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An Ekornes Stressless three piece retro style suite in cream leather
A retro Danish leather swivel armchair
A retro Ercol elm floor standing bookcase 38in high x 36in wide x 11in deep
A nest of three retro Ercol elm pebble tables, largest 25.5in wide x 15.75in high
A pair of tall Bang & Olufsen floor standing speakers with cables 58in high ...[more]
A retro ceiling light fitting 20in drop
A George III oak secretaire with brass fittings 39.5in high x 37in wide x 21.5in deep. Provenance: Formerly the property of Mrs. Michele Dotrice &...
A Victorian mahogany revolving bookcase 41.5in high. Provenance: Formerly the property of Mrs. Michele Dotrice & her husband, the late Mr. Edward ...
A brass fitted George III oak ladies lowboy with later added matching gallery 39.5in high x 32.25in wide x 19.75in deep
An oak George III chest of drawers with brass fittings 35in high x 43in wide x 23.5in deep
A mahogany next of tables with inlaid decor & smallest table with two under tiers, largest table 26.5in high x 19.25in wide x 13in deep ...[more]
A c.1900 carved Anglo-Indian table with mother of pearl inlaid decor, some faults to gallery 32.5in high
An early 20thC. oak canteen with mostly silver plated cutlery 35in high x 22.5in wide x 18in deep
A c.1900 carved Chinese hardwood pedestal table with inset marble top 28.25in high
A rustic 19thC. oak farmhouse table with cleated ends 66in long x 29in high x 29in wide
An early 19thC. William IV rosewood framed scroll end sofa. Provenance: formerly from Trematon Hall, Saltash sold at Clarks 2019 but vendor return...
A 19thC. American walnut extending table 122in long x 42.5in wide x 28in high. Provenance: Formerly the property of Mrs. Michele Dotrice & her hus...
A c.1900 American folk art painted trunk depicting the USS Constitution in 1812 defeating a British warship 35.5in wide x 12.5in high x 18.5in dee...
A Regency period French four piece suite with inlaid decor 36.5in high. Provenance: Formerly the pro
A Regency period French four piece suite with inlaid decor 36.5in high. Provenance: Formerly the property of Mrs. Michele Dotrice & her husband, t...
A large painted carved fairground style horse approx. 60in high. Provenance: Formerly the property of Mrs. Michele Dotrice & her husband, the late...
An arts & crafts copper jardiniere & stand with hammered & fishtail style decor 36in high x 12in diameter, some faults. Provenance: Formerly the p...
An African hardwood refectory style table top on teak base with eight leather seated oak chairs including two carvers 84in long x 29.5in wide x 28...
A good quality upholstered two seater jacquard sofa 65.5in wide
A painted four piece folding screen depicting birds & flowers 65.5in high x 42in wide. Provenance: Formerly the property of Mrs. Michele Dotrice &...
A barge ware style painted milk churn depicting flowers & badgers 26.5in high. Provenance: Formerly the property of Mrs. Michele Dotrice & her hus...
A leather topped oak footstool 15in high
A 19thC. elm table top with later added pedestal legs 20.75in x 20in top, 30in high
A serpentine fronted display cabinet, some faults to veneer 46.5in high x 41.5in wide
Four upholstered dining chairs twinned with two matching nursing chairs
An upholstered chaise longue 69in long
Four high back mahogany dining chairs, faults to seats
A c.1800 George III long case clock maker R. Drake Beaminster with inlaid oak case 81in high
Two upholstered armchairs, one lacking wheel
An oak roll top desk 48in wide x 46.5in high x 27.75in deep
A large 18thC. oak coffer with candle box 65in wide x 25.5in deep x 27.75in high
A Victorian extending mahogany dining table with later stained pine centre panel 52.75in long & 68.5in long with panel, a/f ...[more]
A small serpentine fronted chest of drawers with brass handles 28.75in wide x 17.5in deep x 31.5in high
A Danish or G-Plan style 1960's retro teak table 65in long x 31in wide 29.5in high
A 19thC. mahogany tilt top pedestal table 27in high x 17in across at top
A Chinese lacquerware opium table 23in wide x 15in deep x 7.5in high
An Edwardian upholstered inlaid sofa 51.5in wide twinned with a small upholstered footstool
A large decorative metal triptych of stag head 41.25in wide x 31in high
A large terracotta stick stand 32in tall
Three gilt framed decorative pictures
A scrub top pine cottage style table with drawer 39in wide 39in deep x 30in high ...[more]
An early 20thC. slimline oak bureau bookcase ...[more]
A mahogany Canterbury with two drawers under ...[more]
A pair of decorative modern metal framed table lamps 18in high inclusive
A twin table lamp with ornate stand 31in high inclusive
A pair of ornate wooden table lamps with shades 34in high
A decorative table lamp with stag decorated shade 35in high inclusive
Three decorative lamps twinned with a various lamp shades, tallest 23in high inclusive
Three Brights of Nettlebed porcelain table lamps with silk shades 29in high
Two Chinese porcelain table lamps with brass fittings, acquired in mid 20thC. bought in Hong Kong 23in high
A pair of vintage Christopher Wray brass table lamps with glass shades 13.5in high
A pair of early 20thC. figurative spelter lamps 16.5in high. Provenance: Formerly the property of Mrs. Michele Dotrice & her husband, the late Mr....
A pair of large twin light Vienna style porcelain lamps with shades & decorative gilt bases 40in high. Provenance: Formerly the property of Mrs. M...
An early 20thC. gimbal mounted British Star hinge burner oil lamp
An oak mounted antique spelter figurative lamp with cranberry lamp 33in tall. Provenance: Formerly the property of Mrs. Michele Dotrice & her husb...