Fine Books, Manuscripts and Works on Paper

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Fine Books, Manuscripts and Works on Paper

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Silius Italicus. Punica, collation: a10 b-u8 x10, 171 ff. (of 172, lacking blank a1), 36 lines and headline, Roman type, initial spaces with guide...

Statius (Publius Papinius) Opera, with commentaries by Lactantius, Mataratius, and Calderinus, collation: a–o8 p6 q4 A8  B C6 D–G8 H–N6, 208 ff. (...

Augustinus (Aurelius, Saint) Explanatio psalmorum, collation: ✠8 ✠✠6 a–z [et] [con] [rum] A–S8 T6, double column, 372 ff., 70 lines of commentary ...

Campanus (Johannes Antonius, Bishop of Teramo) Opera, edited by Michael Fernus, collation: a b8 c4 d-o8 p10 A6 B-I8 K6 L M8 Aa2 Bb-Gg8 Hh10 aa4 bb...

Ovid. Epistolas Ouidii: Cum commentariis Ubertini: Et epistolas Sabini poetae singularis: Ac epistolam Sapphos: Cum Domitio: Et opusculu[m] in Ibi...

[Mauburnus (Johannes)] Rosetum exercitiorum spiritualium et sacrarum meditationum, edited by Johannes Speyser, collation: [*]6 a-c8 d e6 f8 g6 h-l...

Valerius Maximus. [Factorum et dictorum memorabilium libri IX], edited by Josse Badius Ascencius & Oliviero d'Arzignano, collation: aa8 a-z8 &8 [c...

Sammelband of Roman imprints.- Vipera (Giovanni Mercurio) De divino et vero numineapologeticon, collation: a-b4 c6 a-d4 a-b4 c6 a-c4 a-b4 c6 a-f4,...

Binding.- Lucian of Samosata. Opuscula Erasmo Roterodamo interprete, first Aldine edition, collation: a-z8 aa-ff8 gg6, woodcut printer's device to...

Plautus (Titus Maccius) Ex Plauti comoediis XX, collation: *6 **8 a-z8 A-M8 N4, woodcut Aldine device to title and final leaf verso, some light ma...

Bible, Latin. Biblia Habes in hoc libro... et librum de interpretamentis Hebraicorum, Aramaeorum, Graecorumque nominum, sacris in literis contento...

Law.- Sunderland copy.- Justinianus I. Codicis Dn. Ivstiniani Sacratiss. Principis Ex Repetita Praelectione Libri XII., edited by Gregor Haloander...

Gregorius, Nazianzenus, Saint. Orationes XXX, translated by Willibald Pirckheimer, with contributions by Desiderius Erasmus and Johannes Straub, 2...

More (Sir Thomas) La Republica nuovamente ritrovata, del Governo dell'Isola Eutopia, first edition in Italian, translated by Doni, collation: A-G8...

Waldensians.- Histoire memorable de la persecution & saccagement du peuple de Merindol & Cabrieres...appelez Vaudois, collation: A-I8 K4, ink owne...

Cranmer (Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury) Defensio Verae et Catholicae Doctrinae de Sacramento corporis & sanguinis Christi, collation: A-X8 Y4, ...

16th century poet's annotated copy.- Catullus, Tibullus and Propertius. Catullus, et in eum Commentarius M. Antonii Mureti...Tibullus, et Properti...

Plutarch. La Prima [La Seconda] Parte delle Vite, 3 parts in 2 vol., translated by Lodovico Domenichi, collation: *4 A-Z AA-ZZ AAA-PPP8; Ϯ4 a-z aa...

Marmitta (Giacomo) Rime, first edition, collation: A4 A-Z a-c4 complete, title with large woodcut vignette, woodcut initials, some browning and li...

Bullinger (Heinrich) The iudgement of the Reverend Father Master Henry Bullinger, Pastor of the church of Zurick, in certeyne matters of religion....

Cardanus (Hieronymus) In Cl. Ptolemaei de astrorum iudiciis ... lib. IIII commentaria, first edition with commentaries by Conradus Dasypodius, 4 p...

Food & Drink.- The Art of Carving.- Cervio (Vincenzo) Il Trinciante... ampliato et a perfettione..., 3 parts in 1, collation: [cross]⁴ A-H⁸ I⁶ K⁴ ...

Utopia.- Del Bene (Bartolomeo) Civitas veri, sive morum, first edition, engraved title by Thomas Deleu, engraved illustrations, one double-page, w...

Binding.- Mathematics.- Euclid. Euclidis Elementorum geometricorum libri sex priores, numerous woodcut diagrams in text, woodcut head- and tail-pi...

Bacon (Sir Francis) De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum Libri IX, title with woodcut printer's device, woodcut head-pieces and decorative initia...

Tasso (Torquato) La Gerusalemme Liberata, 2 vol., half-titles, engraved frontispieces and titles, 20 numbered engraved plates and 47 unnumbered en...

France (Anatole) Le Génie Latin, first edition, number 20 of 250 copies, with a signed presentation inscription from the author, three sheets of a...

*** Please note, the description of this lot has changed *** Two leaves from an early missal, in Latin, decorated manuscript on vellum, two large ...

Cromwell (Thomas, first Earl of Essex, royal minister, b. in or before 1485, d. 1540) Sale by Thomas Cromwell to John at ffelde [Atfield] and Mich...

Dublin.- Leland (John, Presbyterian minister and theological writer, pastor of Eustace Street Presbyterian Church, Dublin, 1691-1766) & others. [M...

Brazil.- Scott (Jonathan, orientalist, writer and translator, 1753-1829) Autograph Letter to his father from HMS Prince of Wales off the coast of ...

Watchmaker.- Rogers (Isaac, watch- and clockmaker, 1754?–1839?) Correspondence and documents relating to the clockmaker Isaac Rogers, comprising 6...

Napoleon.- Wheeler (H.F.B.), and A.M. Broadley. Napoleon and the Invasion of England: The Story of the Great Terror, 3 vol., extra illustrated, by...

Napoleon.- Stopford Family.- Album containing a large quantity of autograph letters, manuscript material and ephemera relating to the naval Stopfo...

More (Hannah, writer and philanthropist, 1745-1833) 6 Autograph Letters signed to Jonathan Scott, together 20pp. & 4 address panels, 8vo & sm. 4to...

Niger Expedition.- Peddie (John, Major, leader of the Colonial Office's Niger Expedition, d. 1817) Collection of letters to the naturalist Adolphe...

Bewick (Thomas, wood-engraver, 1753-1828) Lines written in a Steam Boat, on leaving Scotland, By S:W: Ryley, Author of the "Itinerant" &c. address...

Persian manuscript.- Autograph presentation document from an unknown author (probably Indian) to William Byam Martin, Sahib Bahadur, British resid...

Slavery.- Brown (William Wells, American abolitionist, novelist, playwright, and historian, c. 1814-84) Fling Out the Anti-Slavery Flag, autograph...

Barnes (William) False Friends-like, autograph manuscript poem, signed at foot, 14 lines, 1 page, some light foxing, framed and glazed, 8vo, page ...

[Cook (Sir Edward Tyas, journalist, friend and editor of the writings of John Ruskin, 1857-1919)] [Diary], autograph manuscript, 242pp., on lined ...

Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret.- Thurston (Frederick) Collection of Sample Photographs of Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret as children...

T. E. Lawrence.- Crowe (K. N.) [Clouds Hill, Dorset], 16 vintage photographs of T. E. Lawrence's home, each c.160 x 210 mm., photographer's ink-st...

Williamson (Henry).- Archive of postcards and letters by or relating to Henry Williamson, including one T.L.s. from Williamson to Roy Plomley, 2 p...

Caxton (William).- Duff (E. Gordon) William Caxton, one of 148 copies with an original leaf from the first edition of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales p...

English secret Catholic press.- [Wright (Thomas)] The disposition or garnishmente of the soule to receive worthily the blessed sacrament devyded i...

Demonology.- Exorcism.- Darrell (John) A True Narration of the Strange and Grevious Vexation by the Devil, of 7 Persons in Lancashire, and William...

Demonology.- Exorcism.- Darrell (John) A Survey of Certaine Dialogical Discourses: written by John Deacon, and John Walker, first edition, loss to...

Bible, English. [The Bible...], Geneva-Tomson-Junius version, double column, roman type, woodcut head-pieces, initials and few illustrations, NT t...

Bible, English. [The Holy Bible], first edition of the King James Bible, the Great 'He' Bible, 1 vol. bound in 2, largely printed in black letter,...

André Simon copy.- Drunkeness.- Harris (Robert) The Drunkards Cup, second edition, title with woodcut ornament, woodcut head-pieces and large and ...

Food & Drink.- Nutrition.-Godfrey (Boyle) A Treasure of Useful Discoveries. In two parts. I. Remarks on divers Aliments or Eatables, whereby to kn...

Drinks & Drinking.- Ricket (Edward) The Gentleman's Table Guide and Table Companion to the Art of Dining and Drinking...with Practical Recipes for...

Craddock (Harry) The Savoy Cocktail Book, first edition, issue with half-title and title paginated but no errata slip, colour illustrations and de...

David (Elizabeth) A Book of Mediterranean Food, 1950; French Country Cooking, 1951, first editions, half-titles, illustrations by John Minton, mod...

Hartley (Dorothy) Food in England, first edition, signed presentation inscription from the author "To a good pupil - D. Hartley" on front free end...

Introducing Falstaff.- Shakespeare (William) The First Part of Henry the Fourth, with the Life and Death of Henry, Sirnamed Hot-Spurre, extract fr...

The opening two plays.- Shakespeare (William) The Tempest [&] The Two Gentlemen of Verona, extracted from the second folio, comprising pp.1-19 and...

Shakespeare (William) The Dramatic Works, 9 vol., revised by George Steevens, half-titles, 96 engraved plates with tissue-guards, some half-titles...

Chess.- [Saul (Arthur)] The Famous Game of Jo. Barbier, woodcut illustration on title, repeated on B8v and C5r, a...
