Antiques, Militaria, Collectables, Asian Art, Clocks & Antique Furniture

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room Woking, Surrey

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Antiques, Militaria, Collectables, Asian Art, Clocks & Antique Furniture

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532 items
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A group of nine garden pots, to comprise three terracotta pots with ribbed bodies, one damaged, 40cm high x 43cm diameter, three Campana urns with...

A pair of terracotta pots, with bands of applied pinched decoration, on iron stands, 62cm high x 60cm diameter (2)

A pair of reconstituted stone square tapering pots, with rope twist moulded edges, 43cm high x 44cm square (2)

A pair of terracotta urns, with ribbed lug handles, with moulded flowerhead decoration and impressed foliate, 59cm high x 60cm diameter (2)

Three green glazed garden pots, one with ribbed decoration on an iron stand, 65cm high x 48cm diameter, one with a moulded frieze, 44cm high, and ...

A pair of reconstituted stone urns, moulded with cherub masks above rows of lappets, the bases moulded with grapes, 49cm high x 39cm diameter (2)

A pair of Limestone staddle stones, 72cm high x 49cm diameter and 68cm high x 48cm diameter (2)Condition Report: A pair of Limestone staddle ston...

A reconstituted stone cylinder pot, moulded with birds within arches, 65cm high x 48cm diameter, together with a cylindrical terracotta pot, 32cm ...

Various garden sculptures, to comprise a fibre glass head of a Buddha, 50cm high, a terracotta sculpture of a child playing a guitar, 57cm high, a...

A large teak garden table, 72cm high x 240cm wide x 120cm deep, with four folding chairs, 101cm high and three armchairs 96cm high and a folding c...

A large teak garden table, 76cm high x 241cm wide x 120cm deep, with six armchairs 91cm high (7)Condition Report: In tired used condition as you ...

A spherical terracotta strawberry planter, with lug handles, 50cm high, together with an amphora type vase with two lug handles and incised wavy d...

Three Victorian style Gothic taste cast iron armchairs, with pierced scroll work to the arms, later slats,79cm high x 59cm wide x 69cm deep, and a...

Amended Condition Report, Beautiful Garden by Bramblecrest, a set of grey faux whicker work garden furniture to comprise, four armchairs, 89cm hig...

Four Victorian style blue painted aluminium garden chairs, with pierced acanthus backs, on cabriole legs, 86cm high, and a circular table, 64cm hi...

A late Victorian Coalbrookdale 'Horse Chestnut' cast iron bench, painted black with later wooden slats, 100cm high x 186cm wide x 70cm deepConditi...

Three reconstituted stone plinths, each with moulded anthemion design to friezes, 43cm high x 31cm square, together with a larger plinth, with mou...

Two reconstituted stone figures of ladies, in the manner of Auguste Moreau, 77 and 72cm high respectively, together with a pedestal, 58cm high (3)

Two busts, one of David after Michelangelo, the other a lady, both on square plinths, the busts 55cm high, the plinths 44cm high (4)

A pair of reconstituted stone urns, the urns with lobed bodies, on square plinths, 65cm high x 44cm diameter (2)

Two single reconstituted stone urns, one moulded with swags of leaves, 34cm high x 50cm diameter, one of globular irregular form, 34cm high x 42cm...

A teak garden bench, the back with Chinese lattice form panels, above slatted seat, 100cm high x 130cm wide x 65cm deep

Pair of reconstituted stone planters, moulded in the form of barrels with flower head decoration, 32cm high x 39cm diameter, together with four ot...

A reconstituted stone square planter, with rustic floral boarder, on square plinth, 48cm high x 52cm square, together with an urn top with lobed b...

A pair of black painted iron benches, the ends with pierced Gothic decoration, and slatted seats, 78cm high x 126cm wide x 64cm (2)

Two reconstituted stone plinths, one moulded with a wreath, the other a hunting horn, 53cm high x 42cm square and 53cm high x 50cm square (2)

Hamadan carpet, with central octagonal medallion, stylised flowers on a brick red field, with blue ground, four spandrels with more stylised flowe...

Persian rug, with a central field of coloured squares and hooked lozenges on a blue ground, with octagonal lozenges to the border in red, blue and...

Persian rug, with central triangular hooked lozenges in dark blue on red ground, the borders of stylised hooked motifs in red, white on blue groun...

A large rug, with central floral lozenge on red ground, with floral spandrels on dark blue ground emitting flowering sprays, with blue flowerhead ...

Persian rug, late 20th Century, with stylised cross section to centre, on red background, with white and turquoise spandrels, stylised flowerhead ...

Persian rug, with facetted central lozenge with four red petals, on brown ground, with stylised floral spandrels on black background, 335 x 215cmC...

A Mahindra Black Mountain Looms carpet, with large flower filled field, woven in pistachio, red and green, on a cream ground, with stylised border...

A part silk Turkish rug, possibly Hereke, with central arch design, filled with floral designs, with dark ground foliate spandrels, the borders of...

A part silk Turkish rug, possibly Hereke, with central arch design, filled with floral designs, with darker ground foliate and bird filled spandre...

A part silk mat, possibly Turkish, woven with central oval motif of stylised tendrils on red ground, the panel with yellow ochre and tendril surro...

A Persian rug, possibly Tabriz/Mahal, with concentric diamond form lozenges with stylised floral devices, with floral spandrels on white ground, 3...

A Persian wool carpet, 20th Century, with two large and two smaller medallions, on brick red ground, with borders of stylised cross motifs, on och...

A Hereke silk carpet, with central shaped lozenge with trailing tendrils and flowerheads on pale cream ground, with floral borders on ochre bands,...
