Handgeschriebener und signierter Brief Queen Elizabeth II. (1926-2022) an ihre Hebamme "Rowie",
Nach einer Entschuldigung von Queen Elizabeth für ihr spätes Schreiben, gewährt der folgende Abschnitt dem Leser einen Blick hinter die repräsentative Funktion der Monarchin: „The baby is wonderful—good as gold, trying to sit up and weighing 15 lbs. 12! He smiles and giggles at everyone, and makes everyone happy“. Hier zeigt sich Elizabeth II. als stolze junge Mutter, die ihre Freude über ihren Sohn und dessen Entwicklungsschritte mit einer für sie sehr bedeutsamen Frau teilen möchte. Die Formulierung berührt zutiefst, bekommt der Leser doch eine Ahnung von einer Seite Elizabeth II., die nicht für die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt war - die der liebenden Mutter.
Dieser persönliche Einblick zeichnet die vorliegende Korrespondenz aus. Der Wortlaut lautet wie folgt: „Dear Rowie, I am terribly sorry we never got in touch with you before you left London. Mabel (Anm.: Mabel Anderson, langjähriges Kindermädchen der Royals) was ill in bed when you wrote, and I confess I misread your letter in a great hurry and remembered the wrong day you put down, and when I was away at Arundel (Anm.: Arundel Castle, West Sussex) last week, I suddenly was reminded of your letter and of course it was too late by then! The baby (Anm.: Edward, Duke of Edingburgh, geb. 1964) is wonderful—good as gold, trying to sit up and weighing 15 lbs. 12! He smiles and giggles at everyone, and makes everyone happy! Charles, I'm thankful to say, is better but very frail as yet. I hope we see you when we return in October. Yours sincerely Elizabeth R.“
In der über 70-jährigen Regentschaft von Queen Elizabeth II. gehörte die briefliche Korrespondenz nicht nur zum politischen, sondern auch zum familiären Alltag. Überaus selten stehen jedoch eigenhändige Schriftstücke wie das vorliegende zum Verkauf. Es ist ein besonderes, weil überaus persönliches Zeitdokument einer der herausragenden Persönlichkeiten des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts.
Doppelseitig beschriebenes Blatt (ca. 19,6 x 12,6 cm), mit blauer Tinte, Briefkopf mit in roter Farbe erhaben geprägtem Königlichem Wappen und Schriftzug BUCKINGHAM PALACE, eigenhändig von der Königin geschrieben und unterschrieben mit „Elizabeth R.“; originales Kuvert mit Königlichem Wappen, adressiert an Helen Rowe, eigenhändiges Monogramm „ER“, diverse Stempel, u.a. königlicher Stempel „E II. R“ und dreimal ovaler REGISTERED Stempel des Buckingham Palace vom 6. August 1964 in violetter Farbe. Mit alterstypischen Gebrauchsspuren. Die Tinte ist klar leserlich erhalten, mittig Faltspuren; das Kuvert weist leichte Verschmutzungen auf.
PROVENIENZ: Englischer Privatbesitz, Bonhams Bath 16.06.2006, Los 119 (als Teil eines Konvolutes), Englischer Privatbesitz.
| Handwritten and signed letter from Queen Elizabeth II (1926 - 2022) to her midwife "Rowie", written on 5 August 1964. The royal letter is addressed to Sister Helen "Rowie" Rowe (died 1966), who as midwife attended to all four of Elizabeth II's births, was in close correspondence with her and can be regarded as a confidante. The Queen wrote it around five months after the birth of Prince Edward, the Duke of Edinburgh, on 10 March 1964. After an apology from Queen Elizabeth for her late writing, the following paragraph gives the reader a glimpse behind the monarch's representative function: "The baby is wonderful-good as gold, trying to sit up and weighing 15 lbs. 12! He smiles and giggles at everyone, and makes everyone happy". Here Elizabeth II shows herself as a proud young mother who wants to share her joy about her son and his developmental steps with a woman who is very meaningful to her. The expression is deeply touching, as the reader gets a glimpse of a side of Elizabeth II that was not intended for the public - that of the loving mother. This personal insight characterises the present correspondence. The wording is as follows: "Dear Rowie, I am terribly sorry we never got in touch with you before you left London. Mabel (note: Mabel Anderson, long-time nanny of the Royals) was ill in bed when you wrote, and I confess I misread your letter in a great hurry and remembered the wrong day you put down, and when I was away at Arundel (note: Arundel Castle, West Sussex) last week, I suddenly was reminded of your letter and of course it was too late by then! The baby (note: Edward, Duke of Edingburgh, born 1964) is wonderful-good as gold, trying to sit up and weighing 15 lbs. 12! He smiles and giggles at everyone, and makes everyone happy! Charles, I'm thankful to say, is better but very frail as yet. I hope we see you when we return in October. Yours sincerely Elizabeth R." During Queen Elizabeth II's more than 70-year reign, correspondence by letter was not only part of everyday political life, but also of family life. However, it is extremely rare to find handwritten documents such as this one for sale. It is a special, because extremely personal contemporary document of one of the outstanding personalities of the 20th and 21st centuries. Double-sided sheet (approx. 19.6 x 12.6 cm), written in blue ink, letterhead with royal coat of arms embossed in red and the words BUCKINGHAM PALACE, handwritten by the Queen and signed "Elizabeth R."; original envelope with royal coat of arms, addressed to Helen Rowe, handwritten monogram "ER", various stamps, including royal stamp "E II. R" and three oval REGISTERED stamps of Buckingham Palace dated 6 August 1964 in purple. With signs of use typical of its age. The ink is clearly legible, traces of folding in the centre; the envelope shows light soiling. PROVEANCE: English private property, Bonhams Bath 16.06.2006, lot 119 (as part of a set), English private property.
Nach einer Entschuldigung von Queen Elizabeth für ihr spätes Schreiben, gewährt der folgende Abschnitt dem Leser einen Blick hinter die repräsentative Funktion der Monarchin: „The baby is wonderful—good as gold, trying to sit up and weighing 15 lbs. 12! He smiles and giggles at everyone, and makes everyone happy“. Hier zeigt sich Elizabeth II. als stolze junge Mutter, die ihre Freude über ihren Sohn und dessen Entwicklungsschritte mit einer für sie sehr bedeutsamen Frau teilen möchte. Die Formulierung berührt zutiefst, bekommt der Leser doch eine Ahnung von einer Seite Elizabeth II., die nicht für die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt war - die der liebenden Mutter.
Dieser persönliche Einblick zeichnet die vorliegende Korrespondenz aus. Der Wortlaut lautet wie folgt: „Dear Rowie, I am terribly sorry we never got in touch with you before you left London. Mabel (Anm.: Mabel Anderson, langjähriges Kindermädchen der Royals) was ill in bed when you wrote, and I confess I misread your letter in a great hurry and remembered the wrong day you put down, and when I was away at Arundel (Anm.: Arundel Castle, West Sussex) last week, I suddenly was reminded of your letter and of course it was too late by then! The baby (Anm.: Edward, Duke of Edingburgh, geb. 1964) is wonderful—good as gold, trying to sit up and weighing 15 lbs. 12! He smiles and giggles at everyone, and makes everyone happy! Charles, I'm thankful to say, is better but very frail as yet. I hope we see you when we return in October. Yours sincerely Elizabeth R.“
In der über 70-jährigen Regentschaft von Queen Elizabeth II. gehörte die briefliche Korrespondenz nicht nur zum politischen, sondern auch zum familiären Alltag. Überaus selten stehen jedoch eigenhändige Schriftstücke wie das vorliegende zum Verkauf. Es ist ein besonderes, weil überaus persönliches Zeitdokument einer der herausragenden Persönlichkeiten des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts.
Doppelseitig beschriebenes Blatt (ca. 19,6 x 12,6 cm), mit blauer Tinte, Briefkopf mit in roter Farbe erhaben geprägtem Königlichem Wappen und Schriftzug BUCKINGHAM PALACE, eigenhändig von der Königin geschrieben und unterschrieben mit „Elizabeth R.“; originales Kuvert mit Königlichem Wappen, adressiert an Helen Rowe, eigenhändiges Monogramm „ER“, diverse Stempel, u.a. königlicher Stempel „E II. R“ und dreimal ovaler REGISTERED Stempel des Buckingham Palace vom 6. August 1964 in violetter Farbe. Mit alterstypischen Gebrauchsspuren. Die Tinte ist klar leserlich erhalten, mittig Faltspuren; das Kuvert weist leichte Verschmutzungen auf.
PROVENIENZ: Englischer Privatbesitz, Bonhams Bath 16.06.2006, Los 119 (als Teil eines Konvolutes), Englischer Privatbesitz.
| Handwritten and signed letter from Queen Elizabeth II (1926 - 2022) to her midwife "Rowie", written on 5 August 1964. The royal letter is addressed to Sister Helen "Rowie" Rowe (died 1966), who as midwife attended to all four of Elizabeth II's births, was in close correspondence with her and can be regarded as a confidante. The Queen wrote it around five months after the birth of Prince Edward, the Duke of Edinburgh, on 10 March 1964. After an apology from Queen Elizabeth for her late writing, the following paragraph gives the reader a glimpse behind the monarch's representative function: "The baby is wonderful-good as gold, trying to sit up and weighing 15 lbs. 12! He smiles and giggles at everyone, and makes everyone happy". Here Elizabeth II shows herself as a proud young mother who wants to share her joy about her son and his developmental steps with a woman who is very meaningful to her. The expression is deeply touching, as the reader gets a glimpse of a side of Elizabeth II that was not intended for the public - that of the loving mother. This personal insight characterises the present correspondence. The wording is as follows: "Dear Rowie, I am terribly sorry we never got in touch with you before you left London. Mabel (note: Mabel Anderson, long-time nanny of the Royals) was ill in bed when you wrote, and I confess I misread your letter in a great hurry and remembered the wrong day you put down, and when I was away at Arundel (note: Arundel Castle, West Sussex) last week, I suddenly was reminded of your letter and of course it was too late by then! The baby (note: Edward, Duke of Edingburgh, born 1964) is wonderful-good as gold, trying to sit up and weighing 15 lbs. 12! He smiles and giggles at everyone, and makes everyone happy! Charles, I'm thankful to say, is better but very frail as yet. I hope we see you when we return in October. Yours sincerely Elizabeth R." During Queen Elizabeth II's more than 70-year reign, correspondence by letter was not only part of everyday political life, but also of family life. However, it is extremely rare to find handwritten documents such as this one for sale. It is a special, because extremely personal contemporary document of one of the outstanding personalities of the 20th and 21st centuries. Double-sided sheet (approx. 19.6 x 12.6 cm), written in blue ink, letterhead with royal coat of arms embossed in red and the words BUCKINGHAM PALACE, handwritten by the Queen and signed "Elizabeth R."; original envelope with royal coat of arms, addressed to Helen Rowe, handwritten monogram "ER", various stamps, including royal stamp "E II. R" and three oval REGISTERED stamps of Buckingham Palace dated 6 August 1964 in purple. With signs of use typical of its age. The ink is clearly legible, traces of folding in the centre; the envelope shows light soiling. PROVEANCE: English private property, Bonhams Bath 16.06.2006, lot 119 (as part of a set), English private property.
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