Anonymous (19th century) and Guo Qingheng (19th century) Silkworms and Mulberry Leaves, and Call...
Anonymous (19th century) and Guo Qingheng (19th century) Silkworms and Mulberry Leaves, and Calligraphy Ink or ink and colour on silk, album leaves The calligraphy inscribed and signed Guo Qingheng, with one seal of the artist, and a dedication, and dated jiaxu year 1814 The painting unsigned 25.0cm diam. each Footnotes: 佚名 • 郭慶恆 蠶 • 書法 設色及水墨絹本 圓光冊頁 〈郭〉一八一四年作 款識: 〈郭〉米氏研山,後歸宣和御府,今在台州戴覺民家,大衍庫出售雜物。時有靈壁小峰,長僅五六寸,高半,瓏珍秀潤,與此圖相似,所謂胡桃色。有徽宗御書八小字,刻於峰傍云:「山高月小,水落石出」。略無琢刻之形,真奇物也。吳興姚浚如題。蓋元大兄大人雅正。甲戌(1814)三月郭慶恆。鈐印:郭慶恆印 For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com For further information about this lot please visit the lot listing
Anonymous (19th century) and Guo Qingheng (19th century) Silkworms and Mulberry Leaves, and Calligraphy Ink or ink and colour on silk, album leaves The calligraphy inscribed and signed Guo Qingheng, with one seal of the artist, and a dedication, and dated jiaxu year 1814 The painting unsigned 25.0cm diam. each Footnotes: 佚名 • 郭慶恆 蠶 • 書法 設色及水墨絹本 圓光冊頁 〈郭〉一八一四年作 款識: 〈郭〉米氏研山,後歸宣和御府,今在台州戴覺民家,大衍庫出售雜物。時有靈壁小峰,長僅五六寸,高半,瓏珍秀潤,與此圖相似,所謂胡桃色。有徽宗御書八小字,刻於峰傍云:「山高月小,水落石出」。略無琢刻之形,真奇物也。吳興姚浚如題。蓋元大兄大人雅正。甲戌(1814)三月郭慶恆。鈐印:郭慶恆印 For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com For further information about this lot please visit the lot listing
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