Chris Rudd List 142

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Chris Rudd List 142

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  • Ended 20 Sep 2015 17:26 BST

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Gallic War Uniface. Sills Type 4b, Wavy Anemone. Ambiani. c.55-53 BC. Gold stater. 17mm. 6.21g. Plain obverse./ M-shaped horse r, charioteer's arm...

Crossed Lines with Rider. Nervii? Sills class 1b. c.115-100 BC. Gold quarter stater. 12-14mm. 1.78g. Crossed lines./ Horse and rider l, lyre below...

Corded Triangle. c.50-40 BC. Gold quarter stater. 11mm. 1.35g. Plain obverse./ Annulate horse l, beaded 'triangle' above with ring in centre, ring...

Dubnovellaunos Metalworker. c.25-10 BC. Silver unit. 13mm. 1.21g. Bull l, with three-pellet dewlap and fern-like tail, spread-winged bird above, r...

Verica Capricorn. c.AD10-20. Silver unit. 14mm. 1.26g. Head r, VIR in front, FO behind./ Capricorn l, EPPI above, COMF below, beaded border. ABC 4...

Westerham South. c.54 BC. Gold stater. 19mm. 6.25g. Wreath with upward-facing leaves./ Disjointed horse l, large pellets around, 'coffee bean' beh...

Chute/Cheriton Transitional. Downward Leaves with Crazy Crab. c.55-40 BC. Gold stater. 18mm. 6.09g. Wreath motif with downward leaves, angular hai...

Abingdon Head. c.50-30 BC. Silver unit. 14mm. 1.35g. Female head l, three crescents for hair, two pin lips, heart-shaped ear, small animals in fro...

Commios Muzzles. c.50-25 BC. Gold stater. 16mm. 5.42g. Wreath motif with downward-facing leaves, cloak lines and snake's head below./ Disjointed t...

Verica Head on Spear. c.AD10-40. Silver unit. 12mm. 1.23g. Bull butting r, VERICA above, REX below, beaded border./ Female standing l, head on spe...

Verica Vase. c.AD10-40. Silver minim. 8mm. 0.21g. VERI within pellet border./ Tall wine cup, COM to left, MIF to right, beaded border. ABC 1286, V...

Freckenham Cross. Crown Type with Little Crosses. c.15BC-AD5. Gold stater. 15-17mm. 5.40g. Cross of pellets, ringed-pellet in centre./ Full-bodied...

Freckenham Crescents. Phallic Type. c.20BC-AD10. Gold stater. 16mm. 5.23g. Solid back-to-back crescents on horizontal line, pellets in cusp, five-...

Bury Diadem. c.50-15 BC. Silver unit. 12mm. 1.19g. Female head l, heart-shaped ear, wearing lunar crown./ Long-eared horse l, tiny s-shapes for ma...

Cani Duro. c.AD25-43. Silver unit. 12-14mm. 0.82g. Stylised boar r, long bristles on back, A and ring below, beaded border./ Horse r, double pelle...

Antedios D-Bar. c.AD25-AD43. Silver unit. 14-16mm. 1.16g. Double moon emblem on vertical wreath./ Horse r, corn-ear mane, pellet daisy above, two ...

Norfolk God. Moustache Type. c.AD25-43. Silver unit. 15mm. 1.09g. Male head r, with short spiky hair, two trefoils in front./ Horse r, with cabled...

North East Coast. Left Type. Sills Mint B. c.60-50 BC. Gold stater. 19mm. 6.20g. Wreath motif, 'eyes and handlebar-moustache', pellet cloak lines ...

South Ferriby Sunflower. Sills Mint B. NE6. c.45-10 BC. Gold stater. 19mm. 5.55g. Wreath motif with leaves facing inwards./ Lunate horse l, with t...

Wishbone Proto Boar. Rich Type 3a. c.55-45 BC. Silver unit. 13-15mm. 1.32g. Boar r, large double-beaded ringed-pellet above, 'wishbone' above head...

Sunburst Little Horse. c.20BC-AD5? Gold quarter stater. 13mm. 1.22g. Traces of wreath motif./ Triple-tailed horse r, pelletal sun ring above, ring...

Eisu Tree. Flat Branch Type. c.AD20-43? Gold stater. 16mm. 5.21g. Tree symbol with horizontal branches on plain field./ Disjointed horse r, with '...

Inamn. c.AD1-20? Bronze core of silver plated unit. 12mm. 0.63g. Head r, pellets and squiggles./ Triple-tailed horse l, IN[AMN] around. Contempora...

Six Spoked Pellet Ring. c.30-1 BC. Silver unit. 13mm. 1.00g. Moon-shaped head r, sunburst below./ Horse l, with double-stranded tail, spoked pelle...

Cranborne Chase. c.58-45 BC. Silver stater. 20mm. 4.28g. Durotrigan wreath pattern with upward-facing leaves./ Disjointed horse l, with 'safety pi...

Duro Boat Bird. c.50-30 BC. Silver quarter stater. 11mm. 1.19g. Three-men-in-a-boat motif./ Central thunderbolt, Y-shape to l, Y-shape and 'bird-l...

Finney's Thunderbolt. c.55-45 BC. Gold quarter stater. 10-12mm. 1.17g. Zigzag chevron thunderbolt or lightning flash with ringed-pellet on outside...

Bishop's Wreath. c.55-45 BC. Gold quarter stater. 12mm. 1.09g. Wreath motif, ringed-pellet at centre, three double crescents below, 'bear's paws' ...

Crowned Head. c.55-45 BC. Silver unit. 10mm. 1.25g. Head l, wearing crown-like object, swept back hair behind./ Horse r, turned-up beaded mane, ri...

Whaddon Chase. Rings Type. c.55-45 BC. Gold quarter stater. 13mm. 1.24g. Stylised wreath motif, crescents in bottom right angle, angular wing-like...

Addedomaros X-Box. c.45-25 BC. Gold quarter stater. 13mm. 1.27g. Back-to-back crescents./ Spritely horse r, with beaded mane, X in box below, fleu...

Tasciovanos Warrior. Series B. Kretz Obv Type B/A3, Rev Type I. c.25BC-AD10. Gold stater. 16mm. 5.45g. Crossed-wreath motif with two opposed cresc...

Tasciovanos Quatrefoil. c.25BC-AD10. Gold quarter stater. 12mm. 1.32g. Cruciform motif of four ridged leaves, ringed-pellet on tips, teardrops in ...

Tasciovanos Regal Rider. c.25BC-AD10. Silver unit. 14mm. 1.31g. VER on plain field, beaded border./ Horseman r, beaded border. ABC 2625, VA 1747, ...

Tasciovanos Griffin. c.25BC-AD10. Silver unit. 14mm. 1.26g. Griffin r, surrounded by two rings with pellets between./ Pegasus l, front leg raised,...

Tasciovanos Lion. c.25BC-AD10. Bronze unit. 16mm. 1.87g. Head r, TASCI[O] in front, beaded border./ Lion stepping r, head facing, TA in front, SC ...

Cunobelinus Biga. Early Type with Face at 1 and 7 o'clock. Kretz Class A2 Type. c.AD10-41. Gold stater. 16-18mm. 5.42g. CAMVL in central panel, on...

Cunobelinus Biga. Early Type with Ringed Pellet. Kretz Class A2. c.AD8-41. Gold quarter stater. 11mm. 1.32g. CAMVL monogram in panel, crossed by v...

Cunobelinus Crescent Horse. c.AD8-41. Silver unit. 13mm. 1.27g. Roman-style male head r, CVNOB ELIN I around, beaded border./ Horse prancing r, on...

Cunobelinus Plant. c.AD8-41. Silver unit. 12mm. 1.21g. Plant or branch with nine buds or fruits, [CVNOB] ELINVS around and within two circles, the...

Cunobelinus Pegasus Victory Right. c.AD8-41. Bronze unit. 15mm. 2.71g. Pegasus l, CAMV below, beaded border./ Victory standing r, holding wreath, ...
