Antique, Scientific and Technical Instruments

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Antique, Scientific and Technical Instruments

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243 items
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A Tesla Coil (Primary and Secondary) Built by G.B. Schneeberger (1888-1971), Mid-20th Century. One of the 40 tesla coils built by G.B. With a sui...

A Sixty-Turn Open Coil by Queen & Co., Philadelphia, ca. 1900. Capable of being rotated. Coil dimensions: h: 14 1/2 x dia: 1 3/4 in. H: 9 1/2 W...

An Experimental Electric Capacitor, Late 19th/Early 20th Century. Having 5 3/4 inch brass electrodes capable of variable separation and tilt movem...

A Holtz-Toepler Electrostatic Generator by Central Scientific Co., Chicago, Late 19th/Early 20th Century. Having a 12 inch movable plate and 14 in...

A Filar Suspension Electrical Measuring Device by James W. Queen & Co., ca. 1900. Possibly for measuring currents. Numbered 18. H: 18 W: 17 D:...

A Decorative Fragment of an Electrical Demonstration Device, Late 19th/Early 20th Century. Having adjustable feet. H: 13 W: 5 1/4 ins. Proceed...

A Group of Four Demonstration Electrostatic Induction Spheres, Late 19th Century. Two spheres with upper hole leading to the hollow interior to de...

A Model of a Watts Governor on a Max Kohl, A.G. Chemnitz, Instrument Stand, Late 19th/Early 20th Century. Ball diameter: 1.04 inches. H: 13 1/2 ...

An Adjustable Spark Gap or Wireless Oscillator, Early 20th Century. For use with an induction coil as a transmitting station for wireless telegrap...

A Glass Electode PH Meter by Beckman, 20th Century. Model M, serial number 9476. Having instructions.Lacking a 947 and 832 vacuum tube, as well as...

An Electrostatic Induction Demonstration Cylinder, Late 19th Century. Having two pith ball supports. Cylinder dimensions: w: 14 1/2 x dia: 2 in. ...

An Electrostatic Induction Demonstration Cylinder by Knott, Boston, Late 19th Century. Having two pith ball supports. Cylinder dimensions: w: 14 ...

An Experimental Electrostatic Capacitor by Max Kohl, A. G. Chemnitz, Late 19th/Early 20th Century. Coupled to a single-leaf electrometer. H: 9 1/2...

An Electric Egg, Late 19th Century. H: 11 D: 2.32 ins. Proceeds to benefit the Case Western Reserve University Dayton Miller Scholarship Fund....

A Winhurst Electrostatic Generator, Mid-20th Century. Plate dimensions: 9 3/4 in. Base dimensions: h: 16 1/2 x w: 6 in. H: 16 1/2 W: 6 ins. ...

A Quadrant Electrometer, Late 19th/Early 20th Century. H: 14 D: 5 1/2 ins. Proceeds to benefit the Case Western Reserve University Dayton Mill...

A Cenco Synchronous Spark Timer with Power Cord by Central Scientific Co., Chicago, 20th Century. 115v, 60cy, and 120 sparks per second. H: 10 ...

An Astatic Galvanometer, Late 19th/Early 20th Century. H: 9 3/4 D: 7 1/4 ins. Proceeds to benefit the Case Western Reserve University Dayton M...

A Filar Suspended Galvanometer by M.E. Leeds and Co., Philadelphia, Late 19th Century. Having adjustable feet. H: 18 W: 4 1/2 D: 8 ins. ......

An Electric Light Source with Scale Holder and Cord by Hartmann and Braun, Frankfurt, Late 19th/Early 20th Century. Used with a reflecting galvano...

A Mirror Galvanometer, Late 19th/Early 20th Century. H: 28 W: 6 1/4 ins. Proceeds to benefit the Case Western Reserve University Dayton Mille...

An Einthoven Galvanometer, Wire Loop, Late 19th/Early 20th Century. H: 33 W: 3 3/4 D: 9 1/2 ins. Proceeds to benefit the Case Western Reserv...

A D'Arsonval Galvanometer by Queen & Co., ca. 1900. H: 10 3/8 W: 5 5/8 D: 4 ins. Proceeds to benefit the Case Western Reserve University Day...

A Laboratory Mirror Galvanometer by Rubicon Co., Early 20th Century. H: 7 W: 9 3/4 D: 7 1/4 ins. Proceeds to benefit the Case Western Reserv...

A Galvanometer by Rubicon Co., 20th Century. H: 7 3/8 W: 7 D: 10 ins. Proceeds to benefit the Case Western Reserve University Dayton Miller ...

A Wheatstone Bridge with Built-in Tangent Galvanometer by Electric MFG., Troy NY, ca. 1900s. H: 6 3/4 W: 8 3/4 D: 6 1/2 ins. Proceeds to benefit...

A Potentiometer with Built-in Galvanometer, 20th Century. Having provision for an external galvanometer. H: 11 W: 5 1/2 D: 4 1/4 ins. ...[...

A Large Mirror Galvanometer by General Electric, Early 20th Century. Numbered 248. H: 10 W: 14 D: 17 1/2 ins. Proceeds to benefit the Case W...

A Wheatstone Bridge by Thompson-Levering Co., Philadelphia PA, Early 20th Century. Numbered 613. Having built-in galvanometer with original print...

A Wheatstone Bridge with Built-in Tangent Galvanometer by Electric MFG Co., New York, Late 19th/Early 20th Century. H: 6 1/2 W: 8 7/8 D: 6 i...

A Insulation Testing Galvanometer with Instruction Card by Leeds & Northrup Co., Philadelphia, Patented October 1905. In oak case. H: 8 1/2 W: 8...

A D'Arsonval Galvanometer by Leeds & Northrup Co., Philadelphia, Early 20th Century. H: 9 D: 4 3/4 ins. Proceeds to benefit the Case Western R...

A D'Arsonval Galvanometer by Leeds & Northrup Co., Philadelphia, 20th Century. H: 8 1/2 D: 4 3/4 ins. Proceeds to benefit the Case Western Res...

A Galvanometer in Original Box by Leeds & Northrup Co., Philadelphia, Mid-20th Century. H: 4 3/4 W: 3 D: 4 ins. Proceeds to benefit the Case...

A Ballistic Galvanometer by Leeds & Northrup Co., Philadelphia, Early 20th Century. Serial number 1597184. H: 4 W: 17 D: 10 ins. Proceeds to...

A Small Galvanometer by Leeds & Northrup Co., Philadelphia, 20th Century. H: 4 1/2 W: 3 3/4 D: 2 3/4 ins. Proceeds to benefit the Case Weste...

A Tangent Galvanometer by Ateliers Ruhmkorff-J. Carpentier, Paris, Late 19th Century. Serial number 283. Coil diameter: 17 in. H: 25 D: 17 ins...

A Current Indicator by Thomson-Houston Electric Co. for Brush Electric Co., Patented 8-22-1889. Serial number 4963. Capacity 40amp. H: 13 W: 9 ...

A Roller-Smith Co. Torsion Direct Reading Wattmeter (20-40amps), Late 19th/Early 20th Century. 150 volts. Serial number 28932. H: 5 W: 8 D: 7...

A Westinghouse Single-phase Portable Watt Hour Meter, 20th Century. Calibrated at the factory on 1-1-1926. Having printed instructions and calibr...

A Direct and Alternating Current Astatic Wattmeter by Hickok Electrical Instrument Co., Cleveland, Early 20th Century, Numbered 579. Scale reads t...

A Wattmeter by Weston Electrical Instrument Corp., Early 20th Century. Labeled DC and 25-1000 cycles. Max volts 400; max amps 7.5-3.75; rated amp...

A 'Pyrotest' Potentiometer by Technique Associates, Mid-20th Century. Used to measure thermocouple voltages and thus to measure temperatures with ...

A Potentiometer by Rubicon Co., Mid-20th Century. Serial number 100379. Used for accurate DC voltage measurements by comparison with batteries of ...

A DC Milliammeter by Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Newark NJ, 20th Century. Scale reads 0-300 milliamps. Serial number 39319 and dated Februar...

A Precision Laboratory Standard DC Volt Meter by Jewell Electrical Instrument Co., Chicago, 20th Century. H: 4 1/4 W: 12 5/8 D: 12 ins. Pro...

A Portable DC Ammeter (0-15amps) by Jewell Electrical Instrument Co., Chicago, 20th Century. Serial number 1013. Tested in February 1928. H: 5 7/...

A DC Ammeter by Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Newark NJ, Model 45, 1919. Numbered 21176. Certified and signed by J.B. Dawden and E.S. Reibel....

A 0-15 DC Milliammeter by Jewell Electrical Instrument Co., Chicago, 20th Century. Having a performance report dated 4-3-1950. Numbered 1045. H: 4...

A Portable Direct-Current Milliammeter by Westinghouse, 20th Century. Serial number 2396568. H: 4 W: 8 D: 7 1/4 ins. Proceeds to benefit the...

A Direct-Reading Laboratory Standard Milli-Voltmeter by Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Newark NJ, 1888-90. Numbered 854. Contains built-in ther...

A DC Voltmeter by Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Newark NJ, Model 45, 1921. Numbered 25625. Certified by J.B. Dawden. In oak case. H: 8 W: ...

A Direct-Reading Voltmeter by Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Newark NJ, ca. 1888. Measure 0-150 volts. Model number 541. H: 3 7/8 W: 7 3/8 ...

An AC Voltmeter with Mirror Scale by Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Newark NJ, Early 20th Century. Model number 430, serial number 1157. ...[m...

A 0-1amp AC Ammeter by Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Newark NJ, Late 19th/Early 20th Century. Serial number 307. H: 3 1/8 W: 7 1/8 D: 7 ...

A 0-15 Amp AC Ammeter with Mirror Scale by Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Newark NJ, Patented 1898. Model number 155, serial number 17940. H: 6...

An AC Voltmeter by Hickok Electrical Instrument Co, Cleveland OH, Early 20th Century. Model number 481, measuring 0-150/0-300 Volts. ...[more]

An AC Meter by Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Newark NJ, 20th Century. Scale reads 0-15amps. Serial number 218. H: 3 1/8 W: 7 1/8 D: 7 i...
