Chris Rudd Auction 171 - John Follows Collection Part 3

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Chris Rudd Auction 171 - John Follows Collection Part 3

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  • Ended 19 Jul 2020 17:57 BST

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Weald Net. Sills class 1a, rev.die 3. Cantiaci. c.50-40 BC. Gold stater. 18mm. 5.71g. Plain obverse./ Horse left, ribbed neck, beaded mane, annula...

Dubnovellaunos Serpent. Sills class 3, dies 1/1. Cantiaci. c.25BC-AD5. Gold quarter stater. 12mm. 1.34g. Plain with slight banding./ Horse leaping...

Solidu. Cantiaci. c.AD 40-43. Silver unit. 12-14mm. 1.04g. SOLIDV in centre of plain field, pellet immediately above, between letters L and I; enc...

Selsey Two Faced. No Bars Type. Sills British Qa, class 1, dies 1/1. Regini. c.55-45 BC. Gold stater. 17mm. 6.08g. Wreath design with little phall...

Bognor Cogwheel. Mane, Two Arcs. Regini. Sills British Qc, Cog Type, class 1a, dies 6/14. c.55-45 BC. Gold quarter stater. 12mm. 1.32g. Wreath des...

Wonersh. Pellets Type. Sills British Ma, dies 7/5. Regini.c.50-40 BC. Gold stater. 17-19mm. 5.34g. Cruciform motif of beaded bands, two outline cr...

Selsey Tramlines. Sills dies 1/1. Regini. c.55-45 BC. Gold quarter stater. 11mm. 1.17g. Two parallel corded lines with three ringed-pellets betwee...

Arundel Moon Man. Regini. c.55-45 BC. Silver unit. 12mm. 1.10g. Head left, three-crescent hairband with curved locks of corded hair./ Annulate hor...

Eight Leaf Cogwheel. Regini. c.50-40 BC. Silver unit. 10mm. 0.87g. Spoked-wheel-like motif of eight corn ears radiating from beaded ring with ‘cog...

Cheesefoot Head.Sills Hampshire British Q Derivative, dies 1r/3. Belgae. c.55-45 BC. Gold stater. 16mm. 4.66g. Wreath motif with two hidden faces....

Danebury Scrolls Left. Sills dies 2/3. Belgae. c.60-50 BC. Gold quarter stater. 13mm. 1.19g. Eight scrolls around central pellet in cogwheel./ Hor...

Corded Crescents. Belgae. c.55-45 BC. Gold quarter stater. 9mm. 1.03g. Two snakelike corded crescents, forming six hidden faces, double ring above...

Crested Head. Berkshire. c.55-40 BC. Silver unit. 12mm. 1.08g. Gaunt head right, with sunken eye socket, angular eyebrow and nose, corded swept-ba...

Commios E-Type.  Sills class 2, dies 18/29. Regini & Atrebates. c.50-40 BC. Gold stater. 15-17mm. 5.53g. Atrebatic wreath pattern with downward fa...

Tincomarus Warrior. Pteruges and Antlers Type. Sills class 3, Classical Warrior.  Regini & Atrebates. c.25BC-AD10. Gold stater. 13-17mm. 5.25g. TI...

Verica Warrior Rex. Sills class 4, dies 10/14. Regini & Atrebates. c.AD10-40. Gold stater. 18mm. 5.27g. COM.F in tablet on plain field./ Warrior o...

Verica Vine Leaf. Leaping Horse. Sills class 5c, dies 18cl/33. Regini & Atrebates c.AD10-40. Gold stater. 15-17mm. 5.36g. Vine leaf on plain field...

Verica Selsey Crescents. Sills class 1, dies 1/1. Regini & Atrebates c.AD10-40. Gold quarter stater. 9mm. 1.17g. COM.F in tablet, crescent above a...

Snettisham. Rings Type. Talbot dies G/11. Iceni. c.50-40 BC. Gold stater. 17mm. 5.57g. Plain, traces of incuse cross and three curved lines./ Hors...

Freckenham Flower. Two Wheels Type. Talbot EBH, die group I, dies A/3. Iceni. c.30-10 BC. Gold stater. 15-18mm. 5.50g. Large three-petal flower in...

Freckenham Crescents. Ring and Star Type. Talbot BHB, die group I, dies D/7. Iceni. c.30-10 BC. Gold stater. 17mm. 5.39g. Back-to-back crescents, ...

Gisleham Glory. Talbot Saham Toney Quarter Stater, dies A/1. Iceni. c.40-20 BC. Gold quarter stater. 11mm. 1.00g. Cruciform design with ringed-pel...

Alii Scavo. Talbot Ale Sca, dies A/1. Iceni. c.AD35-45? Silver unit. 14mm. 1.03g. Boar stepping right, short dashes for bristles, ringed-pellet be...

Domino. Corieltauvi. c.45-10 BC. Gold stater. 18mm. 5.38g. Wreath motif with inward-facing leaves, ‘bear’s paws’ above, crescents and small-v belo...

Spilsby Stag. Rich Type 12a. Corieltauvi. c.55-45 BC. Silver unit. 13-15mm. 0.90g. Boar right, short-spiky bristles on back, upturned snout, above...

Volisios Dumnocoveros. Corieltauvi. c.AD35-40. Gold stater. 19mm. 5.27g. VOLI SIOS in two lines crossed by vertical wreath of brick-like leaves fa...

Bodvoc Bold. Dobunni. c.25-5 BC. Gold stater. 18mm. 5.50g. [B]ODVO[C] on plain field./ Triple-tailed horse right, crescent and two ringed-pellets ...

Corio Tree. Dobunni. c.20BC-5AD. Gold stater. 17-19mm. 5.34g. Dobunnic branch emblem on plain field./ Triple-tailed horse right, CORI[O], two pell...

Catti Tree. Dobunni. c.AD 1-20? Gold stater. 19mm. 5.48g.Tree symbol on plain field./ Triple-tailed horse right, above: CATTI, two pellets, cresce...

Eisu Tree. Dobunni. c.AD 20-43? Gold stater. 16-20mm. 5.24g. Spiky tree symbol on plain field./ Disjointed horse right with ‘safety pin’ head, EIS...

Savernake Wheel. East Wiltshire. c.30-1 BC. Gold quarter stater. 11mm. 1.22g. Wreath motif./ Belted horse right, with cabled mane, two tails and c...

SS Type. Sills class 1, dies 1/2. Eastern. c.55-45 BC. Gold stater. 18-21mm. 5.59g. Two reversed S-shapes on lightly banded flan./ Annulate horse ...

Finney’s Thunderbolt. Eastern. c.55-45 BC. Gold quarter stater. 12mm. 1.19g. Zigzag chevron thunderbolt or lightning flash with ringed-pellet on o...

Heybridge Triangle. Sills British Lc2, class 23, dies 1/1. Trinovantes. c.50-40 BC. Gold quarter stater. 12mm. 1.27g. Wreath between two corded li...

Harlow Flyer. Sills British Lb2, class 1, dies 2/2. Trinovantes. c.55-45 BC. Gold quarter stater. 12mm. 1.12g. Vertical wreath crossed by pellet l...

Dubnovellaunos Branch. E Type. Sills class 2c, dies 26/33. Trinovantes. c.5BC-AD10. Gold stater. 18mm. 5.40g. Banded flan with wreath motif, two o...

Harlow Wheel. Sills British Lb2, class 1. Catuvellauni. c.55-45 BC. Gold quarter stater. 13mm. 1.25g. Stylised wreath with central ringed-pellet, ...

Whaddon Bird. Catuvellauni. c.55-45 BC. Silver unit. 14mm. 1.39g. Head left with coiled hair, ringed-pellet at nape of neck, small animal in front...

Addedomaros Crescent Cross. Sills class 2, dies 9/17. Catuvellauni. c.45-25 BC. Gold stater. 18-20mm. 5.61g. Crossed-wreath pattern with two centr...

Addedomaros Flower. Sills class 2, dies 18/27. Catuvellauni. c.45-25 BC. Gold quarter stater. 13mm. 1.33g. Seven petalled flower around central ri...

Tasciovanos Tascio Ricon. Sills class 7b, dies 41/72. Catuvellauni. c.25 BC-AD 10. Gold stater. 17-19mm. 5.45g. TASCIO RICON in two panels on vert...

Cunobelinus Biga. Flatter Panel/Fatter Horse Type. Sills Class 1, dies 9/12.Kretz Late type, class B2, dies G/11. Catuvellauni & Trinovantes. c.AD...

Cunobelius Wild A, Central Stalk. Sills class 3a, dies 26/39. Catuvellauni & Trinovantes. c.AD 8-41. Gold stater. 17mm. 5.46g. Ear of barley with ...

Cunobelinus (Agr?) No Branch Type. Sills class 4, dies 41/74. Catuvellauni & Trinovantes. c.AD 8-41. Gold stater. 17-19mm. 5.33g. Ear of barley wi...

Cunobelinus B-Type. Sills class 6, Plastic, dies 61/107. Catuvellauni & Trinovantes. c.AD 8-41. Gold stater. 17-19mm. 5.37g. Ear of barley, CA to ...

Cunobelinus Classic A. C-Dot Spiky-Line Type. Sills class 7c, Classic A, Arc Stem, dies 82/139. Catuvellauni & Trinovantes. c.AD 8-41. Gold stater...

Cunobelinus Classic A, Arc Stem. Sills class 7c, dies 47/68. Catuvellauni & Trinovantes. c.AD 8-41. Gold quarter stater. 11mm. 1.29g. Ear of barle...

Cunobelinus (Togodumnus?) Left Type. Sills class 8, Classic B, dies 84/144. Catuvellauni & Trinovantes. c.AD 42-43. Gold stater. 16mm. 5.45g. Ear ...

Agr Bitch. Catuvellauni & Trinovantes. c.AD25-30. Silver unit. 15mm. 1.28g. AGR in centre, wreath border./ Bitch right, snake in paws, AGR below, ...
