Scuola inglese della fine del secolo XIX "Paesaggi montuosi" - English school of the late 19th centu
Coppia di dipinti ad olio su tela in cornici in legno dorato. Cm 46x22
Pair of oil paintings on canvas in gilded wood frames. Cm 46x22
Pair of oil paintings on canvas in gilded wood frames. Cm 46x22
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Coppia di dipinti ad olio su tela in cornici in legno dorato. Cm 46x22
Pair of oil paintings on canvas in gilded wood frames. Cm 46x22
Pair of oil paintings on canvas in gilded wood frames. Cm 46x22
Autumn Auction
Sale Date(s)
Lots: From 1 to 160
Lots: From 161 to 320
Lots: From 321 to end
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I diritti d'asta per gli acquisti on line sono del 26% da sommare al prezzo di aggiudicazione.<br>Auction fees for online purchases are 26% to be added to the hammer price.