Russian Art & Icons

Venue: Elbingerstraße 11 - 74078 Heilbronn

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Russian Art & Icons

Venue: Elbingerstraße 11 - 74078 Heilbronn

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A silver milk jug. Russia, Moscow, 1843. Stamped with hallmark, 84-standard, assayer'smark ''AK 1843'' and illegilbe master's mark ''H?''. 9 cm hi...

Two silver tcharki. Russia, Moscow, 1760-1780. One gilded. Embossed and engravedrocailles. One stamped with hallmark ''1780'', assayer's mark Step...

A silver bowl. Russia, Moscow, 1788. Round stand. Round body with embossed decor: twocrowned eagles surrounded by flowers. Bottom stamped with hal...

A copper samowar. St. Petersburg, circa 1800. The urn shaped body on four feet withblossom decor. Curved handles. Small dents. 38 cm high.Weinfont...

A silver beaker. Kiev, circa 1900. Gilt interior. Engraved houses and flowers. Stampedwith hallmark with 84-standard and not identified master's m...

A silver judaica beaker and small plate. Circa 1880. Beaker with engraved decor, stampedwith 84-standard and illegible hallmark, 12 cm high, 78 gr...

A silver jug. Russia, Moscow, Peter Grigorjev, 1802-1804. Engraved leaves. Hinged lid withblossom finial. Stamped with hallmark, 84-standard and m...

Two silver and niello beaker. Russia, Moscow, 1864. Silver and niello decor. Stamped withhallmark, 84-standard, illegible assayer's mark ''AS?4'' ...

A silver and niello beaker. Russia, Jaroslavl, Alexej F. Kolotochin, 1842-1876. Body withnielloed landscape and leaves on stippled ground. Stamped...

Two silver beaker. Moscow, Kiev, circa 1880/90. Bodys with engraved foliage and leaves.Bottom stamped with hallmarks, 84-standard, assayer's marks...

Twelve silver and niello spoons. Russia, Moscow, 1886. Bowl with nielloed view on Kremlin.Stamped with hallmark, 84-standard and assayer's mark ''...

A silver-gilt and niello baby fitter. Russia, Moscow, Gavrla Ustinov, 1929. Silver-giltbody with nielloed decor on partial guilloche ground: back ...

A silver and niello cigarette case with view of St. Petersburg. Russia, St. Petersburg,1838. All sides with nielloed decor: hinged lid with view o...

A small silver and niello pill box. Moscow, circa 1830. Gilt interior. Hinged lid withnielloed decor of monument of Peter the Great. Stamped with ...

A Moscow silver and niello tin. Russia, Moscow, 1866. Rectangular tin with nielloedfoliage. Stamped with hallmark, 84-standard, assayer's mark ''A...

Six silver trompe l'oeil tea holders. Stamped St. Petersburg, Victor Ivanov, 1892-1898.Body and handle with twisted ropework rim to simulate baske...

Two silver-gilt Fabergé fish knives and one spoon. Russia, Moscow, Karl Fabergé,1896-1908. Handles decorated with pearl border. Stamped with assay...

Six silver-gilt vodka beaker. Kiev, 1893. Gilt inside and lip. Engraved flowers. Bottomwith hallmark, 84-standard, not identified assayer's mark '...

Seven silver pieces. Russia, 1879 (one), 1891 (one), 1896-1908 (four pieces), 1908-1917(one). Including five vodka beaker, one beaker, one fork. S...

Four silver beakers. Russia, 1868 (one), 1896-1908 (two), 1908-1917 (one). All withengraved decor. Bottom stamped with assayer's mark with 84-stan...

30 pieces Nichols & Plinke silver flatware. Russia, St. Petersburg, Robert Kochun u.a. forNichols & Plinke, 1871 -1889. Including six spoons, six ...

A silver cigarette case showing Lermontov's ''Demon''. Russia, Moscow, probably VladimirAkimov, 1893. Gilt interior. Of rectangular form. Hinged l...

A silver samorodok cigarette case. Russia, St. Petersburg, Grigory Pantratiev (1874-1908),1908. Rectangular shaped with rounded corners. Hinged li...

A silver samorodok purse. Russia, St. Petersburg, 1908-1917. Leather inside. Stamped withassayer's mark with 84-standard and master's mark ''LK''....

82 pieces of silver flatware. Warsaw, Emil Radke, 1896-1908. Including: 6 spoons, 6 smalleating spoons, 24 tea spoons, 12 mocha spoons, 6 knvies, ...

A silver tin. Russia. Moscow, Vasiliy Ivanovitch Puljetkin, 1908-1917. Gilt interior. Onfour feet. Of rectangular form. Stamped with assayer's mar...

A silver jug. Russia, Moscow, I. Raspopov, 1888. Engraved body. Bottom stamped withhallmark, 84-standard, not itendified assayer's mark ''AR 1888'...

A silver beaker. Russia, Moscow, 1869. Engraved decor. Stamped with hallmark, 84-standard,assayer's mark ''VS 1869'' and master's mark ''IA''. 8.5...

Two silver napkins. Russia, Moscow, Ivan Saltykow, 1896-1908. Gilt interior. Engravedhouses and leaves, back with engraved monogram. Stamped with ...

Two silver napkins. Russia, Moscow, Adrian T. Ivanov, 1908-1917 (one). One with nielloeddecor of tsar bell in Moscow russounded by foliage, Diam. ...

Two silver saucer. Moscow, 1860 / Soviet Untion, 1954-1958. Engraved decor. Stamped withhallmark, 84-standard, illegible assayer's mark ''??1860''...

A silver art nouveau cup. Russia, Moscow, Aleksandr I. Pikarev, 1908-1913. Gilt interior.Engraved monogram surrounded by leaves. Stamped with assa...

A silver flute. Russia, Moscow, Sergej Agafonov, 1894. Body with engraved flowers. Stampedwith hallmark with 84-standard and master's mark ''SA'' ...

A silver art nouveau milk jug. Russia, Moscow, probably Ivan Nikolaev Mnekin (1896-1908),1908. Gilt inside. Engraved monogram and flowers. Bottom ...

A silver jug. Russia, St. Petersburg, Aleksandr Pokin (1882-1898), 1896. Gilt interior.Handle with embossed leaf. Bottom stamped with not identifi...

A silver tray. Russia, St. Petersburg, Adolf Sper, 1848. Engraved coat of arms. Borderwith embossed leaves. Stamped with hallmark, 84-standard, as...

A silver and niello sugar bowl and tong. Russia, Moscow, Maria Sokolova, 1896-1908. Bowland tong with nielloed foliage on stippled ground. Bottom ...

A silver teapot. Russia, Moscow, Antip Ivanovich Kuzmichev, 1889. Gilt interior. Body andlid with engraved ornamental decor. Bottom and lid stampe...

A silver and niello cigarette case. Moscow, Petr Abrosimov, 1895. Gilt interior.Rectangular form with rounded corners. Both sides with nielloed fo...

A silver and niello case with view of Moscow. Moscow, Sergej I. Nasarov, 1908. Giltinterior. Stamped with assayer's mark with 84-standard and mast...

A silver and niello cigarette case with architectual view. Russia, Moscow, Nikolai Ivanov,1896. Both sides with nielloed decor. Stamped with hallm...

A silver and niello case with view of Moscow. Moscow, Daniel Petrov, 1880-1886. Remains ofgilding inside. Both sides with nielloed decor. Stamped ...

A silver and niello cigarette case. Russia, Moscow, 1892. Gilt interior. Both sides withnielloed foliage on stippled ground. Hinged lid with troik...

A silver and niello belt. Tula, Donskoy, 1896-1908. 13 chains and buckle with nielloedfoliage. All chains stamped with assayer's mark 1896-1908 an...

A silver and niello belt. Kiev, 1896-1908. 15 chains and buckle with nielloed foliage. Allpieces stamped with assayer's mark and master's mark ''M...

A silver-gilt and niello belt. Caucasian, 1908-1917. 20 chains, cloth band. Stamped withassayer's mark with 84-standard and master's mark ''IS''. ...

Two silver and niello beaker and tray. Soviet Union, 1954-1958. Engraved and nielloedfoliage. Stamped with assayer's mark with 875 standard and ma...

A silver goblet with kremlin. Russia, Fedoskino, 19th century. Remains of gilding inside.Bowl with polychrome oil painting of view of Moscow. Sign...

Two silver-gilt and niello vodka beaker. Russia, Tula, late 19th century. Body withnielloed leaves. Bottom stamped with illegible assayer's and ma...

A six pieces silver coffee and tea set. 20th century. Including tea pot, coffee pot,sugar, bowl, milk pot, sugar scoop and tray. Engrav ornamental...

Six silver partial-gilt judaica beakers. 20th century. Four with gilt interior. Engravedstar of David. Beariung spurious Russian marks. 7 cm high,...

Six silver jew figures. 20th century. Six realistically carved jews making music. Bearingspurious marks. 6 cm high, 128 gr.Sechs musizierende Jude...

A tortoise shell and silver torah pointer. Early 20th century. Tortoise shell handle.Pointer and end of the hand with silver. End decorated with s...

A silver case with diamonds and sapphire. 20th century. Both sides with engraved decor.Lid with two applied double-headed eagles and monogram of A...

A silver cigarette case with monogram of Nicholas I. Moscow, Alexander Sergeev Egorov,1875. Gilt interior. Stamped with hallmark, 84-standard, ass...

A silver box with diamonds. 20th century. Gilt interior. Hinged lid with double-headedeagle set with 29 old-cut diamonds. Unmarked. 9 cm long, 79 ...

A silver case with monogram Nicholas I. Early 20th century. Gilt interior. Guillocheddecor all-round. Hinged lid with applied monogram of Nicholas...

A silver case with double headed eagle. Early 20th century. Gilt interior. Hinged lid withpartial hammered decor. Guilloched back. Applied double-...

Six silver vodka beaker. Soviet Union, Tallinn, 1954-1991. Gilt interior. Engraved decor.Stamped with assayer's mark with 875-standard and master'...

Four silver partial-gilt vodka beakers. Soviet Union, after 1958. Soviet assyer's markwith 916-standard and master's mark. 7.5 cm high, 134 gr.Vie...
