Modern and contemporary art and decorative arts of the 20th century (Gent)

309 items 309 items
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room Gent

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Modern and contemporary art and decorative arts of the 20th century (Gent)

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small Art Nouveau vase in porcelain with a mounted decor in guilded metal Art Nouveau-vaasje in porselein met opgelegd bomendecor in gedoreerd me...

Art Nouveau coffeeset (17 pcs) in porcelain with polychromed whiplash ornamentation 17-delig Art Nouveau-koffieservies in gemerkt porselein met p...

Art Nouveau-vase with bathing ladies - signed Emmanuel Villanis VILLANIS EMMANUEL (1858 - 1914) Art Nouveau-vaas met twee baadsters in hoog-relië...

French "Christofle" marked Art Nouveau coffee set with typical whiplash ornamentation CHRISTOFLE - FRANKRIJK - ca 1900 mooi vierdelig Art Nouveau...

pair of illegibly marked French Art Nouveau candlesticks with whiplash ornamentation in pewter - marked "... Paris" Paar onleesbaar gemerkt Art N...

set of 24 pieces "WMF" Art Nouveau cutlery with whiplash ornamentation - marked WMF - ca 1900 24-delig Art Nouveau-bestek met typische zweepslago...

Art Nouveau "Ladies' bust" sculpture in marble and bronze Art Nouveau-sculptuur in Carrara-marmer op een mooie basis in groengepatineerde brons :...

"Affortunato Gori" chryselephantine sculpture in bronze and ivory on a base in typical marble - signed Gory GORI AFFORTUNATO / GORY (ACTIEF : 189...

antique "Villar" signed sculpture in bronze with an orientalistic Art Nouveau theme VILLAR antieke sculptuur in brons met een oriëntalistisch Art...

Art Deco sculpture in bronze on a base in typical marble - signed Fayral (Pierre Lefaguays) and with foundry mark FAYRAL / LEFAGUAYS PIERRE (1892...

Art Nouveau (dinner)-tray in marquetry with grips in bronze - with brass inlaid monogram S H Art Nouveau-dienplateau in marqueterie met bloemende...

late 19th Cent. Italian salon suite in finely carved walnut with baroque and Art Nouveau style ornaments : a pair of chairs, a settee, a table and...

Art Nouveau-chandelier in wrought iron with green patina and with a design with irisses Fraaie korfvormige Art Nouveau-luster in groengepatineerd...

"Daum Nancy" signed Art Nouveau vase in cameo pate de verre with a polychrome decor with flowers and berries DAUM NANCY mooie bekervormige Art No...

"Legras" Art Nouveau-vase in pâte de verre - signed LEGRAS Art Nouveau-vaas in cameoglaspasta met een uitgespaard vegetaal decor met bloemen - ho...

French "Eugène Michel" signed Art Deco-lamp in pâte de verre - with the Lorraine cross mark MICHEL EUGENE (1848-1910) Art Deco-veilleuse lamp met...

Art Nouveau bowl in glass with iridiscent color and with a mounting in guilded bronze Art Nouveau-bowl in glas met iriserend oppervlak en met een...

Art Nouveau claret jug in glass with polychrome whiplash ornamentation and a pewter mounting Art Nouveau-karaf in groen gesatineerd kristalglas m...

quite big Daum vase in pâte de verre - signed DAUM NANCY grote vaas in gemarmerde glaspasta - hoogte : 59,5 cm - ca 1920 getekend

"Le Verre français" Art Deco vase in pâte de verre - marked LE VERRE FRANÇAIS mooie bekervormige Art Deco-vaas in meerlagige glaspasta met sterk ...

"Daum Nancy" signed Art Deco lamp with a beautiful base in wrought iron and quite a big shade in pâte de verre DAUM NANCY mooie champignonvormige...

French "Müller frêres Lunéville" Art Deco-lamp in wrought iron and pâte de verre MÜLLER Frêres LUNEVILLE Art Deco-lamp met voet in smeedijzer en ...

set of three flasks in crystal, each with an ivory top with the engraved monogram in Chinese of the artist - realised during his stay in Japan in ...

Georg Jensen design Art Deco bowl in marked and 1924 dated silver by Jensen GEORG JENSEN Deense Art Deco-bowl op typische voet met perlage in mas...

special pair of French Art Deco "Noverdy France" signed lamps in wrought iron and satinated glass (each lamp has two signed plaques of glass) NOV...

pair of Art Deco "Mahieu" signed candelabra in wrought iron MAHIEU paar Art Deco-kandelaars in mooi uitgewerkt smeedijzer en telkens met vijf kaa...

René Lalique style vase in crystal with a frieze with figures Vaas in de stijl van René Lalique in kleurloos, deels gesatineerd kristal met een b...

two vases in crystal of which one is signed "Desna" Lot van twee vazen in kristal versierd met vrouwenfiguren, waarvan één getekend "Desna" - hoo...

early Art Deco grape's bowl in thick satinated glass Vroege Art Deco-druivencoupe in dik kleurloos, gesatineerd kristalglas met een druivelaarsde...

Art Deco lamp in wrought iron and glass Art Deco-schemerlamp met voet in smeedijzer en met schaalvormige kap in dik kleurloos gesatineerd kristal...

20th Cent. "suprematist composition" aquarelle - with the monogram of Ivan I. Tchervinka on the back TCHERVINKA IVAM IVANOVITCH (1891 - 1950) aqu...

20th Cent. abstract mixed media (with gouache) - illegibly signed (Herbin ?) and dated 1945 HERBIN (?) onduidelijk getekend werk in gemengde tech...

"Grande Giraffe" sculpture in bronze - limited posthumous edition signed Pompon and with "Ebano" foundry mark POMPON FRANÇOIS (1855 - 1933) sculp...

posthumous Amadeo Modigliani "Cariathide" sculpture in bronze - a signed limited edition with foundry mark of "Ebano" MODIGLIANI AMADEO (1884 - 1...

20th Cent. Belgian sculpture in resinet on a metal frame - signed Joz De Loose DE LOOSE JOZ (1925 - 2011) sculptuur in resinet op een metalen fra...

21st Cent. typical Luis Tomasello "Black light" wallsculpture - signed - edition of 2011 TOMASELLO LUIS (1915 - 2014) wandsculptuur n° 50/60 met ...

21st Cent. Geneviève Claisse "A.D.N." wallsculpture - signed - edition of 2016 CLAISSE GENEVIÈVE (1935 - 2018) wandsculptuur n° 4/4 met een rode ...

20th/21st Cent. relief in cardboard, titled and signed Roger Demyttenaere on the back DEMYTTENAERE ROGER (1926 - 2019) reliëf-werk in karton : "H...

original Roger Demyttenaere glass sculpture "Verres Verts" DEMYTTENAERE ROGER (1926 - 2019) typische glassculptuur "Verres Verts" - 38 x 21 x 21 ...

20th/21st Cent. CAD drawing printed on MDF, single copy, titled and signed Roger Demyttenaere on the back DEMYTTENAERE ROGER (1926 - 2019) CAD te...

20th/21st Cent. CAD drawing printed on paper, single copy, titled and signed Roger Demyttenaere on the back DEMYTTENAERE ROGER (1926 - 2019) CAD ...

20th Cent. Belgian abstract painting with assemblage - signed Gilbert De Cock and dated 1979 on the back DECOCK GILBERT (1928 - 2007) olieverfsch...

20th Cent. Belgian abstract oil on canvas - signed Guy Vandenbranden and dated 1984 VANDENBRANDEN GUY (1926 - 2014) olieverfschilderij op doek me...

20th Cent. Belgian geomtric abstract " X1 " gouache - signed Guy Vandenbranden and dated 1970 VANDENBRANDEN GUY (1926 - 2014) gouache met een geg...

20th Cent. Belgian abstract oil on canvas - signed Guy Vandenbranden and dated 1980 (on the back) VANDENBRANDEN GUY (1926 - 2014) olieverfschilde...

20th Cent. Belgian abstract gouache - signed Guy Vandenbranden VANDENBRANDEN GUY (1926 - 2014) originele gouache met een geometrisch-abstracte co...

20th Cent. Belgian abstract gouache - signed Guy Vandenbranden VANDENBRANDEN GUY (1926 - 2014) originele gouache met een geometrisch-abstracte co...

20th Cent. Belgian gouache - signed Guy Vandenbranden and dated 1979 VANDENBRANDEN GUY (1926 - 2014) vrij grote gouache : "Geometrisch-abstracte ...

20th Cent. Belgian abstract gouache - titled, signed Guy Vandenbranden and dated 1980 (on the back) VANDENBRANDEN GUY (1926 - 2014) originele gou...

20th Cent. abstract painting on paper - signed Nigel Kent KENT NIGEL (°1933) origineel schilderij op papier : "Abstracte compositie" - 45 x 45 ge...

20th Cent. Belgian lithograph printed in colors - signed Raoul Ubac UBAC RAOUL (1910 - 1985) kleurlitho n° 4/30 met abstracte compositie - 115 x ...

20th Cent. belgian abstract oil on canvas - signed Hugo Declercq and dated (on the back) 1985/86 DECLERCQ HUGO (1930 - 1996) olieverfschilderij o...

unique Michaël Kortländer wall sculpture in cardboard and acrylics titled "Opalk" - signed and dated 2000 (on the back) KORTLANDER MICHAEL (°1953...

characteristic Hendrick Brandtsoen oil on panel titled "Tribute to the 17th Century - Plum and Papers" - signed BRANDTSOEN HENDRICK (1938 - 2003)...

21st Cent. Chinese mixed media painting - titled "Metropole", signed Xinjiang Gao and dated 2016 GAO XINJIANG (° 1940) schilderij in gemengde tec...

20th Cent. Russian mixed media painting (with aquarelle and gouache) - signed Anatojlij T. Zverev and dated 1963 ZVEREV ANATOLIJ TIMOFEEVIC (1931...

Jacques Charlier oil on panel on both sides - signed, dated 1988 and a with label on the back CHARLIER JACQUES (° 1939) dubbelzijdig olieverfschi...

20th Cent. Belgian mixed media painting (with collage) - signed Paul Gees and dated 1992 GEES PAUL (° 1949) schilderij in gemengde techniek (met ...

original Jochen Seidel drawing in colors to be dated during his New York period (1964 - 1971) - with two numbers (inventarisition ?) on the back ...

Andy Warhol "Mickey Mouse" diamond dust screenprint on Lennox Board Museum Board from the series "Myths" dd 1981 - with on the back two stamps : "...
