Two Corgi Classics Heavy Haulage models, 16701 Wrekin Scammell Articulated and Low Loader and
Two Corgi Classics Heavy Haulage models, 16701 Wrekin Scammell Articulated and Low Loader and 13501 G C Munton Foden 521 Mickey Mouse Articulated and Low Loader, boxed
Two Corgi Classics Heavy Haulage models, 16701 Wrekin Scammell Articulated and Low Loader and 13501 G C Munton Foden 521 Mickey Mouse Articulated and Low Loader, boxed
Antique & Vintage Collectables
Sale Date(s)
Venue Address
General delivery information available from the auctioneer
Shipping Summary
Antique and Later Collectables Full in-house packaging service (see detailed information below)
Home and Interiors We are able to suggest couriers (see detailed information below)
Detailed Shipping Information
Antique and Later Collectables Auction
We offer a full in-house packaging service. Our aim is to deliver the items to you within four working days of the sale. We charge £7 per 10 minutes for staff time, packaging materials and delivery to the Post Office. The minimum charge is £6 plus VAT.
Postage is via Royal Mail Special Delivery (Next Day Before 1.00 pm, tracked). If customers require an alternative service we need to be informed by email. Purchasers who are new to our service are encouraged to telephone our office to agree arrangements
Home and Interiors Auction
For local deliveries we suggest R.Removals who provide a friendly and efficient service. You can obtain a quote by telephoning 07944 585318. For longer distances we suggest enquiring with online shipping providers such as shiply.com
Important Information
Buyer`s Premium 25% (inclusive of VAT)
Lots purchased online with the-saleroom.com will attract an additional charge for this service in the sum of 4.95% of the hammer price plus VAT at the rate imposed
Saleroom 2 Antique and Vintage Collectables
Monday 1.00pm - 5.00pm following the sale
Tuesday 9.00am - 5.00pm following the sale
Please note that Monday morning 9.00am - 1.00pm is reserved for entries only
Packing and Postage
If you wish to have your purchased items sent by post we offer a full in-house packaging service. If your items fit in a Jiffy bag it will cost £6 plus the cost of postage. Larger items are packed at a charge of £7 for every 10 minutes of packing time
Terms & Conditions
Introduction to our Auctions
The Auctioneer acts only as agent for the Seller (unless otherwise specifically declared). Accordingly Sellers need not be paid until payment is received from the Buyer, nor is the Auctioneer necessarily in a position to know the history of or assess the quality of lots sold on behalf of these principals. In addition, lots sold are likely to have been subject to wear and tear caused by use or the effects of age and may, therefore, have faults and imperfections.
Buyers are given ample opportunity at viewing times to examine lots to be sold and will be assumed to have done so. They must rely solely on their own skill or judgement as to whether lots are fit for any particular purpose, and as to compliance with the description or illustrations.
New Conditions of Sale
The following Conditions of Sale together with the Notice to Buyers that may be displayed in the saleroom or in any catalogue, the Seller Conditions of Sale on the reverse of the entry form and the usual Conditions of Sale on display in the auctioneers premises shall govern the sale of each Lot and any person making a successful bid shall be deemed to be bound thereby:-
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5.1 The Auctioneer warrants that he believes that the Seller of each Lot is able to pass good title and if the Seller is not able to do so, the Auctioneer shall use his reasonable endeavours to assist the Buyer in obtaining good title and in pursuing any remedies the Buyer may have against the Seller but the Auctioneer shall not be bound to initiate litigation and shall not be under any other obligation to the Buyer.
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Information for Buyers
The sale will be on view Friday 9.00am until 5.00 p.m. and on Sale day from 9.00 am until the commencement of the sale.
Bidding Cards
Prospective buyers are requested to complete a buyer’s registration form at our Accounts Office and to collect a numbered bidding card prior to the sale. When bidding please have the number ready to hold up should the lot be sold to you. When you have finished buying the card should be destroyed. In the event of loss please inform the Accounts Office immediately.
Absentee Bids
If you are unable to attend the sale you may leave an absentee bid by completing one of the special forms which are available at the Accounts Office or in the saleroom. You should fill in the lot number, description and the maximum price you are prepared to pay. Please ensure that the lot number is correct and that you have given us your full address with at least one contact telephone number. We will use our best endeavours to buy the lots for you as cheaply as possible allowing for other bidders and any reserve prices. Conditions under which we accept commission absentee bids are set out on the absentee bid forms. A member of our staff will be pleased to advise you of the approximate time which a lot may be sold and we recommend that you telephone us to establish whether you have been successful thereafter.
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Sort code 60-80-09
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All goods must be paid for before 2.00 p.m. on the day of sale. All goods should be removed either by 2.00 p.m. on the day of sale or between 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. on the following Tueday (or Wednesday if Tuesday is a Bank Holiday). Please note no collections on Monday to comply with social distancing rules. If you envisage having any problems with clearance of items please let us know prior to the sale so that we can help you with arrangements.
Collection of Goods
Saleroom 1 - Antique and Vintage Furniture Auction
Please note that during the current Government lockdown we can only release purchased items if an appointment has been made for the collection. You can make arrangements by calling our office on 0115 986 9128. Payment must be made online prior to making the collection. You can click on the link to your emailed invoice to make payment.
Customers will be met outside the salerooms when they arrive and their purchased items will be brought out to them from the salerooms. To ensure that the operation is Covid safe the collection is on a non-contact basis. In other words we will bring the items to you but we cannot help you load your vehicle. It is therefore vital that you bring sufficient help with you if an item is more than a one person lift. We expect purchasers to inform their couriers of this rule so that there is no dispute when they arrive.
Collections by appointment:
Saturday 9.00am to 2.00pm
Monday 9.00am to 4.30pm
Tuesday 9.00am to 2.00pm
Saleroom 2 Antique and Vintage Collectables
Please note that during the current Government lockdown we can only release purchased items if an appointment has been made for the collection. You can make arrangements by calling our office on 0115 986 9128. Payment must be made online prior to making the collection. You can click on the link to your emailed invoice to make payment.
Customers will be met outside the salerooms when they arrive and their purchased items will be brought out to them from the salerooms.
Collections by appointment:
Saturday 9.00am to 2.00pm
Monday 9.00am to 4.30pm
Tuesday 9.00am to 2.00pm
Packing and Postage
If you wish to have your purchased items sent by post we offer a full in-house packaging service. If your items fit in a Jiffy bag it will cost £6 plus the cost of postage. Larger items are packed at a charge of £7 for every 10 minutes of packing time
Conditions of Sale
Prospective buyers are advised that all lots are sold as seen and they should therefore thoroughly check the condition of lots before bidding.
Whilst every effort has been made to produce this catalogue with accurate descriptions, no guarantee can be given and a purchaser must satisfy him/herself as to the authenticity of the description.
Buyers Premium
A Buyers Premium of 22% (inclusive of VAT) will be charged on top of the hammer price.Please note: lots purchased through www.the-saleroom.com will be subject to an additional 4.95% charge.
Refreshments will be available from 12noon until 5.30 pm on viewing day and from 9.00 am until 12.30 pm on sale day.
The Nottingham Auction Centre is situated close to the Notts County Football Club on Meadow Lane, just ½ mile from Trent Bridge and approximately 1½ miles south-east of Nottingham City Centre. A location plan is included in this catalogue.
Lots purchased online with ATG media will attract an additional charge for this service in the sum of 4.95% of the hammer price plus VAT at the rate imposed
By completing registration with the-saleroom and/or i-bidder and providing your credit/debit card details you:-
- authorise Arthur Johnson & Sons to charge the debit/credit card given in part or full payment for lots purchased including additional costs such as Buyer’s Premium and VAT. Any additional charges such as storage, packing and postage (if this service is available) will also be charged to the card. This will be done on the Monday morning following the Saturday sale, or Tuesday following a Bank Holiday weekend
- confirm that you are the card holder and have sufficient funds available to cover the cost of any online purchases with Arthur Johnson & Son