Auction 357: Books, Prints & Manuscripts

1201 items 1201 items
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room Leiden

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Auction 357: Books, Prints & Manuscripts

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  • ( Lots: 1-315)
  • ( Lots: 316-620)
  • ( Lots: 621-930)
  • ( Lots: 931-1201)

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ARISTOTELES. De anima. Ed. w. introd. & comm. by D. Ross. 1961. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. De anima. W. transl., introd. & notes by R.D. Hicks. (Repr....

ARISTOTELES. De l'âme. Texte établ. p. A. Jannone. 2e éd. 1995. Ocl. - Id. De la génération et la corruption. Texte établ. p. M. Rashed. 2005. Owr...

ARISTOTELES. Metaphysics. A rev. text w. introd. & comm. by W.D. Ross. 1924. 2 vols. Ocl. Ex bibl. B.A. v. Groningen. -- J.J. CLEARY. Aristotle an...

ARISTOTELES. Physics, Book I & II; Book III & IV; Book VIII. Ed. by W. Charlton, E. Hussey & D. Graham. (1993-99). 3 vols. Owrps. (Clarendon Arist...

ARISTOTELES. Physics. A rev. text w. introd. & comm. by W.D. Ross. 1936. Ocl. -- D. BOSTOCK. Space, time, matter, and form. Essays on Aristotle's ...

ARISTOTELES. Prior & posterior analytics. A rev. text w. introd. & comm. by W.D. Ross. 1949. Ocl. -- Id. De sensu and de memoria. Text & transl. w...

ARISTOTELES. The complete works. The rev. Oxford translation. Ed. by J. Barnes. (1985). 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Bollingen Ser., 71). -- H. CHERNI...

ARISTOTELES. Über den Himmel. Übers. & erl. v. A. Jori. (2009). -- Id. Physikvorlesung. Übers. v. H. Wagner. 5. Aufl. (1995). -- Id. Über die Seel...

ARISTOTELES. Works. Transl. into English under the editorship of W. D. Ross. Oxford, (1952-71). 12 vols. Ocl. (Some vols. affected by silverfish).

ARISTOTELES -- GRANGER, H. Aristotle's idea of the soul. (1996). Obrds. -- T. CLARKE. Aristotle and the eleatic one. (2019). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- ...

ARISTOTELES -- HAAS, F. de & J. MANSFELD, eds. Aristotle: On generation and corruption, Book I. Symposium Aristotelicum. (2004). Obrds. w. dust-j....

ARISTOTELES -- KULLMANN, W. Aristoteles und die moderne Wissenschaft. 1998. Ocl. -- W. WIELAND. Die aristotelische Physik. 2. Aufl. 1970. Ocl. -- ...

ARISTOTELES -- PHILOPONUS. On Aristotle on the intellect (de Anima 3.4-8). Transl. by W. Charlton. (1991). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. On Aristotle Phy...

ARISTOTELES -- SFENDONI-MENTZOU, D., ed. Aristotle and contemporary science. (2000-01). 2 vols. -- G. FREUDENTHAL. Aristotle's theory of material ...

ARISTOTELES -- SHIELDS, Chr., ed. The Oxford handbook of Aristotle. (2012). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- G. ANAGNOSTOPOULOS, ed. A companion to Aristotle....

ARISTOTELES -- WILSON, M. Structure and method in Aristotle's Meteorologia. A more disorderly nature. (2013). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- J. de GROOT. Ar...

BARDENHEWER, O. Geschichte der altkirchlichen Literatur. 1.-2. Aufl. Freiburg im Bresgau, 1912-32. 5 vols. Hcl. (vol. 1-3) & h. mor. (Spines vol. ...

BLASS, F. Die attische Beredsamkeit. 2. Aufl. Lpz., 1887-98. 3 in 4 vols. Or. h. brown mor. w. raised bands & gilt dec./lettering. (W. libr. stamp...

CHALMERS, A. The scientist's atom and the Philosopher's Stone. How science succeeded and philosophy failed to gain knowledge of atoms. (2009). Obr...

COLLECTION of 11 classical works in Dutch translation. (1980-2008). Or. binds. (8) w. dust-j. (Some spines faded, 1 jacket browned). NOTE: I.a.: L...

DEMOCRITUS -- O'BRIEN, D. Theories of weight in the ancient world. Four essays on Democritus, Plato & Aristotle. A study in the development of ide...

EISLER, R. Orpheus — The fisher. Comparative studies in orphic and early Christian cult symbolism. Lond., 1921. xviii, 302 pp. W. 76 plates. Ocl. ...

EPICURUS. The extant remains. (Ed.) by C. Bailey. (Repr. ed. 1926). 1989. Ocl. -- D.E. HAHM. The origins of Stoic cosmology. (1977). Ocl. w. dust-...

EURIPIDES. Verzameld werk. Vert. door G. Koolschijn. 2001-03. 3 vols. Or. cloth w. dust-j. & or. belly band. -- Id. Hippolytus. Iphigenia in Tauri...

GIBBON, E. The decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Lond., 1823. 8 vols. W. engr. front. portr. & 3 fold. maps. Cont. green hcf. w. marbled paper...

GOMPERZ, T. Griech. Denker. Eine Geschichte der antiken Philosophie. (Nachdr. 3.-4. Aufl. 1922-31. 1996). 3 vols. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- G. RECHENAU...

GUTHRIE, W.K.C. A history of Greek philosophy. (1977-83). 6 vols. Lge-8°. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spines of dust-j. faded, 1 stained, dust-j. vol. 1 affe...

HERMES TRISMEGISTUS -- FESTUGIÈRE, (A.-J.). La révélation d'Hermès Trismégiste. Avec un appendice sur l'Hermétisme arabe. 1er-3me éd. Paris, 1949-...

LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY. Greek authors. 35 vols of the series. Ocl. (31) w. dust-j. (Some vols. shelfwear & skimming by silverfish, but generally g...

MERTENS, D. Der alte Heratempel in Paestum und die archaische Baukunst in Unteritalien. Mainz a/R., 1993. xviii, 193, (3) pp. W. 92 plates & 17 fo...

MUSIC -- ARISTIDES QUINTILIANUS. Von der Musik. Eingel., übers. & erl. v. R. Schäfke. 1937. Ocl. -- E. WELLESZ. A history of Byzantine music and h...

PARMENIDES. The fragments. A crit. text w. introd. & transl., the ancient Testimonia and a commentary by A.H. Coxon. (2009). Owrps. -- V. ADLURI. ...

PLATO -- ASTIUS, F. Lexicon Platonicum sive vocum Platonicarum index. Lpz., In Libr. Weidmanniana, 1835-38. 3 in 2 vols. iv, 880; (2), 502; (2), 5...

PLATO -- TAYLOR, A.E. A comm. on Plato's Timaeus. (1962). Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spine a bit browned/stained). -- F.M. CORNFORD. Plato's Cosmology. The ...

POLYBIUS. Wereldgeschiedenis, 264-145 v. Chr. Vert. d. W. Kassies. 2007. 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spines sl. faded). -- LUCRETIUS. De natuur der d...

PRESOCRATICS -- DIELS, H. Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. Griech.-deutsch. Hrsg. v. W. Kranz. 1964. 3 vols. Ocl. -- I.G. KALOGERAKOS. Seele und U...

SCHÖNBECK, J. Sunbowl or symbol. Models for the interpretation of Heraclitus' Sun notion. 1998. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- C. BAILEY. The Greek atomists a...

STOICORUM VETERUM FRAGMENTA. Collegit J. ab Arnim. Vols. 1-3. Lpz., Teubner, 1903-05. 3 in 1 vol. xlviii, 142, (2), vi, 348; iv, 269, (3) pp. Hcf....

THEOPHRASTUS -- FORTENBAUGH, W.W., R.W. SHARPLES, (a.o.), ed. & transl. Sources for his life, writings, thought & influence. 2 vols. W. comm.-vol....

WELCKER, F.G. Griechische Götterlehre. Göttingen, 1857-62. 3 vols. xvi, 822, (2); (4), 817; xxxii, 380, (2) pp. Cont. hcf. w. dec. gilt backs & br...

WHITE, M.J. The continious and the discrete. Ancient physical theories from a contemporary perspective. (2002). Obrds. -- D. FURLEY. Cosmic proble...

AYER, A.J. The foundations of empirical knowledge. 1955. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- J.R. SEARLE. The construction of social reality. (1995). Ohcl. w. dust...

BENDERS R.J. & S. OETTERMANN. Friedrich Nietzsche. Chronik in Bildern und Texten. (2000). 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. One-time edition, not available in p...

BERKELEY, G. The works. Vol 1. Ed. by A.A. Luce. (Reprint 1948. 1967). Obrds. (Some shelfwear). -- J. FOSTER & H. ROBINSON, (eds.). Essays on Berk...

CASSIRER, E. Das Erkenntnisproblem in der Philosophie & Wissenschaft der neueren Zeit. 1973-74. 4 vols. Ocl. (Tiny smudges on vol. 1, otherwise a ...

COHEN, H.F. How modern science came into the world. Four civilizations, one 17th-c. breakthrough. (2010). Obrds. -- D. GARBER & M. AYERS, ed. The ...

DESCARTES, R. Conversation with Burman. Transl. w. introd. & comm. by J. Cottingham. 1976. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- S. NADLER. Arnauld and the Cartesian...

DESCARTES, R. Discours de la méthode. Texte & comment. p. É. Gilson. 6e éd. 1987. Owrps. -- É. GILSON. Études sur le rôle de la pensée médiévale d...

DESCARTES, R. Discourse on method, optics, geometry and meteorology. Transl. w. and introd. Rev. ed. (2001) Ocl. -- S. GAUKROGER, ed. Descartes. P...

DESCARTES, R. Å’uvres. Publ. p. Ch. Adam & P. Tannery. (Nouv. éd.). Paris, 1973-91. 11 in 13 vols. Lge-8°. Owrps. (Spines skimmed by silverfish). -...

DESCARTES, R. Principles of philosophy. Transl. by V.R. & R.P. Miller. (1984). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- M. MILES. Insight and inference. Descartes's fou...

DESCARTES, R. The philosophical writings. Transl. by J. Cottingham (a.o.). (1996-97). 3 vols. xii, 418; xi, 428; xviii, 411 p. Owrps. (Spines disc...

DESCARTES -- MENN, S. Descartes and Augustine. (1998). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- R. ARIEW, (a.o., eds.). Background source materials to Descartes' Medita...

DESCARTES -- WATSON, R. Cogito, ergo sum. The life of René Descartes. (2002). Ohcl. w. dust-j. -- R. SHORTO. Descartes' bones. A skeletal history ...

DESCARTES -- YOLTON, J.W. Perception & Reality. A history from Descartes to Kant. (1996). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- A.R. DAMASIO. Descartes' error. Emoti...

EDDINGTON, A.S. The philosophy of physical science. 1939. Ocl. -- Id. The nature of the physical world. 1929. Ocl. -- E.J. DIJKSTERHUIS. The mecha...

HODGSON, D. The mind matters. Consciousness and choice in a quantum world. (1991). Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spine discold.). -- M. HUNT. The universe with...

KANT, I. Werke in sechs Bänden. Hrsg. v. W. Weischedel. (1960-64). 6 vols. Sm-8°. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Slightly affected by silverfish). -- R. EISLER....

LEIBNIZ, G.W. Theodicy. Essays on the goodness of God the freedom of man and the origin of evil. Ed. w. an introd. by A. Farrer. Transl. by E.M. H...
