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A 19th Century mahogany haberdashery bank of 24 drawers, having brass campaign style handles and
A 19th Century mahogany haberdashery bank of 24 drawers, having brass campaign style handles and hand-painted drawer labels, on a plinth base. H89...
A William IV mahogany revolving desk chair, the carved back joined with scrolled arms to a to a
A William IV mahogany revolving desk chair, the carved back joined with scrolled arms to a to a revolving seat upholstered in claret leather with ...
A large vintage giltwood bevelled wall mirror, the pierced cornice modelled as a Classical urn
A large vintage giltwood bevelled wall mirror, the pierced cornice modelled as a Classical urn flanked by swags, the base with inverted asparagus ...
An antique wingback armchair in the George II taste, upholstered in tapestry material, on acanthus
An antique wingback armchair in the George II taste, upholstered in tapestry material, on acanthus carved cabriole supports with hairy paw feet. ...
A pair of 19th century oak open-sided armchairs, having acorn finials above turned spindles, the
A pair of 19th century oak open-sided armchairs, having acorn finials above turned spindles, the backs joined with ball armrests to embossed leath...
A pair of 19th century style mahogany library chairs in the Gainsborough taste, upholstered in
A pair of 19th century style mahogany library chairs in the Gainsborough taste, upholstered in buttoned claret leather with brass studs, on square...
A fine quality early 19th century mahogany sewing table in the manner of Gillows, the top with
A fine quality early 19th century mahogany sewing table in the manner of Gillows, the top with drop-leaf sides and single cock-beaded drawer above...
A rare Georgian mahogany rent table, the ¾ gallery enclosing a brass bound slot, housing one long
A rare Georgian mahogany rent table, the ¾ gallery enclosing a brass bound slot, housing one long cock-beaded drawer with lockable rent collecting...
An early 18th century oak lowboy, housing three short drawers with brass handles, above a shaped
An early 18th century oak lowboy, housing three short drawers with brass handles, above a shaped apron, on cabriole supports. H74cm W87cm D53cm (a...
A pair of antique mahogany library tub chairs, upholstered in distressed green leather with brass
A pair of antique mahogany library tub chairs, upholstered in distressed green leather with brass studs, on tapered reeded supports.H83cm W64cm D5...
An unrestored 19th century 18” terrestrial library globe by Charles Smith & Son of London, comprised
An unrestored 19th century 18” terrestrial library globe by Charles Smith & Son of London, comprised of 12 graduated gores, having engraved brass ...
A 19th century serpentine fronted 3-seater sofa by Holland and sons, reupholstered in kilim style
A 19th century serpentine fronted 3-seater sofa by Holland and sons, reupholstered in kilim style burnt orange material with brass studs, on mahog...
A 17th century oak joint stool, the carved frieze above turned supports united by stretchers.
A 17th century oak joint stool, the carved frieze above turned supports united by stretchers. H56cm W56cm D29cm (approx).Condition report: Top is ...
An 18th century oak corner chair, the shaped back jointed with plain uprights and shaped splats to
An 18th century oak corner chair, the shaped back jointed with plain uprights and shaped splats to the seat, on inner chamfered square supports wi...
An 18th century oak occasional table, on stile supports with roundel detail, the shaped plinth
An 18th century oak occasional table, on stile supports with roundel detail, the shaped plinth base raised on bun feet. H73cm W54cm D42cm (approx)...
An unusual antique cast iron boot scraper painted green, with brass knob handle and two fixed
An unusual antique cast iron boot scraper painted green, with brass knob handle and two fixed cleaning brushes. Stamped ‘Choats Patent 222036, Bur...
An Arts & Crafts Period rosewood two-tier octagonal table in the Liberty taste, the chamfered top
An Arts & Crafts Period rosewood two-tier octagonal table in the Liberty taste, the chamfered top above Moorish arches and pierced side panel deco...
A pair of 19th century oak Savonarola X-frame chairs, ornately carved in the Gothic taste with
A pair of 19th century oak Savonarola X-frame chairs, ornately carved in the Gothic taste with heraldic lions amidst scrolling acanthus leaves, on...
An Edwardian brass club fender, the corner seats upholstered in antique buttoned claret leather with
An Edwardian brass club fender, the corner seats upholstered in antique buttoned claret leather with brass studs, the front with circular detail a...
A reconstituted marble bust in the Classical taste modelled as Apollo Belvedere, on an Ionic
A reconstituted marble bust in the Classical taste modelled as Apollo Belvedere, on an Ionic column pedestal with scrolled capital. H142cm W34cm D...
An antique style footstool, upholstered in buttoned tan leather with brass studs, on cabriole supports. H30cm W62cm D48cm (approx).Condition repor...
A 17th century and later oak chest housing three long drawers with split moulded geometric decoration and brass drop handles, on bun feet. H97cm W...
A turn of the century medium oak pantry/dairy table of narrow proportions, on turned supports. H75cm
A turn of the century medium oak pantry/dairy table of narrow proportions, on turned supports.H75cm W198cm D50cm (approx).Condition report: Minor ...
Five antique elm and beech hoop-back country chairs, on canted supports with H stretchers. H90cm
Five antique elm and beech hoop-back country chairs, on canted supports with H stretchers. H90cm W36cm D39cm (approx).Condition report: Even wear ...
An antique oak captain’s chair painted white and distressed in the Cape Cod style, on turned
An antique oak captain’s chair painted white and distressed in the Cape Cod style, on turned canted supports with a double ‘H’ stretcher. H80cm W6...
A painted and distressed freestanding wine rack, the relief carved central panel depicting fruiting vines, on a plinth base. Holds 16 bottles. H83...
A fine quality bespoke mahogany 44” rocking horse by Harold Wakefield of Boston, fitted with leather
A fine quality bespoke mahogany 44” rocking horse by Harold Wakefield of Boston, fitted with leather and brass tack and real horsehair mane and ta...
A 17th century oak chest, housing three graduated long drawers with split geometric mouldings and
A 17th century oak chest, housing three graduated long drawers with split geometric mouldings and fancy brass drop handles and lock escutcheons, o...
An exceptional 19th century mahogany centre table, the shaped top above a plain frieze with four
An exceptional 19th century mahogany centre table, the shaped top above a plain frieze with four individually carved gilded character masks, on pi...
A 19th century arched wall mirror within an ornately moulded gilt gesso frame. Condition report:
A 19th century arched wall mirror within an ornately moulded gilt gesso frame. Condition report: Some minor losses to frame. Hole to bottom corner...
A Georgian oak console table, having central single drawer, on tapered square supports with an ‘H’
A Georgian oak console table, having central single drawer, on tapered square supports with an ‘H’ stretcher.H76cm W119cm D59cm (approx).Condition...
An Arts & Crafts Period solid oak occasional table in the manner of Liberty's, the circular
An Arts & Crafts Period solid oak occasional table in the manner of Liberty's, the circular top on canted supports, carved and pierced with heart ...
A pair of mid-century style Eames lounge chairs, the bent plywood seats upholstered in supple
A pair of mid-century style Eames lounge chairs, the bent plywood seats upholstered in supple buttoned black leather with colour coded piping, on ...
A mid-century copper and steel standard lamp in the manner of Stilnovo, on a tripod base with copper
A mid-century copper and steel standard lamp in the manner of Stilnovo, on a tripod base with copper feet. C1960.H173cm Diameter 39cm (approx).Con...
A mid-century circular wall mirror, within a teak surround. C1960. Diameter 45cm (approx). Condition
A mid-century circular wall mirror, within a teak surround. C1960.Diameter 45cm (approx). Condition report: No issues.
A mid-century low rectangular chrome and smoked glass coffee table, on square supports. c1970. H39cm
A mid-century low rectangular chrome and smoked glass coffee table, on square supports. c1970. H39cm W122cm D61cm (approx).Condition report: No i...
A matched pair of floor-standing giltwood candlesticks, the turned columns with carved acanthus
A matched pair of floor-standing giltwood candlesticks, the turned columns with carved acanthus decoration.H126cm W24cm D24cm (approx).Condition r...
A 19th century walnut slipper chair, the scrolled back reupholstered in buttoned teal velvet
A 19th century walnut slipper chair, the scrolled back reupholstered in buttoned teal velvet material, on ogee supports with brass and ceramic cas...
A 19th century brass dinner gong, on an arched golden oak stand with turned stretcher, raised on
A 19th century brass dinner gong, on an arched golden oak stand with turned stretcher, raised on carved hoof feet. Original striker included with...
A contemporary square wall mirror, within a solid light oak surround with shelf under. H54cm W54cm
A contemporary square wall mirror, within a solid light oak surround with shelf under. H54cm W54cm D14cm (approx).Condition report: No issues.
A mid-century Danish 3-seater sofa in the manner of Borge Morgensen, having loose cushions upholstered in brown leather, on square supports. H81cm...
A good Regency Period mahogany Pembroke table, having long drawers to either end with pressed
A good Regency Period mahogany Pembroke table, having long drawers to either end with pressed brass drop-ring hands, on a turned column with quatr...
An antique light oak sideboard in the Jacobean Revival taste, housing three graduated drawers flanked by panelled doors, opening onto shaped shelv...
A George III mahogany spider leg table, on turned supports with stretchers. H72cm W28-77cm D76cm (
A George III mahogany spider leg table, on turned supports with stretchers. H72cm W28-77cm D76cm (approx).Condition report: Minor marks with age. ...
A good George III mahogany linen press, the moulded cornice with broken and scrolled pediment, above
A good George III mahogany linen press, the moulded cornice with broken and scrolled pediment, above panelled doors opening onto a brass hanging r...
A Regency Period mahogany circular wine table, the tapered hexagonal pedestal on a triform base with
A Regency Period mahogany circular wine table, the tapered hexagonal pedestal on a triform base with scrolled feet. H74cm Diameter 51cm (approx).C...
A Georgian oak side table, the one long drawer with brass knob handles, on inner chamfered square
A Georgian oak side table, the one long drawer with brass knob handles, on inner chamfered square supports. H72cm W81cm D54cm (approx).Condition r...
A Victorian height-adjustable music stool, retaining the original buttoned leather upholstery, on an
A Victorian height-adjustable music stool, retaining the original buttoned leather upholstery, on an ebonised carved base with splayed tripod supp...
A Victorian mahogany low bookcase, housing three graduated shelves, on a plinth base with shaped
A Victorian mahogany low bookcase, housing three graduated shelves, on a plinth base with shaped apron. H104cm W126cm D29cm (approx).Condition rep...
A 19th century mahogany straight front chest, housing two short and three long graduated cock-beaded
A 19th century mahogany straight front chest, housing two short and three long graduated cock-beaded drawers retaining the original turned wooden ...
A Victorian mahogany low enclosed bookcase, the ¾ gallery above twin doors with arched panels,
A Victorian mahogany low enclosed bookcase, the ¾ gallery above twin doors with arched panels, opening onto two height adjustable shelves, on a pl...
A George III mahogany tilt-top table, on a tapered turned pedestal with splayed tripod supports.
A George III mahogany tilt-top table, on a tapered turned pedestal with splayed tripod supports. H69cm Diameter74cm (approx).Condition report: Min...
A 19th century child’s elm rocking chair in the Sussex style, the turned back spindles above a
A 19th century child’s elm rocking chair in the Sussex style, the turned back spindles above a rush seat, on turned supports with stretchers. H82c...
An antique chestnut primitive child’s chair, reupholstered in navy checked material, on whittled
An antique chestnut primitive child’s chair, reupholstered in navy checked material, on whittled supports with stretchers. H58cm W39cm D33cm (appr...
Seven mid-century blonde elm and beech ‘candlestick’ dining chairs by Ercol, the lattice backs above
Seven mid-century blonde elm and beech ‘candlestick’ dining chairs by Ercol, the lattice backs above oyster seats, on canted supports with double ...
A mid-century elm and beech drop-leaf Windsor dining table by Ercol, on canted supports. c1960.
A mid-century elm and beech drop-leaf Windsor dining table by Ercol, on canted supports. c1960.H71cm W137-165cm D75cm (approx).Condition report: M...
A mid-century elm and agba sideboard by Ercol, housing two drawers above cupboards with turned
A mid-century elm and agba sideboard by Ercol, housing two drawers above cupboards with turned wooden handles, on canted supports with an ‘H’ stre...
An antique light oak shaker style chest housing four long drawers with turned wooden knob handles.
An antique light oak shaker style chest housing four long drawers with turned wooden knob handles.H82cm W91cm D44cm (approx). Condition report: So...
A 19th century Gothic revival oak hall bench, having turned finials and profuse acanthus leaf
A 19th century Gothic revival oak hall bench, having turned finials and profuse acanthus leaf decoration carved in high relief, above an arcaded b...
A 19th century Gothic Revival oak hallstand with relief carved acanthus decoration, having an
A 19th century Gothic Revival oak hallstand with relief carved acanthus decoration, having an array of seven brass coat-hooks above a central mirr...