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Gallo Belgic Broad Flan. Left Type with Flat-Topped Cloak Fastener. Celtic gold stater. 20mm. 7.25g.
Gallo Belgic Broad Flan. Left Type with Flat-Topped Cloak Fastener. Sills Ab1, class 7. Bellovaci. c.115-100 BC. Large-flan gold stater. 20mm. 7.2...
Gallic War Uniface. Sills 1b Bold. Ambiani. c.56-55 BC. Gold stater. 16mm. 6.28g. Plain obverse./ M-shaped horse r, ‘coffee bean’ in front and beh...
Hawkinge Head Left. NE Gaul. c.250-225 BC. Gold quarter stater. 12mm. 1.96g. Apollo head l, with scrolled hairlocks./ Horse l, rider with goad cro...
Treelike Trophy. c.45-40 BC. Gold quarter stater. 11mm. 1.33g. Almost plain, slight banding./ Tree with six branches and three roots, decorated ba...
Corded Triangle. X-Box Type. c.50-40 BC. Gold quarter stater. 11mm. 1.34g. Plain obverse./ Small annulate horse l, corded triangle with ringed-pel...
Canterbury Dragon. c.50-30 BC. Silver unit. 12mm. 0.89g. Two-headed S-shape coiled, segmented dragon, pellets and ringed-pellets around./ Annulate...
Sam Boar Branch. c.AD 1-10? Bronze unit. 15mm. 2.26g. Boar l, branch above, star in ring below./ Horse l, beaded mane, star in ring and ringed-pel...
Westerham South. c.54 BC. Gold stater. 19mm. 6.26g. Wreath with upward-facing leaves./ Disjointed horse l, large pellets around, ‘coffee bean’ beh...
Sussex Helmet. c.55-45 BC. Silver unit. 11mm. 1.05g. Female helmeted head l./ Horse l, with beaded mane, six-spoked wheel above, double-ring below...
Basingstoke JJ Type. c.55-45 BC. Silver unit. 13-15mm. 0.92g. Helmeted head l, large nose, two J-shaped locks of hair, beaded border./ Horse r. AB...
Chute. c.65-58BC. Gold stater. 16-18mm. 6.10g. Durotrigan wreath pattern with downward facing leaves./ Disjointed triple-tailed horse l; shrimp, b...
Chute/Cheriton Transitional. Hobbs Die IV. SO5-6. c.55-45 BC. Celtic gold stater. 18mm. 3.81g.
Chute/Cheriton Transitional. Hobbs Die IV. SO5-6. c.55-45 BC. Gold stater. 18mm. 3.81g. Wreath motif with leaves upwards and ‘spike’ with long hoo...
Petersfield Wreath Face. c.50-40 BC. Gold quarter stater. 10mm. 1.01g. Wreath motif forming hidden face./ Horse r, moon-shaped rump, ladder-like m...
Tincomarus Cernunnos. c.25BC-AD10. Silver unit. 10mm. 1.02g. Facing head of horned god, possibly Cernunnos./ Bull left with head turned to us and ...
Verica Corncupiae Victory. c.AD10-40. Silver unit. 12mm. 1.26g. Pine-cone wand (thyrsus) between two cornucopiae, wine cup below, COM MIF around./...
Eppillus Lion. c.20BC-AD1. Silver unit. 13mm. 1.22g. Bearded head r, beaded border./ Lion r, stepping r. on exergual line, EPP[I] above, COM below...
Epaticcus Eagle. c.AD20-40. Silver unit. 12mm. 1.24g. Herculean bust of Epaticcus r, wearing lionskin headdress, EPATI in front, sling and stone b...
Norfolk Wolf. Right Type. c.60-50 BC. Gold stater. 16-18mm. 6.05g. Icenian wreath motif with upward-facing leaves./ Wolf standing r, with bristly ...
Norfolk Wolf. Left Type. c.50-15 BC. Gold stater. 16-18mm. 5.45g. Left-facing Icenian wreath motif with upward-facing leaves./ Wolf standing l, wi...
Freckenham Cross. Triad Type. c.15BC-AD5. Gold stater. 17-19mm. 5.45g. Cross of pellets, ringed-pellet in centre./ Full-bodied horse r, with short...
Freckenham Flower. Big Wheel Type. c.50-40 BC. Gold stater. 18mm. 5.37g. Large three-petal flower, beaded lines radiating from flower, plain curve...
Snettisham Wreath. c.15BC-5AD. Gold quarter. 10mm. 1.13g. Wreath motif, ‘bears paws’ and crescents in angles./ Annulate horse r. pellet triad and ...
Ape Face. c.50-15 BC. Silver unit. 15mm. 1.23g. Bearded head l, corn-ear hair, beaded line around face culminating in large curl, thin line from m...
Alii Scavo. c.AD35-43. Silver unit. 12mm. 0.78g. Boar stepping r, short dashes for bristles, ringed-pellet between two crescents above, AL FE betw...
Domino. c.60-50 BC. Gold stater. 18mm. 5.31g. Traces of wreath motif./ Disjointed horse l, four-armed spiral below, domino box above containing fo...
Three-Pellet Proto Boar. Rich Type 9c (this coin). c.55-45 BC. Celtic silver unit. 14mm. 1.35g.
Three-Pellet Proto Boar. Rich Type 9c (this coin). c.55-45 BC. Silver unit. 14mm. 1.35g. Boar r, with ‘pin-cushion’ back and upturned snout, large...
Volisios Dumnocoveros. c.35-40 AD. Silver unit. 15mm. 1.04g. VOLI SIOS in two panels./ Horse r, pellet below tail, DVM[NOC]O[VE]. ABC 1983, VA 980...
Bodvoc Bold. c.25-5BC. Gold stater. 17-19mm. 5.36g. [B]ODVO[C] on plain field./ Triple-tailed horse r, two ringed-pellets and crescent above formi...
Eisu Tree. c.AD20-43? Gold stater. 18mm. 5.44g. Spiky tree symbol on plain field./ Disjointed horse r, with ‘safety pin’ head, EISV above, six-spo...
Savernake Wreaths. c.50-20 BC. Gold stater. 16-18mm. 5.12g. Traces of crossed wreath with back-to-back solid crescents in centre./ Globular horse ...
Cranborne Chase. c.58-45 BC. Silver stater. 17mm. 4.68g. Durotrigan wreath pattern with upward-facing leaves./ Disjointed horse l, with ‘safety pi...
Essex Serpent. c.50-40 BC. Silver unit. 14mm. 1.08g. Annulated horse right looking back over its shoulder, with open mouth, long curved ears and S...
Late Whaddon Chase. Spiral Type. c.55-45 BC. Gold stater. 16mm. 5.69g. Traces of crossed wreaths, pellet at centre./ Horse r, beaded mane and row ...
Dubnovellaunos Branch. c.5BC-AD10. Gold stater. 17mm. 5.50g. Banded flan with wreath motif, two outline crescents and two ringed-pellets in centre...
Middle Whaddon Chase. Big Wheel Type. c.55-45 BC. Gold stater. 16mm. 5.51g. Crossed-wreath design with two back-to-back crescent in centre, orname...
Raunds Wing. c.55-45 BC. Gold quarter stater. 12mm. 1.24g. Crossed-wreath motif with hidden face in two opposed angles, winged object in third, ‘b...
Addedomaros Crescent Cross. c.45-25 BC. Gold stater. 17mm. 5.59g. Crossed-wreath pattern with two central crescents back-to-back./ Well-formed hor...
Tasciovanos Warrior. Series B. Kretz Rev Type II, var. C. c.25BC-AD10. Gold stater. 18mm. 5.38g. Crossed-wreath motif with two opposed crescents a...
Tasiovanos Tascio Ricon. c.25BC-AD10. Gold stater. 18mm. 5.50g. TASCIO RICON in two panels on vertical wreath./ Cavalryman charging l, wearing wid...
Cunobelinus Classic. Stalk Type with Ornate Scroll. c.AD8-41. Gold quarter stater. 11mm. 1.34g. Corn ear with central stalk and ornate scroll at b...
Cunobelinus Serpent Pegasus. c.AD8-41. Silver unit. 12mm. 0.59g. Coiled ram-headed serpent, serpentine outer circle./ Pegasus l, CVN below. ABC 28...
Cunobelinus Winged Victory. c.AD8-41. Silver unit. 11-14mm. 1.31g. Bust r, [CVNO] behind, BELINVS in front, beaded border./ Winged Victory standin...