Scena classica - Classic scene
Bassorilievo circolare in cera bronzata su cornice in legno. Secolo XX. Cm d 17
Circular bas-relief in bronzed wax on a wooden frame. 20th century. Cm d 17
Circular bas-relief in bronzed wax on a wooden frame. 20th century. Cm d 17
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Bassorilievo circolare in cera bronzata su cornice in legno. Secolo XX. Cm d 17
Circular bas-relief in bronzed wax on a wooden frame. 20th century. Cm d 17
Circular bas-relief in bronzed wax on a wooden frame. 20th century. Cm d 17
Galleria Sarno asta di autunno
Sale Date(s)
Lots: 1 to 187
Lots: 188 to 381
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via Emerico Amari, 148
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