The September Auctions 2024 - The Ombersley Court Library

Viewing and Auction at Chorley's saleroom, Prinknash Abbey Park, Gloucestershire GL4 8EU.

520 items 520 items
room Nr Cranham, Gloucestershire

Auction details

The September Auctions 2024 - The Ombersley Court Library

Viewing and Auction at Chorley's saleroom, Prinknash Abbey Park, Gloucestershire GL4 8EU.

Auction dates

  • ( Lots: 1 - 520)

Viewing dates

  • 10:00 BST - 16:00 BST
  • 09:00 BST - 16:00 BST

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Buyer's premium Inc. VAT/sales tax: 28.20%
Online commission inc. VAT/sales tax: 6.00%

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520 items
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Moreri (Louis) Le Grand Dictionnaire Historique, Paris, 1759, folio, contemporary mottled calf, gilt tooled spine with red title blocks, marbled e...

Spanhemius (Ezechiel) [Ezekiel Spanheim] Iuliani Imperator: Opera quae supersunt omnia et S. Cyrilli Alexandriae Archiepiscopi contra Impium Iulia...

Lot 3


Plutarch to include: Les Vies des Hommes Illustres Grecs et Romains, comparees l'une avec l'autre par Plutarch et Chaeronee, translated by Jaques ...

Descartes (Renee) Principia Philosophiae: Ultima Editio cum optima collata, ..., Amsterdam: Daniel Elsevir, 1677, 8vo, contemporary mottled calf, ...

Scudery (Georges) Curia Politiae: or, The Apologies of several Princes: justifying to the World their most eminent actions, by the strength of rea...

Gregoras (Nicephorus) & Dolce (Lodovico) Two Volumes comprising Gregoras (Nicephorus) Historie di Costantinopoli, descritte da Niceforo Gregora, c...

Voltaire Examen du Prince Machiavel ou l'Antimachiavel avec des notes Historiques & Politiques, A la Haye (The Hague): Jean can Duren, 1741; 8vo w...

Batteux (M. P. Abbe) Histoire des Causes Premieres ou Exposition sommaire des pensees des Philosophes sur les principes des etres ..., Paris: Sail...

Caro (Annibale) Rime del Commendatore, Venice: Bernardo Giunti e Fratelli, 1584; bound with Caro (Annibale) De le Lettere Familiari del Commendato...

Collier (Jeremy) Essays Upon Several Moral Subjects, 4 parts in 3 volumes in matching 18th century panelled and mottled calf, Volume 1 (parts I an...

Tasso (Torquato) La Gerusalemme Liberata ... con la vita di lui e con gli Argomenti dell' opera de cav Guido Casoni, Venice: Sarzina, 1625, 8vo, 1...

Zeluco [Moore, John] Various Views of Human Nature, taken from Life and Manners, Foreign and Domestic in two volumes, London: A. Strahan; and T. C...

Millot (M. L'Abbe) Memoires Politiques et Militaires, pour servir a l'histoire de Louis XIV & de Louis XV ..., Paris: Moutard, 1777, in six volume...

Cartari (Vincenzo) Le Imagini Degli Dei degli Antichi, Novamente restampate & ricorette ... con un Cathalogo del Medesimo de 100, Padua: Pietro Pa...

Taylor (Jeremy) The Rules and Exercises of Holy Living and of Holy Dying, bound with Taylor (Jeremy) The Rules and Exercises of Holy Dying, London...

Petrarca (Francesco) Il Petrarcha Con L'Espositione d'Alessandro Vellutello, Venice: Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari e Fratelli, 1552, 8vo, 18th centur...

Blith (William) The English Improver Improved or the Survey of Husbandry Surveyed, discovering the improueableness of all lands: some to be under ...

Guarini (Battista) Il Pastor Fido, Tragicommedia Pastorale del molto illustre Sig. Cavaliere Battista Guarini, Venice: Gio. Battista Ciotti, 1602,...

Rivière (Lazare) The Practice of Physick in Seventeen several Books, Wherein is plainly set forth, The Nature, Cause, Differences, and Several sor...

Angling Interest to include: Venables (Robert) The Experienced Angler, or, Angling Improv'd. Being a general discourse of Angling. Imparting the a...

Farming Interest to include: Bradley (R) The Gentleman and Farmer's Guide for the Increase and Improvement of Cattle ... also, The best Manner of ...

Brodrick (Thomas) A Compleat History of the Late War in the Netherlands together with an Abstract of the Treaty at Utrecht, London: William Pearso...

Derham (Samuel) Hydrologia Philosophica, or, An account of Ilmington waters in Warwick-shire With Directions for the Drinking of the same. togethe...

Wall (Martin) Dissertations on Select Subjects in Chemistry and Medicine ... Physician at Oxford ... late Fellow of New College, Oxford: Printed f...

[Desmarets de Saint-Sorlin (Jean)] Ariana in two Parts, [London: Printed by John Haviland for Thomas Walkley], [circa 1636-41], 4to, 18th century ...

Dolce (Ludovico) L'Achille et L'Enea ... dove egli tessdendo L'Historia della Iliade D'Homero ..., Venice: Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, 1672, 8vo, ...

Machiavelli (Niccolò di Bernardo dei) Historie di Nicolo Machiavelli, Venice: Gabriel Giolitode Ferrari e Fratelli, 1650, 16mo, 18th century vellu...

Milton (John) Paradise Lost A New Edition by Richard Bentley, London: Jacob Tonson and John Poulson ..., 1732, folio, contemporary calf, half titl...

Robin (Charles-Cesar) Nouveau Voyage dans L'Amerique Septentrionale en L'Annee 1781 et Campagne de l'armee de M. Le Comte de Rochambeau, Philadelp...

Brandling (Henry Charles) Views in the North of France, 11 (of 12) unbound large folio hand-coloured tinted lithographs, with list of subscribers ...

Panorama, The Funeral Procession of Queen Elizabeth from a Drawing of the time, supposed to be by the hand of William Camden, then Clarencieux Kin...

Nicols (Thomas) A Lapidary: Or, The History of Precious Stones: With cautions for the undeceiving of all those that deal with Pretious Stones, Cam...

Defoe (Daniel) The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner, 2 volumes, London: John Stockdale, 1790, contempor...

Wild (Charles) An Illustration of the Architecture and Sculpture of the Cathedral Church of Worcester, London: Printed by W. Nicol for the Author,...

Galerie de Florence: Large folio album containing 8 engravings after Peter Paul Rubens, Annibale Carracci and other and related single text sheets...

De Lisle (Guillaume) Large Folio Volume of Maps with hand coloured borders, large folio, quarter calf with patchwork marbled boards and handwritte...

Hogarth (William) The Analysis of Beauty Written with a view of fixing the fluctuating ideas of taste, 1st edition, London: J. Reeves for the auth...

Pickar (Mary) The Castle of Roviego; or, Retribution: A Romance in four Volumes, London: J. Booth, 1805, quarter calf and marbled boards (4)Ombers...

Dufour (Philippe Sylvestre, 1622-1687) Traitez Nouveaux & Curieux du Café, du Thé et du Chocolate Ouvrage egalement necessaire aux Medicins, & a t...

Christ's Hospital Charges and orders for the several officers of Christ's-Hospital revised by the Committee of Almoners at several meetings; and a...

Wilde (A.) The Ladies Diary, or, The Woman's Almanack, For the Year of our Lord 1728 Being Bissextile, or the Leap-Year: Containing many Delightfu...

Women's Rights [Drake (Judith)] An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex In which are inserted the Characters of a Pedant, a Squire, a Beau, a Vertuo...

Sewell (George) The Whole Works of Dr. Archibald Pitcairn, Published by Himself. Wherein are Discovered, The True Foundation and Principles of the...

Walpole (Horace) Il Castello di Otranto: Storia Gotica, translated by Jean Sivrac, London: Presso Molini, Polidori, Molini & Co., 1795, 8vo, conte...

Lamy (Bernard) Traité de perspective Où sont contenus les fondemens de la Peinture, Paris: Anisson, 1701, 18th century vellum with gilt tooling, m...

Short (Thomas) Discourses on Tea, Sugar, Milk, Made-Wines, Spirits, Punch, Tobacco, &c., with plain and useful rules for Gouty People, London: Pri...

Kolben (Peter) The Present State of the Cape of Good-Hope: or A Particular Account of the several Nations of the Hottentots: ..., translated by Mr...

Reyniere (Alexandre Balthazar Laurent de la) Almanach des Gourmands, servant de guide dans le moyens de Faire excellente chere par un vieil amateu...

Lesseps (Jean-Baptiste Barthélemy de) Journal Historique du Voyage de M. de Lesseps, Consul de France, employe dans l'expedition de M. le Comte de...

Turpin (François-Henri) Histoire Civile et Naturelle du Royaume de Siam, et des Révolutions qui ont bouleversé cet Empire jusqu'en 1770, Paris: Ch...

Smith (Charles) The Ancient and Present State of the County and City of Cork Dublin: Printed for W. Wilson, 1774, 8vo, contemporary speckled calf ...

Broughton (Thomas Duer) Letters written in a Mahratta Camp during the year 1809 descriptive of the character, manners, domestic habits, and religi...

Temple (Sir John) The Irish Rebellion: or an History of the Beginnings and first Progress of The Generall Rebellion raised within the Kingdom of I...

[Kahlert, Karl Friedrich] The Necromancer: or the Tale of the Black Forest... translated from the German of Lawrence Flammenberg by Peter Teuthold...

[Petyt (William)] Britannia Languens, or a Discourse of Trade: shewing The Grounds and Reasons of the Increase and Decay of Land-Rents, National W...

Ray (John) Observations Topographical, Moral, & Physiological made in a Journey through part of the Low Countries, Germany, Italy and France, Lond...

Inchbald [(Elizabeth)] Nature and Art, London: London: G. G. and J Robinson, 1796, 16mo, half calf with marbled boards, gilt tooled spine with cro...

Hamilton (Sir William) Observations on Mount Vesuvius, Mount Etna, and other Volcanos: In a series of letters, Addressed to the Royal Society... T...

[George III] Report from the Committee appointed to Examine the Physicians who have attended His Majesty during his illness, Touching on his Majes...

[Subligny (Sieur de)]The Mock-Clelia, being a comical history of French Gallantries and Novels, in imitation of Dom Quixote, London: Printed for L...
