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Egypt Order of Republic, 4th Model (from 1984), Grand cross, in box. 1.) Sash badge: silber gildet, enamelled multi-piece medallion, manufacture...
Egypt Meritorious orden, 4th type (since 1984), Great officer set, in box. 1.) Cross: silber, partially gildet, multi-piece edition enamelled, m...
Egypt Independence orden (Al-Istiqlal-orden), 3rd class, in box. silver, partially gildet and enamelled, manufactured in several parts, multiple...
Egypt Orden for art and science, first class, in box. silver gildet, the corpus is billiant, the
Egypt Orden for art and science, first class, in box. silver gildet, the corpus is billiant, the multi-piece edition is partially enamelled, mul...
Egypt Orden of Sinai, 2nd type. Silvered, partially enamelled, with the inscription "Sinai 1973", on the back Arabic manufacturer mark, with car...
Egypt Orden of the Nil, 2nd model (1923-1953), 3rd class. Silver, the rays partially brilliant,
Egypt Orden of the Nil, 2nd model (1923-1953), 3rd class. Silver, the rays partially brilliant, gold-plated multi-part edition and enamelled, mu...
Egypt Orden of the Nil, 2nd model (1923-1953), 3rd class. Silver, rays gildet or brilliant, multipart medaillon enamelled, on the back multiple ...
Egypt Orden of Muhammad Ali, silver medal. Silver, font and saber created separately, at mobile
Egypt Orden of Muhammad Ali, silver medal. Silver, font and saber created separately, at mobile agraffe, on ald band. 45x37mm, 22,7g m.B. The ...
Ethiopia Estade of a Korea war soldier. 1.) Patriot medal, with 4 palm sheet; 2.) underground medal; 3.) UN-operation medal; 4.) UN: Korea medal...
Ethiopia Orden of the holy trinity, certificate. colored inlet pressure. 499x350mm. Condition: II
Ethiopia Orden of the holy trinity, certificate. colored inlet pressure. 499x350mm. Condition: II Starting price: 70 Äthiopien Orden der...
Afghanistan Lot of 5 awards. Various, mostly at ribbons. Condition: II Starting price: 100 Afghanistan Lot von 5 Auszeichnungen. Divers...
Albania Skanderbeg orden, 1st model (1925-1939), grand cross brast star. Silver, the rays brilliant, the multiple parts gildet and enamelled, at...
Albania Skanderbeg orden, first model (1925-1939), officer plug decoration. Silver gildet, partially enamelled, multiple parts open work, parts ...
Albania Skanderbeg orden, 2nd model (1940-1944), grand cross breast star miniature. Silver gildet,
Albania Skanderbeg orden, 2nd model (1940-1944), grand cross breast star miniature. Silver gildet, the separatly launched medallion is partially...
Albania Skanderbeg orden, 2nd model (1940-1944), knight´s cross. Silver gildet, partially enamelled, multiple parts open work, on ribbon. BWK1 S...
Albania National prize, 1st class. Gold, at wear clasp with ribbon. Average 26mm, 22,4g m.B. Condition: I Starting price: 1,200 Albanien...
Andorra Big medalbar with 3 awards. 1.) Meritorous orden, knight´s cross; 2.) medal of the commercial and industrial chamber; 3.) Canaian divis...
Annam Orden of the dragon of Annam, 4th class. Silver gildet, diamond cut, the multipart medallion
Annam Orden of the dragon of Annam, 4th class. Silver gildet, diamond cut, the multipart medallion is chased and enamelled, at mobile crown with...
Argentina Military meritorous orden, Commanders Cross, in box. Silver, partially enamelled, the
Argentina Military meritorous orden, Commanders Cross, in box. Silver, partially enamelled, the medallions are placed separately, on ribbon; in...
Argentina Lot of 6 Schi-instructors badges. Various, all are enamelled. Condition: II Starting
Argentina Lot of 6 Schi-instructors badges. Various, all are enamelled. Condition: II Starting price: 75 Argentinien Lot von 6 Schi-Inst...
Argentina Lot of 5 aviator swings. Various, mostly enamelled. Condition: II Starting price: 70
Argentina Lot of 5 aviator swings. Various, mostly enamelled. Condition: II Starting price: 70 Argentinien Lot von 5 Fliegerschwingen. ...
Argentina Lot of 5 pilot swings. Various, all are enamelled. Condition: II Starting price: 60
Argentina Lot of 5 pilot swings. Various, all are enamelled. Condition: II Starting price: 60 Argentinien Lot von 5 Pilotenschwingen. D...
Argentina Lot of 5 half-swings. Various, all are enamelled. Condition: II Starting price: 60 Argentinien Lot von 5 Halbschwingen. Diver...
Argentina Lot of 4 paratrooper badges. Various, all are enamelled. Condition: II Starting price: 50 Argentinien Lot von 4 Fallschirmjäge...
Argentina Lot of 5 marine slides. Various, all are enamelled. Condition: II Starting price: 80
Argentina Lot of 5 marine slides. Various, all are enamelled. Condition: II Starting price: 80 Argentinien Lot von 5 Marinespangen. Div...
Bangladesch Collection of 16 awards. Various, all on ribbons, partially seldom decorations. Condition: II Starting price: 500 Bangladesch...
Bangladesch Lot of 4 medals. Each bronze, various. Condition: II Starting price: 120 Bangladesch Lot von 4 Medaillen. Je Bronze, divers...
Belgium Leopold orden, 2nd model (1839-1951), commander star. Corpus silver, partially diamond
Belgium Leopold orden, 2nd model (1839-1951), commander star. Corpus silver, partially diamond cut, multipart medallion in gold, partially ename...
Brazil Imperial rose orden, breast star to the commander. Silver gildet, partially enamelled,
Brazil Imperial rose orden, breast star to the commander. Silver gildet, partially enamelled, multiple parts, cottered pads on the corpus, at ne...
Brazil Military Merti Order, Grandofficers Set, in box. 1.) Cross: Gilded, partially enamelled,
Brazil Military Merti Order, Grandofficers Set, in box. 1.) Cross: Gilded, partially enamelled, mulitple parts, on ready to wear neck ribbon; 2....
Bulgaria Military Order for Bravery, 6. model (1944-1945), Cross 4. class, 2. grade. Silvered,
Bulgaria Military Order for Bravery, 6. model (1944-1945), Cross 4. class, 2. grade. Silvered, partially enamelled, multiple parts, open work, r...
Bulgaria Civil-Merit Order, 1. model, 4. class, in box. Silver gilded, partially enamelled, multiple parts, open worked, on movable crown, on re...
Bulgaria Civil-Merit Order, 3. model (Jubilee-Issue), 5. class with crown, in box. Silvered, partially enamelled, multiple parts open worked, mo...
Bulgaria Civil-Merit Order, Special Grade Set from the estade of the Stabschef of the SA Viktor
Bulgaria Civil-Merit Order, Special Grade Set from the estade of the Stabschef of the SA Viktor Lutze. 1.) Badge: Silver gilded, partially ename...
Bulgaria Set of 2 General Aviation Badges. 1.) Golden; 2.) Silvered. Condition: II Starting price: 150 Bulgarien Set von 2 Allgemeinen F...
Bulgaria Riders-Donation-Badge. Silver, partially gilded and enamelled, multiple parts, hallmarked
Bulgaria Riders-Donation-Badge. Silver, partially gilded and enamelled, multiple parts, hallmarked STÖGER, WIEN VII., and 800, on pin. 34 x 24 m...
Bulgaria Georgi Dimitroff-Order, in box, with award booklet for Henry Nisimov Assa. Gold, hollow
Bulgaria Georgi Dimitroff-Order, in box, with award booklet for Henry Nisimov Assa. Gold, hollow made, partially enamelled, on five-side suspens...
Bulgaria Order 1300 Years of Bulgaria, Grandcross Set. 1.) Badge: Gilded and enamelled, device
Bulgaria Order 1300 Years of Bulgaria, Grandcross Set. 1.) Badge: Gilded and enamelled, device mulitple parts, open worked, on ready to wear sas...
Bulgaria Medal 1300 Years of Bulgaria, in silver, in box. Silvered; in box with embossed top,
Bulgaria Medal 1300 Years of Bulgaria, in silver, in box. Silvered; in box with embossed top, inlay damaged. 60 x 60 mm, 126,4 g. Condition: II...
Bulgaria Cyril and Methodus Order, in box. Silvered, partially enamelled, mutliple parts, on ready
Bulgaria Cyril and Methodus Order, in box. Silvered, partially enamelled, mutliple parts, on ready to wear triangular ribbon; in red box, metal ...
Bulgaria Medal for exepctional merits in the field of sport, 2. class. Golden, hallmarked, engraved class description II. CT., on broach with re...
Burkina Faso National Merit Order, Grandofficers Set. 1.) Cross: Brass silvered and gilded, partially enamelled, multiple parts, open worked, on...
Chile Merit Medal / Merit Order, 5. model (since 1939), 1. class set, in box. 1.) Badge: Silver
Chile Merit Medal / Merit Order, 5. model (since 1939), 1. class set, in box. 1.) Badge: Silver gilded, partially enamelled, multiple parts, ope...
China Order of the Golden Grain, Miniature. Gold, partially enamelled, multiple parts, open worked. 21 x 12 mm, 1,2 g. Condition: I-II Star...
China Order of the Golden Grain, Miniature. Silver gilded, partially enamelled, multiple parts,
China Order of the Golden Grain, Miniature. Silver gilded, partially enamelled, multiple parts, open work, hallmark in the ring. 21 x 12 mm, 1,0...
China Guarding Lion. Bronce lion, male sex (as the left paw sits on a ball, while female ones hold
China Guarding Lion. Bronce lion, male sex (as the left paw sits on a ball, while female ones hold the right paw above a young lion, with 12 cur...
China Order of the stripped Tiger, breast star miniature. Silver gilded, partially enamelled,
China Order of the stripped Tiger, breast star miniature. Silver gilded, partially enamelled, multiple parts, hallmarked in the ring. 15 x 13 mm...
China Unknown Rank Badge, for Princes. Silver, hollow bottomed up, the medaillon fine chisseled
China Unknown Rank Badge, for Princes. Silver, hollow bottomed up, the medaillon fine chisseled and enamelled, multiple parts, reverse twice riv...
China Leaders Badge of the Meeting of the Labourforce in Peking 1956. Silver, partially gilded and
China Leaders Badge of the Meeting of the Labourforce in Peking 1956. Silver, partially gilded and enamelled, on pin. ZH05 360. 50 x 35 mm, 27,9...
China Friendship Medal, in box, with document and translation for the collegue Große. Silver gilded, partially enamelled, on ready to wear ribbo...
China Pin 1956. Pin 1956 with printed ribbon. 25 x 19 mm, 6,3 g m.B. Condition: II Starting price: 100 China Pin 1956. Pin 1956 mit bed...
China Merit Order for the offices of internal affairs, in box. Gilded, partially enamelled, numbered 106, on ready to wear ribbon; in red, gold ...
China Merit Decoration of the education-ministery, in box. Gilded, partially enamelled, multiple
China Merit Decoration of the education-ministery, in box. Gilded, partially enamelled, multiple parts, hallmarked, on long, ready to wear neck ...
China Lot of 8 decorations. Mostly enamelled and on ribbon, partially numbered. Condition: II Starting price: 350 China Lot von 8 Auszei...
China Lot of 5 decorations. Various, all on ready to wear ribbons. Condition: II Starting price: 200 China Lot von 5 Auszeichnungen. Di...
China Lot of 5 decorations. Various, all on ready to wear ribbons. Condition: II Starting price: 200 China Lot von 5 Auszeichnungen. Di...
China Lot of 5 decorations. Various, some numbered, all on ready to wear ribbons. Condition: II
China Lot of 5 decorations. Various, some numbered, all on ready to wear ribbons. Condition: II Starting price: 200 China Lot von 5 Ausz...
China Lot of 4 wings. Various, all on ready to wear ribbons. Condition: II Starting price: 160
China Lot of 4 wings. Various, all on ready to wear ribbons. Condition: II Starting price: 160 China Lot von 4 Schwingen. Diverse, alle...
Denmark Danebrog-Order, 2. model (Friedrich VI. - 1808-1839), Knights cross 1. class miniature.
Denmark Danebrog-Order, 2. model (Friedrich VI. - 1808-1839), Knights cross 1. class miniature. Gold, partially enamelled, multiple parts, open ...
Denmark Danebrog-Mens Cross, 6. model (Frederik VIII. - 1906-1912), miniature. Silver, open work, on ribbon. 28 x 13 mm, 3,1 g m.B. Condition: ...