China, 2 lakwerk doosjes en eenYixing theepot, 20e eeuw,
General Art & Antiques Sale - Part 3
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Terms & Conditions
After adjudication no claims or refunds of any nature will be possible.
Veilinggebouw De Zwaan is not responsible for any problems arising from the necessity that may arise to sell a lot under a different lotnumber or at a different time that foreseen in the order of the sale.
Collections or possible transport of the goods bought at auction, the due sums shall be paid, either using cash or debit card (no credit cards accepted) or via banktransfer: IBAN NL35 INGB 0697 4124 15, BIC INGBNL2A.
A bidder is accepting personal liability to pay the purchase price and all other premiums and applicable taxes and charges. The buyer’s premium for bidding in the room is 29,5% incl. VAT of the hammerprice.
The adjudication of the lot is at the discretion of the auctioneer, e.g. when several bidders claim an identical final bid. In case of doubt, the auctioneer can decide to re-open bidding for the same lot.
In all cases in which these conditions may give reason to doubt, the rules of the Federatie Taxateur Makelaars Veilinghouders in roerende zaken and Dutch law prevail.