Lotto di due sculture in bronzo - Lot of two bronze sculptures
Il lotto è composto da un mezzo busto di giovinetto e da una figura di giovane pescatore. Basi in marmo. Il mezzo busto è firmato De Martino la figura ha una firma indistinta. Fine secolo XIX. Cm h 41 (figura di pescatore), cm h 15 (mezzobusto), entrambe le misure comprendono le basi
The lot is made up of a half-length of a young man and a figure of a young fisherman. Marble bases. The bust is signed De Martino the figure has an indistinct signature. Late 19th century. Cm h 41 (figure of fisherman), cm h 15 (half length), both sizes include the bases
The lot is made up of a half-length of a young man and a figure of a young fisherman. Marble bases. The bust is signed De Martino the figure has an indistinct signature. Late 19th century. Cm h 41 (figure of fisherman), cm h 15 (half length), both sizes include the bases
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Il lotto è composto da un mezzo busto di giovinetto e da una figura di giovane pescatore. Basi in marmo. Il mezzo busto è firmato De Martino la figura ha una firma indistinta. Fine secolo XIX. Cm h 41 (figura di pescatore), cm h 15 (mezzobusto), entrambe le misure comprendono le basi
The lot is made up of a half-length of a young man and a figure of a young fisherman. Marble bases. The bust is signed De Martino the figure has an indistinct signature. Late 19th century. Cm h 41 (figure of fisherman), cm h 15 (half length), both sizes include the bases
The lot is made up of a half-length of a young man and a figure of a young fisherman. Marble bases. The bust is signed De Martino the figure has an indistinct signature. Late 19th century. Cm h 41 (figure of fisherman), cm h 15 (half length), both sizes include the bases
Autumn Auction
Sale Date(s)
Lots: From 1 to 160
Lots: From 161 to 320
Lots: From 321 to end
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I diritti d'asta per gli acquisti on line sono del 26% da sommare al prezzo di aggiudicazione.<br>Auction fees for online purchases are 26% to be added to the hammer price.