of don Antonio Buenaventura Gassó, well-known...

NICHOLAS I of Russia. 1796-1855.Letter to Сount Michel Worontsoff (1782-1856)St. Petersburg, 17 May 1854НИКОЛАЙ I Павлович (1796-1855), Император...

Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich of Russia. 1798-1849.Letter to Christian Weiss. St. Petersburg, 5/17 December 1831МИХАИЛ ПАВЛОВИЧ (1798-1849), Велики...

Certi cat de la Societe imperiale de philanthropie. Attribué à Oscar BachrachLithographie en couleurs. Saint-Pétersbourg, octobre 1898. 46,5 x ...

Shchegolev, Pavel Eliseevich (1877-1931)Original typescript drafts of Shchegolev’s manuscript on Russian secret political and literary organizatio...

PERSONAL ARCHIVE OF TERESA FEODOROVNA RIES(30 January / 11 February 1866 (Budapest) - 1956 (France?).The archive includes numerous photographs, co...

The Holy Martyr Archimandrite Veniamin. Autograph.Views of the Stauropegial Solovetsky Monastery.Moscow, publisher A. Roerich, an album with 25 ph...

A SELECTION OF THE BAGRATINI-MUKHRANI CORRESPONDENCE.12 handwrtitten letters, various places, 1922-1934.БАГРАТИОНЫ-Мухранские: ПЕРЕПИСКА.Подборка ...


Lagadovsky, Boris Arkadevich [Autograph]3rd Imperial Highness Grand Prince, George MikhailovichLife Guards Equestrian Artillery 1817 - 1917.Paris,...

ARCHIVE Savin, Vladimir Vladimirovich - owner of Russian restaurants - cabaret: "Fetish" -"Maskotte" in Constantinople; «Jardin doré» in Constant...

Sergei Georgievich, 8th Duke of Leuchtenberg (1890 - 1974).Manuscript, black ink, corrections in blue ink and red pencil, 7p., 27.5 x 21.5 cm.Golo...

Buymistrov, Vladimir Vladimirovich (W.W. Bouimistrow) (1882 - 1948)A letter to Sergei Georgievich, 8th Duke of Leuchtenberg.9 company letter heade...

Sergei Georgievich Romanovsky, 8th Duke of Leuchtenberg (1890 -1974).A mauscript, consisting of :(1) Diary, 1914, black ink.(2). Tractatus: Cruise...

Sergei Georgievich, 8th Duke of Leuchtenberg (1890 - 1974).The idea of the International Monarchical Union.Manuscript, autograph, iron gall ink, 6...

Sergei Georgievich, 8th Duke of LeuchtenbergQuestionnaire of the French consulate in Rome, lled in by DukeS.G. Romanovsky, for his French Visa 28....

LUSHEV, Andrey. (1823-?)Peter the Great and his acolytes. Historical album.Saint-Petersburg, 1872.— 12°. Beautiful binding. ЛУШЕВ, Андрей Михайл...

Carl BULLA (1855-1929)The Izmaylovsky Regiment. Military exercise in Krasnoe Selo.16 x 23 cm. Photographer’s label (on the reverse)БУЛЛА, Карл Кар...

[C A U C A S U S , C E N T R A L A S I A A N D T U R K E Y - Album of Photographs].Publication: 1904.Album (28 x 38 cm) containing 197 silver prin...

BENOIS, WILLIAM CARRICK, PASCAL SEBAH, J. MONSTEIN, PIERRE PETIT AND OTHERSRussian types.Publication: [c. 1870-80].Fourteen albumen prints (dimens...

VIEWS OF MOSCOWAlbum of 24 coloured views (photolithographies) of Moscow by B.AVANZO ВИДЫ МОСКВЫ.Москва: Аванцо, конец XIX – начало ХХ в. Альбом и...

Private album with photographs of the SHEVICFinland, circa 1913. 46 photographic prints (9 x 9 cm), album (26 x 15 cm) Inscribed in French. СЕМЕЙ...

Arbatskaya Square cinema "Khudozhestvenny"May 1, 1932 Vintage silver print, 18 x 22.3 cm. Арбатская площадь кинотеатр «Художественный» 1-е мая 19...

Lebedev, Alexander Timofeevich (1868-1943).Zachatievsky Monastery in Moscow. 1931Vintage silver print. On the reverse, the abstract by Lebe- dev's...

Lebedev, Alexander Timofeevich. Palace of Soviets - preparation of the place.Vintage silver print 11.7 x 16 cm.Лебедев, Александр Тимофеевич.Дворе...

Festive decoration of Kazan andOktyabrsky railway stations in Moscow by May 1, 1932.Two vintage silver prints, 16.5 x 19.5; 15.7 x 18 cm.Праздничн...

Moore, Dmitry Stakhievich (present Orel, 1883-1957).Registration for the holiday on May 1, 1932, thebuilding of the Moscow Art Theater.Two vintage...

Moore, Dmitry Stakhievich(present-day Orlov, 1883-1957).May Day decoration. Manezh, Moscow,1932 Two vintage silver prints,14.2 x 19.7; 22.5 x 14.5...

Moore, Dmitry Stakhievich (present Orel, 1883-1957)May Day decoration. Manezh, Moscow, 1932Two vintage silver prints14.7 x 21.3; 8.2 x 11 cm.Liter...

GREENBERG, Alexander (Abram) Danilovich (1885-1979).NudeVintage silver print, the 30s, 17.5 x 9.5 cm, annotation on the back: «From the Archive of...

GREENBERG, Alexander (Abram) Danilovich (1885-1979).NudeVintage silver print, 30s, 11 x 14 cm, annotated on the back: «From the archive of A.D. Gr...

GREENBERG, Alexander (Abram) Danilovich (1885 - 1979)Nude.Vintage silver print, 30s, 11 x 5.3 cm, annotated on the back: «From the archive of A.D....

GREENBERG, Alexander (Abram) Danilovich (1885-1979).NudeVintage silver print, 30s, 13 х 14,5 см, annotated on the back: «From the archive of A.D. ...

Hotel Metropol in Moscow in 1966.Five prints, resample, 28 x 39.2 cm. The pictures are dated based on the billboard for S. Yutkevich’s lm, «Lenin ...

BERGOLTZEV LeonidThe kiss34 x 27 cm.БЕРГОЛЬЦЕВ, Леонид Ефимович ( p.1932)Поцелуй.Тираж на альбумин. бум., 34 х 27 см., паспарту, на планшете с об...

Korin, Pavel Dmitrievich - (1892 - 1967).vintage silver print, 27.5 x 25 cm.Plastov, Arkady Alexandrovich - (1893 - 1972).vintage silver print, 31...

Trial imprint MEDALS in Memory of POLTAVA BATTLE, June 27, 1709 g., in a series of medals in the events of the Northern War. St. Petersburg Mint. ...

JETON «In memory of the entry into Paris 1814.»Bronze, silveringMedal of I.T.Stitner. Signiture under the portrait: « STETTNER · F: ».ЖЕТОН «В пам...

JETON 1801 «In memory of the coronation ofEmperor Alexander I».SilverЖЕТОН 1801 г. «В память коронации Императора Александра I».СереброЛитература:...

MEDAL in memory of the Russian - Japanese War of 1904-1905.BronzeRussia, private workshop, early XX century.МЕДАЛЬ в память Русско - японской вои...

MEDAL in memory of the Russian - Japanese War of 1904-1905. Bronze Russia, private workshop, early XX century. МЕДАЛЬ в память Русско - японской...

MEDAL "For Diligence""Portrait Nicholas II." Medalist A.F. Vasyutinsky Silver. Russia, private workshop, early XX century.МЕДАЛЬ "За Усердие"Л.ст....

SIGN on the completion of the Institute of Railway Engineers Approved on June 18, 1866Silver. Hallmarks: Workshop D.I. Osipova, Saint - Petersburg...

SIGN for the Konstantinovsky artillery School in Saint - PetersburgApproved on December 23 1906. Bronze, gilding, enamelRussia, the beginning of X...

Miniature SIGN for the Konstantinovsky artillery School in Saint - Petersburg.Approved on December 23 1906. Bronze, gilding, enamelRussia, the beg...

PIN in the form of secondary state emblem of the Russian empire. Silver. Emigration, until 1988.ЗНАЧОК в виде среднего государственного герба Росс...

Miniature SIGN on the ending of Kievsky commercial Institute. Approved on 1 May 1915 Silver, gilding, enamel. Hallmarks: female head in a kokoshni...

Aleksei Mikhailovich, 1645-1676Rouble, Novodel, ND (1654)Ref: KM.NAA2 NGC MS63. RareАлексей Михайлович (1645-1676)Рубль, Новодел, ND (1654)Ref: ...

Peter The Great, 1682-1725Rouble, Moscow, 1720 K, AG 28.2 gRef : KM#157.4 VF/EFПетр I (1682 - 1725)Рубль, Москва 1720 K, AG 28.2 gRef : KM#157.4 V...

Peter The Great, 1682-1725Rouble, Moscow, 1721, AG 29.15 gRef : KM#157.5, Dav. 1655 EFПетр I (1682 - 1725)Рубль, Москва, 1721, AG 29.15 gRef : KM#...
