Auction 358: Books, Prints & Manuscripts

1226 items 1226 items
Auction closed (2 day sale)
room Leiden

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Auction 358: Books, Prints & Manuscripts

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  • ( Lots: 1-320)
  • ( Lots: 321-596)
  • ( Lots: 597-901)
  • ( Lots: 902-1226)

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  • 10:00 CET - 17:00 CET
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  • 12:00 CET - 17:00 CET
  • 10:00 CET - 17:00 CET

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PANOFKA, T. Recherches sur les véritables noms des vases grecs et sur leurs différens usages, (…). Paris, Debure Frères, (e.a.), 1829. W. 9 plain ...

AESCHYLUS. Agamemnon. Ed. w. comm. by E. Fraenkel. Oxford, (1962). 3 vols. W. 2 plates. Lge-8°. Ocl. -- Id. The Persae. Ed. w. an introd., crit. n...

AESCHYLUS. Tragoediae. Ed. U. Wilamowitz-Moellendorff. 1914. Ocl. -- U. v. WILAMOWITZ - MOELLENDORFF. Aischylos. Interpretationen. 1914. - Bound w...

AMBO-KLASSIEK. Collection of classical works in Dutch translation. (Amst., 1980-2004). 24 vols. (1 duplicate) of the series. Ocl. w. dust-j. (22) ...

AMBROSIUS. Opera omnia/Tutte le opere. Vols. 1, 4, 7, 8, 13, 16, 22, 25/26 (w. CD). Ed. G. Colombo. Milan/Rome, 1979-2004. 8 vols. of the series. ...

AMBROSIUS. Opera. Pars 1, 2, 4-10(1-4). Rec. C. Schenkl, M. Petschenig et O. Faller. Vindob., 1962-1998. 9 in 12 vols. Owrps. (Vols. 1-2,4-6 in re...

AMBROSIUS. Select works and letters. Ed. Ph. Schaff & H. Wace. (Repr. ed.) (1976). Ocl. (Top of upper joint split). -- Id. La correspondance. Text...

AMBROSIUS -- BRASCHI, F. L'Explanatio Psalmorum XII di Ambrogio: Una proposta di lettura unitaria. Analisi tematica, contenuto teologico e contest...

AMBROSIUS -- COURCELLE, P. Recherches sur Saint Ambroise. "Vies" anciennes, culture, iconographie. 1973. -- H. SAVON. Saint Ambroise devant l'exég...

AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS. Quae supersunt. Cum not. integris (i.a.) J. Gronovii quibus T. Reinesii quasdam & suas adj. J.A. Wagner. Ed. C.G.A. Erfurdt....

AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS. Römische Geschichte. Lat. & Deutsch und m. einem Komm. vers. v. W. Seyfarth. 2.-5. Aufl. 1978-83. 4 vols. Ocl. -- F. WITTCHO...

AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS -- BOEFT, J. den, (a.o.). Philological and historical commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus XXI, XXII, XXXVIII, XXIX & XXX. 1991...

AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS -- JONGE, P. de. Philological and historical commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus XIV-XIX. 1972-82. 6 vols. (First title in Ger...

AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS -- VIANSINO, I. Ammiani Marcellini rerum gestarum lexicon. 1985. 2 vols. Ocl. -- M. CHIABÒ, ed. Index verborum Ammiani Marcel...

APULEIUS. Metamorphoseon ll. XI. Apologia (de magia). Florida. Ed. R. Helm. 1955-59. 3 vols. Ocl. (Spine vol. 1 stained). (BT). -- Id. Les métamor...

ARISTOTELES. Meteorologie / Über die Welt. Übers. v. H. Stohm. 1970. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- R. RADICE. La "Metafisica" di Aristotele nel XX secolo. (1...

ARISTOTELES. (Opera). Ex rec. I. Bekkeri. Ed. Academia Regia Borussica. Vol. 1-2, 5. (Repr. ed. Berl., W. de Gruyter, 1831-70. 1961-70). 3 (of 5) ...

ARISTOTELES. Politics. W. introd., essays & notes crit. & explanat. by W.L. Newman. Oxford, 1887-1902. 4 vols. Ocl. -- Id. Metaphysics. A rev. tex...

ARISTOTELES. Prior & posterior analytics. A rev. text w. introd. & comm. by W.D. Ross. (1957). Ocl. -- Id. Metaphysics. A rev. text w. introd. & c...

ARISTOTELES. Rhetoric. W. comm. by E.M. Cope. Rev. & ed. by J.E. Sandys. Cambr., 1877. 3 vols. Ocl., uncut. -- Id. On the art of poetry. A rev. te...

ARISTOTELES. Works. Transl. into English under the editorship of W. D. Ross. Oxford, (1952-71). 12 vols. Ocl. (Some vols. affected by silverfish).

ASTIUS, F. Lexicon Platonicum sive vocum Platonicarum index. 1835-38. 3 vols. Old cl. (Foxing). -- W.W. MINTON. Concordance to the Hesiodic Corpus...

ATHANASIUS. Contra gentes and De incarnatione. Ed. & transl. by R.W. Thomson. 1971. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- THEOPHILUS ANTIOCHENUS. Ad autolycum. Text ...

ATHENAEUM - POLAK & v. GENNEP. Collection of classical works (Greek & Latin authors) in Dutch translation. Amst., 1980-2013. 23 vols. of the serie...

AUGUSTINUS. Confessions. (Ed.) J.J. O'Donnell. (1992). 3 vols. Ocl. w. (sl. worn) dust-j. -- Id. De doctrina christiana. Ed. & transl. by R.P.H. G...

AUGUSTINUS. In Iohannis Evangelium tractatus CXXIV. 1954. -- Id. De sermone domini in monte libros duos. Ed. A. Mutzenbecher. 1967. -- Id. De fide...

AUGUSTINUS. Å’uvres. Par., Desclée de Brouwer, 1949-2001. 28 vols. of the series. Sm-8°. Or. binds. (2 w. dust-j) & 1 owrps. (Bibl. Augustinienne)....

AUGUSTINUS. The confessions. Ed. by J. Gibb & W. Montgomery. 1908. Ocl. -- Id. The catholic and manichaean ways of life. - The retractions. - The ...

AUGUSTINUS. Vingt-six sermons au peuple d'Afrique. Éd. p. Fr. Dolbeau. 1996. Owrps. (Coll. Études August.). -- P. COURCELLE. Recherches sur les Co...

AUGUSTINUS. Werken. (Augustinus-uitgaven. In samenwerking met het Augustijns Instituut te Utrecht). Vert., ingeleid en van aantekeningen voorzien ...

AUGUSTINUS -- FÖRSTER, G., (u.a., hrsg.). Spiritus et littera. Beitr. zur Augustinus-Forschung. Festschrift C.P. Mayer. (2009). Owrps. -- J. v. OO...

AUGUSTINUS -- LÖSSL, J. Intellectus gratiae. Die Erkenntnis-theoretische & hermeneutische Dimension der Gnadenlehre Augustins von Hippo. 1997. Ocl...

AUGUSTINUS -- MAYER, C., (u.a., hrsg.). Augustinus-Lexikon. Vol. 1-5 (fasc. 3/4). Basel, Schwabe Vlg., 1986-2021. 5 vols. (vols. 3-5 in parts). 4°...

AUGUSTINUS -- ROSE, P. A commentary on Augustine's De cura pro mortuis gerenda. Rhetoric in practice. 2013. Obrds. -- S. MacCORMACK. The shadows o...

AUSONIUS. The works. Ed. w. introd. & comm. by R.P.H. Green. 1991. Ocl. w. (sl. worn) dust-j. -- Id. Epigrams. Text w. introd.& comm. by N.M. Kay....

BIBLIOTHECA TEUBNERIANA -- FRAGMENTA POETARUM LATINORUM epicorum et lyricorum. Ed. C. Buechner. Ed. 3a auctam cur. J. Blänsdorf. 1995. Ocl. -- EPI...

BIBLIOTHECA TEUBNERIANA -- THEMISTIUS. Orationes. Ed. G. Downey & A.F. Norman. 1965-74. 3 vols. Ocl. -- MANILIUS. Astronomica. Ed. G.P. Goold. 198...

BLOCKLEY, R.C. The fragmentary classicising historians of the later Roman Empire. Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus. 1981-83. 2 vols. Oc...

CAESAR. Bellum hispaniense. Introd., testo crit. e comm. a cura di G. Pascucci. 1965. Owrps. -- FRONTINUS. Kriegslisten. Lat. und Deutsch v. G. Be...

CALCIDIUS -- PLATO. Timaeus. A Calcidio translatus comm. instr. Ed. P.J. Jensen & J.H. Waszink. 1962. Ocl. (Bind. sl. worn, hinges weak, w. some p...

CALPURNIUS FLACCUS. The declamations. Text, transl. & comm. by L.A. Sussman. 1994. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- SYMMACHUS. Prefect and emperor. The Relation...

CASSIODORUS. Institutiones. Ed. by R.A.B. Mynors. (1961). Ocl. -- J.J. O'DONNELL. Cassiodorus. (1979). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- LUCIFER CALARITANUS. De ...

CATULLUS -- LOOMIS, J.W. Studies in Catullan verse. 1972. Owrps. -- H.P. SYNDIKUS. Catull. Eine Interpretation. (1987-94). 3 vols. Owrps. -- M. ZI...

CICERO. De natura deorum ll. III. Ed. by A.S. Pease. (Repr. ed. 1955-58). 1968. 2 vols. Ocl. -- Id. Laelius. De amicitia dialogus. M. Comm. bearb....

CICERO. Letters to Atticus. Ed. by D.R. Shackleton Bailey. Cambr., 1965-70. 7 vols., incl. indices. W. 6 fold. maps. Ocl. w. (sunned) dust-j. (CCT...

CICERO. Tusculanarum disputationum ll. V. A rev. text w. introd. & comm. and a collation of num. Mss. by Th.W. Dougan. (Repr. ed. 1905-34). 1979. ...

CLASSICI LATINI - GRECI - DELLE RELIGIONI. Dir. I. Lana, P. Rossano. 8 vols of the series. Torino, (1969-95). Ocl. (Classici UTET). NOTE: SINESIUS...

CLAUDIANUS. De raptu proserpinae. Ed. w. introd. & comm. by J.B. Hall. 1969. Ocl. w. dust-j. (CCTC 11). -- Id. De raptu proserpinae. Ed. C. Gruzel...

CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS. Protrepticus. Ed. M. Marcovich. 1995. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Paedagogus. Ed. M. Marcovich. 2002. Obrds. -- V. CERNUSKOVÁ, (a...

COLLECTION BUDÉ. Série grecque. 69 vols. of the series. Owrps. (57), ocf. (6) & obrds. (Some spines a bit dam./faded) NOTE: I.a.: ZOSIMUS. Histoir...

COLLECTION BUDÉ. Série latine. 104 vols. of the series. Owrps. (79), obrds. (20), ocf. (1) & cl. (4). (Some spines a bit dam./faded). NOTE: I.a.: ...

COLLECTION BUDÉ -- CICERO. Discours. Éd. H. de la Ville de Mirmont, (e.a.). Par., 1932-76. 20 in 22 vols. Owrps. (20), cl. & obrds. (Some spines a...

COLLECTION of 35 works from OCT series (Greek & Latin authors). Ocl. (partly) w. dust-j. -- Added: 10 vols. from Tusculum series. -- (45). NOTE: I...

CORPUS CHRISTIANORUM. (Series Latina). -- HILARIUS. De trinitate ll. I-XII (&) Indices. 1979-80. 2 vols. Ocl. -- CHROMATIUS AQUILEIENSIS. Quae sup...

CYPRIANUS. Opera. Ed. R. Weber, (a.o.). Turnh., 1972-76. 2 vols. Ocl. (CC). -- Id. Letters 1-81. Transl. by R.B. Donna. (1964). Ocl. w. dust-j. (F...

DAMASCIUS. Vitae Isidori reliquiae. Ed. adnot. instr. C. Zintzen. 1967. Ocl. -- BOETHIUS. The consolation of philosophy. Transl. w. introd. & expl...

ENNIUS. Annals. Ed. w. introd. & comm. by O. Skutsch. Oxf., 1985. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Extremities jacket sl. worn). -- And 1 o. by E. (2). ...[more]

EURIPIDES. Alcestis - Bacchae - Electra - Helen - Ion - Iphigenia in Tauris - Medea. Ed. w. introd. & comm. by G.W. Bond, A.M. Dale, A.S. Owen & M...

EUSEBIUS. Das Onomastikon der biblischen Ortsnamen. Hrsg. v. E. Klostermann. (Nachdr. Ausg. 1904). 1966. Ocl. -- Id. Life of Constantine. Transl. ...

FATHERS -- SOURCES CHRÉTIENNES. 2, 3, 10, 11bis, 19bis, 22bis, 23, 25bis, 26bis, 32bis, 33bis, 37bis (2x), 45bis, 49bis, 52, 53bis, 56, 57(I), 57(...
