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An Egyptian flint and gold fishtail knife Predynastic Period, circa 3500-3100 B.C.8.4cm highFootnotes:Provenance:Frank Kovacs collection, San Fra...

A small Egyptian alabaster jar inscribed for Hetep-Neith Early Dynastic, 1st Dynasty, circa 3100 B.C.6.8cm highFootnotes:Provenance:Burchard (189...

An Egyptian pink limestone jar inscribed for the Pharaoh Hor-Aha Early Dynastic, 1st Dynasty, circa 3050 B.C.with his Horus name, Hor-Aha, inscri...

A small Egyptian alabaster cylindrical jar inscribed for Cheteti Early Dynastic-Old Kingdom, circa 3000-2000 B.C.9cm highFootnotes:Provenance:Bur...

An Egyptian alabaster vase for Rekhit Early Dynastic, 1st Dynasty, probably reign of Hor-Aha, circa 3100 B.C.12.5cm highFootnotes:Provenance:Burc...

An Egyptian alabaster dish inscribed for the Pharaoh Khafre Old Kingdom, 4th Dynasty, reign of Khafre, circa 2558-2532 B.C.the underside with the...

An Egyptian diorite cylindrical vase inscribed for the Pharaoh Narmer Early Dynastic, 1st Dynasty, circa 3150 side with the Horus name of...

An Egyptian wall painting fragment with a donkey and foal First Intermediate Period, circa 2123-2040 B.C.31cm x 36.5cmFootnotes:Provenance:Possib...

An Egyptian pleated linen tunic Meir, Old Kingdom-Middle Kingdom, 6th-11th Dynasty, circa 2300-1976 B.C.124cm high, 52cm wide Footnotes:Provenanc...

An Egyptian limestone snake Late First Intermediate Period - early Middle Kingdom, circa 2134-1640 B.C.The oval base with text reading: 'A royal ...

An Egyptian wood model of brewers Middle Kingdom, circa 2046-1793 B.C.21cm high; 19.5cm longFootnotes:Provenance:Anonymous sale; Pierre Bergé & A...

An Egyptian anhydrite shallow bowl Middle Kingdom, circa 12th-early 13th Dynasty, circa 1878-1749 B.C.the spout restored, 7.5cm diam.Footnotes:Pr...

A fragmentary Egyptian black granite head of Amenhotep II New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, reign of Amenhotep II, circa 1428-1397 B.C.23cm highFootnote...

An Egyptian wood hand New Kingdom, 18th-19th Dynasty, circa 1550-1185 B.C.probably a swivel lid from a cosmetic box, 18.5cm longFootnotes:Provena...

An Egyptian turquoise glass inlay of a mourning goddess New Kingdom, late 18th-early 19th Dynasty, circa 1300 B.C.6cm highFootnotes:Provenance:Ac...

An Egyptian sandstone relief fragment New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, circa 1351-1333 B.C.24cm wide, 16.5cm highFootnotes:Provenance:Jacques Schotte (...

An Egyptian lotus flower decorated painted pottery jar New Kingdom, late 18th Dynasty, circa 1391-1307 B.C.46cm highFootnotes:Provenance:Gustave ...

An Egyptian limestone relief fragment with the head of a princess New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, reign of Akhenaten, circa 1353-1335 B.C.34cm wideFoo...

An Egyptian limestone relief from a talatat depicting Kiya reworked as Meritaten New Kingdom, Amarna Period, circa 1353-1336 B.C.49cm x 24cmFootn...

An Egyptian limestone offering table fragment with two Aten cartouches New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, Amarna Period, after year 9, circa 1351-1334 B....

An Egyptian limestone statue base with a cartouche for Akhenaten New Kingdom, Amarna Period, circa 1345-1334 B.C.The sides incised with cartouche...

An Egyptian painted alabaster canopic jar lid of falcon-headed Qebehsenuef New Kingdom, 19th-20th Dynasty, circa 1292-1075 B.C.13.5cm highFootnot...

Two Egyptian bichrome faience royal tile fragments with cartouches of Seti II New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, circa 1200-1193 B.C.4.4cm and 2.8cm high...

An Egyptian inlaid bichrome faience enthroned Bastet with royal cartouches for Takelot III and the King's Wife, Betjet Third Intermediate Period,...

An Egyptian wood shabti box for the Singer of the Sanctuary, Dit-ast-hebsed Third Intermediate-Late Period, 22nd-26th Dynasty, circa 841-525 B.C....

An Egyptian rock crystal situla Late Period, 25th-26th Dynasty, circa 747-525 B.C. 4cm highFootnotes:Provenance:Dr. Jan Beekmans (1927-2008) coll...

An Egyptian banded alabaster canopic jar of human-headed Imsety Late Period, 26th Dynasty, circa 664-525 B.C.37cm high incl. lidFootnotes:Provena...

An Egyptian almost life-size bronze and wood striding ibis Late Period, circa 664-332 B.C.44cm highFootnotes:Provenance:Private collection, UK, p...

An Egyptian limestone relief fragment of a queen or goddess Early Ptolemaic Period, circa 332-200 B.C.possibly a sculptor's model, 12cm high, 12c...

An Egyptian turquoise faience cup Roman Period, circa 1st-2nd Century A.D.6.7cm highFootnotes:Provenance:with Spink & Son, London, 1924.Saint Lou...

A large Mesopotamian lapis lazuli, limestone and black stone eye inlay Early Dynastic, circa 2600-2250 B.C.7cm longFootnotes:Provenance:Private c...

A large Mesopotamian lapis lazuli, limestone and black stone eye inlay Early Dynastic, circa 2600-2250 B.C.7cm longFootnotes:Provenance:Anonymous...

An Old Babylonian steatite cup fragment with a seated King Circa 1800 B.C.5cm highFootnotes:Provenance:Colonel Norman Colville, M.C. (1893-1974) ...

A Syrian green stone bowl Circa 4th Millennium B.C.14cm high, 20.3cm diam.Footnotes:Provenance:Private collection, Europe, 1980.Swiss art market....

A Syrian limestone dish inlaid with steatite Circa 2nd Millennium B.C.10.8cm diam.Footnotes:Provenance:Private collection, Europe.Swiss art marke...

A Syrian grey-green stone lidded squat jar Circa 2nd-early 1st Millennium B.C.7.5cm wide, 3.5cm highFootnotes:Provenance:with Fortuna Fine Art, N...

A Syrian black and white ovoid jar Circa 3rd-2nd Millennium B.C.7.5cm highFootnotes:Provenance:with Shraga Qedar, Jerusalem, 1980.Private collect...

An Achaemenid silver alloy recumbent horned goat Circa 6th-4th Century B.C. 8.5cm longFootnotes:Provenance:Private collection, France, acquired o...

A large Near Eastern copper alloy pectoral Circa 9th-8th Century B.C.40cm high, 39cm wideFootnotes:Provenance:Anonymous sale; Binoche et Giquello...

A Caucasian bronze bell Circa 1st Millennium B.C.10.5cm highFootnotes:Provenance:Private collection, Switzerland, 1986.London art market.Anonymou...

A Phoenician stone model boat with dedicatory inscription Circa 5th-4th Century B.C.42.5cm longFootnotes:Provenance:Anonymous sale; François de R...

A Sasanian silver dish with a Royal hunting scene Circa 5th-7th Century A.D. 18cm diam. Footnotes:Provenance:Joseph Brummer (1883–1947) collectio...

A Villanovan impasto ware urn in the form of a hut Circa 9th-8th Century B.C. 35cm high; 36cm wideFootnotes:Provenance:Anonymous sale; Millon & A...

An East Greek pottery figural aryballos in the form of a booted leg Rhodes, circa 600-550 B.C.20cm highFootnotes:Provenance:M. Sebillau collectio...

A Greek marble loutrophoros Probably Athens, circa early 4th Century B.C.55.9cm highFootnotes:Provenance:Anonymous sale; Sotheby's, New York, 1 J...

A Greek black-glazed pottery guttus in the form of a sandaled foot Campania, circa 4th Century B.C.13cm longFootnotes:Provenance:Collection label...

An Attic black glazed pottery head vase in the form of a Black African Circa 510-480 B.C.16cm highFootnotes:Provenance:Anonymous sale; Fischer, L...

A Canosan terracotta group of a boy on a rabbit Apulia, circa 3rd Century B.C.13.5cm highFootnotes:Provenance:Private collection, Neuchâtel, 1977...

A Canosan terracotta group of Eros and Psyche Apulia, circa 3rd Century B.C.14cm highFootnotes:Provenance:Private collection, Neuchâtel.Anonymous...

A Greek gold necklace with a ram's head pendant and acorns Circa 5th Century B.C. 17cm long, weight 22.8gFootnotes:Provenance: Heinz Hock collect...

A Roman gold bracelet Circa 2nd-3rd Century A.D. 7.3cm diam., weight 51g.Footnotes:Provenance:Reputedly King Farouk (1920-1965) collection. Anony...

A Roman double-sided steatite jewellery mould for a lunula Circa 1st-2nd Century A.D.5.1cm high, 4cm wideFootnotes:Provenance:Günther Grimm (1940...

A Roman bronze and silver balsamarium Circa 2nd-3rd Century A.D.12.5cm high excl. handleFootnotes:Provenance:Madame D. M. collection, 1960s.Anony...

A Roman bronze lower leg Circa 1st-2nd Century A.D. 16cm highFootnotes:Provenance:Dr. Hans Gantenbein collection, Basel, from 17 June 1947.with A...

A Roman marble male portrait head Circa 1st-2nd Century A.D.26cm highFootnotes:Provenance:Private collection, established in the 1950s. Anonymous...

A Roman marble right foot Circa 1st-2nd Century A.D.26cm longFootnotes:Provenance:Private collection, England, formed before 2000.London art mark...

A Roman silver plate decorated with a River God Circa 3rd Century A.D.31.5cm diam.Footnotes:Provenance:Property from a Princely Collection, acqui...

A Roman limestone votive sculpture Circa 2nd Century A.D.18cm longFootnotes:Provenance:Private collection, England. Paris art market.Anonymous sa...

A Viking bronze and iron knife Circa 10th-early 12th Century A.D.17.5cm longFootnotes:Provenance:Anonymous sale; Pierre Bergé & Associés, Paris, ...

A late Byzantine or early Islamic gold sandwich glass tile Circa 9th-12th Century A.D.8.7cm x 8cmFootnotes:Provenance:with Ancient Art Ltd., Gene...
