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From distinguished Scottish military officer General Lord Henry Sinclair Horne, 1st Baron Horne GCB, KCMG. (1861-1929) A gift to his wife Kate Ho...
Hallmarked in Birmingham for 1919 a fine boxed table condiment, with Bristol blue glass lined salt, pepperette and mustard pot together with salt ...
Jaguar XJR Coupe
2008 Jaguar XJR Coupe in pale metallic blue. Service history. MOT to December 22. 117,000 miles (subject to minor change due to use) 4.2 automat...
Modern forged candlestand
Modern forged metal candlestand. 47cm wide x 37cm deep x 19cm high ...[more]
Modern forged metal wall candlestand. 40cm high x 24cm deep x 34cm wide ...[more]
Silver teapot
Silver teapot with monogram and reeded central waistband. Hallmarked to base and handle. 451.68g
Silver sugar bowl
Silver twin handled sugar bowl by Elkington. Gadrooned decoration to lower body and Birmingham hallmarked to base. 8.3cm high on but feet. Date ...
Silver teapot
Silver teapot with ebonised handle and terminal. Birmingham hallmarked to side. 493.11g
Silver teapot
Silver teapot with bakelite handle and terminal. London hallmarked to base. 600g
Silver chocolate pot
Silver chocolate pot by Walker and Hall of Sheffield. 23cm high. Wood handle and terminal. Marked to base and hallmarked to side. 567.80g
Silver teapot
Silver batchelors teapot with monogram to side, Birmingham hallmark to rim and black bakelite handle and terminal. Gadrooned decoration to lower ...
Silver teapot
Siver teapot with engraved body and vacant cartouche. London hallmarked to base. 582.40g
Silver sugar bowl
Silver sugar bowl with twin handles and gadrooned decoration to lower body. 12.5cm high. Acanthus formed scrolled handles and London hallmark to ...
Silver water jug
Silver water jug by Birch and Gaydon of London. Light hammered decoration and London hallmarked to side. 10.7cm high. 352.70g
Two silver ladles
Two silver serving ladles. Left example 30cm long with London hallmark and crest to handle. Right example 30cm in Kings pattern and by Walk and ...
Silver tea set
Silver teapot 20cm, sugar bowl 9.5cm and milk jug 8.5cm. Oval body and London hallmarks to side. 832.5g
Silver sauce boat
Silver sauce boat on 4 shield terminating feet, with London hallmark to side.
Silver teapot
Silver square bodied teapot with ebonised handle and terminal, having gadrooned decoration to the lower body. 13.5cm high on bun feet. Date and ...
Silver teapot
Silver teapot having London hallmark and ebonised handle and terminal. 14cm high on four lion claw bracket feet. 607.30g
Silver tankard
Silver tankard by Hukin and Heath, Birmingham hallmarked for 1911 and with boars tusk handle. Flared body 14.5cm high. 531.10g
Silver teapot
Silver teapot with ebonised handle and terminal. 13.5cm high on four ball feet. London hallmark to side. Gadrooned decoration to lower body. 7...
Large silver vase
Large silver twin handled vase with engraved decoration. 12.5cm high. London hallmarked 392.3g
Silver sherry tray
29cm Silver sherry tray, with decorative border and engraved surface. Sheffield hallmark. 750g
Set of 4 table salts
Set of 4 table salts. Married set with 3 matching hallmarks and one addtional. Three Chester. One Birmingham. Spoon also Birmingham. Gadrooned...
Set of 6 teaspoons
Set of 6 teaspoons with sugar tongs Monogram to handle. Sheffield hallmarked. 126.69g
Silver cigar case
Triple silver cigar case. Engraved decoration to both sides with vacant cartouche. Marked STERLING. 12.5cm x 6.25cm. 83.6g
Silver hand mirror
Ladies silver hand mirror. 25.5cm x 13.5. With silver inlaid decoration to the rear. 212.64g Birmingham hallmarked
Pair of silver candlesticks
Pair of silver candlesticks. 16cm. Baize and weighted base. London hallmarked C.J.V Ld for 1986. 562g
Brass huntsman inkwell
Brass inkwell signed Jitze to the lower right side and in the form of a huntman and horse on a heavy wide base, titled Welcome Drink to leading fr...
WW2 Military medals group
WW2 Military medals group with matching set of miniatures. The 1939-1945 Star, The Africa Star, 1939-1945 Defence medal, The 1939 - 1945 War Meda...
WW2 Wartime Prisoners Log
A Wartime Log For British Prisoners. Heavily populated with annotations, recipes, drawings and paintings. ...[more]
WW1 charge carrier
An original WW1 era British Military leather, cork & canvas cordite charge carrier. ...[more]
Approximately 280 postcards featuring and from Dame Gladys Lily Cooper, including other occasion cards from family and friends. In superb order an...
WW2 Dance card and programme etc
George VI Faithful Service medal. William Thomas Odgers
1896 Silver topped umbrella
Black umbrella having metal frame and shaft with wooden handle stem and silver collar and head with tortoiseshell convex inlay and silver crest fo...
Ebonised walking cane
Ebonised tapering walking cane surmounted by an unmarked white metal handle taking the form of an armoured hand gripping a triple barrel pistol. ...
1979 copy of Oeuvres Romanesques et Theatrales Completes text in French complete with dust jacket and glassine covers
2 Volumes Oeuvres Completes Volumes 1 and 2 by Moliere text in French complete with dust jacket and Glassine covers
Theatre Complet Volume 2
1950 edition of Theatre Complet by Corneielle. Text in French complete with dust jacket and Glassine cover
10 volumes plus Atlas circa 1780 of Histoire Philosophique et Politique contemporary 1/2 calf bindings with spine label. The Atlas containing the ...
Volumes 1 & 2 (1791) Memoirs pour Servir le Histoire des Quatre Denieres Souveranis De La Maison De Brandebourg Royale De Prusse. 1/2 leather bou...
8 Late 19th Century copies of works by Emile Zola. 1/2 bound with leather corners and those being L'Oeuvre 1886 Docteur Pascal 1893 L'Argent 1891...
First edition early 18th Century hard back copy Les Aventures de Telemaque Fils D'Ulysse. 1/2 leather bound with leather corners. Text in French
4 1841 edition volumes of Tausend Und Eine Nacht by Dr Gustav Weil. Text in German. Hard back leather bound with gilding to both covers and spin...
Leather 1/2 bound with gilding to spine, marbling to front and rear covers and leather corners. Works comprising Dictionnaire De Ouvrages Francai...
1/2 leather bound and marbled hard back work by Hugo Hayn, having leather corners and entitled Bibliotheca Germanorum Gynaecologica Et Cosmetica 1...
1/2 leather bound and marbled hard back work by Hugo Hayn, having leather corners and entitled Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica 1885. Text in German
Circa 1870 hardback gilt and medallion decorated copy of Verklungene Akkorde by Elise Polko ...[more]
1/2 leather bound. Text in French
Hardback 20th Century copy of Tarquinia. Published by Piper Bucherei. Text in German
Leather ½ bound with marbled front and rear cover. Le Bijoux Indiscrets by Denis Diderot published 1895 by Garnier Freres.
Leather bound 1762 copy of Comtes et Nouvelles en Verse by Delafontaine. 2nd volume leather bound with gilding to spine.