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This auctioneer has chosen to not publish their results. Please contact them directly for any enquiries.
A Tibetan gilt bronze multi-arm and multi-head jewelled deity, H. 29cm.
A large silver plate mounted coloured glass owl wine jug, H. 29cm.
A large driftwood 'sculpture' mounted on a wooden base, H. 58cm.
A pair of 19th Century French bronze figures of peasant merchants, H. 28cm. Both A/F to thumbs.
A pair of 19th Century French bronze figures of peasant merchants, H. 28cm. Both A/F to thumbs.
A pair of Continental ormolu mounted porcelain parrot candlesticks, H. 26cm.
A 19th/early 20th Century gilt brass and cut glass centrepiece, H. 47cm. the base featuring a bird
A 19th/early 20th Century gilt brass and cut glass centrepiece, H. 47cm. the base featuring a bird and a lizard fighting over a nest of eggs.
A Chinese porcelain brush pot with vivid red glaze, H. 13cm.
A 19th Century Chinese hand-painted porcelain vase, H. 23cm.
A signed Murano glass handkerchief case, H. 16.5cm.
A Leonardo collection Art Deco style figure of Venus, H. 45cm.
A gilt bronze figure of an elephant, H. 25cm.
A Franklin Mint 'Thunder on the Plains' bronze figure of a rhino, H. 16cm. L. 28cm.
A bronzed resin figure of a bull elephant, H. 19cm.
A pair of large Continental porcelain urns, H. 34cm.
A 19th Century French carved alabaster bust of Joan of Arc, H. 35cm.
A bronze figure of a roaring lion, L. 32cm.
An Art Deco style bronze figure of Venus, H. 28cm.
A Frith sculptures cold cast bronze figure of a girl, H. 25cm.
A 19th Century Coalport gilt porcelain classical vase, H. 18cm.
An early 20th Century Bretby Japanese design planter, Dia. 28cm.
A Polynesian carved wooden offering bowl supported by four male figures, Dia. 24cm. H. 19cm.
A pair of hand-painted toleware table lamps with attached wooden bases, H. 51cm.
A Clarice Cliff part tea set, small jug A/F. with a Clarice Cliff Art Deco fruit bowl.
A pair of silvered metal hexagonal storm lanterns, H. 62cm.
A pair of arched wood and metal garden mirrors, H. 123cm.
A large Austin Designs Art Deco style ceramic figure, H. 48cm.
An Austin Designs ceramic figure of a girl, H. 46cm.
Two Lladro figures of golfers with a further Lladro figure, tallest 27cm.
A pair of Japanese cloisonne enamelled vases, H. 19cm. No visible damage or dents.
A pair of silvered brass picture easels, H. 50cm.
A large cut crystal Chanel style perfume bottle, H. 26cm.
A silver plated snowman cocktail shaker, H. 26cm.
A group of five 19th Century Staffordshire figures, tallest 26cm.
Two 19th Century Staffordshire figure of the cobbler and his wife, H. 17cm.
A Lladro figure of a Pierot and ballerina, H. 26cm.
A handmade leather figure of a horse, H. 49cm.
A pair of Chinese hexagonal porcelain vases, H. 27cm.
A pair of mid-20th Century Chinese hand enamelled porcelain vases later mounted on wooden bases as
A pair of mid-20th Century Chinese hand enamelled porcelain vases later mounted on wooden bases as table lamps, H. 53cm.
An unusual Oriental glazed stoneware narrow necked vase with splash glazed and impressed marks to
An unusual Oriental glazed stoneware narrow necked vase with splash glazed and impressed marks to base, H. 17cm. Dia. 24cm. Slight chips to rim.
A Chinese hare's fur pottery bowl, Dia. 12.5cm. H. 6.5cm.
A Chinese Sang de Boeuf glazed porcelain vase, H. 30cm.
A Chinese green glazed ribbed porcelain vase, H. 33cm.
Two antique four glass clocks both with mercury pendulums, tallest 38cm. marble clock missing one
Two antique four glass clocks both with mercury pendulums, tallest 38cm. marble clock missing one foot.
A Tibetan gilt bronze figure of a multi-arm and multi- head deity with jewelled decoration, H.
A Tibetan gilt bronze figure of a multi-arm and multi- head deity with jewelled decoration, H. 28cm.
A 19th/early 20th Century blanc de chine porcelain figure later mounted on a French wood and gilt
A 19th/early 20th Century blanc de chine porcelain figure later mounted on a French wood and gilt metal base, overall H. 54cm.
A Chinese hand painted porcelain vase, H. 25cm.
An unusual Chinese splash glazed porcelain vase, H. 26cm.
A fine Japanese satsuma pottery vase, H. 18cm.
Two Indonesian carved hardwood masks, largest 30cm.
Two early 20th Century Oriental porcelain chargers, largest dia. 34cm.
A Chinese archaic form bronze vase and cover, H. 28cm.
A Chinese relief decorated and green glazed porcelain rice bowl, Dia. 15.5cm. H. 7cm.
A Chinese bronze censer, W. 19cm.
A Chinese blue glazed stoneware vase with tiger head handles and incised decoration of a dragon,
A Chinese blue glazed stoneware vase with tiger head handles and incised decoration of a dragon, H. 29cm.
An unusual Chinese pale blue glazed porcelain bowl, Dia. 17cm. D. 9cm. hairline crack.
A Chinese hand enamelled porcelain comport, Dia. 19cm. H. 7cm.
A large Chinese hand enamelled porcelain cylinder vase/umbrella stand, H. 59cm. Crack to rim.
A large Chinese hand enamelled porcelain cylinder vase/umbrella stand, H. 59cm. Crack to rim.
A Thai gilt carved wooden figure of a seated Buddha, H. 45cm.
A Chinese carved jade/hardstone brush pot decorated with scholar's in a forest, H. 16cm.
A 19th Century Japanese bronze censer, H. 32cm. W. 29cm.