Chris Rudd Auction 169 - John Follows Collection Part 1

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Chris Rudd Auction 169 - John Follows Collection Part 1

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  • Ended 15 Mar 2020 17:40 GMT

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Broad Flan Left. Big Nose Type with Triangle and Triad. Sills G-B Ab1, class 3b, dies 28r/32. Bellovaci. c.175-120 BC. Gold stater. 25mm. 7.47g. D...

Gallo-Belgic Serpent. Sills G-B F, West of R.Somme. c.60-55 BC. Gold quarter stater. 12mm. 1.44g. Wreath design with S-shape cloak fastener./ Full...

Dubnovellaunos Serpent. Sills class 3, dies 1?/4. c.25BC-AD5. Gold stater. 16-18mm. 5.42g. Plain banded obverse./ Horse leaping right, with beaded...

Vosenos Star Horse. Sills class 1, rev. die 5.10BC-AD5. Gold quarter stater. 11mm. 1.35g. Raised bands on plain field./ Well formed horse left, be...

Selsey Two Faced. No Bars Type. Sills British Qb, class 1, dies 3/7. c.55-45 BC. Gold stater. 18mm. 6.08g. Wreath design with little phallic face ...

Wonersh. Hairlocks Type. Sills British Ma, dies 6/4.c.50-40 BC. Gold stater. 17mm. 5.30g. Cruciform motif of beaded bands, two outline crescents b...

Aldingbourne Annulets. Sills dies 1/1. c.55-45 BC. Gold quarter stater. 9mm. 1.20g. Row of three ringed-pellets in centre of plain field./ Central...

Selsey Diadem. Sills dies 2/3. c.55-50 BC. Gold quarter stater. 10-12mm. 1.31g. Diademed female head left, corded hair curls./ Horse left, foal ab...

Ratham Dotty Wreath. Sills Ratham Dots, dies 1/1. c.55-45 BC. Gold quarter stater. 12mm. 1.14g. Wreath motif, clusters of tiny dots around, cresce...

Wonersh Left.  Sills dies 1/1. c.55-45 BC. Gold quarter stater. 10mm. 1.14g. Back-to-back crescents in centred of crossed wreaths, hairlocks and c...

Worthing Wonder. c.55-45 BC. Silver unit. 15mm. 1.23g. Head right, hair of corded lines, corn ear on ringed-pellet in front./ Long-legged horse ri...

Crescents Scissor Nose. c.55-45 BC. Silver unit. 10-12mm. 1.02g. Central boss surrounded by pellets, crescents and pellets around./ Scissor-nosed ...

Cheriton Smiler. Eyelash Type. Sills class 2b, Cheriton Axehead, dies 3/6. c.55-45 BC. Gold stater. 16-18mm. 5.17g. Horizontal wreath motif with o...

Ladder Mane. Sills Hampshire British Q Derivatives, dies 2/4. c.50-40 BC. Gold stater. 18mm. 5.32g. Wreath design with hidden face, ‘snake head’ b...

Danebury Dagger (formerly Spear).c.50-30 BC. Silver unit. 15mm. 1.35g. Boar left, dagger in front, pelleted crescents above, snake below, ringed-p...

Commios Lawrence. Sills class 1a, Split Name, dies 1/1. c.55-45 BC. Gold stater. 16-18mm. 5.47g. Wreath motif with linear crescents and two hidden...

Tincomarus Alfriston. Sills class 2, dies 3/5. c.25BC-AD10. Gold stater. 17mm. 5.37g. Wreath motif with downward-facing leaves, snake’s head below...

Tincomarus Warrior. Serif Type. Sills class 3, Classical Warrior, dies 9/11. c.25BC-AD10. Gold stater. 17mm. 5.37g. TINC engraved with large serif...

Verica Vine Leaf. Leaping Horse. Sills class 5c. c.AD 10-40. Gold stater. 16mm. 5.33g. Large vine leaf with stalk on plain field, dividing [V]ERI....

Verica Thunderbolt. VIRI Type. Sills class 4, dies 11/17. c.AD 10-40. Gold quarter stater. 11mm. 1.26g. Thunderbolt with central ringed-pellet, CO...

Epaticcus Corn Ear Warrior. Sills class 1, dies 3/9. c.AD25-40. Gold stater. 17-19mm. 5.38g. Central barley ear with [T]AS to left, CIF to right./...

Norfolk Wolf Right. Hooked Fibula Type. Talbot die group 4, dies N/19. c.55-50 BC. Gold stater. 17mm. 6.12g. Wreath motif with upward-facing leave...

Freckenham Flower Tripartite. Talbot Irstead Stater, die group 2, dies C/7. c.10BC-AD5. Gold stater. 15-18mm. 5.73g. Large three-petal flower in p...

Freckenham Crescents. Moon Faces Type. Talbot dies M/13. c.AD25-43. Gold stater. 15-17mm. 5.39g. Solid back-to-back crescents, four radiating line...

Mossop Proto Head. Diamonds and Fire Type. Talbot Large Flan A, dies D/6. c.50-40 BC. Silver unit. 16mm. 1.37g. Male head left with herringbone ha...

North East Coast. Right Type with Sun, Spiral and Star. c.60-50 BC. Gold stater. 16mm. 5.93g. Wreath motif with leaves facing inwards, tiny pellet...

Kite. Anticlockwise Type. Sills Mint A, class 7. c.45-10 BC. Gold stater. 18mm. 5.39g. Wreath with upward-facing leaves, four-spoked wheel contain...

Vepo Triadic. c.AD15-40. Gold stater. 19mm. 5.05g. Wreath crossed by bar with crescent at each end, ring of pellets in each crescent, dolphin in e...

Sunburst Little Horse. c.20BC-AD5? Gold quarter stater. 12mm. 1.27g. Wreath motif, sunburst in centre, crescent ‘eyes’ below./ Triple-tailed annul...

Corio Tree. Tiny Cross Type. c.20BC-5AD. Gold stater. 18mm. 5.55g. Dobunnic branch emblem on plain field./ Three-tailed horse right, CORI[O], two ...

Corio Tree. Tiny V Type. c.20BC-5AD. Gold stater. 17mm. 5.38g. Dobunnic branch emblem on plain field./ Three-tailed horse right, CORI[O], two ring...

Catti Tree. c.AD 1-20? Gold stater. 18mm. 5.36g.Tree symbol on plain field./ Triple-tailed horse right, above: CATTI, two pellets, crescent and ti...

Catti Tree. c.AD 1-20? Gold stater. 17-19mm. 5.41g.Tree symbol on plain field./ Triple-tailed horse right, above: CATT[I], two pellets, crescent a...

Anted Tree. ANTEĐ RIGV Type. c.AD20-43? Gold stater. 17mm. 5.35g. Tree symbol on plain field./ Triple-tailed horse right, [A]NTEĐ RIG[V] around, p...

Eisu Tree. c.AD 20-43? Gold stater. 16mm. 5.28g. Tree symbol on plain field./ Disjointed horse right, EISV and triad of pellets above, wheel and p...

Floret Trophy. Sills British Le2, Floret, dies 2/7. c.50-40 BC. Gold quarter stater. 10mm. 1.37g. Small four-petal flower in centre of plain field...

Clacton Original. Sills British G1, class 2a, Clacton Curved Exergue, dies1/3. c.60-55 BC. Gold stater. 17-19mm. 6.21g. Wreath motif with upward-f...

Rowntree Fern Leaf. Sills British Ld2, class 1. c.55-45 BC. Gold quarter stater. 11-13mm. 1.29g. Wreath motif, slightly angular and roughly symmet...

Billericay Cogwheel. Sills British Ld2, class 1, dies 2/2 c.50-30 BC. Gold quarter stater. 10-13mm. 1.11g. Wreath band with inverted leaves and tw...

Westbury (formerly Middle Whaddon Chase. Big Wheel Type.)Sills British Lb1, class 1, dies 8/22. c.55-45 BC. Gold stater. 17mm. 5.55g. Crossed-wrea...

Raunds Wing. Leaves Up Ladder. Sills dies 2/5. c.55-45 BC. Gold quarter stater. 11mm. 1.20g. Crossed-wreath motif with upward-pointing leaves, sho...

Addedomaros Floral Spiral. Sills class 1b, Shell Whorl, dies -/6. Gold stater. 20mm. 5.38g. Traces of two solid opposed crescents, chevron either ...

Addedomaros Spiral. Sills class 3. c.45-25 BC. Gold stater. 18mm. 5.47g. Star-form solar spiral of six curved and corded arms, three crescents in ...

Addedomaros Spiral. Sills class 3. c.45-25 BC. Gold stater. 19mm. 5.56g. Star-form solar spiral of six curved and corded arms, three crescents in ...

Tasciovanos Hidden Faces. Sills class 1b, dies 9/11. Gold stater. c.25BC-AD10. 16mm. 5.48g. Crossed-wreath motif with two opposed crescents and fo...

Tasciovanos Tascio Ricon with Dotted O.Sills class 7b, dies 43/74. c.20BC-AD10. Gold stater. 17-19mm. 5.41g. TASCIO RICON in rectangular box with ...

Andoco Crescent Wreath. Sills class 1, dies 3/2. c.20-1 BC. Gold quarter stater. 11mm. 1.36g. Crossed-wreath motif with back-to-back open crescent...

Cunobelinus Biga. Flatter Panel/Fatter Horse Type. Sills Class 1, dies 9/12.Kretz Late type, class B2, dies G/11. c.AD8-41. Gold stater. 17mm. 5.5...

Cunobelinus Linear. Small C Type. Sills class 2, dies 18/29. c.AD8-41. Gold stater. 17mm. 5.49g. Barley ear with whiskers and central stalk, CA to...

Cunobelinus Wild A. Ornate Tendrils Type. Sills class 3c, Wild A, Decorated, dies 39/67. c.AD8-41. Gold stater. 17mm. 5.39g. Ear of barley, no cen...

Cunobelinus Wild. Fat Stallion Type. Sills class 5b, dies 47/83. c.AD8-41. Gold stater. 18mm. 5.25g. Central ear of barley, CA to left, MV to righ...

Cunobelinus Classic A. Arc Stem Type. Sills class 7c, Arc Stem, dies 80/134. c.AD8-41. Gold stater. 16-18mm.  5.38g. Ear of barley with central st...

Cunobelinus Classic B, Left Type. Sills class 8, dies 85/145.c.AD42-43. Gold stater.17mm. 5.48g. Ear of barley with central stalk and small invert...
