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Large George III silver cup, the octagon facet bowl on a short stem over an octagon base, bearing
Large George III silver cup, the octagon facet bowl on a short stem over an octagon base, bearing a presentation inscription dated 1804, maker DP ...
Victorian silver cream jug, having a card cut rim over a half fluted body, maker Hukin & Heath,
Victorian silver cream jug, having a card cut rim over a half fluted body, maker Hukin & Heath, Birmingham 1897, 4.75" high; together with a Georg...
Two pairs of 19th century Irish sugar tongs, maker John Smyth, Dublin 1856 and 1859, 6.5" long; also
Two pairs of 19th century Irish sugar tongs, maker John Smyth, Dublin 1856 and 1859, 6.5" long; also with another pair of Georgian Irish sugar ton...
Cased set of four Victorian silver serving spoons, having twist stem handles and lyre finials, maker
Cased set of four Victorian silver serving spoons, having twist stem handles and lyre finials, maker Holland, Aldwinckle & Slater, London, one 189...
Elizabeth II silver Armada dish, bearing presentation inscription around the rim and interior, maker
Elizabeth II silver Armada dish, bearing presentation inscription around the rim and interior, maker C J Vander Ltd, London 1990, 5.75" diameter, ...
George III silver tankard, with cast leaf capped handle and dense foliate repousse decoration to the
George III silver tankard, with cast leaf capped handle and dense foliate repousse decoration to the body, having a scroll cartouche with presenta...
Victorian silver small tankard, with C scroll handle and dense foliate repousse decorated body
Victorian silver small tankard, with C scroll handle and dense foliate repousse decorated body around a scroll cartouche with presentation inscrip...
Padgett & Braham Ltd silver cigarette box, with a hinged cover enclosing a boxwood lined interior,
Padgett & Braham Ltd silver cigarette box, with a hinged cover enclosing a boxwood lined interior, bearing hallmarks for London 1944, 5.25" wide, ...
Set of four George III Irish open oval silver mustard cellars, all with pierced and engraved foliate
Set of four George III Irish open oval silver mustard cellars, all with pierced and engraved foliate decoration raised on four feet, with blue gla...
Large Victorian repousse silver trophy cup, decorated with stylised flowers and swag details, over a
Large Victorian repousse silver trophy cup, decorated with stylised flowers and swag details, over a knopped stem and swag decorated foot, maker J...
Continental .800 silver mounted desk ink blotter, with foliate swag mounts and cast handle, marked
Continental .800 silver mounted desk ink blotter, with foliate swag mounts and cast handle, marked 800, 7.25" wide, 4.5" high
19th century square form Irish silver cream jug, with engraved repeated border and rope twist cast
19th century square form Irish silver cream jug, with engraved repeated border and rope twist cast rim and handle, maker RS, Dublin, marks rubbed ...
George III silver oval mustard pot with hinged cover, having pierced and engraved foliate decoration
George III silver oval mustard pot with hinged cover, having pierced and engraved foliate decoration and a reeded handle, with a blue glass liner,...
Irish silver sauce boat, with cast leaf capped handle and raised on three legs, Dublin hallmarks
Irish silver sauce boat, with cast leaf capped handle and raised on three legs, Dublin hallmarks rubbed and indistinct, 6.5" wide; together with a...
George V silver casket of rectangular bombé form, with a hinged cover enclosing an open parcel
George V silver casket of rectangular bombé form, with a hinged cover enclosing an open parcel gilt interior, raised on short bracket feet, maker ...
Scandinavian silver (Hovedvandsaeg) marriage scent box, the hinged cover surmounted by a crown,
Scandinavian silver (Hovedvandsaeg) marriage scent box, the hinged cover surmounted by a crown, bearing a mark to the underside base, 3" high, 1.1...
Edwardian silver combination vesta/sovereign case, Williams (Birmingham) Ltd. Birmingham 1902, 2.5";
Edwardian silver combination vesta/sovereign case, Williams (Birmingham) Ltd. Birmingham 1902, 2.5"; together with a Victorian scroll engraved sil...
William IV silver snuff box, of rounded rectangular form, the hinged cover with engine turned
William IV silver snuff box, of rounded rectangular form, the hinged cover with engine turned decoration and foliate cast thumbpiece enclosing a g...
S Blanckensee & Son Ltd planished silver cigarette case, hallmarks for Chester 1909, 3.25" x 1.75;
S Blanckensee & Son Ltd planished silver cigarette case, hallmarks for Chester 1909, 3.25" x 1.75; together with a G F Westwood & Sons engine turn...
Fine Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Company planished silver twin-handled trophy cup, with stylised Art
Fine Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Company planished silver twin-handled trophy cup, with stylised Art Nouveau handles and with vacant cartouche, hall...
Pair of Victorian silver candlesticks, with oval sconces over supports decorated with harebell swags
Pair of Victorian silver candlesticks, with oval sconces over supports decorated with harebell swags and on elliptical bases, maker James Dixon & ...
George IV silver mustard pot with hinged cover, with a cast leaf capped handle, repousse cover and
George IV silver mustard pot with hinged cover, with a cast leaf capped handle, repousse cover and body, (lacking a glass liner), maker Rebecca Em...
Four William IV fiddle and shell pattern silver table spoons 9" long, and four smaller spoons 7"
Four William IV fiddle and shell pattern silver table spoons 9" long, and four smaller spoons 7" long, maker W.C possibly William Chawner II, Lond...
Group of assorted silver spoons various; including three Georgian silver table spoons 8.75" long,
Group of assorted silver spoons various; including three Georgian silver table spoons 8.75" long, Victorian spoon 6.75" long, set of six figural f...
French silver handled carving pair, the repoussé handles bearing a Minerva mark, the blade stamped 'PARIS', the knife 13" long overall, within a f...
Good large George V silver epergne, the central trumpet and three surrounding trumpets with foliate cast shaped rims, on a domed and shaped foot, ...
Good small George I silver teapot, with a hinged cover over a repousse scroll decorated body (the
Good small George I silver teapot, with a hinged cover over a repousse scroll decorated body (the handle later, with Victorian hallmarks), maker i...
Group of silver flatware to include a Victorian sauce ladle 6.75" long, sifting spoon by DNH & S
Group of silver flatware to include a Victorian sauce ladle 6.75" long, sifting spoon by DNH & S Sheffield, shovel and caddy spoon set in case by...
Group of Edwardian Haseler Brothers silver cruets; two mustard pots with hinged covers, two pairs of
Group of Edwardian Haseler Brothers silver cruets; two mustard pots with hinged covers, two pairs of open salt pots and two pepper shakers, bearin...
American Coin silver jug, with ornate cast leaf capped handle and finely chased foliate body with
American Coin silver jug, with ornate cast leaf capped handle and finely chased foliate body with repeated borders, having a monogrammed cartouche...
Sterling silver octagon sucrier (lacking a cover), 5.25" wide, 2.5" high; together with a shallow
Sterling silver octagon sucrier (lacking a cover), 5.25" wide, 2.5" high; together with a shallow silver dish with two handles by William Adams Lt...
Victorian silver tankard, with scroll cast handle and repousse foliate and leaf motif decoration,
Victorian silver tankard, with scroll cast handle and repousse foliate and leaf motif decoration, maker Daniel & Charles Houle, London 1853, 4.225...
George II silver tankard, with leaf cast C scroll handle and repousse scrolling and foliate decoration to the body, maker Thomas Whipham, London 1...
Edward VII silver sauce boat, with leaf capped handle, card cut rim and raised on three lion mask
Edward VII silver sauce boat, with leaf capped handle, card cut rim and raised on three lion mask and paw legs, maker Haseler Brothers, London 190...
Pair of 18th century Irish silver sauce/gravy boats, with leaf capped cast handles, raised on
Pair of 18th century Irish silver sauce/gravy boats, with leaf capped cast handles, raised on shell over hoof legs, 8" wide, maker JN possibly Jos...
George V silver mug, with cast leaf capped handle and shaped body over a stepped foot rim, maker
George V silver mug, with cast leaf capped handle and shaped body over a stepped foot rim, maker Barker Brothers Silver Ltd, Birmingham 1934, 4" h...
William IV silver mug, with scroll cast handle and fluted body, parcel gilt to the interior , over a
William IV silver mug, with scroll cast handle and fluted body, parcel gilt to the interior , over a petal fluted foot, maker Charles Reily & Geor...
Pair of Continental silver urn cruets, comprising a caster with cover and mustard pot with cover,
Pair of Continental silver urn cruets, comprising a caster with cover and mustard pot with cover, both urn covers with cast bird figures, over a b...
Elizabeth II silver bowl, with shaped rim over a paneled fluted body and raised on a shallow foot
Elizabeth II silver bowl, with shaped rim over a paneled fluted body and raised on a shallow foot rim, maker Roberts & Belk Ltd. Sheffield 1978, 7...
Fine George IV engine turned silver snuff box, the hinged cover with raised cast image of a huntsman
Fine George IV engine turned silver snuff box, the hinged cover with raised cast image of a huntsman with horse and hounds, enclosing a gilt inter...
Elizabeth II silver wirework dog figure, maker ES, London 2012, 4" high, 3oz t
Silver plated figural studies of a Peacock and Peahen, marked Italy, 11" long
Styles Silver 925 silver (resin filled) cast figural study of a labrador, signed R. Donaldson,
Styles Silver 925 silver (resin filled) cast figural study of a labrador, signed R. Donaldson, bearing hallmarks for Sheffield 1984, 6.5" high - *...
Good Camelot Silverware Ltd. figural study - 'Courtyard Horse', modelled by David Geenty, cast
Good Camelot Silverware Ltd. figural study - 'Courtyard Horse', modelled by David Geenty, cast with signature to the plinth, filled, hallmarked Sh...
Victorian twin-handled repoussé silver sucrier and cream jug, maker Josiah Williams & Co, the
Victorian twin-handled repoussé silver sucrier and cream jug, maker Josiah Williams & Co, the sucrier assayed London 1895, 5.25" wide, 3" high, th...
J W Benson Ltd silver six division toast rack, marked London 1936, 4.5" wide; together with a
J W Benson Ltd silver six division toast rack, marked London 1936, 4.5" wide; together with a silver cruet trio of open salt, mustard with hinged...
Matched group of four Georgian fiddle pattern silver table spoons, two by George Smith (II),
Matched group of four Georgian fiddle pattern silver table spoons, two by George Smith (II), London 1798; and two by William Woodman, Exeter 1828,...
Three pairs of 19th century fiddle and shell pattern silver serving spoons, by Patrick Sutherland,
Three pairs of 19th century fiddle and shell pattern silver serving spoons, by Patrick Sutherland, Edinburgh 1840; Marshall & Sons, Edinburgh 1827...
Five George III fiddle pattern silver spoons, with monogrammed handles, maker Matthew West, Dublin
Five George III fiddle pattern silver spoons, with monogrammed handles, maker Matthew West, Dublin 1807; together with a similar spoon by John Pow...
Group of Edward VII Hanoverian shell pattern silver flatware; twelve serving spoons 8.25" long;
Group of Edward VII Hanoverian shell pattern silver flatware; twelve serving spoons 8.25" long; twelve spoons 7" long; six forks 7.5" long and twe...
Group of ten Georgian and Victorian fiddle pattern silver tea spoons, most initialled C in script to
Group of ten Georgian and Victorian fiddle pattern silver tea spoons, most initialled C in script to the handle, nine with Dublin hallmarks, one L...
Group of silver teaspoons and cruet spoons various; including five by Ellis & Co London, two
Group of silver teaspoons and cruet spoons various; including five by Ellis & Co London, two Mappin & Webb, four Theo Kohn & Son sterling etc. 7.7...
Set of six George III Old English pattern silver dinner forks, engraved initialled C in script to
Set of six George III Old English pattern silver dinner forks, engraved initialled C in script to the handle undersides, maker William Eley I & Wi...
Elizabeth II Irish silver jug, with chased Celtic decoration to the spout and a band to the body,
Elizabeth II Irish silver jug, with chased Celtic decoration to the spout and a band to the body, maker Royal Irish Silver Co. Dublin 1971, 3.75"...
George V silver cased dressing brushes and comb set, maker Charles & Richard Comyns, London 1922,
George V silver cased dressing brushes and comb set, maker Charles & Richard Comyns, London 1922, the brushes with handles measure 10" long, (5)
Silver strut picture frame, with C scroll borders to the cushion frame, maker W J Myatt & Co,
Silver strut picture frame, with C scroll borders to the cushion frame, maker W J Myatt & Co, Birmingham 1909, 6" wide, 8.5" high for aperture 3.7...
Two Carr's of Sheffield Ltd silver photograph frames, apertures 8" x 6" and 7" x 4"; also a plated
Two Carr's of Sheffield Ltd silver photograph frames, apertures 8" x 6" and 7" x 4"; also a plated frame for 7" x 5" (3)
Two Carr's of Sheffield Ltd. silver photograph frames, both aperture 7" x 5"
Carr's of Sheffield Ltd. repousse silver Frog Prince photograph frame, for portrait aperture 5" x
Carr's of Sheffield Ltd. repousse silver Frog Prince photograph frame, for portrait aperture 5" x 3.5"; together with a plain Carr's of Sheffield ...
Kitney & Co. silver photograph frame, repousse decorated with a bow and swags, with harebell
Kitney & Co. silver photograph frame, repousse decorated with a bow and swags, with harebell borders, aperture 6.5" x 4"; together with a Carr's o...