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Wallplate and leaf dishMeissen, pattern "Deutsche Blume", swordmarks, dish with grindmarks, D (
Wallplate and leaf dishMeissen, pattern "Deutsche Blume", swordmarks, dish with grindmarks, D (plate) 26cmWandteller und Blattschale, MeissenDekor...
Lot mocca cups KPM-Berlin, 20th C., "Neuozier"-relief, gilt vine decoration, 8 cups and 9 saucers,
Lot mocca cups KPM-Berlin, 20th C., "Neuozier"-relief, gilt vine decoration, 8 cups and 9 saucers, sceptre and orb mark, H (cup) 6,5cmKonvolut Mok...
3 cachepots, KPM-Berlin 20th C., design Siegmund Schütz, 1935, 2 showing portraits of Hölderlin
3 cachepots, KPM-Berlin 20th C., design Siegmund Schütz, 1935, 2 showing portraits of Hölderlin and Mozart respectively, H: 14cm, signs of age, 1 ...
Lot porcelain Herend, Hungary, 20th C., 2 pcs, lidded jar and shoe ornament, L: 8,5-10,5cm, slight
Lot porcelain Herend, Hungary, 20th C., 2 pcs, lidded jar and shoe ornament, L: 8,5-10,5cm, slight signs of useKonvolut Porzellan, Herend, Ungarn,...
Wall plate Meissen, ca. 1900, underglaze blue "Zwiebelmuster", sword mark with grindmark, D: 20cm,
Wall plate Meissen, ca. 1900, underglaze blue "Zwiebelmuster", sword mark with grindmark, D: 20cm, slight signs of useWandteller, Meissen, Dekor Z...
Wall plate Royal Copenhagen, Denmark, 20th C., decor "Blaue Blume", D: 24cm, signs of useWandteller,
Wall plate Royal Copenhagen, Denmark, 20th C., decor "Blaue Blume", D: 24cm, signs of useWandteller, Royal Copenhagen, Dänemark, Dekor "Blaue Blum...
3 plates, Meissen ca. 1900, floral decoration, sword mark, D: 21cm, min. signs of age3 Teller,
3 plates, Meissen ca. 1900, floral decoration, sword mark, D: 21cm, min. signs of age3 Teller, Meissen, Streublümchen-Dekor, Knaufzeitauf der Fahn...
Vase Royal Copenhagen, Denmark, 20th C., landscape and figure decoration, modell No. 4384, H: 25,
Vase Royal Copenhagen, Denmark, 20th C., landscape and figure decoration, modell No. 4384, H: 25,5cm, min. signs of ageVase, Royal Copenhagen, Dän...
Empire tazza kaiserliche Manufaktur Wien (Vienna), 1815, gold decoration, marked, impressed No. "
Empire tazza kaiserliche Manufaktur Wien (Vienna), 1815, gold decoration, marked, impressed No. "815" and "25", HxD: 11,5x16cm, minor chips, poss....
8 plates Berlin Design, 20th C., each with motif after Salvador Dalí, D: 19cm, perspex holders8
8 plates Berlin Design, 20th C., each with motif after Salvador Dalí, D: 19cm, perspex holders8 Teller Berlin Design, 20.Jh., variierende Motive n...
3 pierced plates Meissen, ca. 1900, "Watteau" decoration and applied "forget-me-not", D: 26cm3
3 pierced plates Meissen, ca. 1900, "Watteau" decoration and applied "forget-me-not", D: 26cm3 Durchbruchteller, Meissen, um 1900Watteau-Szenen, a...
Lidded goblet Thuringa, ca. 1900, painted with mythological scene, H: 38cm, gold slightly wornDeckelpokalThüringen, um 1900, mythologische Szene, ...
Vase Design Ludwig Zepner for Meissen, 1970s, porcelain, sword marks, 3 grind marks, H: 24cm, foot
Vase Design Ludwig Zepner for Meissen, 1970s, porcelain, sword marks, 3 grind marks, H: 24cm, foot chipped, slight signs of useVase, Ludwig Zepner...
Dish Meissen, 20th C., floral decoration, sword mark, 4 grind marks, L: 19cmAnbiet-Schale, Meissenpassige Form, Dekor Deutsche Blume, 20. Jh., im ...
Dish Meissen, 20th C., porcelain, sword marks, 4 grind marks, D: 18,5cm, base with minor chipAnbiet-Schale, Meissen Weißporzellan, runde Form mit ...
Vase Meissen, 20th C., floral decoration, sword marks, grind mark, H: 17cm, slight signs of useTrompetenvase, MeissenDekor Deutsche Blume, Porzell...
Pair of vases Meissen, 20th C., floral- and gilt decoration, sword marks, H: 14cm, minor signs of
Pair of vases Meissen, 20th C., floral- and gilt decoration, sword marks, H: 14cm, minor signs of agePaar Trichtervasen, Meissen, Dekor Deutsche B...
Vase Meissen, 20th C., underglaze blue bird- and rock decoration, sword mark, H: 19cm, minor signs
Vase Meissen, 20th C., underglaze blue bird- and rock decoration, sword mark, H: 19cm, minor signs of useVase, Meissen, Blaumalerei20. Jh., gebauc...
Vase Meissen, 20th C., floral decoration, sword mark, grind mark, H: 21cm, signs of useVase, Meissen, Dekor Deutsche Blume20. Jh., auf rundem Stan...
Nude figurinedesign Elly Strobach for Royal Dux, 20th C., kneeling female nude, No. to base, H 15,
Nude figurinedesign Elly Strobach for Royal Dux, 20th C., kneeling female nude, No. to base, H 15,5cmKniender weiblicher Aktfarbig staffiert, Entw...
Relief plaque Bing & Gröndahl, late 19th C., after Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844), bisque, D: 29,
Relief plaque Bing & Gröndahl, late 19th C., after Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844), bisque, D: 29,5cm, slight signs of ageReliefplakette, Bing & Gr...
"Hentschelkind" boy with cupdesign Konrad Hentschel (1872, Cölln-1907, Meissen) for Meissen, after
"Hentschelkind" boy with cupdesign Konrad Hentschel (1872, Cölln-1907, Meissen) for Meissen, after 1972, porcelain, painted in colours, boy drinki...
Diana on horsebackbisque porcelain, design Ludwig Tischler for Pirkenhammer, ca. 1920/30, base
Diana on horsebackbisque porcelain, design Ludwig Tischler for Pirkenhammer, ca. 1920/30, base marked "L. Tischler" and "Diana", stamped "Pirkenha...
Ariadne and the Pantherbisque porcelain, Scheibe-Alsbach, after Johann Heinrich von Dannecker,
Ariadne and the Pantherbisque porcelain, Scheibe-Alsbach, after Johann Heinrich von Dannecker, 20th C., manufacturers mark Scheibe-Alsbach and mod...
Lion Nymphenburg, 2nd half 20th C., porcelain, original box, marked, H: 9,5cm, tail restored, some
Lion Nymphenburg, 2nd half 20th C., porcelain, original box, marked, H: 9,5cm, tail restored, some glue residueLöwe, Porzellan, Nymphenburg, in Or...
Star sign figurine KPM-Berlin, 20th C., boy with fruit filled hat as libra, porcelain, sceptre-
Star sign figurine KPM-Berlin, 20th C., boy with fruit filled hat as libra, porcelain, sceptre- and orb mark, H: 10,5cmSternzeichenfigur KPM-Berli...
Angel choir poss. Sandizell, 20th C., porcelain, H: ca. 15cm, few minor chipsEngelskapelle Weißporzellan, Manufaktur wohl Sandizell, best. aus 6 E...
2 dog figurines design Fritz Diller (1875 Gerthausen - 1946 München) for Rosenthal , ca. 1916,
2 dog figurines design Fritz Diller (1875 Gerthausen - 1946 München) for Rosenthal , ca. 1916, patriot mark 1914-16, L: 9-10cm, 2 paws with min. c...
Reclining Collie Royal Copenhagen, ca. 1970, design Peter Herold, porcelain, marked, modell No. "
Reclining Collie Royal Copenhagen, ca. 1970, design Peter Herold, porcelain, marked, modell No. "1701", pressmark "EA", L: 28cmLiegender CollieEnt...
Art Deco dancer Rosenthal, ca. 1928, design Gustav Oppel, marked, H: 23cmArt Déco TänzerinRosenthal,
Art Deco dancer Rosenthal, ca. 1928, design Gustav Oppel, marked, H: 23cmArt Déco TänzerinRosenthal, um 1928, Porzellan, polychrom bemalt, H 23cm,...
Lady with muff Design Konrad Hentschel for Meissen, ca. 1906, porcelain, sword mark, modell No. "
Lady with muff Design Konrad Hentschel for Meissen, ca. 1906, porcelain, sword mark, modell No. "X104", H: 32cm, feather glued in 2 places Lit: Ju...
Seated siamese cat Royal Copenhagen, 20th C., design Theodor Madsen, porcelain, marked, modell No.
Seated siamese cat Royal Copenhagen, 20th C., design Theodor Madsen, porcelain, marked, modell No. 3281, H: 19,5cmSitzende Siamkatze, Royal Copenh...
Figural group Schierholtz, Plaue, 1st half 20th C., 2 deer, H: 31cm, antler chippedHirschgruppe,
Figural group Schierholtz, Plaue, 1st half 20th C., 2 deer, H: 31cm, antler chippedHirschgruppe, Schierholz, Plaue1.Hälfte 20.Jh., polychrom bemal...
Standing roebuck Design Willi Münch-Khe (1885-1960), Meissen, 20th C., porcelain, sword mark and
Standing roebuck Design Willi Münch-Khe (1885-1960), Meissen, 20th C., porcelain, sword mark and pressmark, H: 17,5cmGrasender Rehbock, MeissenEnt...
2 Cris de Paris figurines Potschappel, 20th C., porcelain, painted in colours, H- 14,5cm, 1 finger
2 Cris de Paris figurines Potschappel, 20th C., porcelain, painted in colours, H- 14,5cm, 1 finger chipped2 Cris de Paris Figuren Potschappel, 20....
2 figural groups german, 20th C., porcelain, marked, H: 14-25cm, minor chips2 Figurengruppen deutsch, 20.Jh., Weißporzellan, Ziegenhirtin bzw. Kin...
Frederick the Great Sitzendorf, 20th C., porcelain, marked, H: 23,5cm, walking cane missingAlter
Frederick the Great Sitzendorf, 20th C., porcelain, marked, H: 23,5cm, walking cane missingAlter Fritz Sitzendorf, 20.Jh., auf ovalem Sockel, Frie...
Figural group Sitzendorf, 20th C., porcelain, painted in colours, marked, H: 20cm, minor chipsFigurengruppe Sitzendorf, 20.Jh., auf Rocaillesockel...
Dancer with sphere Design Carl Werner for Hutschenreuther, ca. 1960, porcelain, H: 22,5cmKugelspielerin, Carl Werner für Hutschenreuther, Kunstabt...
Reclining elephant Allach, 1933-45, porcelain, marked, illegible pressNo., H: 7cmHockender Elefant, Allach1933-45, gemarkt, PressNr. unleserlich, ...
Playing bear cubs Allach, 1933-45, porcelain, marked, H: 11,5cm, minor glaze defectSpielende Bärenjunge, Allach1933-45, Weißporzellan, gemarkt, H:...
Reclining dachshund Allach, 1933-45, porcelain, pressmarks, L: ca. 18cm, 1 ear restored, discoloured
Reclining dachshund Allach, 1933-45, porcelain, pressmarks, L: ca. 18cm, 1 ear restored, discoloured and crackedLiegender Dackel, Allach1933-45, E...
Standing goat Allach, 1933-45, porcelain, pressmark, no. "108", H: 15cm, extensively restored,
Standing goat Allach, 1933-45, porcelain, pressmark, no. "108", H: 15cm, extensively restored, discolouredStehendes Zicklein, Allach 1933-45, Weiß...
Standing elephant Allach, 1933-45, porcelain, marked, No. "3", H: 7cm, trunk and 1 leg glued/
Standing elephant Allach, 1933-45, porcelain, marked, No. "3", H: 7cm, trunk and 1 leg glued/repairedStehendes Elefantenjunges, Allach 1933-45, W...
Dinner-service fr 8 PersonsKPM Berlin, Neuozier with gold vine decoration, 38 pcs, small oval
Dinner-service fr 8 PersonsKPM Berlin, Neuozier with gold vine decoration, 38 pcs, small oval plate nonmatching, sceptre and orb mark, L (meatplat...
Dinner-serviceBing&Gröndahl, Denmark, 20th C, pattern "Elegance", sehorse-handles, 42 pcs, L (
Dinner-serviceBing&Gröndahl, Denmark, 20th C, pattern "Elegance", sehorse-handles, 42 pcs, L (meatplate) 40,5cm, marked to base, min. signs of use...
Lot porcelain Meissen, pattern "Zwiebelmuster", 1 oval plate, ca. 1860, dish, ca. 1860, candlestick,
Lot porcelain Meissen, pattern "Zwiebelmuster", 1 oval plate, ca. 1860, dish, ca. 1860, candlestick, 20th C., swordmarks with grindmarks, L (plate...
Mocca-service for 6 Persons, Meissen, 20th C.,"Neuer Ausschnitt", pattern "Deutsche Blume", 17
Mocca-service for 6 Persons, Meissen, 20th C.,"Neuer Ausschnitt", pattern "Deutsche Blume", 17 pcs, swordmarks with grindmarks, H: 16,5cm (coffeep...
Coffee service Meissen, 20th C., 25 pcs, red rose decoration, sword marks, grind marks, D: 28cm (
Coffee service Meissen, 20th C., 25 pcs, red rose decoration, sword marks, grind marks, D: 28cm (cake plate)Kaffeeservice für 6 Personen, Meissen,...
Extensive coffee/tea service Design Björn Wiinblad for Rosenthal, 20th C., decor "Quatre Couleurs", 109 pcs, 2 coffee pots (1x glue residue), 2 te...
Coffee service Herend, Hungary, 20th C., decor "Apponyi", 24 pcs, coffee pot, 2 creamer, varying
Coffee service Herend, Hungary, 20th C., decor "Apponyi", 24 pcs, coffee pot, 2 creamer, varying sizes (1x damage to handle), 1 sugar basin, 6 cak...
Lidded box possibly German, late 19th C., earthenware, Renaissance-style, 15x24,5x13cm, some chipsDeckeldose wohl deutsch, Ende 19.Jh./um 1900, im...
Pair of Art Nouveau vases poss. Belgium, ca. 1900, ovoid body, brown/green glaze, 2 small handles,
Pair of Art Nouveau vases poss. Belgium, ca. 1900, ovoid body, brown/green glaze, 2 small handles, pressmark "313", H: 25cmPaar Jugendstil-Vasen w...
Globe vase German, ca. 1960, grey/white glaze, geometric decoration, D: 25cmKugelvase deutsch, um
Globe vase German, ca. 1960, grey/white glaze, geometric decoration, D: 25cmKugelvase deutsch, um 1960, braun/grau Glasur mit weiß/gelb/schwarzem ...
Art-Nouveau-vase France, ca. 1900, figural relief, HxW: 19x28,5cm, hairline crack to footJugendstil-Vase Frankreich, um 1900, reliefplastischer Fi...
Silver-Overlay-Vase Friedrich Wilhelm Spahr, ca. 1940, H: ca. 15cm, signs of ageSilver-Overlay-
Silver-Overlay-Vase Friedrich Wilhelm Spahr, ca. 1940, H: ca. 15cm, signs of ageSilver-Overlay-Vase Friedrich Wilhelm Spahr, um 1940, auf Rundfuß,...
Art-Nouveau bowl poss. Belgium, ca. 1900, oval, L: 25cm, signs of useJugendstil-Schale wohl Belgien,
Art-Nouveau bowl poss. Belgium, ca. 1900, oval, L: 25cm, signs of useJugendstil-Schale wohl Belgien, um 1900, gebauchte Ovalform, braun/blaue Lauf...
Wood grouse Konakova Fayence Factory, Russia, 20th C:, earthenware, marked, H: ca. 32cm, glaze
Wood grouse Konakova Fayence Factory, Russia, 20th C:, earthenware, marked, H: ca. 32cm, glaze cracks, minor chip to baseAuerhahn Konakovo Fayence...
Mythological figurine Volkstedter Porzellanfabrik Richard Eckert & Co, ca. 1900, porcelain, painted in colours, marked, H: 20cmMythologische Figur...
Large Art-Deco vase Villeroy & Boch, Dresden, ca. 1935, stylized flower decoration, marked, earthenware, H: 44cm, minor chip to footGroße Art-Deco...