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A subscription to the Price Guide is required to view results for auctions ten days or older. Click here for more information
Victorian silver four piece tea service, comprising teapot, teapot stand, twin handled open sucrier and milk jug, each of octagonal form with foli...
George III silver three piece tea service, comprising teapot with ivory scroll capped curved handle and ivory finial to the hinged cover, twin han...
Early 20th century pierced silver bowl, of circular form with shaped rim with C scroll and foliate edge, the whole profusely pierced, upon three p...
Early 20th century silver bowl
Early 20th century silver bowl, of oval form, the serpentine shaped edge with fruiting vine pierced and applied moulded decoration, upon four conf...
Victorian silver three piece tea service, comprising teapot, twin handled open sucrier, and milk jug, each of bellied form with acanthus capped sc...
Early 20th century silver entree dish and cover, of rectangular form with shaped corners and oblique gadrooned borders to base and cover, the cove...
Early 20th century silver salver
Early 20th century silver salver, of circular form with piecrust and oblique gadrooned rim, hallmarked Manoah Rhodes & Sons Ltd, Sheffield 1932, D...
20th century German silver framed dressing table mirror, the shaped and bevel edged mirror plate set within a reeded frame 'wound' with ribbon and...
William IV silver three piece tea service, comprising teapot, twin handled open sucrier and milk jug, each with embossed and engraved C scroll and...
George III silver mug
George III silver mug, of bellied form with acanthus capped scroll handle, upon a circular stepped foot, hallmarked Fuller White, London 1764, H12...
Late Victorian silver bachelors three piece tea service, comprising bullet shaped teapot, open sucrier and milk jug, each engraved with monogram s...
Victorian silver teapot
Victorian silver teapot, the body of bulbous form engraved with named cartouche and surrounded by flower heads and foliate scrolls, with capped st...
George I silver porringer
George I silver porringer, of typical form with flat capped twin curved handles, the body with later presentation engraving surrounded by later e...
Commonwealth silver cup
Commonwealth silver cup, of cylindrical form engraved with foliate band and motifs beneath slightly tapering rim, and stipple engraved with monogr...
George II Scottish silver teapot
George II Scottish silver teapot, of bullet form with reeded spout and wooden scroll capped handle, upon a spreading circular foot, hallmarked Joh...
Set of six George III silver Old English pattern table spoons, engraved with monogram to terminal, hallmarked Hester Bateman, London 1778 & 1779Co...
Georgian silver matched Old English pattern canteen for twelve place settings, comprising table spoons, table forks, dessert spoons, and side fork...
Modern silver Pembury pattern canteen for twelve place settings, comprising table forks, table knives, side forks, side knives, dessert spoons, so...
Small early 20th century silver tray
Small early 20th century silver tray, of rectangular form with reeded edge and twin reeded handles, hallmarked Asprey & Co Ltd, London 1914, inclu...
1920's silver table cigarette box
1920's silver table cigarette box, of rectangular form with engine turned decoration to the exterior, the hinged cover with central vacant rectang...
Early/mid 20th century Persian silver tea service, comprising circular serving tray, teapot, twin handled sucrier and cover, milk jug, five tea gl...
Large late 19th/early 20th century American silver pitcher, the body of ovoid form with embossed and chased foliate band, and acanthus capped scro...
Early 20th century American silver three piece coffee service, comprising coffee pot with ivory insulators to the handle, twin handled sucrier, an...
Mid/late 19th century Gorham silver serving spoon, circa 1863-1890, the bowl modelled as an oyster shell with silver gilt interior, affixed to the...
Late 19th/early 20th century American silver Shell & Thread type pattern part canteen, comprising twelve table spoons, twelve table forks, twelve ...
Two 18th century American silver Hanovarian pattern tablespoons with rat tail bowls, the first example marked for Joseph Edwards, Boston MA, L18.5...
Two early/mid 18th century American silver Hanovarian pattern tablespoons with rat tail bowls
Two early/mid 18th century American silver Hanovarian pattern tablespoons with rat tail bowls, the first example marked for John Burt, Boston, cir...
Pair of 18th century American silver Hanoverian pattern tablespoons, marked for Paul Revere Jr., Boston MA, L20cmCondition Report: Approximate tot...
Two George III silver meat skewers
Two George III silver meat skewers, the first example with shell mounted ring terminal, hallmarked Philip Roker III, London 1765, L31cm, the secon...
George III silver telescopic toasting fork, with three sections, ebonised handle and ring terminal, hallmarked London 1809, makers mark unidentifi...
Cased set of four Victorian silver open salts, each of cauldron form with embossed foliate decoration, gadrooned rim and gilt interior, upon three...
Early 20th century silver mustard pot and cover, of drum form the sides pierced with hound and birds in flight against leafy vines, the plain flat...
Late Victorian silver pepper
Late Victorian silver pepper, of cylindrical form with screw threaded pierced flat topped cover, the openwork body decorated with flowers of the U...
Pair of 20th century Greek silver metal goblets, each with planished tapering bowl upon a knopped stem and stepped spreading foot, marked Lalaouni...
Late 19th century German Hanau silver miniature novelty scuttle, of cylindrical form with side handle and swing handle, the body impressed with fi...
Victorian and later silver chatelaine, the shaped and foliate pierced clasp with embossed oval panel of a courting couple, hallmarked Levi & Salam...
Late Victorian silver playing card box, of rectangular form with hinged top, the front and back embossed with vacant cartouche, surrounded by putt...
Victorian silver travelling desk compendium, of plain rectangular form, the hinged cover opening to reveal a fitted gilt interior containing inkwe...
Modern silver miniature paint box
Modern silver miniature paint box, of plain rectangular form with canted corners, the hinged cover lifting to reveal a compartmented gilt interior...
Very large modern silver novelty model of a paperclip, hallmarked London 2004, makers mark Wi, also stamped 925, L48.5cm W11cmCondition Report: Ap...
20th century Italian silver novelty table light, modelled in the form of a pomegranate, marked Buccellati, Italy, Sterling, H8.5cm Condition Repor...
Two modern silver novelty filled models of fruit, the first example modelled as a segment of melon, L16cm, the second as a banana, L14.5cm, each h...
Modern silver three piece novelty cruet set, comprising salt, pepper and mustard, modelled as seated toads with textured backs and inset glass eye...
Mid 20th century French silver and gold vanity case, of rectangular form, the hinged cover decorated with an openwork panel of bids and cabochon r...
Mid 20th century Italian silver purse, of rounded rectangular form, the curved body engraved with flower heads encrusted with rubies and leaves, o...
Small early 20th century silver gilt and lilac guilloche enamel box, of cylindrical form, the cover lifting to reveal a gilt interior, hallmarked ...
1920's Art Deco silver and enamel cheroot holder and case, the light blue engine turned enamel case of bottle form, with screw thread cover openin...
Edwardian silver and nephrite casket
Edwardian silver and nephrite casket, of rectangular form with inset nephrite panels to sides, the removable cover surmounted with a nephrite recu...
Victorian silver castle-top card case, of rectangular form with scrolling sides, relief embossed with the Houses of Parliament and surrounded by f...
Victorian silver castle-top card case, of rectangular form with scrolling sides, relief embossed with the St Paul's Cathedral and surrounded by fo...
Victorian silver castle-top vinaigrette, of rectangular form, the hinged cover relief embossed with Windsor Castle, opening to reveal a foliate pi...
Edwardian silver novelty pin cushion
Edwardian silver novelty pin cushion, modelled as a buckled shoe set with Scottish hardstones, hallmarked Adie & Lovekin Ltd, Birmingham 1905, L6....
Edwardian silver novelty pin cushion
Edwardian silver novelty pin cushion, modelled as a hare, hallmarked Adie & Lovekin Ltd, Birmingham 1908, L6.5cmCondition Report: Some slight wear...
Edwardian silver novelty pin cushion
Edwardian silver novelty pin cushion, modelled as a frog, hallmarked Adie & Lovekin Ltd, Birmingham 1907, L6cmCondition Report: Some slight wear i...
Edwardian silver novelty pin cushion
Edwardian silver novelty pin cushion, modelled as a camel, hallmarked Cornelius Desormeaux Saunders & James Francis Hollings, Birmingham 1906, H5c...
George III silver snuff box
George III silver snuff box, of oblong form with reeded decoration and traces of gilding to the exterior, the hinged cover opening to reveal a gil...
Victorian silver vinaigrette
Victorian silver vinaigrette, of oval form with shaped edge, decorated throughout with engine turned bands, the hinged cover with vacant C scroll ...
William IV silver vinaigrette
William IV silver vinaigrette, of rectangular form, the hinged cover engraved with the all-seeing eye and inscribed 'May it watch over you', withi...
George III silver nutmeg grater
George III silver nutmeg grater, of cylindrical form with pull off cap and base, engraved with a foliate band, hallmarked Samuel Pemberton, Birmin...
Victorian silver topped porcelain scent bottle, the porcelain body of circular form printed in blue with variant of the Willow pattern upon a whit...