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Gallo-Belgic Broad Flan. Left Type with Double Rosette and Star. Sills class 4a, Scheers class VIIa. Bellovaci of Picardy.175-120 BC. Large flan C...
Gallic War Uniface. Solid Line/Pellet Arcs Type. c.58-57 BC. Celtic gold stater. 15-19mm. 6.19g.
Gallic War Uniface. Solid Line/Pellet Arcs Type. Sills Type 2c. Ambiani of Somme Valley. c.58-57 BC. Celtic gold stater. 15-19mm. 6.19g. Obverse p...
Corded Triangle. c.50-40 BC. Celtic gold quarter stater. 11mm. 1.28g. Plain obverse./ Annulate horse l, beaded ‘triangle’ above with ring in centr...
Dubnovellaunos Pentagram. c.25BC-AD5. Celtic gold quarter stater. 11mm. 1.36g. Plain with slight banding./ Horse leaping r, pentagram below, pelle...
Selsey Two Faced. c.55-45 BC. Celtic gold stater. 17mm. 5.72g. Wreath design with little phallic face and crescentic hidden face incorporating sin...
Wonersh. Dots Type. c.55-45 BC. Gold stater. 18mm. 5.27g. Cruciform motif of beaded bands, two outline crescents back-to-back in centre, ‘bears pa...
Chute. c.65-58BC. Celtic gold stater. 16-18mm. 6.00g. Durotrigan wreath pattern with downward facing leaves and fishlike hairlocks./ Disjointed tr...
Cheesefoot Head. c.55-45 BC. Celtic gold stater. 16mm. 5.16g. Wreath motif with hidden face./ Triple-tailed horse r, with linear mane, charioteer’...
Cogwheel Smiler. c.50-40 BC. Celtic gold quarter stater. 11mm. 0.95g. ‘Turf cutter’ motif, cogwheel either side./ Globular horse l, floral sun abo...
Pollard’s Ponies. c.50-30 BC. Celtic silver half unit. 9mm. 0.39g. Horse r, looking back over shoulder, ringed-pellet in arch of tail, solar flowe...
Commios Moon Head. c.50-25 BC. Celtic silver minim. 8mm. 0.29g. Moon head l, lentoid eye, ring and ringed-pellet in front, curved ladder for hair....
Verica Warrior Daisy. c.AD10-40. Celtic gold stater. 15-17mm. 5.28g. COM.F in central panel, ringed-pellet above and below, pellet triad at each e...
Verica Vine Leaf with Latticed Pedestals. c.AD10-40. Gold stater. 18mm. 5.27g. Central vine leaf , VI to l, RI to r./ Warrior, holding shield and ...
Verica Star Boar. c.AD10-40. Silver unit. 12mm. 1.22g. COM.F between two crescents, pellet above and below, beaded border./ Boar r, star above, [V...
Verica Cavalry Duo. c.AD10-40. Celtic silver unit. 12mm. 1.30g. Warrior on horse r, COMM[IF] below, beaded border./ Warrior on horse r, holding sp...
Verica Viric. c.AD10-40. Celtic silver minim. 7mm. 0.24g. VIRIC on plain field./ Boar r, C above, O below. ABC 1280, VA 423, 510-1, BMC 1519-20, ...
Epaticcus Corn Ear Warrior. c.AD35-40. Gold stater. 15-17mm. 5.42g. Central ear of corn with TAS to l, CIF to r./ Warrior on horse r, holding spea...
Norfolk Wolf. Left Type with Pellet Diamond. c.50-15 BC. Celtic gold stater. 18mm. 5.12g. Icenian wreath motif./ Wolf standing l, with bristly bac...
Irstead Smiler. c.15BC-5AD. Celtic gold quarter stater. 10mm. 1.06g. Branch projecting from latticed square, ringed-pellet to l./ Horse r, beaded ...
Norfolk Diadem Delta. c.50 BC-15 BC. Celtic silver unit. 14-17mm. 1.14g. Female head r, with long pointed nose and wearing diadem./ Horse r, dot-i...
South Ferriby. Rosette and Star Type. Sills Mint B, type 9. c.45-10 BC. Gold stater. 18mm. 5.57g. Wreath motif./ Lunate horse l, with triangular h...
South Ferriby Natural Head Left. Rich Type 27c (this coin). c.55-45 BC. Silver plated unit. 13mm. 1.09g. Plain obverse./ Horse l, with split forel...
Esuprasu. c.AD40-47. Celtic gold stater. 19-21mm. 4.87g. Vertical wreath motif, two beaded rings at either side forming owl-like face./ Lunate hor...
Aunt Cost Owlface. c.10BC-AD10. Celtic silver unit. 13mm. 1.16g. Owlish zoomorphic face composed of crossed wreaths of inward-slanting leaves, wit...
Lat Ison E-Type. c.AD40-47. Celtic silver unit. 14mm. 1.02g. Retrograde [LA]T ISON between two plain lines, ring of pellets above and below./ Hors...
Cotswold Cock. Head Type A. c.50-35 BC. Celtic silver unit. 15mm. 1.19g. Moon-shaped head r, large crescents for hair./ Triple-tailed horse l, bir...
Bodvoc Young Head. c.25-5 BC? Celtic silver unit. 13mm. 1.00g. Head l, traces of BODVOC in front./ Horse r, pellets above, large beaded ring below...
Corio Cor. c.20BC-AD5? Celtic gold quarter stater. 14mm. 1.21g. Traces of COR on plain field./ Triple-tailed horse r, pelletal sun ring above, s-s...
Pershore Comux. c.AD1-20? Celtic gold stater. 19mm. 5.55g. Tribal tree symbol./ Disjointed horse r, with safety-pin head, two rings and crescent a...
Savernake Forest. c.50-30 BC. Base gold Celtic stater. 16mm. 4.76g. Plain obverse./ Curvilinear horse r, high arched tail with ringed-pellet below...
Cranborne Chase. c.58-45 BC. Celtic silver stater, probably with a little gold. 18mm. 5.70g. Durotrigan wreath pattern with upward-facing leaves./...
Duro Boat Bird. c.50-30 BC. Celtic silver quarter stater. 11mm. 1.21g. Three-men-in-a-boat motif./ Central thunderbolt, Y-shape either side, uncer...
Waldingfield. c.54 BC. Celtic gold stater. 19-21mm. 6.26g. Wreath motif./ Disjointed horse l, horizontal beaded mane, pellets above, pellet and tw...
Late Whaddon Chase. Big Pellet Type. c.55-45 BC. Celtic gold stater. 17mm. 5.83g. Virtually blank./ Horse r, short dashes for mane, winged object ...
Dubnovellaunos Branch. Letter A Type. Kretz Class C. c.5BC-AD10. Celtic gold stater. 15-18mm. 5.54g.
Dubnovellaunos Branch. Letter A Type. Kretz Class C. c.5BC-AD10. Celtic gold stater. 15-18mm. 5.54g. Banded flan with wreath motif, two outline cr...
Rose Wings. c.55-45 BC. Gold quarter stater. 13mm. 1.25g. Cruciform motif with central four-petalled ‘rose’, crescents and objects in angles./ Wel...
Whaddon Goat. c.55-45 BC. Celtic silver unit. 12-14mm. 0.65g. Head r, corded hair, pellet daisy in front./ Annulate goat stepping r, short dashes ...
Snakes and Lyres. c.50-30 BC. Celtic silver half unit. 10mm. 0.55g. Stylised crossed-wreath design with ringed-pellet ‘stickman’ and lyres in angl...
Addedomaros Spiral. c.45-25 BC. Celtic gold stater. 15mm. 5.50g. Starfish-form solar spiral of six curved and corded arms, three crescents in cent...
Tasciovanos Taxciav. c.25BC-AD10. Celtic gold stater. 18mm. 5.38g. Crossed-wreath motif with two opposed crescents and four ringed-pellets at cent...
Tasciovanos Pegasus. c.25BC-AD10. Celtic gold quarter stater. 10mm. 1.34g. TASC in panel on vertical wreath./ Pegasus l, star below. ABC 2601, VA ...
Tasciovanos Trailing Rein. c.25BC-AD10. Celtic silver unit. 11-14mm. 1.25g. VI in panel, ring at each corner on crossed wreaths./ Horse r, rein tr...
Tasciovanos Pegasus Star. c.25BC-AD10. Celtic silver unit. 13mm. 1.15g. TASC in tablet on vertical wreath of triple lines, central one beaded, sta...
Cunobelinus Biga. Late Type with Barless-A and Fatter Horse. Kretz B2. c.AD10-41. Celtic gold stater. 15-17mm. 5.51g. CAMVL in central panel, on s...
Cunobelinus Classic. Stalk Type with Dot under Tail. c.AD 8-41. Celtic gold stater. 16mm. 5.36g.
Cunobelinus Classic. Stalk Type with Dot under Tail. c.AD 8-41. Celtic gold stater. 16mm. 5.36g. Ear of corn with central stalk, scrolls at base, ...
Cunobelinus Wild. Ring Type. AD8-41. Celtic gold stater. 18mm. 5.36g. Ear of corn without central stalk, CA to l, MV to r./ Wild horse leaping r, ...
Cunobelinus Linear. X-Type. c.AD8-41. Celtic gold stater. 17mm. 5.60g. Ear of corn with central stalk, CA to l, MV to r, x below CA./ Horse r, wit...
Cunobelinus Plastic. c.AD8-41. Celtic gold quarter stater. 12mm. 1.38g. Ear of corn, no central stalk, [C]A to l, MV to r./ Full-bodied horse rear...
Cunobelinus Capricorn. c.AD8-41. Celtic silver unit. 11-13mm. 0.77g. Wreath crossed by plain line, CVNO in angles, beaded border./ Capricorn r, [C...
Cunobelinus Crescent Horse. c.AD8-41. Celtic silver unit. 13mm. 1.21g. Roman-style male head r, CVNOB ELIN I around, beaded border./ Horse prancin...