7-December|Printed Books, Manuscripts & Maps

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room Billingshurst, England

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7-December|Printed Books, Manuscripts & Maps

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  • ( Lots: 601-703)

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ACTON, Harold (1904-94). Peonies and Ponies. A Novel, London, 1951, 8vo, original red cloth, yellow dust-jacket printed in red and black. FIRST ED...

ALBUM - An album on c.18 card leaves containing numerous mounted embossed crests, many heightened in gold, with very fine painted mount designs, m...

ALBUM, INDIA - An album of c.250 albumen photographs, many of Indian subjects, various sizes, portraits, etc., folio, c. 1860s. Provenance: E. B. ...

ALBUMS - An album on c.100 leaves, part commonplace book, but containing, inter alia, many original drawings, including a number of women smoking ...

ALEXANDER III (1845-94) - Description du Sacre et du Couronnement de leur Majeste's Impériales l' Empereur de Toutes les Russies, St. Petersburg, ...

ANGLING - Charles BOWLKER. The Art of Angling, Containing Directions for Fly-Fishing, Trolling, Bottom Fishing, Making Artificial Flies, Ludlow, 1...

ARDIZZONE, Edward (1900-79). A one-page autograph letter, with a prominent ORIGINAL DRAWING by Ardizzone incorporating what is probably a self-por...

ASTAIRE, Fred (1899-1987). Steps in Time, New York, 1959, 8vo, monochrome illustrations, original black cloth (without the dust-jacket). FIRST EDI...

BINDING - "Lewis CARROLL" (1832-98). Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, London, [1970], 8vo, plates and illustrations...

BINDING - Ernest Thompson SETON (1860-1946). Animal Heroes, London, 1906, small 4to, 19 plates by Seton Thompson, illustrations, FINELY BOUND in c...

BINDING - Francis BACON (1561-1626). Essays, London, 1903, 8vo, VERY FINELY BOUND in full dark blue crushed morocco elaborately-decorated in gilt ...

BINDING - Practical Wisdom, London, 1907, square 8vo, FINELY BOUND in full green crushed morocco elaborately decorated in gilt.BINDING - Practical...

BINDING - Soren SORENSEN (dates unknown). Diderich Buxtehudes vokale kirkemusik, Copenhagen, 1958, large 8vo, FINELY BOUND in an abstract modernis...

BINDING - William BEATTIE (1793-1875). Scotland Illustrated, London, 1842, 2 volumes, 4to, additional engraved titles with vignettes, 118 engrave...

BINDINGS - Punch's Snapdragons for Christmas, London, 1845, 8vo, 4 wood-engraved plates by John Leech, FINELY BOUND in contemporary red morocco gi...

"BLAND, Alexander" (d.1982, pseudonym). The Royal Ballet, [London], 1981, 4to, original morocco, ONE OF 250 COPIES SIGNED BY NINETTE DE VALOIS. Wi...

BLIGH, William (1754-1817). A Voyage to the South Sea ... in his Majesty's Ship The Bounty ... Including an Account of the Mutiny, London, 1792, 4...

BLISS, Arthur (1891-1975, composer). Conversations, London, 1922, 4to, original wrappers. Provenance: Edward Wadsworth. FIRST EDITION, NUMBER 2 OF...

BRADFORD, William (c.1779-1857). Sketches of the Country, Character, and Costume, in Portugal and Spain, London, [1809], 4to, text in English and ...

THE BRONTE SISTERS - Michael FFOLKES (1925-88, illustrator). The original pen, ink and watercolour front cover design for the September 29th, 1962...

BURNS, Robert (1759-96). The Poetical Works, Glasgow, 1821, 8vo, engraved portrait frontispiece and 3 plates, attractively bound in 19th-century ...

CHESS - William WINTER (1897-1955) & R. G. WADE (1921-2008). The World Chess Championship: 1951, London, 1951, 8vo, original cloth. With 13 other ...

The Children's Friend, London, 1786, vols. I - III, V - X, XII - XX, XXII and XXIV only (of 24, i.e. 4 vols. lacking), 16mo, contemporary calf. VE...

CHORNY, Sasha [i.e. pseudonym of Aleksandr Mikhailovich GLIKBERG (1880-1932)]. An unpublished autograph couplet in pencil, with an original sketc...

CINEMA - Le Tout-Cinema. Annuaire Général Illustré du Monde Cinématographique. 6e Année, Paris, 1927, large 8vo, portraits, original blue cloth gi...

CRANE, Walter (1845-1915). Renascence, London, 1891, small 4to, illustrations by Crane, boards. ONE OF 500 COPIES. With Voltaire's The Princess of...

DAVIES, John (1569-1626). Orchestra, London, The Stanton Press, 1922, 4to, illustrations by Elinor Lambert, original boards, ONE OF 175 COPIES. Wi...

DETMOLD, Edward Julius (1883-1957, illustrator) - The Fables of Aesop, London, [1909], 4to, 23 mounted coloured plates by Detmold, illustrations, ...

DOUGLAS, Alfred, Lord (1870-1945, editor). The Spirit Lamp. An Aesthetic, Literary and Critical Magazine, Oxford, June 1893, Vol. IV, No. II, orig...

DUDLEY, Robert (1573-1649). Carta particolare della Britannia, [Florence, c.1660], engraved chart, 470 x 740mm. With another chart by Dudley. (2)[...

EDEN, Anthony (1897-1977), 1st Earl of Avon - Books annotated by, or otherwise associated with, Anthony Eden. Please see the full listing below. S...

[EDEN, Anthony (1897-1977)] - Alice ACHESON (1895-1996). Two Views of the Villa Nova, Barbados, signed "Alice Acheson" lower right, one watercolou...

[?EGAN, Pierce (1772-1849), and others]. Real Life in London, London, 1821-22, 2 vols., 8vo, hand-coloured aquatint frontispieces, titles and 28 p...

FARJEON, Eleanor (1881-1965). Mrs Malone. London: Oxford University Press, 1962, 12mo, illustrations by Edward Ardizzone, original pictorial board...

"FOUGASSE" [i.e. Cyril Kenneth BIRD (1887-1965), artist]. Drawing the Line Somewhere, London, 1937, 8vo, original buckram, FIRST EDITION, PRESENTA...

FREEMASONRY - James ANDERSON (c.1680-1739). Constitution of the Antient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, London, 1757, 4to, ...

GILBERT & GEORGE - The Complete Pictures 1971-2005, London, 2007, 2 volumes, oblong 4to, coloured illustrations, original red cloth gilt, both vol...

GLASTONBURY - P. W. THOMPSON. Glastonbury, London, 1927, 8vo, FINELY BOUND in red crushed morocco gilt. FIRST EDITION, ASSOCIATION COPY, heavily a...

GREEN, Andy (dates unknown, photographer). Here Comes the Sun, London, BolamRose, 2011, oblong 4to, full-page coloured photographed illustrations ...

GREENE, Graham (1904-91). Why the Epigraph? London, The Nonesuch Press, 1989, 8vo, half title, original tan buckram lettered in gilt, [?]original ...

GREENE, Graham (1904-91). A typed letter, signed, dated 1984, stating, "Dear John Wilkins, My warmest congratulations on your article on the Kissi...

GREENWICH - [?Margaret MASKELYNE (1785-1858)]. A fine watercolour study of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, 362 x 470mm., unframed; with anothe...

GUICCIARDINI, Lodovico (1521-89). Commentarii ... Delle cose piu memorabili seguite in Europa: specialmente in questi paesi bassi, Venice, 1565, 4...

HAY, Robert (1799-1863). Illustrations of Cairo, London, 1840, folio, additional lithographed title, 30 lithographed views on 29 plates (one plate...

[HAZLITT, William (1778-1830)]. Liber Amoris; Or, the New Pygmalion, London, 1823, 12mo, engraved title with portrait (some very light staining), ...

HOBAN, Russell (1925-2011) & Quentin BLAKE (b.1932, illustrator). Woman with a Book, London, 1999, oblong 4to, 20 plates by Blake, hessian boards....

HOMANN, Johann Baptist (1664-1724). Nova Anglia Septentrionali Americae, [Nuremberg: c.1720], hand-coloured engraved map of New England, title car...

Lot 648


NO LOT ...[more]

HOOGHE, Romein de (1645-1708). Carte Marine des Environs de l' Isle d' Oleron a l' Usage des Armees du Roy de Land Grande Bretagne, Amsterdam, [Pi...

HOOKER, William Jackson (1785-1865). Pomona Londinensis, London, [1813]-18. Volume one only [all published], 4to, 49 exceptionally fine hand-colou...

[HUMPHREYS, Henry Noel (1810-79), chromolithographer)]. The Parables of our Lord, London, 1847, 8vo, chromolithographed throughout, FINELY BOUND i...

JAMES, Henry (1843-1916). The Europeans, London, 1878, 2 vols. bound in one, original buckram gilt. FIRST EDITION. With the same author's Confide...

KEULEN, Gerard van (1678-1726). Nouvelle Carte de la Riviere de Canada ou St. Laurens, [Amsterdam: c.1734], hand-coloured engraved chart of the St...

KEULEN, Johannes van (1654-1715). Nieuwe Wassende Graade Paskaart Over de Geeheele Oost-Zee. Amsterdam: [c.1710], hand-coloured engraved chart of ...

KEULEN, Johannes van (1654-1715) & Gerard van KEULEN (1678-1726). Nine hand-coloured charts from the Zee-Fakkel showing the coasts of Ireland, Sco...

KING, Jessie Marion (1875-1949, illustrator) - The High History of the Holy Graal, London, 1903, large 8vo, 23 plates, original blue pictorial clo...

KIPLING, Rudyard (1865-1936) & William NICHOLSON (1872-1949, illustrator). An Almanac of Twelve Sports, London, 1898 [but 1897], 4to, 12 full-page...

KIPLING, Rudyard (1865-1936). Sea and Sussex, London, 1926, 4to, 24 mounted coloured plates by Donald Maxwell, original vellum-backed paper boards...

LEWIS, C. S. (1898-1963). The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, London, 1950, 8vo, coloured frontispiece and illustrations by Pauline Baynes, orig...

LEWIS, C. S. (1898-1963). The Silver Chair, London, 1950, 8vo, frontispiece and illustrations by Pauline Baynes, original cloth, green dust-jacket...
