57th eAuction of Autographs and Signatures

Autographs, signatures and letters of Czech and world famous personalities

234 items 234 items
room Prague 5, Czech Republic

Auction details

57th eAuction of Autographs and Signatures

Autographs, signatures and letters of Czech and world famous personalities

Auction dates

  • ( Lots: 1-234)

Viewing dates

  • 11:00 CET - 13:00 CET
  • 14:00 CET - 17:00 CET
  • 11:00 CET - 13:00 CET
  • 14:00 CET - 17:00 CET
  • 11:00 CET - 13:00 CET
  • 14:00 CET - 17:00 CET
  • 11:00 CET - 13:00 CET
  • 14:00 CET - 17:00 CET

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Currency: CZK
Buyer's premium Inc. VAT/sales tax: 28.00%
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234 items
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JOE FRAZIER (1944-2011) | AUTOGRAPH ON THE MENU (USA / AMERICAN) | 1972 | profession: Boxer | country: USA | signature: Original signature | size:...

GRAHAM SUTHERLAND (1903-1980) | LETTER ADDRESSED TO PROFESSOR LUDVÍK BARTÁK (ENGLAND / ENGLISH) | 1965 | profession: Painter | country: England | ...

ROCKWELL KENT (1882-1971) | GRAPHIC SHEET WITH DEDICATION (ENGLAND / ENGLISH) | 1950 | profession: Painter | country: England / USA | signature: O...

SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE (1769-1830) | FOUR PAGE LETTER WITH SIGNATURE (ENGLAND / ENGLISH) | profession: Painter | country: England | signature: Origin...

ROBERT WILLIAM SETON-WATSON (1879-1951) | HANDWRITTEN MESSAGE WITH QUOTE (ENGLAND / ENGLISH) | 1933 | Robert William Seton-Watson (Scotus Viator) ...

KENNETH ARMITAGE (1916-2002) | A LETTER WITH A HANDWRITTEN SIGNATURE (ENGLAND / ENGLISH) | 1966 | profession: Sculptor | country: England | signat...

KENNETH ARMITAGE (1916-2002) | HANDWRITING ON ENVELOPE (ENGLAND / ENGLISH) | 1966 | profession: Sculptor | country: England | signature: Original ...

REG BUTLER (1913-1981) | HANDWRITTEN AND SIGNED LETTER (ENGLAND / ENGLISH) | Reg Butler (Reginald Cotterell Butler ) | profession: Sculptor | coun...

ROBERT BADEN-POWEL (1857-1941) | AUTOGRAPH (ENGLAND / ENGLISH) | Robert Baden-Powel (Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, 1. Baron Baden-Powell o...

ZENON FRANCISZEK PRZESMYCKI (1861-1944) | CABINET PHOTO WITH SIGNATURE (POLAND / POLISH) | Zenon Franciszek Przesmycki (Miriam, Jan Żagiel) | prof...

JERZY ZAGÓRSKI (1907-1984) | MANUSCRIPT WITH DEDICATION TO DIRECTOR BURIAN (POLAND / POLISH) | 1958 | profession: Poet | country: Poland | signatu...

JAN IZYDOR SZTAUDYNGER (1904-1970) | DEDICATION ON THE TITLE PAGE OF THE BOOK DOM MÓJ (POLAND / POLISH) | 1927 | profession: Poet | country: Polan...

LUDWIK SOLSKI (1855-1954) | LETTER WITH SIGNATURE (POLAND / POLISH) | 1949 | Ludwik Solski (Ludwik Napoleon Karol Sosnowski) | profession: Actor |...

DANIEL OLBRYCHSKI (1945*) | AUTOGRAPH (POLAND / POLISH) | 1977 | profession: Actor | country: Poland | signature: Original signature | size: 310 x...

FRANCISZEK MAKSYMILIAN PIECZKA (1928-2022) | DEDICATED WITH SIGNATURE (POLAND / POLISH) | 1971 | profession: Actor | country: Poland | signature: ...

HELENA MODJESKA (1840-1909) | CABINET PHOTO WITH SIGNATURE AND LETTER (POLAND / POLISH) | 1891 | Helena Modjeska (Helena Modrzejewska) | professio...

EWA KRASNODĘBSKA (1925*) | AUTOGRAPHED LETTER AND AUTOGRAPHED PHOTO (POLAND / POLISH) | 1957 | profession: Actress | country: Poland | signature: ...

BRONISŁAW HUBERMAN (1882-1947) | TWO AUTOGRAPHS (POLAND / POLISH) | 1935 | profession: Violinist | country: Poland | signature: Two original signa...

BRONISŁAW HUBERMAN (1882-1947) | PHOTO WITH DEDICATION (POLAND / POLISH) | 1903 | profession: Violinist | country: Poland | signature: Original si...

HENRYK BOLESŁAW SZERYNG (1918-1988) | TWO AUTOGRAPHS (POLAND / POLISH) | 1973 | profession: Violinist | country: Poland | signature: Original sign...

STANISŁAW BARCEWICZ (1858-1929) | HANDWRITTEN LETTER AND CONCERT PROGRAM (POLAND / POLISH) | 1883 | profession: Violinist | country: Poland | sign...

JAN SZCZEPAN OTRĘBSKI (1889-1971) | HANDWRITTEN LETTER (POLAND / POLISH) | 1950 | profession: Linguist | country: Poland | signature: Original sig...

KRYSTIAN ZIMERMAN (1956*) | TWO HANDWRITTEN SIGNATURES WITH SHEET MUSIC SAMPLE (POLAND / POLISH) | 1976 | profession: Pianist | country: Poland | ...

TADEUSZ ŻMUDZIŃSKI (1924-1992) | AUTOGRAPH (POLAND / POLISH) | 1975 | profession: Pianist | country: Poland | signature: Original signature | size...

TADEUSZ ŻMUDZIŃSKI (1924-1992) | AUTOGRAPH WITH MUSIC SAMPLE (POLAND / POLISH) | 1975 | profession: Pianist | country: Poland | signature: Origina...

KAROL FERSTER (1902-1986) | ORIGINAL DRAWING AND DEDICATION (POLAND / POLISH) | 1963 | profession: Painter | country: Poland | signature: Original...

WLASTIMIL HOFMAN (1881-1970) | HANDWRITTEN SIGNATURE AND PORTRAIT SKETCH (POLAND / POLISH) | 1935 and 1967 | profession: Painter | country: Poland...

JÓZEF BRANDT (1841-1915) | HANDWRITTEN LETTER WITH SIGNATURE (POLAND / POLISH) | 1911 | profession: Painter | country: Poland | signature: Origina...


ADA SARI (1886-1968) | TWO AUTOGRAPHS (POLAND / POLISH) | 1931 | profession: Opera soprano | country: Poland | signature: Two original signatures ...

TERESA MAY-CZYŻOWSKA (1935-2012) | AUTOGRAPHED PHOTO (POLAND / POLISH) | 1973 | profession: Singer | country: Poland | signature: Original signatu...

EWA BRANDOWSKA-TURSKA (1894-1979) | SIGNED CONCERT POSTER (POLAND / POLISH) | 1948 | profession: Singer | country: Poland | signature: Original si...

HALINA CZERNY-STEFAŃSKA (1922-2001) | DEDICATION WITH SIGNATURE (POLAND / POLISH) | 1950 | profession: Pianist | country: Poland | signature: Orig...

ANTONI CHAMIEC-JAXA (1840-1908) | LETTER WITH SIGNATURE (POLAND / POLISH) | 1883 | profession: Politician | country: Poland / Austria | signature:...

WŁADYSŁAW GOMUŁKA (1905-1982) | DEDICATION WITH SIGNATURE (POLAND / POLISH) | 1961 | profession: Politician | country: Poland | signature: Origina...

IGNACY MOŚCICKI (1867-1946) | AUTOGRAPH (POLAND / POLISH) | 1929 | profession: President | country: Poland | signature: Original signature | size:...

TAMARA PLATONOVNA KARSAVINA (1885-1978) | AUTOGRAPH (POLAND / POLISH) | 1924 | Tamara Platonovna Karsavina (Тамара Платоновна Карсавина) | profess...



LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI (1882-1977) | AUTOGRAPHED PHOTO (POLAND / POLISH) | 1961 | profession: Composer and conductor | country: Poland / USA / Great Br...

KORNEL MAKUSZYŃSKI (1884-1953) | HANDWRITTEN LETTER WITH SIGNATURE (POLAND / POLISH) | 1929 | profession: Writer | country: Poland | signature: Or...

ADAM MICKIEWICZ (1798-1855) | POSTCARD (POLAND / POLISH) | profession: Writer | country: Poland | signature: Original signature | size: 310 x 260 ...

STANISŁAW FELIKS PRZYBYSZEWSKI (1868-1927) | DEDICATION WITH SIGNATURE (POLAND / POLISH) | 1923 | profession: Writer | country: Poland | signature...

JERZY PUTRAMENT (1910-1986) | HANDWRITTEN LETTER WITH SIGNATURE (POLAND / POLISH) | 1964 | profession: Writer | country: Poland | signature: Origi...

KAZIMIERZ PRZERWA-TETMAJER (1865-1940) | AUTOGRAPH WITH DEDICATION (POLAND / POLISH) | 1904 | profession: Writer | country: Poland | signature: Or...

EMIL ZEGADŁOWICZ (1888-1941) | HANDWRITTEN AUTOGRAPH (POLAND / POLISH) | 1929 | profession: Writer | country: Poland | signature: Original signatu...

WACŁAW SIEROSZEWSKI (1858-1945) | SIGNED LETTER AND SIGNED PHOTO (POLAND / POLISH) | 1927 | profession: Writer | country: Poland | signature: Two ...

JULIAN TUWIM (1894-1953) | LETTER WITH SIGNATURE (POLAND / POLISH) | 1944 | profession: Writer | country: Poland | signature: Original signature |...

JERZY WITTLIN (1925-1989) | DEDICATION WITH SIGNATURE (POLAND / POLISH) | 1975 | profession: Writer | country: Poland | signature: Original signat...

FERDYNAND ANTONI OSSENDOWSKI (1878-1945) | AUTOGRAPH WITH DEDICATION (POLAND / POLISH) | 1928 | profession: Writer and traveler | country: Poland ...

KAZIMIERA IŁŁAKOWICZÓWNA (1892-1983) | A LETTER WITH A HANDWRITTEN SIGNATURE (POLAND / POLISH) | 1938 | profession: Writer | country: Poland | sig...

ZOFIA NAŁKOWSKA (1884-1954) | A LETTER WITH A HANDWRITTEN SIGNATURE (POLAND / POLISH) | 1930 | profession: Writer | country: Poland | signature: O...

WŁADYSŁAW FLORIANSKI (1854-1911) | AUTOGRAPHED EFFIGY (POLAND / POLISH) | 1900 | Władysław Florianski (Vladislav Florjanský) | profession: Tenoris...

JAN WIKTOR KIEPURA (1902-1966) | TWO AUTOGRAPHS (POLAND / POLISH) | 1933 | profession: Tenorist | country: Poland | signature: Two original signat...

CZESŁAW NIEMEN (1939-2004) | AUTOGRAPH (POLAND / POLISH) | 1979 | Czesław Niemen (Czesław Juliusz Wydrzycki) | profession: Singer and songwriter |...

CZESŁAW NIEMEN (1939-2004) | AUTOGRAPH (POLAND / POLISH) | 1979 | Czesław Niemen (Czesław Juliusz Wydrzycki) | profession: Singer and songwriter |...

CZESŁAW NIEMEN (1939-2004) | AUTOGRAPH (POLAND / POLISH) | 1979 | Czesław Niemen (Czesław Juliusz Wydrzycki) | profession: Singer and songwriter |...

CZESŁAW NIEMEN (1939-2004) | AUTOGRAPH (POLAND / POLISH) | 1979 | Czesław Niemen (Czesław Juliusz Wydrzycki) | profession: Singer and songwriter |...

PAUL MAXIMILIEN LANDOWSKI (1875-1961) | POEM WITH DEDICATION AND SIGNATURE (POLAND / POLISH) | 1939 | profession: Sculptor | country: Poland / Fra...

VLADIMIR LEVASHOV (1915*) | HANDWRITTEN SIGNATURE WITH DEDICATION (RUSSIA / RUSSIAN) | 1975 | profession: Ballet | country: Russia | signature: Or...
