Fine Books and Manuscripts

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Fine Books and Manuscripts

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AFGHANISTANBURSLEM (ROLLO) A Peep into Toorkhisthan, FIRST EDITION, 4 lithographed plates (one folding), one folding lithographed map ('Cabul and...

ARMENIA - DICTIONARYAUCHER (PASCHAL) AND JOHN BRAND. A Dictionary English and Armenian, 2 vol., FIRST EDITION, half-titles, titles in English and...

ARMENIA - JERUSALEM, DEEDS OF BENEDICTIONTwo printed 'Bulls of Benediction', given to benefactors of the Armenian Convent of St. James, Jerusalem,...


ARMENIAN - BIBLEGospels of Our Lord Jesus Christ, PRINTED IN ARMENIAN TYPE, title within wide woodcut architectural border, text in double column...

BINDING - BIBLEDas gantze Neue Testament unsers Herren und Heilands Jesu Christi; Die CL Psalmen Davids, 2 works in 1 vol., additional engraved p...

BINDING - ENTOMOLOGICAL WATERCOLOURSAlbum of 20 fine watercolour illustrations of butterflies and moths (18), a cricket, and a lizard, some heigh...

BOOK TRADE & BANKINGWarrant signed by George II ('George R'), granting permission to John Baskett ('Our Printer') and Robert Gosling ('...of our C...

BRUNEL – THAMES TUNNELManuscript guidebook to Marc Isambard Brunel's Thames Tunnel, entitled 'Sketches and Memoranda/ of the/ Works/ for the/ Tunn...

CARDIFF - ROYALTYIlluminated grant admitting Prince George, Duke of Kent as an Honorary Freeman of the City of Cardiff, manuscript in coloured in...

CHINESE CERAMICS - DAVID PERCIVAL COLLECTIONHOBSON (R.L.) A Catalogue of Chinese Pottery and Porcelain in the Collection of Sir Percival David, N...

CHINESE CERAMICS - LEONARD GOWHOBSON (R.L.) Catalogue of the Leonard Gow Collection of Chinese Porcelain, FIRST EDITION, NUMBER 247 OF 300 COPIES,...

COOK (JAMES)GIANETTI (MICHELANGIOLO) Elogy of Captain James Cook Composed and Publickly Recited before the Royal Academy of Florence... Translated...

COOKERY & MEDICINE - LORD MAYOR OF LONDONManuscript receipt book from the household of Sir Edward Clarke, Lord Mayor of London for the year 1696-1...

COOKERY[ATKYNS (ARABELLA, Pseud.)] The Family Magazine. In Two Parts. Part I. Containing Useful Directions in all the Branches of Cookery.... Part...

COOKERYCOOKE (JOHN CONRADE) Cookery and Confectionary, FIRST EDITION, additional engraved title and 14 plates, light spotting and toning, ownersh...

COOKERYManuscript receipt book, written in several hands, opening with 3-page 'Rules to Keep Preserv[ves]' and upwards of 230 recipes, including '...

COOKERYManuscript receipt book, written in several hands with calligraphic flourishes, containing 44 numbered recipes, including 'To make Shrewsb...

CORELLI (ARCANGELO)[Violin Sonatas, Op. 5, nos. 1-6], manuscript copy, written in black ink on thick paper, late eighteenth-century calf, covers ...

CRICKET - JOHN WISDENCricketers' Almanack, a complete run spanning the years 1890-2003, FIRST EDITIONS, with the exception of the volumes for 191...

EAST INDIES LOG BOOK'A Journal of a Voyage to the East Indias and From the East Indias', illustrated manuscript log of the Dolphin and the Medways...

EROTICALEONNEC (GEORGES) Four panoramic colour-printed poster prints of erotic subjects, caricaturing historical moments in history, on paper, a ...

FERNSFlintoft's Collection of the British Ferns in the English Lake District [titled on upper cover], 37 mounted fern specimens, each with ink ca...

GREECE - CHIOSARGENTI (PHILIP P.) The Costumes of Chios, LIMITED TO 500 COPIES, 111 plates (mostly colour), Batsford, [1953]; The Massacres of Ch...

GREECE - CHIOSARGENTI (PHILIP P.) AND STILPONOS P. KURIAKIDOU. E Chios para tois geografois kai periegetais, 3 vol., FIRST EDITION, half-title in...

INDIAN UPRISING[HICKS (C.F.)] A Narrative of Events Which Took Place in one of the Mutinous Regiments at A---d; as given by an Officer of the Corp...

JERSEY – DE CARTERET FAMILYManuscript pedigree of the prominent Jersey family the de Carterets, written in Latin, French (some Patois?) and Englis...

JUDAICA - GAMEThe New Game of the Jew, engraving on 12 sections mounted on linen, comprising a central hand-coloured representation of a Jewish m...

LEONARDO DA VINCIA Treatise of Painting... Translated from the Original Italian... to Which is Prefix'd, the Author's Life, engraved portrait fro...

PHOTOGRAPHY - DAGUERREOTYPESA collection of twenty British and American daguerreotype portraits of men, women or couples, including images W.G. He...

PHOTOGRAPHY - GEORGE DAVISONDAVISON (GEORGE) A group of 6 vintage photogravures, including views of Harlech Castle, the bay and local school child...

PHOTOGRAPHY - JULIA MARGARET CAMERONPortrait photograph of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, half length and half turned to the right, albumen print, mounte...

PHOTOGRAPHY, CORFU AND CRIMEAAlbum compiled by Lady Emily Ponsonby, née Bathurst (1798-1877), containing a collection of some 45 early photographs...

ROYALTY - PHOTOGRAPHYWILDING (DORORTHY) George VI; Elizabeth, his consort, a pair of portraits, half-length, George in Naval uniform, Elizabeth in...

ROYALTY - QUEEN VICTORIA & PONSONBY FAMILYTwo autograph letters from Queen Victoria, the first written in the third person to Sir Henry Ponsonby, ...

ROYALTY - VICTORIA, PRINCESS ROYALGroup of over sixty autograph letters signed variously ('Victoria Crown Princess and Princess Royal', 'V. Empres...

SOUTH AFRICACLARKE (MRS. FRED) Native Life in Pondoland [South Africa], manuscript title-page with decorative border enclosing a photograph of th...

SUSSEX - LEDGERManuscript accounts ledger of John Pilbeam, bearing ownership inscription and date on first page ('This book beginning September 25...

WALES – SARAH JONES ('THE SWAN-SEA VENUS')Correspondence from Sarah Jones (1768-1849), known as the inspiration for Gilray's Swan-Sea Venus, to he...

ADVEU DE ODET DE BRETAGNEILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT OF HENRY II and DIANE DE POITIERS, on vellum, in French, signed 'Seigneur d'Ingrande', 27 long li...

AESCHYLUSTragoediae VII, edited by Pietro Vettori, title in Greek and Latin with printer's device, text largely in Greek type, initial spaces wi...

ALBERTI (LEON BATTISTA)Los diez libros de architectura, FIRST SPANISH EDITION, title within architectural woodcut border, woodcut initials, light...

AQUINAS (THOMAS)Catena aurea super evangelia dominicalia et ferialia [Arranged by Petrus de Vincentia], 341 leaves (of 342, lacking final leaf, b...

ATHENAEUS OF NAUCRATISDeipnosophistae, in Greek, FIRST EDITION, edited by Marcus Musurus, Greek italic type, capital spaces with guide-letters, d...

BIBLE, IN GREEKNovum Iesu Christi D.N. Testamentum, 2 parts in 1 vol., text in Greek, title-pages in Greek and Latin, woodcut printer's device on...

BINDING - ARMS OF DE THOUARNOBIUS Commentarii, pii iuxta ac eruditi in omnes Psalmos, per Des[iderium] Erasmum Roterodamum proditi & emendati, li...

BINET (ESTIENNE)Abregé des vies des principaux fondateurs des religions de l'eglise, representez dans le choeur de l'Abbaie de S. Lambert de Liess...

CALLIMACHUS[Opera]... Hymni ... cum scholiis nunc primum aeditis. Sententiae..., text printed in Greek, woodcut device on title (repeated on fina...

CALLOT (JACQUES)Les Petites misères de la guerre, engraved frontispiece and 6 engraved plates, wide margins, browning and occasional offsetting, ...

CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL DE)El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, 4 vol., 2 (of 4) engraved frontispieces, 31 engraved plates by Anton...

CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL DE)Galatee, Roman Pastoral; Imite de Cervantes par M. De Florian, 4 stipple-engraved colour plates by Colibert and Caz...

DIONYSIUS OF HALICARNASSUSIsaios kai Deinarcos. Vitae Isaei & Dinarchi, magnorum Graeciae oratorum [edited by Petrus Victorious], title in Greek ...

DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU (HENRI LOUIS)Élémens de l'architecture navale, ou traité pratique de la construction des vaisseaux, second enlarged edition, e...

GALLONIO (ANTONIO)Trattato degli instrumenti di martirio, e delle varie maniere di martoriare usate da' gentili contro Christiani, descritte et in...

GESSNER (SALOMON)La Mort d'Abel: poeme en cinq chants, first French edition, frontispiece and 5 plates stipple-engraved in colour by Colibert, Ca...

GHEYN (JACOB DE)Die Drillkunst. Das ist Kriegsübliche Waffenhandlung der Musqueten und Pique[n], text in German and French, engraved pictorial ti...

GONZALO (ARGOTE DE MOLINA)Nobleza de Andaluzia, FIRST EDITION, woodcut arms on title, numerous woodcuts of coats of arms throughout, early owners...

HOROLOGYPENNA (NICOLAS DE) Conpendio util, y methodo facil para cuidar, y conservar bien los reloxes, tables in the text, some soiling and staini...

ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUMLiber evangeliorum ac epistolarum pro festis solemnibus, text entirely stencilled in imitation of roman type, pp....

KIRCHER (ATHANASIUS)Turris Babell, sive archontologia qua primo priscorum post diluvium hominum vita, FIRST EDITION, additional engraved pictoria...
