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Dictionary.- Pomey (François) Le Dictionaire Royal des Langues François-Latin-Alleman, Frankfurt,...
Dictionary.- Pomey (François) Le Dictionaire Royal des Langues François-Latin-Alleman, half-title, title in red and black with ?printer's device, ...
Europe.- Neufville (Lequien de la) Histoire Générale de Portugal, 2 vol., first edition, Paris, A...
Europe.- Neufville (Lequien de la) Histoire Générale de Portugal, 2 vol., first edition, engraved portrait frontispiece, engraved title and chapte...
Doncker (Henrick) Four sea charts: the English Channel; Mediterranean Sea; Baltic Sea; the French...
Doncker (Henrick) Four sea charts: the English Channel; Mediterranean Sea; Baltic Sea; the French coast and Iberian Peninsula, engravings on thick...
Rollins (Charles) Römische Historie von erbauung der Stadt Rom, 15 vol., Leipzig, 1739-63; and a ...
Rollins (Charles) Römische Historie von erbauung der Stadt Rom, 15 vol., some titles in red and black and with vignettes, folding engraved maps, s...
Medicine.- Heister (Lorenz) Chirurgie, In welcher alles, was zur Wund-Artzney gehoret, Nach der n...
Medicine.- Heister (Lorenz) Chirurgie, In welcher alles, was zur Wund-Artzney gehoret, Nach der neuesten und besten Art, engraved portrait frontis...
Numismatics.- Gori (Antonio Francesco) Museum Florentinum Exhibens... Antiqua Numismata, 2 vol. o...
Numismatics.- Gori (Antonio Francesco) Museum Florentinum Exhibens... Antiqua Numismata, 2 vol. only (of 3), half-titles, vol. 1 title in red and ...
Mariette (Jean) and others. Large collection of plans and architectural diagrams relating to Fren...
Mariette (Jean) and others. Large collection of plans and architectural diagrams relating to French chateaux and their gardens, approximately 85 s...
Botany.- Linnaeus (Carl) Species plantarum, 2 vol., first edition, Stockhom, L. Salvius, 1753; an...
Botany.- Linnaeus (Carl) Species plantarum, 2 vol., first edition, second issue with the three cancelled leaves E6, F5 & R2 in vol.1, lacking erra...
Histoire Universelle Sacrée et Profane, 20 vol., half titles, contemporary mottled calf, spines richly gilt with red and green morocco labels, as ...
Food & drink.- Dictionnaire Portatif de Cuisine, d'Office et de Distillation, first edition, Pari...
Food & drink.- Dictionnaire Portatif de Cuisine, d'Office et de Distillation, first edition, half-title, occasional faint spots, contemporary mott...
Russia.- Chappe d'Auteroche (Jean, Abbé) Voyage en Siberie..., 2 vol., Amsterdam, Marc Michel Rey...
Russia.- Chappe d'Auteroche (Jean, Abbé) Voyage en Siberie..., 2 vol. only (without atlas), half-titles, engraved printer's device to title, 6 fol...
Voltaire (François Marie Arouet de) Collection Complettes des Oeuvres, 32 vol., including La Vie ...
Voltaire (François Marie Arouet de) Collection Complettes des Oeuvres, 32 vol., including La Vie de Voltaire, half titles, engraved portrait front...
Chambers (Sir William) Dissertation sur le Jardinage de l'Orient, with supplement, 2 parts in 1, ...
Chambers (Sir William) Dissertation sur le Jardinage de l'Orient, [with supplement] Discours servant d'explication, par Tan Chet-Qua de Quang-Cheo...
Rollin (M.) Histoire Ancienne..., 13 vol., engraved portrait frontispiece, small ink ownership inscription front endpaper, Paris, 1775 § Plutarque...
Voltaire (François Marie Arouet de) Candide, ou l'Optimisme, Berlin, 1778; and a quantity of othe...
Voltaire (François Marie Arouet de) Candide, ou l'Optimisme, 5 etched plates by Daniel Chodowiecki, contemporary half calf, spine richly gilt, wit...
Rousseau (Jean Jacques) Collection Complete des Oeuvres, 24 vol., half-titles, engraved portrait frontispiece and plates, occasional faint spots o...
Moreau Le Jeune (Jean Michel) Figures de l'Histoire de France, Paris, Chez Moreau Le Jeune, 1785;...
Moreau Le Jeune (Jean Michel) [Figures de l'Histoire de France], 144 engraved plates only (of 166), a few scattered spots, contemporary half calf,...
Pauw (Cornelius de) Recherches Philosophiques sur les Grecs, 2 vol., first edition, Berlin, Georg...
Pauw (Cornelius de) Recherches Philosophiques sur les Grecs, 2 vol., first edition, Berlin, George Jaques Decker et fils, 1787 § Tasso (Torquato)...
Gardens.- Grohmann (Johann Gottfried) Ideenmagazin fur Liebhaber von Garten, Engliscehn Anlagen....
Gardens.- Grohmann (Johann Gottfried) Ideenmagazin für Liebhaber von Gärten, Englischen Anlagen und für Besitzer von Landgütern; Recueil d'Idées ...
Architecture.- Swedish School (18th and 19th century) Collection of over 50 architectural drawing...
Architecture.- Swedish School (18th and 19th century) Collection of over 50 architectural drawings, including elevations, plans and diagrams, by v...
Strahlenberg (Philip Johan von) and others. Large collection of over 50 maps of Sweden, Scandinav...
Strahlenberg (Philip Johan von) and others. Large collection of over 50 maps of Sweden, Scandinavia, and other maps of Europe, from Värnanäs Manor...
Pigault-Le Brun (C.A.G.) [The Works], 58 vol., some half-titles, some engraved plates, occasional light spotting, uniformly bound in contemporary ...
World.- Breton de la Martinière (Jean-Baptiste) China: Its Costume, Arts, Manufactures, etc.,...,...
World.- Breton de la Martinière (Jean-Baptiste) China: Its Costume, Arts, Manufactures, etc.,..., 4 vol., first edition in English, 80 engraved pl...
Britain.- Picturesque Representations of the Dress and Manners of the English, [c.1814]; and a qu...
Britain.- Picturesque Representations of the Dress and Manners of the English, 50 hand-coloured plates, the occasional faint spot, contemporary ha...
Sweden.- Thersner (Ulrick) Fordna och Narvarande Sverige; La Suede Ancienne et Moderne, 3 vol., 3...
Sweden.- Thersner (Ulrick & Thora) Fordna och Närvarande Sverige; La Suede Ancienne et Moderne, 3 vol., text in Swedish and French, half-title, aq...
Sweden.- Swedish School (18th and 19th century) Large collection of prints and drawings from Värn...
Sweden.- Swedish School (18th and 19th century) Large collection of prints and drawings from Värnanäs Manor, Sweden, three portfolios comprising s...
Atlases.- Bartholomew (John) The Times Atlas of the World, 5 vol., "mid-century edition", 1958; a...
Atlases.- Bartholomew (John) The Times Atlas of the World, 5 vol., "mid-century edition", whole and double page illustrations, presentation gift i...
Art.- Turner (Jane, editor) and others. The Dictionary of Art, 34 vol., 1998; and several others ...
Art.- Turner (Jane, editor) and others. The Dictionary of Art, 34 vol., black and white illustrations, original cloth, 1998; and several others ?n...
Eusebius. Evangelicae praparationis lib. XV [&] Evangelicae demonstrationis lib. X., 2 parts in ...
Eusebius Pamphili, of Caesarea. Evangelicae praparationis lib. XV. [&] Evangelicae demonstrationis lib. X., 2 parts in 1, collation: a-z6, aa-ss6,...
Bible, Latin. Biblia Sacra, Ex postremis Doctorum, woodcut vignette on title with contemporary partial hand-colouring, woodcut illustrations, ink ...
Turner (Robert) Oratoris et Philosophi Ingolstadiensis Orationes XIV ..., 2 parts in 1 vol., Ingo...
Turner (Robert) Oratoris et Philosophi Ingolstadiensis Orationes XIV ..., 2 parts in 1 vol., woodcut initials, 2a1 with short marginal tear and ol...
Japan.- Frois (Luis) Nova Relatio Historica de Statu Rei Christianæ ub Japonia et de Quabacundoni...
Japan.- Frois (Luis) Nova Relatio Historica de Statu Rei Christianæ ub Japonia et de Quabacundoni ..., woodcut initials, head- and tail-pieces, sp...
Gaffarel (Jacques) Curiositez inouyes, sur la sculpture talismanique des persans. Horoscope des p...
Gaffarel (Jacques) Curiositez inouyes, sur la sculpture talismanique des persans. Horoscope des patriarches. Et lecture des estoilles, 2 folding w...
Curtius (Cornelius) Virorum Illustrium, engraved architectural title and 30 full-page portrait plates by C. Galle after J. Francquart, illustratio...
Bible, Latin.- Psalterium Davidis, engraved title with portrait of King David partially hand-coloured red, table printed in red and black, engrave...
Portuguese independence from Spain.- Sousa de Macedo (Antonio de ) Carta que a un señor de la co...
Portuguese independence from Spain.- Sousa de Macedo (Antonio de ) Carta que a un señor de la corte de Inglaterra escriuiò...Sobre el manifiesto...
Binding.- Pradon (M.) Le Bon Employ de la Journee, contemporary red morocco, gilt, Paris, P.Rocol...
Binding.- Pradon (M.) Le Bon Employ de la Journee, engraved frontispiece by Rocolet and folding plate by Cochin after Vleugels (caption folding in...
Bible, Latin.- Biblia sacra vulgatae editionis Sixti V. pont. max. iussu recognita atque edita, 2...
Bible, Latin.- Biblia sacra vulgatae editionis Sixti V. pont. max. iussu recognita atque edita, 2 parts in 1 vol., double-column, engraved allegor...
Bentivoglio (Cardinal [Guido]) Relationi del Cardinale Benti, woodcut device to title, engraved initials, Venice, Francesco Brogiollo, 1667, bound...
Bible, Greek.- Vetus Testamentum Græcum ex versione septuaginta interpretum, Amsterdam, 1683.
Bible, Greek.- Vetus Testamentum Græcum ex versione septuaginta interpretum, juxta exemplar Vaticanum Romae editum, half-title, title in red and b...
Estienne (Charles) & Nicolas Lloyd. Dictionarium Historicum, Geographicum, Poeticum, Geneva, 1693
Estienne (Charles) & Nicolas Lloyd. Dictionarium Historicum, Geographicum, Poeticum, title in red and black, engraved initials, printed prize pres...
Binding.- Office de la Semaine Sainte, Latin et François, 4 engraved plates, lacking ã1 (?blank), M5 & 2G8-2H3 with small worm-holes affecting odd...
Choisy (François-Timoléon, Abbé de) Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire de Louis XIV, 3 vol. in 1, ...
Choisy (François-Timoléon, Abbé de) Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire de Louis XIV, 3 vol. in 1, titles in red & black, a little browned, first ti...
Bruys (Francois) L'Art de Connoitre les Femmes, avec une Dissertation sur l'Adultere, first editi...
[Bruys (Francois)] L'Art de Connoitre les Femmes, avec une Dissertation sur l'Adultere, first edition, title with woodcut ornament, torn and repai...
Boccaccio (Giovanni) Le Decameron de Jean Boccace, 5 vol., Londres [but Paris], 1757-61; and 4 ot...
Boccaccio (Giovanni) Le Decameron de Jean Boccace, 5 vol., engraved frontispiece and portrait, 5 engraved titles, 110 engraved plates, engraved he...
Orphans.- Pavia e Pona (António de) Orphanologia practica, em que se descreve tudo o que respeita...
Orphans.- Pavia e Pona (António de) Orphanologia practica, em que se descreve tudo o que respeita aos Inventarios, partilhas, e mais dependencias ...
Juvenalis (Decimus Junius) & Aulus Persius Flaccus. Satyrae, Birmingham, John Baskerville, 1761 &...
Juvenalis (Decimus Junius) & Aulus Persius Flaccus. Satyrae, armorial bookplate of George Robert Smith, contemporary Latin inscription on front fr...
Music.- Plainsong.- Leite (Antonio da Silva) Rezumo de todas as regras, e preceitos da cantoria, ...
Music.- Plainsong.- Leite (Antonio da Silva) Rezumo de todas as regras, e preceitos da cantoria, assim da musica metrica, como do canto-chaõ, firs...
[Mirabeau (Honoré-Gabriel Riqueti, Comte)] La Morale des Sens, ou l'Homme du Siècle, light browning, stain to p. 17, small tear to upper corner of...
Language.- Basque.- Astarloa (Pablo Pedro de) Apología de la lengua bascongada, ó Ensayo críti...
Language.- Basque.- Astarloa (Pablo Pedro de) Apología de la lengua bascongada, ó Ensayo crítico filosófico de su perfección y antigüedad so...
Butler (Joseph) Stichtelycke Rymen van D R. Camphuysen, Amsterdam, Paulus Matthyz, 1834 & others,...
Butler (Joseph) Stichtelycke Rymen van D R. Camphuysen, light spotting and staining to edges, morocco-backed boards, Amsterdam, Paulus Matthyz, 16...
Tallemant des Reaux (Gédéon) Les Historiettes, 9 vol., half-titles, scattered spotting, original upper covers bound at end, half-red morocco by Za...
Čapek (Karel) Továrna na absolutno. [The Absolute at Large], , first edition, Brno, Polygrafie, 1...
Čapek (Karel) Továrna na absolutno. [The Absolute at Large], first edition, decorative title in blue and black, full-page illustrations by Josef Č...
Soupault (Philippe) Corps Perdu, illustrations by Jean Lurcat, original wrappers, toned, Paris, 1926 § Praz (Mario) La Casa della Vita, illustrati...
San Francisco Earthquake.- Correspondence relating to damage inflicted on various buildings in th...
San Francisco Earthquake.- Correspondence relating to damage inflicted on various buildings in the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, including: ve...
Sickert (Walter) Autograph Letter signed to "Monsieur", in French, [c. 1914], "I would like to ma...
Sickert (Walter, painter, 1860-1942) Autograph Letter signed to "Monsieur", in French, 1p., 155 x 200mm., n.p., n.d., [c. 1914], "I would like to ...
Chaplin (Sir Charles, "Charlie", film actor and director, 1889-1977) and Sir Harry Lauder. Photog...
Chaplin (Sir Charles, "Charlie", film actor and director, 1889-1977) and Sir Harry Lauder (Scottish singer and comedian, 1870-1950). Photograph of...
Great Domesday Book, Penny Edition, one of 250 numbered sets, 2 vol., and 11 others relating to t...
Great Domesday Book, Penny Edition, one of 250 numbered sets, 2 vol., full colour continuous tone offset lithographic facsimile, original calf-bac...
Manuscript Facsimile.- The Benedictional of Saint Aethelwold, 2001; and 12 other manuscript facsi...
Manuscript Facsimile.- The Benedictional of Saint Aethelwold, one of 1,000 copies, original brown goatskin, gilt, g.e., Folio Society, 2001; with ...
Poor Laws.- Orders and Directions together with a Commission for the better Administration of Jus...
Poor Laws.- Orders and Directions together with a Commission for the better Administraiton of Justice ... the Lawes and Statutes tending to the re...