The Fine Sale

720 items 720 items
Auction closed (2 day sale)
room Cambridge

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The Fine Sale

Auction closed (2 day sale)

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  • ( Lots: 1-356)
  • ( Lots: 370-739)

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  • 10:00 GMT - 17:00 GMT
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  • 09:00 GMT - 09:45 GMT
  • 09:00 GMT - 09:45 GMT

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An early Victorian rosewood library table, the rounded rectangular top with two blind frieze drawers on a pair of tapered column supports with scr...

A mahogany sarcophagus wine cooler of country house proportions, 19th century, with ogee top over waisted body, on castors, with lead lined compar...

A William IV mahogany tripod table, the circular top on a turned support with three scrolled legs73 x 47cm

An oak barograph by Negretti and Zambra, early to mid 20th century, no. R/40878, with lacquered brass and silvered mechanism19.5 x 38 x 24cmProven...

A Continental mahogany wing back library arm chair, 19th century, the pierced top rail with foliate carving and detachable wings, upholstered in b...

A late Victorian mahogany bookcase, the triple panelled raised back over three shelved compartments interplaced by fluted pilasters on a plinth ba...

A pair of Sheraton style satinwood etageres, circa 1900, both having two graduating oval tiers inlaid with trophies of music surrounded by scrolli...

A pair of Biedermeier style birdseye maple bedside cupboards, late 19th century, each with projecting corners and marble tops over single drawers ...

A late George III satinwood and rosewood crossbanded secretaire chest, the top drawer fitted with green baize writing surface sliding to reveal va...

A pair of Rococo style ormolu three branch candelabra, late 19th century, each with four arms now wired for electricity, on cherub mounted open sc...

A George III mahogany tilt-top supper table, circa 1790, the single-piece top raised on a plain broadening stem and cabriole legs70 x 68 cma very ...

Two Bow porcelain figures, circa 1760, one modelled as 'sight' from the senses, she seated holding a mirror, 14cm high; the other as a seated man...

A set of eight George III style mahogany ladder back dining chairs, to include two carvers, with needle point tapestry drop in seats102 x 65 x 60cm

A Regency giltwood triple plate overmantel mirror, the cornice above three bevelled plates between barley twist columns with Corinthian capitals59...

A Meissen figure group of Drunken Silenus, late 19th century, crossed swords mark in blue and incised 272420.5cm highrestoration to the following ...

A George III and later carved mahogany tripod table, with dish top on claw and ball feet70 x 70cm

A George III mahogany serpentine chest, with four long graduating cockbeaded drawers flanked by moulded pilasters on bracket feet81 x 106 x 52cm

A Regency style mahogany library table, with three frieze drawers on twin end supports with splayed legs and brass castors74 x 169 x 90cm

A small size Skeleton timepiece, 19th century, shaped silvered chapter ring, signed 'Mayo & Son, Manchester', single chain fusee movement, under ...

An Edwardian satinwood and painted window seat, with scrolled ends on tapered legs, painted with flowers and ribbons67 x 92 x 35cm

A George III mahogany dressing chest of drawers, the hinged top enclosing a fitted interior with mirror and various compartments, with four short ...

A George III mahogany side table, the single long frieze drawer with fluted front on reeded tapering legs with floral inlaid capitals85 x 122 x 43...

A Vienna porcelain shaped circular cabinet plate, 19th century, the centre painted in puce camaieu with cherubs and foliate sprays24cm diameterGoo...

A Paris porcelain cabinet cup, 19th century, the blue ground body gilt with foliage and reserved with an oval panel painted withy fanciful birds

A Meissen trembleuse cup with cover and stand, circa 1740, painted with sprays of Deutsche Blumen, the trembleuse saucer with a tall reticulated g...

Three Berlin cups and saucers, 19th century, painted with peacocks, turkeys, ducks, chickens and pheasants, within moulded and gilt rims

A Gibson RB250 Mastertone five string banjo, 1987, serial no. 81407600, with geometric mother of pearl inlaid fretboard and bearing the maker's na...

A Clifford Essex CE Special open back five string Banjo, serial no. 4325, with inlaid shield to head, 11" skin, with resonator, in hard case91cm l...

A Saxon violin, late 19th century, labelled 'Nicolaus Bernhardt Violin, fecit Saxony, fil Anno' (no date given), two-piece back, cased, together w...

A square piano by John Hills, London, early 19th century, the mahogany case with chequer line inlay and gilt metal mounts, the satinwood fascia b...

A French tortoiseshell mantel clock, 19th century, 4 brass corner finials above painted 11.5 cm dial, Arabic numerals, within 4 rosettes to the fr...

A Wedgwood black basalt figure of the Faun and Bacchus, 19th century, the standing figure leaning on a tree stump encircled with vines and holding...

A George III mahogany open armchair, with needlepoint tapestry back and seat, the cartouche shaped back over scrolled arms with a serpentine front...

A Victorian leather covered stool, of rounded rectangular form, with moulded frieze on cabriole legs39 x 103 x 163cm

A George III mahogany knife box, of serpentine outline, the hinged cover with shell inlay and chevron stringing opening to reveal a fitted interio...

A Victorian brass skeleton timepiece, the silvered chapter ring signed 'Cummins 148 Leadenhall St., London', single fusee movement, under a cracke...

A Victorian mahogany scroll arm hall seat, the moulded show frame with rosette carving on tapered legs81 x 104 x 47cm

Lot 719

A Heriz carpet,

A Heriz carpet, of typical design with central medallion on a madder ground370 x 282cm

A mahogany writing table with leather top, 19th century, the rounded rectangular top with inset green leather writing surface, with single long fi...

A Victorian ebonised and gilt metal mounted chiming table clock, the engraved silvered dial signed 'C. Groom, Windmill Road, Croydon', with slow/f...

An Empire mahogany and brass bound chest, the rectangular top with projecting rounded front corners, each of the four long graduated drawers of pa...

A rosewood occasional table, 19th century, the circular top above a turned cluster column support on triform base76 x 58cm

An Edwardian leather upholstered mahogany club armchair, the rectangular back and arms upholstered in a brown leather with striped seat and back c...

A crocodile leather travelling case by Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co., London, with brass lock, stamped lett to the lid W. E. C. W., maker's stamp ...

A Victorian ash luggage stand, of typical form with wooden slats to the top and raised on turned and tapering legs45 x 61 x 40cmExcellent condtion...

A pair of country house pale-oak stick stands, circa 1890, each with three compartments, ball finials to each corner and raised on ring-turned sup...

An Edward VII 12ct gold topped walking cane by Brigg, London 1904, retailed by B. Samuel, 15 Aberdare Gardens, West Hampstead, inscribed to pommel...

A pair of Anglo Indian specimen wood turned candlesticks, 19th century, with satinwood nozzles, ebony and rosewood stems and lignum vitae circular...

A Persian Qajar moulded rectangular tile, 19th century, depicting a hunstman on horseback with a bow21 x 14cm

An Anglo Indian padouk center table, 19th century, the circular tilt top with floral carved edge on a knopped column and quatreform base72.5 x 90cm

An Anglo Indian rosewood and brass inlaid octagonal bread basket, 19th century, with pierced foliate scroll sides and central inlay to base in bra...

A Dutch floral marquetry writing table, 19th century, in the 17th century style, the rectangular top inlaid with bone flowers on barley twist supp...

A pair of carved stone Foo dogs, 20th century, seated on integral plinth bases44 x 29 x 20cm

An opposing pair of composite stone eagles, 20th century, wings spread standing on integral circular bases51 x 53 x 28cm

A pair of Haddonstone Westonbirt composite stone urns, with egg and dart rims over spiralled gadrooned bodies 64 x 70cm Provenance: Tanners, Ked...

A pair of small lead planters, 20th century, of quatrefoil form, the bodies with floral relief moulded decoration21 x 30cmProvenance:Old Oaks, Lit...

A late Victorian black painted cast iron planter, with egg and dart moulded rim over a fluted column supported by three swans on a grilled plinth ...

A large Haddonstone Gothic style composite stone garden urn, of tapered form decorated in relief with interlaced strapwork, on an associated recta...
