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Fifty six Old Cornwall publications various dates from 1967 to 1994
Sixteen books and pamphlets of Cornish interest including Bodmin Moor by Pat Munn
Twenty books and booklets of Westcountry interest including Journals of Royal Institution of Cornwall
Twenty seven booklets and leaflets of Cornish interest including parish guides, ceremonial leaflets
Fourteen books of Cornish interest including some Cornish language and place names
Nine books of Cornish interest including The Harveys of Hayle by Edmund Vale and Sir Humphry Davys Published Works
Fourteen books and booklets on Cornish mining and steam engines including Historic Cornish Mining Scenes Underground by DB Barton
Nine books of Cornish interest including Prehistoric Cornwall The Ceremonial Monuments by John Barnett
Eleven books and guides of Cornish gardening and wildlife including The Chronicle of a Cornish Garden by Harry Roberts and Trees and Shrubs in Cor...
Eight books and pamphlets of Cornish mining history including The Cornish Miner by AK Hamilton Jenkin and The Tinners of Cornwall Opera by Inglis ...
Eleven books of Celtic study including poems, language, warriors and gospels
Nineteen books with yachting and boating themes including Reflections on Yachts by Douglas Phillips-Birt
Fifteen books of German wartime interest including twin volumes of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L Shirer
Fourteen books relating to Scotland including Industry and Ethos Scotland 1832 ~ 1914 by O & S Checkland ...[more]
Eighteen books on maritime, sea faring and fishing subjects including The Conquest of the North Atlantic by GJ Marcus
Twenty four books regarding Russian History
Twenty three books of historical matters including several on Napoleon
Sixteen books relating to German history including The Rise of Political Anti-Semitism in Germany and Austria by P Pulzer
Twenty four books on art, crafting and knitting
Sixteen books of Welsh interest including Education in a Welsh rural County 1870 - 1973 by JA Davies
Fifteen books regarding Ireland including historical and folklore
Twelve books of historical interest including Tudors, Romans, Jesuits and Italian Renaissance
Seventeen books relating to Wales including The Rural Revolt that Failed by D Pretty
Twenty six books on Sport and games including Sport Leisure and Culture in 20th Century Britain by Jeffrey Hill
Fourteen books on Ancient History including Arthur : Roman Britains Last Champion by Beram Saklatvala
Nineteen books relating to general European History including The Way of Saint James by TA Layton
Fifteen books of gardening and wildlife subjects including Shrubs for Milder Counties by W Arnold-Forster
Twelve books relating to history including Legends of Arthur by Richard Barber
Fourteen books of gardening and horticultural interest including Greenhouse Management for Amateurs by WJ May
Nine books on Ancient civilisations including The Illyrians by John Wilkes
Six books on history including The Age of the Picts by WA Cummings
Ten books on history including The Anglo-Saxons by DM Wilson
Eleven books relating to history including The Perspective of the World 15th-18th Century by Fernand Braudel
Ten books regarding oceans and maritime history including Historic Storms of the North Sea, British Isles and Northwest Eurpoe by Hubert Lamb
Nine book boxed set of The Cambridge Cultural History of Britain
Twelve books regarding ancient history including The Times Medieval World Mapping History
Twenty six books and pamphlets relating to Wales and Welsh history including Industrial South Wales 1750-194 by WE Minchinton
Five hardback books including The Colleges of Oxford by Andrew Clark
A 1930's Oak canteen of cutlery
Four rush seated ladderback chairs
A low level table with carved oak top
George III style oak dresser Titchmarsh & Goodwin ...[more]
Early 20th century oak roll top table a/f
19th Century mahogany bow fronted chest of drawers
Stained pine bureau with carved Chinese figures
Antique dropleaf table with barley twist legs
A wide 19th Century mahogany bureau
A George III style D shaped dropleaf oak table by Titchmarsh & Goodwin ...[more]
Panasonic Viera flatscreen TV twinned with a Panasonic DVD recorder
Panasonic Viera flatscreen TV twinned with a Samsung flatscreen TV
1960's Ercol style oak sideboard
1960's Oak dropleaf kitchen table twinned with four elm chairs
Edwardian style work table with inlaid top
Antique Hepplewhite style serpentine fronted chair
Retro coffee table with formica top